• last year
Several suspects are caught in lies and an unexpected death leads the detectives to the solution.


00:40She fought them off.
00:41Her arm's pretty bruised.
00:43If the head injury had been any deeper,
00:44we'd be having a different conversation.
00:47She's a lucky girl.
00:50What constitutes a luck?
01:05Do you know who did this?
01:08We'll find them.
01:11I hope so.
01:14Or I will.
03:05Dr. Sally Rook, you treated him.
03:07What's your view?
03:08He has been my patient ever since I gave evidence at his trial,
03:12and my view now is the same as it was then.
03:16Graham Lorry is a dangerous individual.
03:20He spent the past 13 years in a severe personality disorder unit
03:24for good reason.
03:29Oh, I felt so sorry for Tony.
03:31I didn't know what to say to him.
03:33There's not a lot you can say.
03:35Did you not think to go with her?
03:37I offered.
03:38She said no.
03:40Not a thing I wish I had gone.
03:42Anyway, where were you?
03:43Working on the investigation.
03:45How's that going?
03:46Hey, I want to work with you.
03:47All right, Mr. Lorry.
03:49I just want to look you in the eye.
03:51You're the man who ruined my life.
03:53This is not the time or the place.
03:55All right.
04:02It's not just Lorry we need to think about.
04:04He didn't attack Lizzie himself, did he?
04:06How could I let that happen?
04:08Nobody let that happen.
04:10No, I should have gone with her.
04:12Robbie, you saved Lizzie's life.
04:14Five minutes later and she would have bled out.
04:17Look, I'm firefighting all over the place at the moment
04:22since the appeal yesterday.
04:24Well, that was a farce.
04:25Yes, it was, but we need to focus on the present,
04:28not wallow in the past.
04:30I've got one officer dead, another in intensive care.
04:34I need my best team on this, and that includes you.
04:38I want you on this case.
04:40Is Hathaway okay with that?
04:42Just checking it is still me who's chief super, yes?
04:46Yeah, Mum.
04:48Right then, well, you two need to stop squabbling,
04:51pull your socks up and work together.
04:53First thing you need to do is go and see Sally Rook.
04:56She's been doing the rounds with the press, making a lot of noise.
04:59Yeah, I heard her on the radio this morning.
05:01Then you'll have heard what she was saying,
05:03that Lorry's as guilty as you think he is.
05:06I want him investigated.
05:09This should be a public inquiry.
05:11I lost everything, my marriage, my whole life.
05:13Lewis is responsible for that.
05:15He should be made to answer for what he's done.
05:17If you want to lodge a formal complaint,
05:19I'll point you in the right direction,
05:21but I'm running a murder inquiry.
05:23My sergeant was attacked last night.
05:25No, no, don't try and drag me into that.
05:27Yesterday, three judges said I was innocent.
05:29No, they didn't. They said the evidence was compromised.
05:31It's not the same thing.
05:33What, mysteriously lost witness statements?
05:35Forensic cock-ups?
05:37My God!
05:38Even now, when you have a murderer out there
05:40knocking off the Oxfordshire police force one by one,
05:42you're in here accusing me,
05:44the one person you know couldn't possibly have done it.
05:46I'm not accusing you of anything.
05:49You people just won't give it up, will you?
05:53Well, neither will I.
05:56I lost 13 years of my life.
05:58Lewis put away the wrong man,
06:00and I'm not ever going to let him forget about it.
06:05Don't make the same mistake Lewis did.
06:13He's just making his presence felt.
06:15Isn't he just?
06:17Are you OK?
06:19I will be once this is over.
06:24The number that texted Lizzie was another unregistered mobile.
06:27Hugo Blaine, Hugo Blaine.
06:29I remember Lizzie said he'd been hassling her.
06:31Look, he's phoned her almost a dozen times in the one day.
06:36Are you OK to go and see him?
06:38I'm due at Ripley College to talk to Dr Rook.
06:43Is that all right?
06:48All right, then.
07:15Come on!
07:19Thank you.
07:21For everything.
07:44Thank you.
08:05Dear Hathaway.
