Lewis -09x04 - Magnum Opus: Part 1 & Part 2

  • 4 months ago
When College Dean Phil Beskin is found bludgeoned to death with a rock in local woodland, Lewis and Hathaway are called in to investigate.

Part 2
The team must uncover the guilty secret their victims share in order to learn the identity of not just the killer but the potential victim too.


00:00It's not only Christ who can forgive sins, so can we.
00:04Victim is a college dean, Phil Beskin.
00:06Oh my God, you did it, didn't you?
00:08It works, Karina.
00:10How is it literally possible to become as Christ?
00:13Where were you last night?
00:14I was with you all night, wasn't I, Sam?
00:15Yeah, sure.
00:16Thanks for covering.
00:17No problem.
00:18Laura's idea to be on hand for the birth of her niece's baby,
00:22mine to see a bit of the world while we're still young enough to enjoy it.
00:25Far, far too late for you.
00:27Sorry, I'd like to, but I just can't make tonight.
00:31About his tattoo.
00:32His what?
00:33Phil Beskin had the same and he's dead.
00:36The sacred art.
00:38Negredo being the first stage of the great work.
00:42The magnum opus.
00:43Well, this could be just the beginning.
01:24looks like she was strangled and then tied to the post.
01:27Holding her body in place so the river washes continually over her.
01:32Educated guess between 12 and 4am.
01:34There's a head wound, but I'll know more after the post-mortem.
01:37Great, more alchemy.
01:41So the pattern's the same, but this time they came by boat.
02:28the victim, Annapurna Kinnison, is a linguistics lecturer.
02:32Just waiting to speak to her head of department.
02:35Check out her movements yesterday.
02:36Her husband's already said she went for a drink at the Waterman's with Jay Fennell.
02:41Okay, let's set up a search along the riverbank between here and there.
03:27both of us were out in the open, theatrically staged.
03:34Staging may be sophisticated, but the manner isn't.
03:37Phil Beskin batted over the head with a rock.
03:39Annapurna Kinnison strangled.
03:42Crude, angry act.
03:44Is this somebody on a moral crusade who thinks Annapurna Kinnison
03:49needed to be purified?
03:50If so, why?
03:51What had she done?
03:52What had Phil Beskin done?
03:54Well, in terms of the great work, we've had Negredo and Albedo.
03:58The third stage is the Trinitas, associated with the male gender,
04:03the sun and yellow, if that's any help.
04:07Very nice.
04:08I gather one of our key suspects in this case is a student,
04:11Nate Hedison.
04:12You were keeping tabs on him, I believe.
04:14Yes, and I lost him, sir.
04:15To be fair, we don't know if there's any link between Nate Hedison and Annapurna Kinnison.
04:22Actually, we do.
04:23According to Lizzie, Mrs Kinnison's head of department just called to confirm
04:26Hedison as one of her students,
04:28until she kicked him off the course a few days ago.
04:32Just find him.
04:36Never mind, Moody.
04:38Listen to me.
04:38Get yourself home and get cleaned up.
04:40No, I need to speak to Hedison.
04:42Well, why don't you do that with Maddox?
04:43Get home, have a shower.
04:45You're at the right state and you're starting to stink.
04:53Hey, now.
04:58How could you do that?
05:01We waited for ages.
05:02I hate that place.
05:04He was waiting for us, for you.
05:05You're not exactly the white heat of academic endeavor in here, is it, lad?
05:25What do you want?
05:27Well, you can start by telling us why you got booted off your linguistics course.
05:32You're the detective.
05:35Too much like hard work and the tutor did my head in.
05:39Yeah, Mrs Kinnison, I believe.
05:42Were you angry that she kicked you off?
05:44I've never been happier.
05:46Hanging out at the Blue Rondo two nights in a row can't help your studies.
05:50Last night, you arrived at 10.45.
05:52You've been following me or something?
