Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 15 LATINO - Marry my Husband Español Audio Latino

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Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 15 LATINO - Marry my Husband Español Audio Latino
00:00:45My sister...
00:00:59I was always destined to die at the hands of Park Min-Kwan.
00:01:08Ji-Won, wake up!
00:01:13Wake up!
00:01:57Tell me.
00:02:02As of today, I will not answer Lee, Ji-Won.
00:02:05I will never open the door, even if he comes to the house.
00:02:08And I'm going to call him right now.
00:02:13Mr. Lee...
00:02:15I thank you for taking me to the hospital and...
00:02:20I also thank you for advising me about the divorce.
00:02:22It's not something you should thank me for, Mrs. Jang.
00:02:26For me, it's a duty.
00:02:27You pay me a lot of money, and if my boss wants something...
00:02:32I'll do it right away.
00:02:48But you said you were worried about me.
00:03:00You are very direct.
00:03:05Excuse me for a moment.
00:03:12Why are you calling so late?
00:03:13I'm at the police station.
00:03:15How did it happen?
00:03:19I'll be right there.
00:03:20Not here. Please go to the hospital.
00:03:33Excuse me.
00:03:34I'm looking for Kang Ji-Won, 32 years old.
00:03:36She was transported from the headquarters in Gangnam.
00:03:42Her respiratory rate and pulse returned to normal.
00:03:45She has a little fever, but we'll check her again when she gets back.
00:03:49It was an assault, so she came with the police.
00:03:52I'll give you the medical certificate.
00:04:02I'm going to end your life. Get ready.
00:04:05I'm going to make...
00:04:07...reports about you attacking and causing bodily injuries.
00:04:11A sick bastard.
00:04:15I can't go any lower.
00:04:19Thanks to whom?
00:04:22Isn't Kang Ji-Won too stupid to ruin your life?
00:04:24She's so generic.
00:04:26There's nothing attractive about her.
00:04:33Mr. Joo.
00:04:36I want some advice.
00:04:38Don't trust her.
00:04:41You know why I went crazy?
00:04:43Kang Ji-Won manages to drive you crazy.
00:04:47Kang Ji-Won and I didn't ruin you.
00:04:50It's your disgusting personality.
00:04:53And who hit you?
00:04:56Your personality is refined, isn't it?
00:04:58You're arrogant just because you fight better than me.
00:05:02I say the same thing.
00:05:03It's not wrong for you to do that to a defenseless woman.
00:05:13You want equality when something is against you.
00:05:16But you like to take advantage of the advantages.
00:05:22I don't like to take advantage of that.
00:05:27We're not the same.
00:05:32Get out, Mr. Joo-Jook.
00:05:37Let's go.
00:05:40And me?
00:05:41Why don't you let me out?
00:05:43And me?
00:05:44Hey, I want to get out of here too!
00:05:47Do you think your life can't get worse?
00:05:53I think so.
00:06:01Why? Why?
00:06:02Are they always the rich?
00:06:04I also work at the UNK!
00:06:05Get out! Get out!
00:06:08The rich are innocent!
00:06:10And the poor are guilty!
00:06:15Park Min-Kwan is fired from today
00:06:18for raping his colleague and for behavioral problems.
00:06:20Find out what else he has.
00:06:22We tracked down the incident of infidelity
00:06:23and I found out that he was absent without permission
00:06:25and used the business card for unclear purposes.
00:06:29Are you sure?
00:06:30Did he get a job loan?
00:06:32I'll talk to the bank to request the return.
00:06:34I'll group the attack, the assault and everything that makes sense.
00:06:38And Ms. Kang Ji-Won
00:06:41is at home.
00:06:44It's what she wanted.
00:06:46Undersecretary Jang Joo-Ran was with me
00:06:48and I asked her to stay with her, but...
00:06:51she's not okay.
00:06:58You also said that Park Min-Kwan
00:07:00has a loan that he hasn't paid yet.
00:07:03Put pressure on him to pay it.
00:07:05Buying the debt is a good option.
00:07:08I'll investigate it.
00:07:15Mr. Yoo...
00:07:18How's Ji-Won?
00:07:21She's not well.
00:07:23I thought she'd feel better if she slept a little.
00:07:27I thought I'd give her some milk.
00:07:30Is she okay, Mr. Yoo?
00:07:33Yes, I think so.
00:07:35Thank you.