08:06Very good, you've done your research.
08:08It's part of my job.
08:10I suppose we're not that dissimilar, both investigators of a sort.
08:12I've been calling Dias Maddox repeatedly.
08:14It's a massive story.
08:15A police-hating serial killer, a miscarriage of justice...
08:17She was attacked and left for dead last night.
08:21Is she going to be OK?
08:24No, no, off the record, I mean.
08:26So who did it? Do you know?
08:29Well, it's linked with the Travis murder.
08:32Yes? Of course, it must be.
08:34Is Lewis on the investigation?
08:37So he is.
08:39Where have they taken her? To the Ratcliffe?
08:41I'm not here to be interviewed by you, Mr Blaine.
08:43Where were you between the hours of five and six last night?
08:45I had nothing to do with it. I was working.
08:48With Catherine Warwick? Laurie's solicitor?
08:51I saw you together.
08:53Ah, well, look, that's no big deal.
08:56So we've been seeing each other.
08:58She passes information my way, I help her out in return.
09:02Making the police look bad?
09:04You don't need my help for that.
09:07You two deserve one another.
09:14You're absolutely right. That appeal should never have made it to court.
09:18I don't know whether to be relieved to hear that,
09:20given that he's walking around a free man.
09:22You shouldn't be. I was there 13 years ago, so were you.
09:26He's a dangerous man.
09:28You seem to be the only one that agrees with me about that.
09:31And he has an equally dangerous accomplice,
09:33which is why I want to help you.
09:36The murder of PC Travis, and now the attempted murder of DS Maddox,
09:40only provides evidence that my research is sound.
09:43What's this about alphas and betas?
09:46All psychopaths need a trigger to engage in criminal acts, of course,
09:51but betas are only triggered by an encounter with an alpha,
09:55and the longer the exposure, the greater the risk.
09:58You spend all your time with psychopaths.
10:03So what would be the profile of Laurie's beta?
10:06Er, someone unhampered by conscience or remorse,
10:11an obsession with status and a willingness to do anything to achieve it.
10:16A hedge fund manager, or any politician.
10:20Someone literate, devoted, but clever and ruthless,
10:24to the emotionally shallow. Oh, Laurie offers everything.
10:28Well, his status is attractive.
10:30Dangerously so.
10:33He is guilty, you know.
10:37I've never said that before.
10:39I was never quite sure.
10:52It's OK, I've got it.
10:58I'm studying philosophy here.
11:01One of Brendan Ward's students?
11:03Yes, Luke Burgess.
11:06Why the clippings, Luke?
11:08I'm interested in the case.
11:10How interested?
11:12I'm doing a module in experimental philosophy.
11:15I'm studying the criminal mind.
11:25Did you realise that this profile
11:27could also be describing Rook herself, don't you?
11:30Or Katherine Warwick.
11:32What, a serial killing solicitor?
11:34Proudly cutthroat.
11:37She spent more time with him recently than anyone else.
11:40Could be anyone, couldn't it, really?
11:42Could be Pamela. Devoted, literate.
11:45You know what they say about the quiet ones.
11:47Another officer was attacked yesterday.
11:49So it wasn't great?
11:51Another officer was attacked yesterday.
11:53So it wasn't Graham, was it?
11:55He was being vindicated in court.
11:57Where were you between five and six?
11:59Me? I was here.
12:01Not in court?
12:02I wanted to be waiting for him when he came back.
12:04You can check with the register here. I signed in.
12:06We will.
12:07Shouldn't you be celebrating with him now?
12:10I've waited ten years to toast that man's freedom.
12:13Another day or two won't matter.
12:15Besides, Graham's been very busy, what with all the press and whatnot.
12:18I'm sure we'll have a chance to celebrate soon.
12:22What do you reckon?
12:24Well, she's devoted, all right, to the fact that he's innocent, at least.
12:27So she killed to prove it?
12:29Doesn't add up.
12:51Hello again, Luke.
13:11Come on.
13:13As Graham Laurie said,
13:16Come on.