05:54Two nights ago, you settled your bill just before midnight and then you left.
05:57Whereas you told us you were there all night.
06:00What time did you leave last night?
06:02He left about 1.30.
06:06With me?
06:11Can anyone vouch for your being there?
06:16This help?
07:05Let me see.
07:10Not here, Sam.
07:11Someone might see.
07:19You shouldn't have to do this.
07:22You barely know me, Sam.
07:23But I'm working on it.
07:25I wouldn't if I were you.
07:28Now go on, get lost.
07:36Someone looks happy.
07:44I need a favour, though.
07:46Can I take half a day?
07:47Nate's taking me punting, don't you know?
07:51I hope you know what you're doing.
07:53I do.
07:54We made up.
07:56Oh, can I, please?
07:59You can get us a brew first, Skyber.
08:06Mr. Kinnison?
08:55The blood is from a fishing trip.
08:58I caught my arm on a fishhook.
09:01We'll need to get forensics to check.
09:04Where were you last night, Mr. Kinnison?
09:07Here all evening.
09:08Your wife had a tattoo.
09:10As did Phil Beskin.
09:11As does Jay Fennell.
09:12Do you?
09:14Am I right in saying it's a symbol of a mystical order
09:16created by Charles Williams
09:18called the Companions of the Co-inherents?
09:20Have you revived the order?
09:25We're going to need a list of the members.
09:28We think you might all be being targeted.
09:31You're in danger.
09:34Okay, there's about a dozen of us.
09:38We vowed not to talk about it.
09:40Can you think of someone who might have opposed the revival?
09:44Someone who was thrown out?
09:47You argued with Phil Beskin.
09:49I'm publishing some rare writings of Williams.
09:52Phil didn't think I should.
09:53It's no big deal.
09:55And Corina Beskin, is she a member of your group?
09:57Does she have the tattoo?
10:01No, Corina's not interested.
10:04We know that Dux Kinison had a spat with Phil Beskin.
10:10We just found blood on his boat.
10:12Obviously, whatever he says about it.
10:14Why kill his wife?
10:15They may have had their means, but no motive that we know of.
10:18And what is the motive for targeting a bunch of seemingly spiritual people?
10:22Even spiritual people get messed up sometimes, don't they?
10:27They've all got secrets, skeletons.
10:29We should be delving into their past.
10:31What about Lou Theresa?
10:33He's not a fan of Williams.
10:36He's also got the alchemy link.
10:38Yeah, that's a good point.
10:39He's definitely hiding something.
10:40He dedicates all his books to someone called Chen.
10:42Actually, Maddox, do you mind doing a name check on Chen for me?
10:50A word.
11:02I asked Hathaway for a full report on the investigation on my desk this morning.
11:07Two words.
11:09Investigation ongoing.
11:11He was never great at paperwork.
11:16Hello, yes.
11:17Um, Corina Beskin.
11:19I had a couple of questions.
11:20He has a problem with authority and a blatant disregard for status.
11:24As do all good detectives.
11:27I learned that from the best.
11:29And this is eight years ago?
11:30No, no, you've been very helpful.
11:32Thank you.
11:34I had hoped that your presence might help.
11:39Part of your reaming, you know, like a father figure.
11:42Father figure?
11:43With all due respect, sir, I'm a detective.
11:46I'm not a nanny.
11:48Anyway, I'm going to be away for six months soon.
11:50How do you think Hathaway's going to cope in your absence?
11:52He'll be fine.
11:54He better be.
11:55Or I'm going to have to bring someone else in.
11:57What do you mean, someone else?
11:58I don't know.
12:00But signs can shift, can't they?
12:22Sorry to have to inform you that Anna Panikin is to be found murdered this morning.
12:30An alchemic symbol was found with her body.
12:32Do you know anything about that?
12:39You see, I checked with your college.
12:42Yes, you're a scout.
12:44But you also studied here.