00:07:36I'll take care of it.
00:07:37So go home and get some rest.
00:08:26I'm sorry.
00:08:29Forgive me, okay?
00:08:38Are you hurt?
00:08:41What is this?
00:10:10Hello, how are you?
00:10:15Is that your greeting?
00:10:16I don't think that's all.
00:10:18You were trying to find me
00:10:20because you said your husband owes me something.
00:10:23He's very weak.
00:10:33Would you like to go to China for a while?
00:10:38I'd really appreciate it
00:10:40if you could do that for us.
00:10:42But the boat trip will be very difficult.
00:10:44Oh, no, that's not a problem.
00:10:47I couldn't even do what you asked me to do.
00:10:50If you give me another chance,
00:10:52I'll step on the accelerator and I'll make it dust.
00:10:55So please call me, okay?
00:10:57Thank you very much.
00:11:00Those who have nothing to lose are like that.
00:11:04They need to hold on to something.
00:11:08Why are you looking for me?
00:11:10Don't you like that I take good care of Ji-Won?
00:11:14Does it bother you?
00:11:16As the matter of running over Kang Ji-Won became complicated,
00:11:20you told us to stay still and not do anything.
00:11:25But then Park Min-Kwan asked me for a divorce
00:11:29and my father didn't answer the phone anymore
00:11:33and I noticed that I would be the only one ruined.
00:11:40And seeing your expression,
00:11:41I realized
00:11:45you're not that important.
00:11:49They locked me up in this room for no reason.
00:11:54Now I ask you,
00:11:56what will you do for me?
00:12:04When did incompetent people become so challenging?
00:12:07How can they be so ignorant and shameless?
00:12:15Did you find the bodies of John Manzik and Bae Yu-Sung?
00:12:19I'll check the police report.
00:12:25Stop publishing the news for now.
00:12:28It's no longer useful for me that John Soo-Min feels in danger.
00:12:33Park Min-Kwan and John Soo-Min,
00:12:36can you get rid of both of them?
00:12:50How are you?
00:12:52I'm at the police station.
00:12:54Excuse me, could you do me a favor?
00:12:58The police station?
00:13:00I got you out, but the situation is quite adverse.
00:13:03Maybe we can't cover you.
00:13:07What does that mean?
00:13:08What did you do without consulting us?
00:13:11If we confront Yuan Kei,
00:13:14the pressure on Mrs. Oh will increase.
00:13:18Why are you talking to me like that?
00:13:20Who do you think you are?
00:13:22The vice president of Cloud Air?
00:13:31you're nobody.
00:13:33Don't underestimate me.
00:13:35How dare you?
00:13:38You only know how to fight with gloves?
00:13:41You're just a messenger.
00:13:44Why are you acting so arrogant?
00:13:51Hey, stop!
00:13:54Why did you punch him?
00:13:57And why wouldn't I?
00:13:59That idiot has a bad attitude!
00:14:00He's worried about me.
00:14:02Your wife came today and threatened me.
00:14:06She intimidated me.
00:14:08Threatened you?
00:14:10What did she say?
00:14:12She said you asked for a divorce.
00:14:14She said she couldn't go down alone.
00:14:16And she wouldn't let you get away with this.
00:14:20She's crazy, don't listen to her.
00:14:26I have a call coming in.
00:14:27I'll call you later.
00:14:31Good afternoon.
00:14:33Mr. Park Ming-hwan.
00:14:35I'm calling to inform you that he has been fired.
00:14:37It was confirmed that he didn't come to work today
00:14:39and our legal department
00:14:41handed over the writing of his file
00:14:43at his house for your knowledge.
00:14:47Where are you?
00:14:49Someone from the company is here.
00:14:51What do you mean you got fired?
00:14:53What the hell is going on?
00:14:54I inform you that you have to pay the loan
00:14:56with the lowest interest rate
00:14:58guaranteed by your employer,
00:15:00Yuan Kei, from today.
00:15:02What's going on?
00:15:09Why do these idiots keep calling me?
00:15:18Why don't you answer?
00:15:20Why don't you answer?
00:15:25If the clients defraud us,
00:15:27we force them to sign
00:15:29something like a renunciation of their physical rights.
00:15:32What hole should we make
00:15:34to get the money
00:15:36you asked for?
00:15:38What do you mean?
00:15:43Damn bastards!
00:15:46Oh, please, please, please.
