Badan Bank Tanah Bekerja Sama dengan J Trust Group

  • 3 months ago
Pemerintah mendorong partisipasi investor asal Jepang, untuk berpatisipasi dalam proyek Penajam Eco City di Ibu Kota Nusantara. Kepala Badan Bank Tanah menjelaskan, kerja sama ini akan memperluas cakupan partisipasi investor asing di IKN, khususnya dari Jepang.


00:00The government has pushed the participation of investors from Japan
00:04to participate in the Eco-City project in the capital city of Nusantara.
00:09The head of the Bank Tana explained that this cooperation will expand the scope of foreign investor participation in the IKN, especially from Japan.
00:21The government again pushed the realization of foreign investment in the capital city of Nusantara.
00:25The cooperation between the Bank Tana and Gitas Group began.
00:28The cooperation is marked by the implementation of a mutual agreement between the Bank Tana and PTI Bank Gitas Indonesia TBK and PT Gitas Consulting Indonesia.
00:37The head of the Bank Tana, Parman Nata Atmaja, explained.
00:40The cooperation includes the use of one of the land areas of the Bank Tana, which is located in the northern market,
00:46especially in the location of the Eco-City IKN mining project, with a land area of ​​almost 1,000 hectares.
00:52The Bank Tana body ensures that this cooperation will increase the cooperation between Japan and Indonesia in the development of the IKN,
00:57and it is expected that Japanese investors will be able to have a certain amount of land that will be used as an investment project.
01:21Because the Bank Tana is a new body, so it needs a consultation on how it will be known in Japan.
01:31The Bank Tana itself has a total asset of 18,758 hectares, which is spread throughout Indonesia.
01:37Meanwhile, Gitas Group has many business lines in Indonesia and is believed to be an investment agency in Japan and the world.
01:44From Jakarta Reha Jopat Moai, D-Actional.
01:51Thank you for watching!