12:46Double firsts in theology, PhD, fellowship,
12:49and then eight years ago it all just unravels.
12:51And now you need to tell me why.
12:55I had a crisis.
12:59A faith.
13:00It happens.
13:02Is that why you're not in your friends' group?
13:14Do you know of any reason why anyone would want to harm Anna Panikin and your brother?
13:21Do you know of any disagreement between your brother and Dax Kinison
13:24about some unpublished Williams writings?
13:26Tell me now.
13:27It wasn't writings.
13:30They fell out over a ritual.
13:34A ritual.
14:08What happened?
14:09I've just seen Mr. Kinison.
14:10Trey got knocked over, that's all.
14:12No big deal.
14:14He's upset about Anna Perna.
14:16We all are.
14:19Why did he want to see you?
14:21Is he scared?
14:22Because he's a potential target, is that it?
14:25Because we can protect you if it is.
14:27No, no.
14:27I don't want that.
14:30He just wanted to check that Anna Perna was okay last night.
14:33And was she?
14:35More than.
14:35She was really happy.
14:37The two of you went back a long way, I gather.
14:39Before Dax.
14:41We have a shared interest in Charles Williams.
14:44Corina started an informal group and we all attended.
14:47So Corina wasn't Charles Williams but isn't anymore, is that right?
14:52Does this mean anything to you?
14:58I don't know anything about alchemical images.
15:00I didn't say it was alchemical.
15:03I've seen enough to recognize the style.
15:07Are you okay, Mr. Funnell?
15:09I'm fine.
15:10I'm just upset.
15:17Something happened to Corina Baskin eight years ago.
15:19She goes from being postgraduate prodigy
15:21to clean air and girlfriend of bin man Sam.
15:25Sam Langton?
15:26Bin man?
15:28Well, it's room cleaning etiquette, same as at Cambridge.
15:30You leave your bin out, you don't want a cleaner to come in.
15:32No bin out, cleaner comes in.
15:34Never leave your bin out, cleaner comes in a lot.
15:36Hence the nickname bin man.
15:38Maybe he's just tidy.
15:48I'll try harder with Moody.
15:50I didn't ask you to.
15:57All set for the grand tour?
15:59Counting down the days, aren't we?
16:05Annapurna kinesin.
16:07Autopsy confirms there was no water in her lungs,
16:10added to which the absence of diatoms in her blood
16:13indicate she was dead before she entered the water.
16:16Head wound?
16:17Deep traces of varnish,
16:19consistent with taking a whack in the rowing boat.
16:21But she was strangled before she was put into the boat.
16:24Maneuvering a corpse is never easy.
16:41Forensics got back about Dax kinesin's boat.
16:43The blood they found was his and his alone.
16:46And how about the riverside search?
16:47Yeah, they're doing everything they can.
16:49I will go and chase them up.
16:51Wouter Isler's dedication to Chen.
16:53It's a common Chinese surname or a Hebrew word meaning grace.
16:58As in Phil Beskin's wife?
17:00Yeah, I think he dedicates his books to her.
17:02Okay, well you speak to both of them.
17:08That's your leaflet.
17:11My dad needed some help so I gave it to him.
17:13I said call the number,
17:14speak to the person on the other end of the line,
17:16someone I knew once.
17:18And did he?
17:19No, but he kept this, funnily enough.
17:22How is your dad?
17:23Yeah, he's fine, thanks.
17:24And your sister?
17:26Oh no.
17:39Okay, if I go?
17:41Of course.
17:42Gina, be careful, yeah?
18:11I need to talk to you.
18:12No, I can't right now.
18:15The police?
18:17No, wait, okay, let's, let's meet.
18:22Sorry, I've got to go.
18:34Dr Isler, why have you dedicated all your books to another man's wife?
18:41Grace Beskin?
18:43No, don't be ridiculous.
18:44I'll just go and ask her then, shall I?
18:49Okay, why should I be ashamed?