13:18As Graham Laurie enjoys his first full day of freedom in 13 years,
13:22the repercussions of yesterday's verdict are being keenly felt.
13:26The three appeal court judges ruled that Graham Laurie
13:29was wrongly convicted of murdering police constables
13:32Neil Chadwick, Julie Alderman and Martin Gronk in 2001.
13:36I'd just like to say how grateful I am
13:39that despite the best efforts of the Oxfordshire Police,
13:42despite the best efforts of the Oxfordshire Police,
13:44justice has been reached here today.
13:47Laurie also claimed that Thames Marsh Hospital had questions to answer,
13:51saying he suffered terrible neglect and emotional abuse
13:54while incarcerated in the secure psychiatric facility.
14:24Do you often have a problem controlling your anger, Mr Wilkins?
14:30I just lost it for a second.
14:32And when you lose it, you really do lose it.
14:36Roid rage?
14:38I'm guessing these aren't multivitamins.
14:44Did Laurie supply them to you?
14:49And what do you have to do for him in return?
14:51I didn't kill that copper, OK? It was payment for bringing in the phone.
14:57A couple other things.
14:58What other things?
14:59Laurie's been very good to me.
15:01He's taught me a lot. He's treated me with respect.
15:03What do you do for him?
15:07I don't want to lose my job.
15:09It's a bit more than your job at stake now.
15:12You've got one police officer dead and another in intensive care.
15:18I had to go and see that Ward guy.
15:20Brendan Ward, the philosophy lecturer?
15:22He visited again.
15:24Ward obviously said something to piss Laurie off.
15:26And what was that?
15:27I really don't know.
15:29When you say that you had to go and see him...
15:31Just to pass on the message that he wasn't to come back any more.
15:34I bet he got that message loud and clear.
15:40And he with his fists, if not with his brains.
15:43Ward never reported it, did he?
15:45Yeah, worth asking him why.
15:47And we should fetch Laurie in.
15:49You reckon?
15:50Well, don't you?
15:51Well, he might not be involved at all.
15:53He ordered Wilkins to batter a philosopher.
15:56What else did he ask him to do?
15:57Sure, but then maybe someone did find the weapon.
15:59Yeah, and maybe it was Lord Lucan on Shergar.
16:02I should at least be questioning him.
16:04Fine, but I'd rather not give him the satisfaction of seeing you.
16:07All right, well, you do it then, if that's what it takes.
16:10We shouldn't be tiptoeing round here.
16:20You told D.S. Maddox that you got this at the gym.
16:24Why did you lie?
16:26I didn't want any more trouble.
16:28From Wilkins?
16:29From Graham Laurie.
16:31I don't fancy making an enemy of him.
16:33Going crying to the police about a slap around the face
16:35wouldn't have exactly put me in his good books.
16:37No, I learnt my lesson.
16:39And what lesson was Laurie trying to teach you?
16:43When Rook asked me to go there,
16:45I thought I was being asked to educate him about Nietzsche.
16:47But really, I should have just nodded
16:49and told him how brilliant and insightful he was.
16:51I challenged him, and his ego felt bruised.
16:54One bruise for another.
16:56Anyway, after two visits, I made my excuses and called it quits.
17:00And you didn't go again?
17:02I couldn't stand the man.
17:04I didn't want to go back.
17:06Look, I don't know what Nurse Ratched's been telling you,
17:08but I certainly didn't instruct him to go around
17:10beating up college professors.
17:12I'm not a violent man, Officer. It's just not in my nature.
17:15But you did have a problem with Dr Ward.
17:17I'm a psychopath, remember? I have a problem with everyone.
17:22No, we did have a disagreement.
17:24A philosophical disagreement.
17:26Ward doesn't understand power.
17:28Real power.
17:30He thinks that because he's got a few letters after his name,
17:32he's smarter than me, like I'm some chimp in a cage
17:35he can poke to see if he gets a reaction.
17:37Maybe he didn't like what he saw.
17:39Well, that's his problem, not mine.
17:41Sometimes the teachers are afraid of the pupils.
17:44Griffin Chat, Officer.
17:46But if there's nothing else, then...
