Welcome come Back Episodes 12

  • 3 months ago
00:00Tomorrow, I'm going to tell my beloved Michi-kun that I love him so much that we should hang out together and tell him a lot of things, right?
00:08I said something so arrogant...
00:12I haven't been able to contact Mochizuki-san for a week since then...
00:17I'm sorry, Hikari...
00:20Could it be that I'm really going to be like this?
00:27Come here.
00:33Masaki, no matter how much you think about it, there are always people you can't understand.
00:40No matter how decent the person is, no matter how affectionate the person is, you know that, don't you?
00:49I've always felt bad for Hiro-san.
00:55I was worried that Hiro-san would feel bad because of me and that I'd be causing him trouble.
01:02But it wasn't like that.
01:04Hiro-san always had this feeling and encouraged me.
01:10Even now, when I'm in the opposite position, he's still encouraging me.
01:13Really, I'm...
01:19Why are you so kind?
01:22You know, Masaki.
01:24I'm not as interested in you guys as you think I am.
01:32I don't really care about the discrimination in the world, and I don't care what people say about me.
01:40Even if I look down on people who say bad things about you, I don't think it's frustrating.
01:46If you don't want people to understand you or want to understand you, you might just be lying about not knowing anything.
01:54But you're different.
01:58I think it's stupid and pitiful to see you desperately trying to get along with someone.
02:04I think you're more beautiful and more precious than that.
02:10You can stay the way you are now.
02:18I'll get in your way when I don't think you're worth it.
02:23I'm not as good as Hiro-san says I am.
02:27Are you okay, Mochizuki-san?
02:30Yeah, well...
02:33I had a good job, so I can handle it.
02:36No, it was beautiful.
02:39That's convincing.
02:42I think I'm overflowing with a lot of love that I can't handle on my own.
02:49I'm so happy.
02:54Mochizuki-san, I didn't know either.
02:58I'm not as lonely as I think I am.
03:05I just want you to know that.
03:13I'm going to make a present for you.
03:18Okay, let's make it.
03:22Of course, there are differences in values.
03:26And of course, there are times when the ties break.
03:31Then choose the color you like.
03:35This is Hii-kun.
03:38This is Papa.
03:43This is Mecha.
03:44This is Oto-chan.
03:46There are ties that you want to cherish no matter what.
03:51I like the stars!
03:54Okay, let's make the stars.
04:02Oh, Masaki-san.
04:05Are you going out now?
04:07I'm thinking of eating lunch outside.
04:10What about you, Yuuki-kun?
04:11Well, I'm going to Matsu-san's house in the afternoon, so I'm going to go to my mom's house.
04:17I have to go buy some good tempura!
04:20I'm so excited.
04:22I'm going to go to the department store in the neighborhood.
04:26That's, that's...
04:28We ruined our last date.
04:32I'm sorry.
04:34It's not like we had a date or anything.
04:42Hiromu-san said that Oto-san was hit by a pheromone?
04:46But that's not true...
04:50It's true, of course it's true.
04:53Oto-san doesn't have any ties.
04:55It's not a matter of feelings.
04:58This is just a part of the body's structure.
05:02I see.
05:03That's right.
05:04It's not normal for Oto-san to be in a state where pheromones leak out of his body.
05:14But if Alpha isn't around, there may be people who are strongly disgusted.
05:21Um, Masaki-san...
05:24Are you okay?
05:26About Oto-san and all that...
05:31You were worried about me.
05:34I was wondering if it would be okay for me to say something weird.
05:39You see, even if I was rejected by others because of my own death,
05:45it's the first time I've been rejected by my own family.
05:49In those situations, I'm usually the one who's blamed or pitied.
05:55I'm sorry about that.
05:57But it wasn't like that.
06:00Now I understand.
06:02It doesn't matter what you think.
06:05It's just frustrating and irritating to be rejected by your family for no reason.
06:13Even at times like that, Hiro-san always looked like he was fine.
06:18He just laughed and said that I was the best.
06:22Of course, the kids were always there for me.
06:26I know how strong of a support that would be.
06:31That's why I'm fine.
06:34I think I can get along with Mochizuki-san.
06:37And more importantly...
06:39Ah! Yuu-kun!
06:41Hikari, you're finally out.
06:44Is Papa still here?
06:45Hikarin, good afternoon.
06:47I'm glad, Hikari.
06:49I just happened to run into Yuuki-kun.
06:51Ah! Yuu-kun, a present!
06:54A present?
06:57Ah, it's a star!
06:58I made it with origami!
07:00It looks difficult, but it's amazing, Hikarin!
07:06You made a lot, didn't you?
07:08There's one for Michi-chan and Oto-chan, too.
07:12More than anything, nothing has changed in Hikari's life.
07:17Not even her beloved Michi-kun and Oto-san.
07:20You're not going to pull it off because you're an adult, are you?
07:25I'm relieved.
07:28Sorry to keep you waiting, Yuuki.
07:30Oh, Masaki-kun, good afternoon.
07:33Hikari-chan, what a lovely dress.