18:52I fell for Grace some years ago.
18:55Sadly, it's not a feeling that's reciprocated but I live in hope.
18:59Are you having an affair with her?
19:01No, if only.
19:02Grace won't countenance such a thing.
19:04Or maybe those chances are being improved in light of Phil Beskin's death.
19:11Seemingly not.
19:13How well do you get on with Anna Perna Kinnison?
19:16We're not close.
19:30First Phil, then Anna Perna.
19:32I know.
19:34Two down, two to go.
19:36If it's connected.
19:37Of course it's connected.
19:38Once as a coincidence, twice as a vendetta.
19:41Who by?
19:42We're the only ones who know what happened.
19:44Which means it's either me or you.
20:41Police, please.
21:06I might not have been having sex within my marriage,
21:13but that doesn't mean it's okay to have sex with someone else.
21:16But you do have feelings for Dr Iser?
21:19Yes, although since Phil died, they're mainly feelings of guilt.
21:24Given his feelings for you, do you think his frustrations could drive him to other extremes?
21:33Please, God, I hope not.
21:35Oh, that's great.
21:36If he wants to talk, tell Mr Fennell at DI Hathaway and I'll be right over.
22:05Yeah, Robert.
23:06Find out who owns the boat.
23:20Where had you been?
23:23Uh, to meet Nate.
23:25We were meant to go punting, but he didn't turn up.
23:28So Nate knew that you weren't in the shop.
23:30Where is he now?
23:31Do you know, Jay wanted to say something to us.
23:33Do you know what it might have been?
23:36Early when Mr Kinnison kicked off.
23:37What was that really about?
23:43He said his wife had been killed and he wanted to know what happened.
23:48Happened when?
23:51Um, Jay wouldn't say, ages ago.
23:55And Mr Kinnison flipped out, shouting he was gay.
23:59Mr Kinnison flipped out, shouting he was carrying his wife's guilt.
24:02And he wanted Jay to tell him why.
24:11Signed of a struggle.
24:13No quote or image this time.
24:15Much messier.
24:17It's interesting what she says about guilt.
24:20Williams was into a process called substitution,
24:22where you take on other people's burdens,
24:24transferring them literally onto yourself.
24:26How do you do that?
24:29What did you mean when you were carrying your wife's guilt?
24:36Her guilt for what?
24:37I don't know.
24:38Come on, it's about the ritual, isn't it?
24:40Alleviating people of their burdens.
24:42And I was haunted by guilt for something that happened in her past before I met her.
24:46I relieved her from that.
24:48From what though?
24:50What happened?
24:51I've no idea.
24:54Did you ask?
24:55A thousand times.
24:56Well, this event from her past, did it also involve Phil Beskin and Jay Fennell?
25:01Yes, but it's their secret.
25:04And what happened to Corina Beskin eight years ago is her secret.
25:06What does it have to do with alchemy?
25:11I have no idea.
25:14Mr Kinnison, may I see the ritual, please?
25:19Might be relevant.
25:21Any word on that boat or Nate Hedison's whereabouts yet?
25:30Okay, Lizzie, listen.
25:32Take uniform, see if you can find Sam Langton.
25:35He might know where Nate is.
25:39Nah, well, Hathaway's just getting some religious uplift.
25:44Did the entire group perform the ritual?
25:47Not Jay.
25:48Phil a while ago, and Anna yesterday.
26:04Where have you been? I've been worried.
26:06Oh, uh, I just got caught up.
26:09Jay's dead.
26:12Somebody killed him.
26:15What's that?
26:16Nothing, it can wait.
26:25You're breaking up with me?
26:27Sorry, we're not going to work.
26:30No, we said we'd try.
26:32There's someone else at the club.
26:36Mr Hedison, we need to talk to you.
26:43That was promise relevant.
26:45Phil had done the ritual, Anna Perna had done the ritual,
26:48and as a result, both of them are forgiven.