17:49Very good. I'm off to the star for my first chicken tikka in 13 years.
17:53Actually, I do have a couple more questions.
17:55Well, Mr Lorry has to leave, so...
17:57They're not for Mr Lorry, they're for you.
18:00Oh, Catherine, what have you been up to?
18:06Why weren't you at the appeal yesterday?
18:09I was delayed on another case.
18:12You were with Hugo Blaine?
18:15Keeping a close eye on me, I'm flattered.
18:17We're keeping a close eye on everyone involved with Mr Lorry here.
18:20OK, Hugo and I went for a drink at the Perch.
18:23I didn't know, I had to tell you in advance.
18:25You can check with the bar staff if you like.
18:27Very kind of you, we will.
18:30So, who's the prime suspect?
18:34Maybe I could give them my number.
18:40Thank you.
18:42Brandon Ward reckons he only visited Lorry a couple of times
18:45before he realised his services were no longer required.
18:48He's not much of an accomplice.
18:50Well, Maddox checked the visitor records at Thames Marsh
18:52and they list Ward visiting 17 times in the last two months.
18:57Does everybody just lie for fun?
19:19Terrible, this waiting around, isn't it?
19:24Is that your girlfriend?
19:26That's my wife.
19:29Was she in an accident?
19:35She's a police officer, she was attacked.
19:38Ah, that thing on the news, Graeme Lorry.
19:44The justice system really hasn't covered itself in any glory there, has it?
19:48And D.I. Lewis, so keen to blame the press for everything.
19:53He should have a look in his own backyard.
19:57I'm sorry. Do you mind?
20:00You need to talk about any of this. I'm on your side.
20:03Any time, yeah?
20:18Yeah, so Brandon Ward's listed as visiting on the 22nd.
20:24Checking in at 11.30.
20:40Is that him?
20:42No, that's not Brennan Ward.
20:46That's his student, Luke Burgess.
20:54This way, gentlemen.
21:24Excuse me, is there someone waiting for you?
21:34I am so glad we're doing this.
21:36Yeah, I don't think this is such a good idea anymore.
21:40Please. I've waited for this.
21:43God, you just don't get it, do you?
21:45I screwed up.
21:47I screwed up.
21:49I screwed up.
21:51God, you just don't get it, do you?
21:53I spent every day in that place alone,
21:55so if you wanted to visit and ask me a few questions, that was fine.
21:58I humoured you because I enjoyed the distraction,
22:01and now I don't.
22:03What about Maddox and Travis?
22:06You've got the wrong man. It had nothing to do with me.
22:17Look at you. Look at you.
22:20You're no superman.
22:22You're a self-obsessed, privately educated bore.
22:25Why are you doing this?
22:27I want to learn from you.
22:29You want to learn from me?
22:31Yes. Do you?
22:32Yes, I do.
22:34Then you're in luck.
22:36First lesson.
22:38How it feels to be the accused.
22:51I'm monitoring her intracranial pressure.
22:54You're going to just have to be patient
22:56and let her come back to us gradually.
22:58She will be OK, Robbie.
23:00I wish I could be as optimistic.
23:02Well, they treated her quickly. She's clearly a fighter.
23:05In fact, they said they may take her off the sedatives tomorrow.
23:09What are you doing?
23:11Oh, you know, I'm just...
23:13I'm just...
23:15I'm just...
23:17What are you doing?
23:19Oh, you know.
23:21We're getting closer, I think.
23:23I meant...
23:25all of us. The appeal.
23:27I barely had a chance to speak.
23:29I'm not sure what...
23:31I've been pig-headed about Laurie
23:33and I don't even know if he's got anything to do with it.
23:36And Hathaway has his doubts still.
23:40This is not your fault.
23:42You do know that, don't you?
23:55You stole Brendan Ward's wallet for his ID card
23:58so you could gain access to Thames Marsh.
24:00How come nobody noticed?
24:02Oh, Wilkins knew.
24:05He was happy to turn a blind eye for his master.
24:08He'd say black was white for Laurie.
24:11That's the kind of power he has over people.
