• 4 months ago
00:00:30I hope he doesn't mind, Eric.
00:00:56Hello, Mr. Brown.
00:00:57Hello, yes, who's that?
00:00:58Mr. Sykes.
00:00:59Yes, what is it?
00:01:01Is it all right for me to have a bath now?
00:01:03I'm constantly reminding you, Sykes, the sooner the better.
00:01:06No, but, um, in your bath...
00:01:10Oh, really, Sykes?
00:01:11Haven't the builders finished in your bathroom yet?
00:01:13No, no, no, there'll be a couple of days yet.
00:01:15And you did say that any time we were inconvenienced, we could use your bath.
00:01:18And we do stoke the boilers, and we bring our own coal, and...
00:01:21All right, all right, but you're not to leave a rim round the bath.
00:01:28We don't put coal in the bath.
00:01:31Not yours.
00:01:33Sykes, have you gone?
00:01:35No, no, I, uh, Hattie wants one after me.
00:01:38Oh, really, Sykes?
00:01:39I'm going to have a bath myself tonight.
00:01:41Shall be like a couple of hours.
00:01:43It won't be a jolly sight quicker than that.
00:01:45Yes, all right, well, it'll be a quick swill then.
00:01:47Yes, I'll leave my legs till Wednesday.
00:01:52He's hung up.
00:01:53I thought he was growling.
00:01:55I thought he was going to say no.
00:01:58Why should he?
00:01:59It's a neighbour's duty, isn't it?
00:02:00And he's a good neighbour.
00:02:01And underneath it all, he's a nice chap.
00:02:03And we pay him ten bob each a week.
00:02:05How have we got everything?
00:02:07Face towel, loofer,
00:02:17Eric, you're going to take the whole of the Sixth Fleet.
00:02:20Well, I've got a smashing battle plan.
00:02:23Why don't you do a sort of lone patrol?
00:02:26Hattie, what's the good of having a bath
00:02:28if you don't enjoy it?
00:02:30Now, just go see the coast clear.
00:02:32All right.
00:02:36Now then, dredger, battleship,
00:02:43I'm not a child.
00:02:56Thank you very much.
00:02:59Come on, Eric.
00:03:01Thank you very much.
00:03:04Come on, Eric.
00:03:26Good heavens!
00:03:27Do we see you walk all the way from here
00:03:29Good heavens!
00:03:30Do we see you walk all the way from your house dressed like that?
00:03:32Get inside.
00:03:34Somebody may see you.
00:04:03Hello, hello, hello.
00:04:05What's all this then, eh?
00:04:07It's a fine night, Constable.
00:04:09Oh, it is to some people, I suppose, yes.
00:04:11It's a bomber's moon.
00:04:15Have you lost something?
00:04:16Yes, a battleship.
00:04:22Yeah, it was in my pocket.
00:04:24Oh, a pocket battleship, eh?
00:04:27Not bad.
00:04:29Actually, it was a cruiser.
00:04:31Oh, I see.
00:04:32Now, listen, Jellicoe.
00:04:34Why don't you and I...
00:04:36Why don't you and I embark
00:04:38and set sail for the station, eh?
00:04:40Yes, I don't want...
00:04:42I don't want to go to the station.
00:04:44Just a minute, my lad.
00:04:46You've got nothing on under that dressing gown.
00:04:48That's private.
00:04:51Just as I told you, I was looking for a battleship.
00:04:54I was going to have a bath.
00:04:55What, in the front garden?
00:04:56Yes, I'm looking for the battleship.
00:04:58Oh, well, you were going to have a bath
00:05:00on the battleship, were you?
00:05:01Come along, Harry.
00:05:02Your bath's ready.
00:05:03Oh, good evening, Constable.
00:05:04Good evening, madam.
00:05:05Tell me, are you in charge of this lad?
00:05:07Will you explain to him, Cathy?
00:05:08Well, you see...
00:05:09You see, madam, he claims that...
00:05:15Oh, Hatch.
00:05:19Harry, I'm so sorry.
00:05:21Dada made chips.
00:05:24Now, look, madam.
00:05:25I suggest you take Jellicoe indoors
00:05:27and before he gets his death account.
00:05:29Do you know?
00:05:30I'll run some more hot water in.
00:05:33Her back's broken.
00:05:35I don't know.
00:05:36She walked in there all right.
00:05:38Oh, no, the dreadnought.
00:05:40Look at that.