07:36Let's go out.
07:37I forgot to give you a present, Ooba-san!
07:40What is it?
07:41A present?
07:42It's lively, isn't it?
07:45Chapter 5
07:49Why don't you know what Matsuo-kun likes?
07:54You knew that I didn't like cream.
07:57That's just how good-looking guys are.
08:00That's prejudice.
08:02So, you're not going to stay?
08:05I might stay if I don't want to go home.
08:09Is that so?
08:12I've seen that form before.
08:15Ice cream is cold, isn't it?
08:18I'll break your stomach.
08:19Oto-san, Michiru!
08:29I'm a beta!
08:35All right!
08:36What are you mumbling about?
08:40I don't like this weird self-introduction.
08:42It's embarrassing for everyone.
08:45Oh, hello!
08:48I've seen you a few times in front of Fujiyoshi-san's house.
08:50Were you Mr. Mochizuki?
08:52Yes, hello.
08:54It was Michiru-kun, wasn't it?
08:57We haven't seen each other much lately.
09:00Oh, that's right!
09:01Actually, Hikari-chan gave me a wonderful present.
09:06I hope you look forward to the next time we hang out.
09:09A present?
09:11That's right!
09:12I got it a little while ago, too!
09:17I haven't told you what it is yet.
09:23I'm sorry.
09:26My parents are always so slow.
09:28I'm glad you're back.
09:29No, I've seen you a few times, but you're a bright and nice mom.
09:34You've been helping me out a lot.
09:36Masaki-san, too.
09:42Are you not going to see Masaki-san or Hikari-san anymore?
09:47No, that's not what I meant.
09:49Is it a coincidence that you're shopping in such a faraway place?
09:55I'm sure you've heard a lot about how to call someone.
10:01But there are also problems that only people like us know about.
10:05Um, do you know that Masaki-san and Hiromu-san started seeing each other recently?
10:14It's been about 10 years since they started seeing each other.
10:18But it's been about 3 years since they started seeing each other.
10:23I heard about Oto-san and Hiromu-san the other day, and I thought it might be hard for them to see each other.
10:33But Matsu-san...
10:35I mean, Hiromu-san's best friend...
10:39I told you before, didn't I?
10:41After they met, Masaki's inferiority complex grew stronger.
10:45Of course, I wanted to be his companion.
10:47But I didn't have to be the best.
10:50I'm sure Masaki was prepared for nothing more.
10:54But Hiromu didn't want that.
10:57He said he couldn't tie Masaki down like that.
11:00It's true that there are boundaries that Omega can't get rid of.
11:05But I told him to get used to it as soon as possible.
11:09I'm an Alpha, too.
11:11It'd be scary if that happened.
11:14But thanks to that, Hiromu and I were able to understand Omega enough to be able to talk to you like this.
11:22I'm sure there's something in that time.
11:28Does that mean Fujiyoshi-san and the others are okay because they understand each other?
11:32That's not it!
11:33It's not just that!
11:35It's not just that, either!
11:38The most important thing is respect!
11:42Masaki-san and the others always wanted to understand each other so they could live together.
11:48That's very kind to themselves and to their partners.
11:54I want to be like that, too.
11:57That's what I think.
12:02What was I going to say?
12:08Oh no!
12:09We're already here, Matsu-san.
12:11I'm sorry, I was waiting for you.
12:14I don't know what to say.
12:16Excuse me.
12:21Let's play with Hikarin and Hina-Hina again.
12:29They want to understand each other, huh?
12:35Hee, which do you think is better, Papa or Ran-kun?
12:40I see, Papa.
12:41I think so, too.
12:43Hiro-san wouldn't be jealous of Ran-kun, would he?
12:47Ran-kun and Shampoo!
12:50There's something that comes to me when Masaki and I are apart and I'm fine.
12:54It's a round of the park.
12:56I want to show you the high-class Papa-chic I've had until now, Hinata.
13:02I'm more than happy that you're more forward-looking than I thought.
13:08It's because Hiro-san encourages me.
13:11Do you think he'll come today?
13:14I don't know, but maybe...
13:16Somehow, I think Mochizuki-san is regretting it, too.
13:21I haven't given up yet.
13:24I see.
13:26Let's talk about it together, Hina.
13:28That's a good idea.
13:39You saw the mail, didn't you?
13:44I wanted to apologize for that time.
13:46I'm sorry I said something terrible to you, your husband, and Hikari and the others.
13:54I've been thinking about you guys for a long time.
13:59I have a pheromone-type body type.
14:02I can't decide how much medicine I should take.
14:05It's easy to get affected by my physical condition.
14:07It's a lot of trouble.
14:09That's why I caused you so much trouble the other day.
14:14There are so many things I've done and made you feel bad about.
14:20To me, it's all a memory.
14:23But if he had the same body type as me,
14:27or a much more troublesome body type than that,
14:30I'd be the only one who could protect him.
14:35I'd be alone.
14:36I'm not alone!
14:39You said it yourself.
14:41If we could help each other...