00:15:47Zoom in.
00:15:49Oh, no!
00:15:54I invested in stocks.
00:15:57I made a good amount.
00:15:59Oh, please, zoom in.
00:16:01There must be some money.
00:16:03Please, please, please.
00:16:08A digital certificate, please.
00:16:10Please, please, please.
00:16:12There it is! There it is!
00:16:14A digital certificate!
00:16:15There it is! The password!
00:16:17The password! The password!
00:16:19What's the password?
00:16:21Let's see.
00:16:24Zoom in, please.
00:16:26I'll give you the money, please.
00:16:28Oh, I got it!
00:16:3580 million? 80?
00:16:38How can it be so much?
00:16:46Oh, my God.
00:16:59Oh, damn it!
00:17:08Oh, he kept the money for his father.
00:17:09He kept the money for his father.
00:17:24She's not like me.
00:17:40Mr. Yu?
00:17:45Are you accusing me of adultery?
00:17:47Are you suing me?
00:17:53Call security.
00:17:54It's incredible.
00:17:56You can't make a scene in the hospital.
00:17:59Hey, doctor, doctor.
00:18:00Have you drunk?
00:18:01I'm the husband of that woman, but she's hiding here without answering my calls.
00:18:05And she's also suing me for adultery.
00:18:08And she doesn't even have proof, doctor.
00:18:12Can you believe this?
00:18:14That's right.
00:18:16Do you have to behave like this?
00:18:18Even in the hospital?
00:18:20What proof?
00:18:22The camera?
00:18:24The one that doesn't record well?
00:18:35That won't get you a divorce.
00:18:38Do you understand?
00:18:40You have to prove something.
00:18:42If you accuse me of a double relationship.
00:18:46We'll let the orphan Yogi go.
00:18:47Hey, why don't you calm down, please?
00:18:49You see?
00:18:53What the hell?
00:18:54What the hell?
00:18:55Who are you?
00:18:56Let me go!
00:18:58He didn't read the divorce suit.
00:19:01I'm Li Soggyun.
00:19:03I'm the lady's lawyer.
00:19:07I'm going to impose a restraining order.
00:19:13Don't ever come back.
00:19:18Are you okay?
00:19:23The doctor in charge is professional and ethical.
00:19:26Don't worry about the surgery.
00:19:28Wait, is Jiwon okay?
00:19:34Don't worry, everything is fine.
00:19:40he should focus more on you.
00:19:55It's been a while.
00:19:57I was surprised that you called me all of a sudden.
00:20:00It's nice to see you again.
00:20:01It was very sudden.
00:20:03Don't you think?
00:20:05Would you like to order?
00:20:08Have you been well?
00:20:10Yes, I've been well.
00:20:19I haven't been so well.
00:20:23Park Minhwan and I
00:20:25decided to get a divorce.
00:20:27I moved yesterday.
00:20:28I'm going to stay in this hotel.
00:20:30I want to rest.
00:20:35It was what I sowed.
00:20:39Love blinded me
00:20:41and I betrayed my best friend,
00:20:44my half-orange.
00:20:48And in the end,
00:20:52well, anyway,
00:20:53now I'm alone.
00:20:56How are you going to get a divorce?
00:20:58This will be easier.
00:21:04You tried to kill Kang Jiwon.
00:21:15And I would have done the same.
00:21:18I would have done the same.
00:21:20And I would have done the same.
00:21:23Then I also know that Kang Jiwon and Park Minhwan
00:21:27are dating again.
00:21:30They are
00:21:33dating again?
00:21:39Let's have them arrested for adultery.
00:21:43I'll tell you when and how to get the arrest.
00:21:45I can assign the best lawyer if you want.
00:21:51just fulfill your rights as a spouse.
00:22:03Because it's unfair.
00:22:05Didn't your life get ruined
00:22:07because of Park Minhwan?
00:22:09If you divorce now,
00:22:11all the time you spent in the company
00:22:13will not pay off.
00:22:15You will have nothing left.
00:22:18I think
00:22:20it's true.
00:22:24I'm asking you what you get.
00:22:39I hope Kang Jiwon comes back.
00:22:44I like Kang Jiwon very much.
00:22:47I don't like Park Minhwan to be chained.
00:22:52I'll make him come back to my side anyway.
00:22:57I need your help.
00:23:09Can I ask you something?
00:23:16Why do you hate me?