26:51This is about forgiveness.
26:53It's got nothing to do with alchemy.
26:55So somebody wasn't happy about them being forgiven.
26:59What about Jay Fennell?
27:01Has he done this ritual thing?
27:04Apparently not.
27:07Can you let them know?
27:10Where were you this afternoon between one and three?
27:13Trying to pluck up the courage to do what I've just done.
27:15With a new girlfriend, more like.
27:17Ah, when I said I was at the club with him, I wasn't.
27:21I went there, but I couldn't find him.
27:36May Hedison's alibi's just fallen through.
27:37Gina Dawn was lying for him.
27:39Back in the frame.
27:40As is Corina Beskin.
27:42I just spoke to forensic.
27:44They found muddy boot prints in that boat.
27:46Mud thick with limestone.
27:48Which is important, why?
27:50Oxford's built on clay.
27:52You have to go right out almost to Burford to find the limestone stuff.
27:56Also, tissue fibres from the head wound match.
27:59So Anna Perna Kinison was definitely in that boat.
28:03Both boats registered to Phil Beskin.
28:05What are you thinking, Grace Beskin?
28:07She says she and her husband hardly used them, but Corina does.
28:10She used to row for the university.
28:12I row every morning.
28:20Helps to burn off some of my tension.
28:24What is it?
28:30We know about the ritual and we know what it does.
28:37What we don't know is what happened eight years ago
28:40between you and your brother and Mrs Kinison and Jay Fannell.
28:45All of whom are now dead.
28:47Which means either you're guilty of multiple murder or you're in real danger.
28:56Why didn't Jay do the ritual?
29:00Because he just didn't feel the need to.
29:06There are many ways of forgiving yourself.
29:09Simple faith?
29:12Jay felt those things more than the rest of us.
29:17My brother and Anna Perna needed something else.
29:20Something more.
29:23What about you?
29:25I don't think you can magic those things away.
29:28We just want to find out who killed your friends before something else happens.
29:35You could be next.
29:38If that's what it takes.
29:41I'm processing full background checks on all the victims but eight years ago?
29:47It's gonna take a while.
29:49Okay, I'll catch up with you.
29:51I'll see you there.
30:15Hi, it's James.
30:18Can I come see you, Father?
30:23The cause of death, stab wound to the chest.
30:28Yellow thrown on him afterwards.
30:30To symbolize the coming of enlightenment and to mirror the sun, apparently.
30:35Japanese Yakuza needle inserted beneath the xiphoid process at the base of the sternum,
30:41straight into the heart.
30:42A death wouldn't have been immediate.
30:44The needle's been forced straight through the center of the tattoo.
30:50Somebody is not a fan.
30:54Dr. Eisler, Grace Beskin.
30:56There's one more stage.
30:58Rubedo, meaning completion, redness.
31:02Redness and blood.
31:32A while since we've seen you.
31:4417 years.
31:46I would have thought you would have given up in that time, Placid.
31:52Still running?
31:54Oh, you know, funny thing, Faith, isn't it?
31:58Actually, I meant still running.
32:00Oh, um, no.
32:03I, uh, I'd say I'm rowing at Cambridge.
32:06You were good at cross country.
32:08That's probably down to all those extra morning runs you sent me on as punishments.
32:13There is that.
32:16So you became a policeman.
32:18For my sins.
32:19Yeah, a very good one, I gather.
32:21Oxfordshire police.
32:24And a detective inspector now, I hear.
32:28All that discipline, you see.
32:31What do you mean, you hear?
32:34Your father told me.
32:37How is he?
32:39Why are you talking to my father?
32:41You told him to come and see me.
32:43Yeah, years ago.
32:45Indeed it was.
32:46He kept coming.
32:48More after your mother died.
32:51What for?
32:53That's between me and him, really.
33:00Dad's, um, not well.
33:03I said he's, um, losing his mind.