24:14And you visited a total of...
24:1615 times. Why?
24:19I've told you lot before.
24:21I'm writing about him.
24:24A new rook would never grant me access.
24:26Did you at any point discuss the murders of PC Mark Travis
24:30and the attempted murder of DS Lizzie Maddox?
24:37It wasn't him. I will repeat the question.
24:39Did you at any point discuss the murder of PC Mark Travis
24:42and the attempted murder of DS Lizzie Maddox?
24:44We didn't have to, really.
24:46He had nothing to do with it.
24:49You sound disappointed.
24:51They say you should never meet your heroes.
24:55Well, seeing as you're the genius,
24:57who do you think's responsible?
25:00I wish I knew.
25:06I'd like to meet them.
25:12All right.
25:18You can judge him with theft, that's about it.
25:21Yeah, he was with friends when Travis was killed
25:24and when Maddox was attacked.
25:26Fondness for psychopaths.
25:28Nothing weird there, eh?
25:31How are things at the hospital?
25:33No change.
25:36You should go along, though.
25:38They reckon she knows who's there.
25:40Yeah, I will when this is all over.
25:42What's that?
25:44Brendan Ward's wallet. He still had it in his jacket.
25:53Neil Chadwick.
25:55Laurie's first victim.
26:01We'd been seeing each other for over a year.
26:05But Neil was married
26:08and the police force wasn't an easy place to be gay back then.
26:15When he was killed, the first I heard about it was on the news.
26:19Couldn't go to the funeral.
26:21Couldn't go to the trial.
26:24My whole world had collapsed.
26:26I couldn't tell anyone.
26:29So you took the job at college to get closer to Laurie?
26:32Actually, I didn't.
26:34I was offered the post before I knew Sally Rook was here.
26:37I couldn't tell if it was an ironic good fortune
26:39or a sick joke that she wanted me to visit him.
26:46A chance to sit face-to-face with the monster
26:49who killed the one person you love most in the world.
26:54Wouldn't you want the chance to at least ask them why?
26:59I've spent 13 years thinking of every question that I'd ask
27:04should I have the chance.
27:08And here was that chance.
27:11I could barely speak.
27:16I was scared.
27:21I felt pathetic.
27:24Like I'd betrayed Neil.
27:28But you went back?
27:31I tried a second time, yes.
27:33Told him who I am. He just laughed.
27:37Then he sent his goon with a message.
27:40Did you tell Dr Rook?
27:45To be honest, I thought she'd react in exactly the same way as him.
27:48She's hardly the most empathetic of people.
27:51Too long gazing into the abyss, perhaps.
27:54You're not a fan, then?
27:57All that alpha-beta nonsense.
28:00She's a laughingstock.
28:02In your humble opinion.
28:08Do you really think Rook could be our killer?
28:11Laurie's beta.
28:12Don't buy into all that alpha-beta stuff.
28:14She was just telling you what you wanted to hear.
28:16Which was?
28:17That Laurie was guilty.
28:18She doesn't have a motive.
28:19Doesn't she?
28:20What about his conviction being quashed?
28:22How's that a motive?
28:23She spends 13 years bandying around a theory
28:25based on his homicidal tendencies
28:27in the minute it's called into question the murder's resumed.
28:30Convenient, isn't it?
28:33Everyone's looking forward to seeing you back soon.
28:38Talk to your mum.
28:41She's flying down tomorrow.
28:42Send her love.
28:50I'm meant to keep talking to you.
28:52Supposed to help.
28:56Look, would you mind keeping it down?
28:57I can't get a word in here.
29:03I love you, Lizzie.
29:05Come back, sweetheart.
29:32I love you.
30:03You said you wanted to help.
30:05It's true.
30:07It's awful if this is happening again.
30:09Who were you really helping?
30:11I don't understand.
30:13How does Laurie's conviction being overturned affect your research?
30:18I've spent a long time studying him.
30:20The decision by the Court of Appeal doesn't change who he is.
30:24You could argue that you profited from his guilt
30:27and his innocence now debunks your entire theory.
30:30His apparent innocence doesn't make my years of research any less valid.