00:23:22Because you only care about yourself.
00:23:25There are people who hurt those around them.
00:23:30And you're the only one
00:23:32who cares about yourself.
00:23:33There are people who hurt those around them.
00:23:37You're that kind of person
00:23:39and that's why I hate you.
00:23:43You really don't know me.
00:23:45You don't trust anyone
00:23:48because you're a distrustful person.
00:23:52You don't trust others
00:23:54because you think they're just like you.
00:23:59How can we be a team
00:24:01if you think that of me?
00:24:04You asked me why I hate you.
00:24:07I never said we can't work together.
00:24:12Let me know what you decide.
00:24:23The conversation went well.
00:24:26As you said,
00:24:28she asked me why I help her.
00:24:30I thought she wouldn't believe me if I lied
00:24:34and mixed up some truths.
00:24:40The unfaithful couple that Jung Soo-min will find
00:24:43are Oh Yu-ra and Park Min-gwan.
00:24:45Everything I told her was true.
00:24:47And there's...
00:24:50an insurance that our company offers to employees.
00:24:53It's a family plan.
00:24:56The beneficiaries include the owner, his spouse
00:24:59and all first-line family members.
00:25:04Park Min-gwan will receive a notice soon.
00:25:11If I can sell this,
00:25:13I'll liquidate the urgent debts.
00:25:17I didn't know there was an insurance.
00:25:20I guess she'll find out.
00:25:23The stage is almost ready.
00:25:29Let's go.
00:25:54Should I commit suicide?
00:25:55The insurance will be useless
00:25:57if Park Min-gwan doesn't do something bad.
00:25:59If I die,
00:26:03Mom and Dad will get the benefit.
00:26:10Park Min-gwan may have stopped many times.
00:26:15But he didn't.
00:26:19He'll keep doing this.
00:26:21Then there won't be a problem.
00:26:22Jung Soo-min will keep doing this too.
00:26:29Why is it always Kang Ji-won?
00:26:32Why does everyone prefer her?
00:26:35Because Jung Soo-min seems to be more obsessed with you now, Ji-won.
00:26:43Now there's only one left.
00:26:49It belongs to Jung Soo-min.
00:26:50It belongs to Jung Soo-min.
00:26:52That's why.
00:27:14What if we went back to Japan?
00:27:16What if we went back to Japan?
00:27:19Ju-guk is on the move as before.
00:27:22He bought all the personal debts
00:27:24and private loans from Park Min-gwan
00:27:26and he's pressuring him.
00:27:28He's going to go bankrupt soon.
00:27:30And it seems that
00:27:32he hasn't given up with Jung Man-sik and Bae Ju-suk.
00:27:34He had access to the security cameras
00:27:36that cover the entire area near the factory.
00:27:47You don't feel safe anymore.
00:27:49I see you're scared and you want to run away.
00:27:54It's normal.
00:27:56His grandfather is different.
00:28:01Unlike Ju-guk, who grew up with everything easy,
00:28:04he's a realistic man.
00:28:06He knows how annoying it is to be a Cinderella
00:28:09or that he will be.
00:28:30I beat you.
00:28:33I don't think I can ever beat him.
00:28:36I was able to predict your move
00:28:38because you tried to cover too much.
00:28:41Giving up what's not yours
00:28:43is the quality of a leader.
00:28:46I know.
00:28:50You're finally here.
00:28:56I was playing Jenga with Grandpa
00:28:58and I lost again.
00:29:00But I think I can beat you now.
00:29:03Do you want to play?
00:29:08you told me to bring the woman I love.
00:29:11I'll bring her officially.
00:29:13So please,
00:29:14don't let Ju-ra come into this house.
00:29:18You said it wasn't love and you wouldn't try anything.
00:29:20Did you change your mind?
00:29:24I'll try to make it work.
00:29:26But I won't let my ex-fiancée be here.
00:29:33I was very indifferent the time we were engaged.
00:29:35I didn't know I was in such a hurry.
00:29:38People like us
00:29:40can't get married just for pleasure.
00:29:41Before you do something reckless
00:29:43you must get Grandpa's permission.
00:29:47I'll introduce her to you now.
00:30:07Nice to meet you.
00:30:09I'm Kan Jin.
00:30:11Nice to meet you.
00:30:24We'll take care of Kan Ji-won.
00:30:27Aren't you going back to Japan?