14:47Alpha's population is not a handful.
14:52I know.
14:54I don't think I can live without being serious.
15:03It's Dad!
15:09Min-chan, let's play!
15:11Hiei-kun, I have a present for you!
15:16Dad, get off the road.
15:20I can't.
15:25Ma-chan, can't you play with Min-chan?
15:37Please! Please, Shun!
15:42Dad, can I play with Min-chan?
15:50Um, Hiei-kun, I have a present for you!
15:54I made a lot, and I have your name on it!
15:59So, can I play with you?
16:03Can I play with Min-chan?
16:09That's enough, Hikari.
16:12I told you to stop asking for favors.
16:14I'm sorry. I made a mistake.
16:18Hikari, what did you say to Michi-kun?
16:23Hikari said...
16:24Hiei-kun said...
16:27I love you, Michi-chan.
16:29I want to play with you.
16:32Let's play together.
16:53Thank you!
16:56I love you, Michi!
17:01I was so anxious.
17:03I kept hoping, hoping...
17:06I thought it might be hard because we're the same age.
17:09But even so, it's my treasure that was finally born.
17:14I was wondering how I could protect it.
17:21The difficulty I felt was that I couldn't say that I loved the person I loved,
17:27more than I could say that I was bound by death.
17:32I was ashamed to even think that.
17:35I was sad and painful that I thought it was natural.
17:40I don't want children to feel that way.
17:45I'm sure that all of our worries won't end suddenly.
17:51But we can help each other.
17:55Because we're the ones who know the pain.
18:02We weren't born with something big in our hearts.
18:08But thanks to that, we've gained something.
18:11It would be nice to be able to watch how these children face what they were born with.
18:32Thank you, Hikari.
18:34Thank you.
18:41Christmas Party
18:47You know, Masaki.
18:49I'm grateful that you're inviting me to your Christmas party,
18:53but isn't it a little too fancy?
18:56How many people are coming?
18:59A father who really wants to see his children,
19:02a twin who really wants to see his children,
19:05and the people from Hiro's company.
19:07How many people?
19:09Nine, ten.
19:11I want to get along with my brother.
19:13That's all Alpha, right?
19:16It's not all of them.
19:18It's too much of an unknown world.
19:20There will be more opportunities to meet at work in the future,
19:23and it's especially convenient for the father to meet his grandchild when he's in a good mood.
19:30I don't have any friends.
19:32Is that okay?
19:33I don't know.
19:35I'm sure you'll have fun.
19:37I heard that Ota-san and the others are going to be involved in Hiromu-san's work.
19:42It's Hiro-san's love call.
19:44I can see the future where we'll be played by the old men.
19:49The apprentices said they were jealous.
19:52Mits-chan, Ota-chan, look!
19:56What is it?
19:58That star!
20:00It's really cool!
20:02A top star!
20:04Oh, I see.
20:08This is for you, Michiru.
20:10Actually, I'd like a full moon.
20:15You're a friend who shines with the night sky.
20:20A top star!
20:24This house is getting more and more lively.
20:28The family hasn't increased, but the house seems small.
20:33Well, if Masaki and Hikari are having so much fun, you can't say anything, can you?
20:41But next year, I want to spend more time with my family and be calm.
20:46And I want to have fun.
20:48You want to do that too, don't you?
20:54I'm here, Hiromi!
20:56It's about time to give me the key.
20:58This time is troublesome.
21:00Old man, that's not good.
21:02I see.
21:03That's right.
21:06Disturbance in the neighborhood.
21:09Grandpa, Grandma, Yuzu-chan!
21:12Welcome back!
21:19I'm home!
21:23The way you say welcome back is different now, Hii.
21:28Say hello to Grandpa and Grandma.
21:32Here you go.
21:33Thank you, Hikari.
21:35Thank you, Hikari-chan.
21:37Hiromi-san and her father are similar in some ways.
21:41That's right.
21:42Michi, how are you?
21:45Michi is fine.
21:47You're the most energetic.
21:50And what about the rumored Oto?
21:52You have to greet him properly.
21:54Oto is in our house.
21:59Hello, I'm Michiru's father.
22:02You guys...
22:03You guys are in the middle?
22:05It looks like Michi is taking care of him.
22:08The type!
22:11Wait, Michi.
22:12Oto is really beautiful.
22:14I didn't hear that.
22:15I was completely listening.
22:17Oto is cool.
22:18Oto is popular.
22:21Michi, you...
22:23Don't you want your father?
22:28Oto is here.
22:30He's here!
22:32Master, he's here!
22:34A present for Fujiyoshi and Masaki-kun.
22:37This is from Ran and me to Hikari-chan.
22:41I brought you some sweets.
22:43And a present.
22:44I received it at the front door.
22:47From who?
22:50Merry Christmas.
22:51My father asked me to give it to you.
22:56Thank you.
22:59Hikari-kun, it's sparkly!
23:16It's pretty.
23:18It's sparkly!
23:24Hikari-chan, it's sparkly!
23:27There's a lot!
23:29It's an angel!