Help children practice sharing, understand how and why to share, and realize the benefits of sharing.
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* Get a copy of the book "Share and Take Turns" by Cheri J. Meiners @
* #sharebooklove, visit:
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00:00Share and Take Turns by Sherry J. Miners
00:11It's fun to play and imagine.
00:16Sometimes when I play, I want what other people have, or they want what I have.
00:25I know a way we can get along. We can share. One way to share is to divide things.
00:35Another way to share is to use things together.
00:40Playing together can be more fun than playing alone.
00:45Trading is also a way to share. My friend can use what I have while I use what my friend has.
00:56Taking turns is a way of sharing too. When we can't use something at the same time, I can wait for my turn.
01:07I can also share things I know.
01:12And I can share special things about me, like things I make and do.
01:18When I help someone, I share my time.
01:23I might offer to share, or another person might offer to share.
01:30Sometimes I ask a friend to share. I'm glad when someone shares with me.
01:39If the person says no, I can do something else.
01:45It's not always easy to share. I might have something that's special to me.
01:52I might not want to share it, or I may not feel ready to share.
01:59That's OK. I can choose not to share, or offer to share later, or share something else.
02:10Sometimes I decide to share even though it's hard for me. When I share or take turns, I'm being generous.
02:20I'm learning to make good choices. I'm learning to think about others.
02:27No matter where I am or who I'm with, there are special ways that I can share.