30:40What else would you be prepared to do to promote your theories, Professor?
30:46What are you suggesting?
30:48We wait till we get there.
30:50What's happened?
30:52Laurie, not again.
30:54It's just Dad 999.
31:01Come on.
31:09D.I. Lewis!
31:12I've got a whole armed response team here with me.
31:24D.I. Lewis!
31:30D.I. Lewis!
31:40Single blow to the back of the head.
31:42It's caught him on the occipital bone.
31:46Blunt instrument, I'd say.
31:48Blunt edge of a slater's hammer, I'd say.
31:52But he still managed to make his 999 call.
31:54It's possible.
31:56Before he lost consciousness and bled out.
32:01No sign of a break-in.
32:03He let them in himself.
32:06He knew his killer.
32:12You OK?
32:16Just not sure what to feel.
32:25I'm sorry.
32:28I'm sorry.
32:42We don't see anyone approaching the house.
32:44Nah, they knew what they were doing.
32:46Dodged the camera.
32:48Now this.
32:50Camera picked up the car approaching Laurie's place at 11.45am.
32:57Well, he certainly takes a good look.
33:03It's out of view for just over ten minutes.
33:07Before it's seen driving away again.
33:12So we've done a PNC check?
33:21James, what are you not telling me?
33:24It's Maddox's car.
33:48I just went there to talk to him.
33:55You have no idea what it's been like.
34:01How it feels to just sit around waiting.
34:09I had to...
34:11I had to do something.
34:13I... I wanted to confront Laurie.
34:17See what he had to say for himself.
34:21I recognised his place from the photos in the paper.
34:27Was he alive when you got there?
34:29Was he alive?
34:39I didn't see him.
34:45I got there parked outside.
34:53But I didn't get out of the car.
34:56I was angry.
34:58I wanted him to confess.
35:01But I was...
35:03I was too afraid.
35:06I hate this.
35:10Liz is hanging on for dear life and I'm too scared to ring on his doorbell.
35:18Why haven't you found him yet?
35:24I just want this to be over.
35:37What do you think?
35:39He's clean, forensically.
35:41Not a spot of blood on him or anything.
35:44Not a spot of blood on him or inside his car.
35:47Is it possible?
35:49What, you reckon he drove out of there,
35:51removed every trace of blood from his clothes, his skin, his car,
35:55all within minutes of leaving Laurie?
36:00No, he's got motive.
36:02God knows I wouldn't blame him, but he's not a killer.
36:05I should never have dragged him in here, poor guy.
36:08You've got every right to question him.
36:10It's not personal. He understands that.
36:12Well, it seems pretty personal at the moment.
36:15It's your job to doubt everybody and question everything.
36:27Laurie's accomplice turned against him?
36:30The slave turning against the master.
36:32What if I was wrong about Laurie?
36:34You don't really believe that.
36:36You'd be doubting me. You're right to.
36:38I should have been doubting myself.
36:40I want to go right back to the start, see what I missed 13 years ago.
36:44Let's try Laurie's place again.
36:58Forensics have been all over this place.
37:00If you could at least tell me what we're looking for, maybe I could help you.
37:03If I knew, I would.
37:05There's something.
37:07There has to be.
37:09Something I didn't find 13 years ago.
37:26From Pamela.
37:28Whenever you go, I go.
37:30Whatever you do, I do too.
37:32Dated August 2000.
37:34She's known him a whole lot longer than we thought.
37:39Call for some backup.
37:46Firearms are on their way.
37:48They'd better be.
37:59There's Carson.
38:07There's Carson.
38:13D.I. Lewis, well done.
38:15It's only taken you 13 years to work out that Graham had some help.
38:19Open up!
38:22Put that down, please.
38:38Come with me. We'll get you cleaned up, all right?
38:50He was the most handsome man I'd ever met.
38:55I was surprised he took such a liking to me. No-one else had.
38:59Little by little, we fell in love.
39:02Of course, we had to keep this secret with him being married.
39:05We'd be starting a new life, he said.
39:08A life of murder.