00:30:29I can't live if I lose.
00:30:31Why should I feel like this
00:30:33because of useless Germans?
00:30:38I should do it first.
00:30:39Trusting others was a waste of time.
00:30:59I decided to face
00:31:01the things that will inevitably happen.
00:31:12The last time we saw each other
00:31:15I didn't have the chance to tell you this.
00:31:20When you face something
00:31:22it doesn't mean everything will go well.
00:31:25My grandson has taken care of you too much
00:31:27considering you haven't known each other for a long time.
00:31:32what would be your plan?
00:31:34Look back and think
00:31:36if there's something I could have done wrong.
00:31:37Think about me.
00:31:39Correct what I can.
00:31:42And the rest is up to fate.
00:31:45This is the part
00:31:47where you think
00:31:49it is what it is and you accept it.
00:31:55That's right.
00:31:57It's what I expected.
00:32:02I scolded Mr. Yoo a lot for that.
00:32:03It will never happen again.
00:32:08He has too many flaws.
00:32:12The only thing he knows how to do
00:32:14is work.
00:32:16He doesn't understand the value of money.
00:32:18In fact,
00:32:20he's such a rich heir
00:32:22that I'm surprised.
00:32:24What are you trying to say?
00:32:31that was
00:32:33what won me over.
00:32:37The truth is
00:32:39I also have many flaws.
00:32:42When I thought of him as a perfect person
00:32:45I thought I couldn't connect with him.
00:32:51But seeing him act so clumsy,
00:32:53get angry, get dirty,
00:32:55get nervous
00:32:57and sometimes
00:32:58act like a child
00:33:05I started to think
00:33:07we would be fine together.
00:33:15I want to be happy with him.
00:33:24allow me
00:33:25to leave with Yoo-Juck.
00:33:40Tomorrow I will finish all the tasks
00:33:42related to Park Ming-Wan's dismissal.
00:33:44By the way,
00:33:46why did you ask me about the insurance
00:33:48for the company's employees?
00:33:50It no longer has coverage.
00:33:52It's for the well-being of the employees
00:33:53and almost no one knows about it.
00:33:56Park Ming-Wan will choose to continue.
00:33:57It looks good!
00:33:59It looks delicious!
00:34:27It's exquisite.
00:34:29I didn't expect it to be this good.
00:34:32As you said, the snail pasta with spinach is the best received.
00:34:36I think it will be the main product.
00:34:39It's excellent.
00:34:40Spinach and snails, which are almost not used in Korean pasta, provide...
00:34:46Look at the camera, please.
00:34:48It's okay.
00:34:51Two, three. Very good.
00:34:52You should relax.
00:34:54It will capture your natural self, just like you are.
00:35:11You did an incredible job.
00:35:13It's nothing.
00:35:14Thank you for saving me from being unemployed.
00:35:18I'll make sure to send you the right recipe. It's complicated.
00:35:22I'll send you the draft and the factory schedule as soon as you're ready.
00:35:30By the way, I didn't see Ms. Joo Woo-joon and her brother today.
00:35:36Mr. Joo was here all day.
00:35:39Now that you mention it, I didn't see Woo-joon today.
00:35:42Where could he be?
00:35:45Well, I have to go.
00:35:49Take care, Eun-ho.
00:36:23Why don't you answer me?
00:36:26I said, why don't you answer me?
00:36:29And why should I answer your calls?
00:36:37I get it.
00:36:38The fact that my husband chose me and not you,
00:36:41even though you dated him for seven years, must be hard to accept.
00:36:44But how is it possible...
00:36:46that Ko Ko Bop chose me?
00:36:48I'm going to get a divorce because of you.
00:36:58Is this the security team?
00:37:00I'm on the 16th floor.
00:37:02And there's an intruder.
00:37:04Please get her out of here.
00:37:08What the hell are you doing?
00:37:10You think I'll leave you alone?
00:37:12I'm not going to let you go.
00:37:14What the hell are you doing?
00:37:16You think I'll let you go?
00:37:22Why would I flirt with someone else's man?
00:37:24It's not you.
00:37:28Oh, you seduced him like that, maybe.
00:37:31You do understand.
00:37:36Considering that you betrayed the woman you dated for seven years,
00:37:40how could you think I wouldn't do the same to you?
00:37:45I will defame you.
00:37:48So that neither of you can raise their heads here.
00:37:51I will not give up.
