• last year
Mullana peer ajmal


00:00Hazrat Fuzail bin Ayyaz was a dacoit and not just a dacoit, he was a leader of dacoits.
00:06He said that his way was that he would attack in the form of a whole caravan and people would get scared.
00:13If Fuzail bin Ayyaz's dacoits attacked, they would not be spared.
00:17One day he was passing by and he was reciting a verse.
00:20Do not despair of Allah's mercy. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.
00:30No doubt, He will forgive all sins.
00:33He said that this had an impact on his heart.
00:36He had to accept it.
00:38He did not want to accept it. He did not want to pay attention even after reading the translation of 6,666 verses.
00:44You should make an intention.
00:46You should make the ground of your heart fertile.
00:48He said that when he heard the verse, he cried.
00:51I went to Afa Sahab and took permission from him.
00:54I entered his room.
00:55I said that you have just recited the verse that Allah will forgive all sins.
00:58The man who has been a dacoit for many years,
01:02Daughters keep crying but he has brought the wealth.
01:05Mothers keep giving alms but he has robbed it.
01:09Father, if that man repents with a pure heart, Allah forgives him.
01:15Afa Sahab said, who am I to give you a commentary?
01:19I have just recited the verse of Quran.
01:21My Lord says, Do not despair of Allah's mercy. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.
01:33Allah forgives all sins.
01:35This is what Allah is saying.
01:37Fudail bin Ayyaz said that the matter is over.
01:40When he came back, he was with me.
01:43I told him to find a new leader.
01:47Now the intentions have changed.
01:49The program has changed.
01:51Now people will taunt us.
01:53Now people will say that we have to go there.
01:56Fudail bin Ayyaz said that you have to repent and find a new leader.
02:01He did not say it superficially.
02:04He did not say repentance.
02:06He did not send a message to others.
02:08He did not give a lecture.
02:10He said it with tears, pain and heart.
02:13The rest of the people were influenced by the words of the leader.
02:17They said, we will not find a new leader.
02:21If you have committed theft, then do not repent like this.
02:24We will repent together.
02:26We will repent together.
02:29If you go there, then we will also go there.
02:32Allahu Akbar.
02:33Fudail bin Ayyaz said that he used to steal.
02:36I asked the scholars about the matter.
02:38They said that this is a matter of the laws of God.
02:41The one who has stolen will have to return it.
02:43I collected that money.
02:45I did not have all the money.
02:47I gave as much as I could.
02:49What I had eaten was left.
02:51A Jew's money was left.
02:52I went to his house.
02:53I told him that I have repented.
02:56And I am that Fudail bin Ayyaz who has stolen so much money from your house.
03:01I did not have any money.
03:03I got the money.
03:04Now you do this.
03:05Forgive me.
03:06He said, no sir.
03:08This also happens sometimes.
03:11People consider decency as cowardice.
03:14Fudail bin Ayyaz said, I will take the money.
03:17I will not forgive you like this.
03:18He said, there is no money.
03:20This is a true repentance.
03:22He said, then do this.
03:25Feed my camels.
03:27If the money is complete, then it will be fine.
03:29Yesterday he was a dacoit.
03:31He knows how to wield a sword.
03:33He knows how to wield a spear.
03:34He knows how to fight.
03:35His muscles are strong.
03:36There is no problem.
03:37But he has repented.
03:39This is the way of people who truly repent.
03:41You could have said to him,
03:42Go, I will not forgive you.
03:44He said, forgive me.
03:45You are not ready to believe.
03:47Fudail bin Ayyaz said,
03:49If you forgive me by feeding the camels,
03:52Then I am ready to feed your camels.
03:56Because Allah has to be pleased.
03:58He has to get rid of the burden of his conscience.
04:00He does not have to bow down in front of people.
04:03He has to be in front of Allah.
04:04Repentance means to bow down in front of Allah.
04:07Not in front of people.
04:09Fudail bin Ayyaz said,
04:11I will feed your camels.
04:13Why don't you feed the camels?
04:15He fed the camels for 2-4 days.
04:16One day the Jew said,
04:18This is a bag full of coins.
04:21Pick it up and give it to me.
04:23Fudail bin Ayyaz picked it up and gave it to him.
04:25When he opened it, it was full of coins.
04:28Fudail bin Ayyaz said,
04:30You said, pick it up and give it to me.
04:32Fudail bin Ayyaz said,
04:33I read a lot of Torah.
04:35I am a scholar.
04:36I read in the Torah,
04:38When Muslims truly repent,
04:41Allah will make the camels gold.
04:45Then they will make loose coins out of mud.
04:49So I was checking your repentance.
04:51I had a bag full of coins.
04:53But when you picked it up and gave it to me,
04:55Your repentance is also true.
04:57And your religion is also true.
04:59So he said,
05:01I will forgive you on the condition that
05:03I read the Kalima and became a Muslim.