
  • 3 months ago
00:06Friendly reminder: The effect of the Happy Bubble Ball is only one hour.
00:10No complaints or compensation will be accepted
00:15Your reminder is really timely.
00:25Uh uh
00:27Mickey Mouse
00:30You look different today.
00:38What are you doing?
00:39I don't have that habit.
00:45You are actually at the second level and third level.
00:48You are three-level complete
00:50Just a fraction of a second
00:52No wonder you are so weak.
00:54Can resist the power of the Howling Whip
00:58What is the second level third level
01:00It takes a normal person several months to cultivate and enter the vital energy into the body.
01:04Even several years
01:05And your qualifications are of low quality.
01:08In just a short time, he broke through to the second level and third stage.
01:12Although the secret book is magical
01:15But it won't improve so fast.
01:21It seems that this secret
01:22It helped me to skip the most difficult stage of entering the body with vital energy.
01:25Directly entered the second level
01:27The Wailing Whip filled up nearly three more magic circles.
01:31So it became the second grade and third level.
01:33It seems that the Howling Whip is really powerful
01:37Besides, you have been enduring the pain
01:39The body is suffocated to the extreme
01:40Combined with the secret book's skills
01:42Just now there is such an exaggerated cultivation speed
01:45You take this medicine.
01:47Take good care of your injuries these days
01:48Don't lose your life.
01:52I really don't know how to thank you.
01:56Don't worry, you'll know it soon.
02:04No one will come tonight.
02:13Chu Huanzhao is a good girl
02:16Has the potential to be a cash machine
02:18That's 14 draws.
02:22Start the lottery?
02:24Come on
02:25Start the lottery
02:34Why only the numbers are transferred but not the letters?
02:37The lottery system is currently only partially open
02:40Subsequent functions have not yet been unlocked
02:43It seems that the first three draws are given as novice gift packs.
02:46There are no restrictions
02:48Wait, I think the probability of winning was also mentioned.
02:52Isn't the normal probability of winning now
03:06Will there be another lottery draw?
03:09It's ok, the anger value is sufficient
03:11Let's start the lottery again
03:18Thank you for participation
03:20This location is not good.
03:22Oh, Ami
03:25Light bless me
03:31Thank you for participation
03:32Ah, I'm so mad.
03:34What kind of African physique is this?
03:40Sword on the Plate
03:41I would give up my next meal for a chance to win the lottery
03:55Congratulations to Xin Chunge for obtaining the recovery medicine
03:59Brother Xinchun, this joke is too old
04:01It looks similar to the blood-replenishing bottle in the game.
04:10The effect is so good
04:17La la la
04:19Why do my eyes feel hot?
04:21Hmm, should we continue the lottery?
04:23I have to stretch my muscles.
04:25get ready
04:26Hey oh ha
04:28I feel full of power at this moment
04:33This guy must have been struck by lightning.
04:50The young master kissed Miss Chu and she was still flawless
04:53Please rest assured, sir.
04:54After observation
04:56Zaun State Madness
04:57Getting rid of him is just around the corner
04:59After the event
05:00I hope you will keep your promise.
05:02Let my people go