00:37:57What a shame.
00:38:00Your husband...
00:38:02was fired.
00:38:07So stop doing useless things.
00:38:09I made a supportive wife.
00:38:12Are you going to get a divorce?
00:38:16What a shame.
00:38:21thinking about it, I should thank you.
00:38:25Because you stole me from an idiot like Park Ming-hwan.
00:38:28And I thank you for that.
00:38:33And yes, we are very different.
00:38:41I love you.
00:38:46Let me go!
00:38:47I'll go alone!
00:38:48Let me go!
00:38:56Ming-hwan, Jong-soo-min just arrived.
00:38:58He made a scene at the company and he scared me.
00:39:03Well, I won't say anything at work,
00:39:05since everyone says Jong-soo-min is crazy.
00:39:09Oh, I was wrong.
00:39:10I sent it to the wrong person.
00:39:12I'm sorry.
00:39:13Jong-soo-min is a fucking lunatic!
00:39:19But you're going to fall.
00:39:27I have a feeling Jong-soo-min will call me soon.
00:39:39I'm going to destroy Kang Ji-won.
00:39:42Keep her.
00:39:43But first,
00:39:45you must humiliate her no matter what.
00:39:48I'm going to make her beg me.
00:39:50You must accept that.
00:39:59We have Jong-soo-min in our hands.
00:40:01I'll try to pressure Park Ming-hwan.
00:40:03It is likely that he has already received it.
00:40:13Now what do the Yuan Kei guys want?
00:40:21Oh, no.
00:40:22Is it a joke?
00:40:23I was fired.
00:40:24I can't pay the insurance.
00:40:27Oh, no.
00:40:28Is it a joke?
00:40:29I was fired.
00:40:30I can't pay the insurance.
00:40:56I can't pay the insurance.
00:40:58I can't pay the insurance.
00:41:00I can't pay the insurance.
00:41:24There's no reason to cover me, Yura.
00:41:26But we can reach an agreement
00:41:29so that Jong-soo-min doesn't bother you anymore.
00:41:33I'll take care of it.
00:41:37Tell them to put another place on the table.
00:41:40I want to eat first.
00:41:41I want to eat first.
00:41:56How will you take care of your wife?
00:42:02I was going to commit suicide because I'm ruined.
00:42:05But I can still live.
00:42:08And this...
00:42:09may be of great help to you.
00:42:17You can charge it only if she dies.
00:42:20If Jong-soo-min disappears,
00:42:22the person who threatens you, too.
00:42:28It won't be easy.
00:42:29We must have guards.
00:42:31But then...
00:42:32Can you help me?
00:42:34Do you want me to clean everything?
00:42:38It's not just cleaning.
00:42:40Help me prepare it, too.
00:42:43Life is money and connections.
00:42:46But I have nothing.
00:42:50You have guts.
00:42:53You're missing a lot of things,
00:42:55but you need guts.
00:42:58Don't you think?
00:42:59And you have plenty of those.
00:43:03Do you think it was easy
00:43:06to make this decision?
00:43:09I'm desperate.
00:43:14You can't fail.
00:43:30Park Min-kwan is in Oh Yu-ra's suite now.
00:43:37Today is the day?
00:43:53Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won.
00:43:55Hotel Wyndham, room 1355.
00:44:05Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won, Hotel Wyndham
00:44:35Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won, Hotel Wyndham
00:44:43Room 1355.
00:45:06Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won, Hotel Wyndham
00:45:25Room 1355.
00:45:35Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won, Hotel Wyndham
00:45:42To a side.
00:46:05Park Min-kwan, Kang Ji-won, Hotel Wyndham
00:46:09You're very smart.
00:46:13I must admit that you're a genius.
00:46:15How did you think of benefiting from your wife's death?
00:46:18How did you think of hiring a insurance for cancer?
00:46:23When I get my insurance,
00:46:25I'll treat you like a queen.
00:46:32Don't worry.
00:46:33I'm amazing when it comes to returning favors.
00:46:41It's not possible!
00:46:58They're bastards. They tricked me.
00:47:01Hey, Park Min-kwan.
00:47:04You're a piece of shit.
00:47:06How could you trick me like that?
00:47:12What are you going to do?
00:47:16I can suggest something.
00:47:20I'll send that voice note to the police.
00:47:23Where's my dad?
00:47:24Did you kill him?
