• last year
The Cubs are 37-43 as the midpoint of the season looms.
00:00What do you want the Cubs to do
00:04Halfway through the season now, you're halfway there
00:07Do you want the Cubs?
00:12Try and win in
00:142024 to whatever degree that that means if it's
00:19Competing in the second half for the division if you think that they can win a World Series
00:24Here's where I'm at. I
00:28Don't think that this team can win and JD said it and Boog said it last night where they were talking about
00:36How good the starting pitching is for the Cubs and then Boog was like, yeah
00:42The starting pitching is good. You just kind of wonder
00:47What's gonna happen when it's not good
00:50Because you would think that that if you're asking for all of the corrections to happen
00:56Then you have to keep in mind that those corrections might happen to
01:00That maybe your pitching staff isn't as good as what it looks like on paper. So
01:06Do you want the Cubs to try and salvage?
01:112024 to be competitive in the 2024 season the the second half of this season or are you ready for them to start?
01:20Changing their approach to try and build the next great Cubs team
01:24Well, that may be a heavier lift and it may involve some difficult choices that they're gonna have to make some painful
01:31and one of those was floated by Matthew trueblood at Northside baseball who looked over the fact that
01:38You have a redundant
01:40Piece in your corner outfield right now and and I'm not even gonna start prospect humping here
01:46I'm not trying to necessarily make room for people
01:48I don't I know there's a lot of people saying a lot of names
01:50About a lot of people who may never major league baseball players. So I'm not gonna bother there because your team's on the field and
01:56Yet the point is that even though they've got no trade clauses
02:00Neither say a Suzuki nor Ian Hap is a right fielder
02:07One of those is your left fielder
02:10But having both of them doesn't make sense
02:14Because they're too similar