39:10I made the calls, he did the rest.
39:13I could have left him, I suppose, gone to the police,
39:16but the thing is, we were meant to be together,
39:19for better or for worse.
39:22Why kill Travis now?
39:26On the Monday before he was released, I went in to visit him, as I always did.
39:30Graham said he didn't want to see me again.
39:33I thought he meant before the appeal, but...
39:35He was rejecting you.
39:37I thought if I could just prove myself,
39:40show him that everything could be as it was,
39:42then he would change his mind and want me back.
39:44So you killed to attract his attention?
39:48It worked beautifully.
39:50Just like when Graham showed me.
39:52I couldn't believe how easy it was.
39:55Just one blow and down he went.
39:58Constable Travis had a six-month-old baby girl.
40:04Graham never wanted kids.
40:07That's why he liked me.
40:09I was never the maternal type.
40:13And what about Maddox? Why her?
40:15Why not?
40:17The 999 calls were getting too risky.
40:20She'd been in to question me, so I knew she was working on the case.
40:24I signed in at work and made sure I was seen.
40:28Yeah, and she survived, and Laurie is dead.
40:33He said we couldn't be seen together straight away once he was released.
40:37I reckoned you lot were so dim you were never going to work it out.
40:40You didn't even know about me and him back then.
40:43But it wasn't that.
40:47He told me it was over.
40:50He said he didn't want me.
40:53I found that very disappointing.
40:56We could have started again from where we were interrupted.
41:00After all I'd done for him.
41:03How long I'd waited.
41:05And the money I'd spent getting him free so we could be together.
41:11Then he just rejected me.
41:17I picked up his hammer, the gift he'd given to me.
41:21And I just...
41:24stopped him from leaving me.
41:31Graham hated you.
41:33He wanted everyone to know you'd failed.
41:36You failed to catch us both. You failed your dead colleagues.
41:39You failed your lovely sergeant.
41:52You know, I had no idea she even existed.
41:55You can't blame yourself.
41:57You were right about Laurie.
41:59That's something, I suppose.
42:01There's some good news.
42:03Good news, son?
42:04Lizzie's doing well.
42:06The pressure on her brain has dropped.
42:08They're taking her off the drugs and they think she should be awake tomorrow.
42:11Thank you, God.
42:22Whoa, look who's back with us.
42:25Hi, sir.
42:26Am I glad to hear you say that.
42:28Hi, Tony.
42:29So, how's the head?
42:33Yeah, it was quite a scare.
42:35I gave myself a scare, to be honest.
42:37Tension seeker.
42:40I expect you back at work on Monday?
42:43I'm touched.
42:44Oh, I forgot I got you that little something.
42:47Pork scratchers.
42:51Oh, I've missed them.
42:53Well, we've missed you too, and we want you back.
42:56Yeah, I bet.
42:59Black tea, one sugar.
43:01See, it's not done anything to my memory.
43:03I got you something, too.
43:05Kiwi fruit.
43:17Well, I didn't know she was allergic to the things, did I?
43:20You should have asked me, shouldn't you?
43:22Well, how did you know and I didn't?
43:24Because she's my sergeant.
43:28No, I'm sorry for doubting you.
43:30Ah, not at all.
43:31You're not my sergeant any more.
43:33You're an inspector.
43:34You can make your own choices.
43:36Yeah, but you were right all along.
43:39But you were right to question it.
43:40You're a good detective.
43:42A good mentor, I suppose.
43:44To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.
43:48Oh, Tennyson, look at you!
43:50Something I learned from my old mentor.
43:53That's what I like about this job, you never stop learning.
43:57I think it is time that you bought me a pint, don't you?
44:00Long overdue, canny lad.
44:02Long overdue.
44:15And just to let you know, Series 8 and Series 1-8 box sets of Lewis
44:20are both available on DVD from Monday.
44:23There's another chance to see the last in the present series of Downton Abbey.
44:27It's on ITV Player now.
44:29Also there you'll find Monday night's episode of Grantchester
44:32starring James Norton and Robeson Green.
44:35Next tonight, it's your ITV News.