00:47:30I thought you'd come back with Kang Ji-won.
00:47:33What the hell are you doing here with this woman?
00:47:35I heard you got fired.
00:47:37Now you have free time.
00:47:38Go get food in jail.
00:47:42What the hell are you doing?
00:47:48Go to hell.
00:47:49Go to hell!
00:47:51Let me go!
00:47:52Let me go!
00:47:53Let me go!
00:47:55And now?
00:47:58What do we do with that?
00:48:00What do you mean, what do we do?
00:48:02We follow your plan.
00:48:03It can't be done here.
00:48:05I'll leave it fixed.
00:48:08So you can do it.
00:48:11Mrs. Oh.
00:48:25Since Park Min-kwan killed Jung Soo-min,
00:48:28prepare a story about him
00:48:31murdering his wife for money and taking it to the press.
00:48:36I'll take care of that.
00:48:39And that everything Park Min-kwan says about me is a lie.
00:48:43And of course,
00:48:44there must be no evidence.
00:48:58Park Min-kwan
00:49:20What the hell do you think you're doing?
00:49:27Why did you do something so stupid?
00:49:30You're good at everything,
00:49:32but you don't know what your place is.
00:49:38I have money.
00:49:40I'll give you everything.
00:49:50Do you think he'll let you go free?
00:49:53I don't know.
00:49:55Do you think he'll let you go free?
00:49:58After you kill me?
00:50:09Jung Soo-min.
00:50:12I give you the credit.
00:50:15You had evidence of Oh Yu-ra committing adultery.
00:50:20And what happened?
00:50:21What happened?
00:50:24Oh Yu-ra erased everything when you fainted.
00:50:30You're a fool.
00:50:32Hey, no!
00:50:35People like us
00:50:38shouldn't disobey the powerful and...
00:50:41What can we do?
00:50:44Look at this.
00:50:47Don't you have money?
00:50:51What the hell?
00:50:52What did you do?
00:50:53It wasn't even your money.
00:50:56You saw the opportunity and you stole it.
00:51:05And I found out you had the bag I bought for Kang Ji-won.
00:51:09I sold it and used the money.
00:51:12Your husband's business comes first.
00:51:17Come on, don't get mad.
00:51:22You said it.
00:51:24You can't go down alone.
00:51:29If you don't die, I'll die.
00:51:33And as I see it,
00:51:37I have to take care of you to start over.
00:51:46Wait here.
00:51:51Untie me!
00:51:52Untie me, you idiot!
00:51:55Untie me!
00:51:56Let me go!
00:51:58Take this off me!
00:52:00Untie me!
00:52:03You can't!
00:52:04Untie me!
00:52:06Let me go!
00:52:07Come back!
00:52:09Untie me!
00:52:21Where is it?
00:52:31It's the gas.
00:52:45Where is it?
00:52:51Where is it?
00:53:01Are you crazy?
00:53:04Leave the car key and get away.
00:53:09Calm down.
00:53:11And put the knife down.
00:53:12Calm down, please!
00:53:14I'm not going to die.
00:53:16I'll never die!
00:53:22Take it.
00:53:25It's the car key.
00:53:28Take the key.
00:53:30And leave the knife.
00:53:32Leave the knife!
00:53:36Come on, leave it.
00:53:47Come here.
00:54:03And in the end, my beloved wife,
00:54:06will die intoxicated by carbon monoxide
00:54:09on our trip while I go out for a moment to buy food.
00:54:13Stop tormenting my life.
00:54:16And die alone.
00:54:18Hey, if you're going to die, die alone.
00:54:26It's what you said about the insurance money.
00:54:30Do you think you'll be okay?
00:54:35Yes, I think so.
00:54:37Yes, I think so.
00:54:50Pathetic, my husband does not fulfill his duty as a man.
00:54:59Did he say that to you?
00:55:00It doesn't matter.
00:55:02Hey, Kanjiwon told me.
00:55:04Kanjiwon told me.
00:55:06That you're a neunuco.
00:55:08I don't know what you're talking about!
00:55:11That as a man you're really useless!
00:55:15Don't you understand?
00:55:17I never had an abortion!
00:55:19I was never pregnant.
00:55:23Do you understand?
00:55:28How dare you!
00:55:31How dare you!
00:55:32Let me go, you idiot!
00:55:33Let me go!
00:55:35Let me go!
00:56:33Let me go!
00:56:34Let me go!