33:09I, um...
33:12He came to talk about you.
33:15How he felt bad about being a distant parent.
33:18That it was too late to turn back the clock.
33:21How he wished you and Nell saw more of each other.
33:31I can't believe he came.
33:36I'll come and have some breakfast.
33:40It's day for our conference.
33:42You'll like it.
33:43A series of lectures about Giordano Bruno.
33:46Hero or heretic?
33:49Hero, surely.
33:55What sort of conference is it?
33:57An esoteric conference.
33:58A joint venture with another spiritual group.
34:01We provide the theology, they bring the mystery traditions.
34:07Do you have a computer and wi-fi here?
34:09We're monks, James.
34:11Not cavemen.
34:12Come on.
34:22There was a conference in the Tickenham area near Bristol eight years ago.
34:26Check with local pod for any incidents reported.
34:28Around November time.
34:40I figured the link.
34:42Alchemy is an esoteric tradition.
34:44Williams believed in an esoteric form of Christianity.
34:47There are conferences on this stuff.
34:48This one about a Christian mystic called A.E. Waite.
34:52He influenced Williams and he wrote on alchemy.
34:54Two talks.
34:55Guess who was at them?
34:56Phil Besker and Aparna Kinnison.
34:59Here we go.
35:02Fatality recorded a car accident.
35:06Francis Fisher was knocked over and all of our four were in the car.
35:09All right, was there a police investigation?
35:11Yeah, and an inquest.
35:12The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death
35:15because they weren't charged with it.
35:16There was nothing on the system.
35:17Someone disagreed with the verdict.
35:19Okay, so let's do a check on Fisher.
35:21Find out if he was married, where he lives and if he had any children.
35:23Under occupation, it says he was a practicing alchemist.
35:44Grace said you'd be here.
35:47How about Francis Fisher?
35:54If the death was ruled accidental, why do you feel so guilty?
35:58Why do you think?
36:01Because they got it wrong.
36:04According to the inquest, your brother was driving a car late...
36:09No, no.
36:10I was...
36:13I was drunk.
36:16We'd spent the evening in the pub.
36:20When I reached the grounds...
36:23I turned the headlights off.
36:25We'd been warned not to stay out late
36:27and I was trying to sneak back in without being seen.
36:30We were showing off, mucking about.
36:35Phil had been surfing on top of the car.
36:37He was skedding through the back window.
36:39Anna was laughing, I was laughing.
36:41Jay was pushing Phil to the front seat and then...
36:47Out of nowhere.
36:49I didn't even see him.
36:51How come you weren't charged?
36:57We know.
37:00Phil said he was driving and weirdly he was under the limit.
37:04We didn't mention the headlights.
37:07So you got away with it and all agreed not to tell anyone?
37:13We were all haunted by it but...
37:18The others found Williams.
37:22And his concept of forgiveness.
37:25You couldn't, could you?
37:30My faith...
37:33Or my guilt...
37:35Wouldn't let me.
37:38Never will.
37:40So who else knows?
37:42Fisher's dead, who else is there?
37:47I have no idea.
37:56Widowed, but there were two sons.
37:59Elder one, Leslie, in the Royal Marines,
38:01currently on exercise in Canada and younger son, John.
38:05Age of the younger son?
38:08Nate Hedison.
38:10Can we check if Fisher was black, please?
38:15Hedison lied about his movements on both nights.
38:18He got Gina out of the tattoo shop on the promise of Ponce.
38:21I think he's changed his name.
38:23He's gone to the college where Phil Beskin worked.
38:25He's enrolled on Anna Pernikinson's course, befriended Gina in order to meet Jay.
38:30What about the boat?
38:31Phil Beskin could have told him about it.
38:35He got close to each and every one of them.
38:49We met at the Blue Rondo a while back, but honestly,
38:56something only happened between us two nights ago.
38:59Mr. Kinison?
39:01I'm bisexual.