00:56:36Let me go!
00:57:01Mrs. Jang's divorce suit will be easier.
00:57:04The video that showed the adultery crime,
00:57:07we were finally able to recover it.
00:57:10It only appeared?
00:57:13There was no reason for the video not to appear on the screen.
00:57:16But they told me it already works.
00:57:18They say that,
00:57:20if it has to be, it will be.
00:57:22I think he will divorce.
00:57:34I think he will divorce.
00:58:05I reviewed the police report.
00:58:08The cause of death was a blow to the glass table.
00:58:14As there is evidence in the place,
00:58:16the police have confirmed Jung Soo-min as the main suspect.
00:58:20They try to find her,
00:58:22but the security cameras don't work.
00:58:35Do you want to go ...
00:58:38to the funeral?
00:58:56There was a time when I wanted you dead.
00:59:00When I felt that I was dying of frustration.
00:59:05Moments of disappointment that became despair.
00:59:09And when I discovered your betrayal.
00:59:13Today you are beautiful.
00:59:15Get out!
00:59:16Go to hell!
00:59:23Why are you doing this to me?
00:59:25I couldn't find an answer when I thought about it all night.
00:59:29And so it ends.
00:59:53How dare you come here?
01:00:00If you hadn't betrayed Min Gwan,
01:00:04he wouldn't have married that bitch.
01:00:09That bitch killed my son.
01:00:12She's a ...
01:00:16Damn ingrate.
01:00:21You ruined my precious son.
01:00:25My poor baby.
01:00:27He didn't hurt anyone.
01:00:44As for Mr. Park,
01:00:45a man of about 30 years who was found dead in a rental house on the 24th.
01:00:50The police have confirmed that his wife, Mrs. Jung ...
01:00:53It's Mrs. Jung Soo-min, right?
01:00:56You know.
01:00:58No. Isn't it someone who looks like her?
01:01:01Are you saying that the dead husband is Park Min Gwan?
01:01:03Don't even say it.
01:01:05But it's almost certain.
01:01:07Don't say anything.
01:01:11It's almost impossible.
01:01:13What happened?
01:01:19Park Min Gwan's parents reported a robbery.
01:01:21His house went to nothing while they were out.
01:01:24Jung Soo-min did it.
01:01:34Park Min Gwan's parents reported a robbery.
01:01:37His house went to nothing while they were out.
01:01:40It means she's in Seoul.
01:01:44It's been a day since Jung Soo-min,
01:01:46suspected of murder,
01:01:47in a rental house in Gapung Myeong,
01:01:49was publicly announced as a suspect,
01:01:51but her whereabouts are unknown.
01:01:53It is believed that Mrs. Jung is running away with her cell phone off
01:01:56to prevent her from being caught.
01:01:57And the police have declared that they need citizens
01:02:00to be interested in this murder case.
01:02:04Suspect Jung is 1.60 meters tall and thin.
01:02:08She was recently accused of murdering her husband,
01:02:11Mr. Park, in a house in Gapung Myeong.
01:02:19I'm a little anxious.
01:02:23Maybe you don't feel it because you're kind.
01:02:26I'm a little anxious.
01:02:32Some people don't know when to stop.
01:02:37If I don't eliminate her to the point of crossing my limits,
01:02:42it won't end.
01:02:52You can't be happy while I'm like this, Ji-won.
01:02:56I swear.
01:03:27What did I do? Do you have evidence of that?
01:03:29You will be punished.
01:03:31I won't be afraid anymore.
01:03:34I will also stay strong.
01:03:37If he bought solvent, it means he'll set fire.
01:03:40There's no point in stopping him from coming.
01:03:42I let you do things the way you wanted, Ji-won.
01:03:44Let me do things this time.
01:03:47What option do I have now?
01:03:49Why do you think only of yourself?
01:03:51I don't know.
01:03:53What option do I have now?
01:03:55Why do you think only of yourself?
01:03:57I've learned all kinds of things thanks to you.
01:04:00I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:02This is the price for your tears and the hell I made for you.
01:04:23I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:25This is the price for your tears and the hell I made for you.
01:04:27I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:29This is the price for your tears and the hell I made for you.
01:04:31I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:33This is the price for your tears and the hell I made for you.
01:04:35I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:37I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:39I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:41I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:43I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:45I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:47I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
01:04:49I'll kill Kang Ji-won!