39:03Anna knew somehow we made it work.
39:05The night Phil Beskin was murdered?
39:08Nate was with me in a hotel.
39:11We went there straight after the club.
39:13I can give you the name.
39:14We didn't see each other the next night.
39:17I went to the club, but then I got your message that you weren't coming,
39:20so I headed back to college.
39:21Why didn't you meet Gina?
39:23Dax needed me.
39:26We met at a chapel.
39:28Nate, did anyone else know that you were taking Gina punting?
39:33I don't know. Sam?
39:36Sam Langton?
39:38So he would have known that Gina wasn't at the tattoo parlor?
39:41Did he know Jay?
39:43Uh, he was the person that first took me to the parlor.
39:46That's how I met Gina.
39:47And what about Anna Purnish?
39:49She wasn't his regular tutor?
39:50Not officially.
39:52She'd agreed to tutor his dissertation.
39:59Uh, Fisher was Caucasian, and Nate had his parents check out.
40:04What about Sam Langton?
40:07Uh, funded by a trust.
40:12Home address, The Forge, Vulcan Lane.
40:15Outside Burford.
40:17Where the limestone is.
40:42Oh, my God.
41:00Where's Sam?
41:01I don't know.
41:02Did he tell you who he was?
41:04What do you mean?
41:06Stay here.
41:18Dad used to love out here.
41:20Hour after hour, practicing his alchemy.
41:23Is this really what your dad would have wanted?
41:26I'll never know.
41:31You've lived all alone here ever since, what, you were 13?
41:37I live with my brother till a couple of years back.
41:39So he took his anger elsewhere.
41:43Say sorry to Gina.
41:44Here's her phone.
41:46Who are you hoping to kill with that?
41:48She is nothing like the others.
41:50Because she can't forgive herself?
41:51Well, yes.
41:52It's not for them to decide when they're forgiven.
41:54Yeah, but it's not for you either.
41:57This isn't a spiritual process.
41:59This is about you playing judge and jury.
42:01No, there has to be justice.
42:03So what's the plan if Karina's to live?
42:07Then it's finished.
42:08I complete the fourth stage.
42:09No, no, just wait.
42:13Think about it.
42:13It isn't over, Sam.
42:17You see, she's never going to let herself off the hook.
42:18But you can.
42:19If you truly love her, you can release her.
42:26I forgive you.
42:28You forgive me for what?
42:32For killing my father.
42:43What have you done?
42:47You killed my brother and my friends.
42:55I just miss my dad so much.
43:13Well done, James.
43:16Thank you, sir.
43:18You were right.
43:19He'll be fine without you.
43:29You coming for a drink?
43:29Robbie's buying.
43:31Oh, I would do, but I've got a girl's night.
43:34Another one?
43:34I know.
43:37Oh, hey.
43:41Oh, Bex.
43:42You've met Bex before, haven't you?
43:45Bex is my new next door neighbor.
43:47Her husband is away also.
43:49So we've been keeping each other company.
44:05There you go.
44:11To your travels.
44:13I haven't gone yet.
44:18It's all right.
44:19You can admit it.
44:20Admit what?
44:21Well, you're going to miss me very, very, very much.
44:24As if.
44:29Have you made up with your sister yet?
44:32The peace process has begun.
44:33We are spending the weekend at a retreat in Alchester Abbey.
44:37A retreat?
44:39To get any good books?
44:42What if she doesn't like it?
44:44She'll do a nut.
44:45No, she won't.
44:47It is a silent one.
45:01Well, if you're in the mood for more drama tonight,
45:02our new series, Jekyll and Hyde, is there to catch up with any time on ITV Player
45:07ahead of the new episode on Sunday at 7.
45:09And there's more new drama Thursday at 9 in Unforgotten.
45:12Over on ITV Encore, a case is about to get personal for DCI Banks,
45:16while here the latest ITV News at 10 is next.