00:05:41Oh, that thing.
00:05:42Oh, yes.
00:05:43Now, look.
00:05:44Why don't you just go inside,
00:05:45have a nice, warm bath,
00:05:46and leave all that stuff to the admiralty, eh?
00:05:48Leave it all to the admiralty?
00:05:50Where would we be if we'd left it to the admiralty?
00:05:52We're an island race.
00:05:53It's our heritage.
00:05:54We've got salt in our tang.
00:05:58What do you have in your bath?
00:06:00Ducks, I'll bet.
00:06:01Now, listen, sir.
00:06:02When I have a bath,
00:06:03I don't have one to muck about with toys.
00:06:05I have a bath because I need one.
00:06:16Ah, as crack as he is.
00:06:17No, man.
00:06:18I'll get him one of these days.
00:06:20I've got as much salt in my tang as he has in his.
00:06:29Well, it's absolutely sickening.
00:06:31He's been in there nearly an hour and a half,
00:06:34and tries to enable him
00:06:35and get the get-together feeling.
00:06:37And I was merely taking a bath before.
00:06:40Absolutely sick of the whole business.
00:06:42I'm not going to put up with it much longer.
00:06:44I can't do that.
00:06:46Just never forget,
00:06:49I'm a brown.
00:06:51Mr. Brown, that's very dangerous.
00:06:53I've never fallen off a chair before.
00:06:56Even if I am the last of my line.
00:06:59Mr. Brown, I don't really want a bath.
00:07:02You can have my turn.
00:07:04You can have my turn.
00:07:05Queuing up for the bath.
00:07:07This place gets more like a workhouse every day.
00:07:09I'm sorry.
00:07:10It's all my fault, really.
00:07:11If I hadn't trodden on Eric's battleship,
00:07:13the war at sea would have been over by now.
00:07:15Well, it's all so ridiculous.
00:07:17Every time I bang on the door,
00:07:18all I get is boasts and whistles,
00:07:20foghorns and cries of man overboard.
00:07:24A grown man in his bath?
00:07:26Imagine it.
00:07:27I'm not in the habit of imagining
00:07:29grown men in their bath.
00:07:41Oh well, another job done.
00:07:47Come on.
00:07:54I hate mothers.
00:08:07You'll be a little lovely.
00:08:17Poor old Pluto.
00:08:19Look at that face.
00:08:21Looks horrible.
00:08:22It's like Jekyll and Hyde.
00:08:24What's the matter now, Eric?
00:08:27Have you been using my Pluto soap?
00:08:30You left it in the water, remember?
00:08:32Oh no.
00:08:33This has been used.
00:08:34If I'd left it in the water,
00:08:35it would be shapeless all over, wouldn't it?
00:08:37It's only his face that's gone.
00:08:40No, Harry.
00:08:41It was laid down in the water.
00:08:43Oh, Hattie.
00:08:44If you want to use my Pluto soap,
00:08:46get one of your own.
00:08:48I haven't touched your flipping Pluto.
00:08:51All right, all right.
00:08:52Its face just withered away.
00:08:54You left it in the water.
00:08:57Well, why aren't his haunches soft?
00:09:02I don't know.
00:09:03Perhaps it was wearing grease or something.
00:09:05Oh, Eric.
00:09:07Next time you see that girl,
00:09:08let it be something important.
00:09:11Pay extra to have a little bit of Pluto soap
00:09:13one wash and it's gone.
00:09:15If that's not important,
00:09:16I don't know what is.
00:09:18He looks horrible.
00:09:19Well, I'm not contacting the person with that.
00:09:30And now.
00:09:34They left Scapa Flow at dawn.
00:09:38Often with baboon defenses.
00:09:44Let go for it.
00:09:45Let go out.
00:09:48Meanwhile, in a fjord.
00:09:56I told you it was a good time out.
00:09:59I told you it was a good time out.
00:10:17Yeah, it's good.
00:10:25Yeah, it's right.
00:10:31Not overboard.
00:10:32Leave him.
00:10:48Well, that got through the net all right.
00:10:52Return to base.
00:10:59Oh, yeah.
00:11:06That's it.
00:11:12What is it now?
00:11:15Can you get Mr. Brown?
00:11:17Oh, not again.
00:11:19Yes, my toe.
00:11:22I don't like to ask him.
00:11:24Are you sure your toe's stuck in the tarp?
00:11:26Yeah, of course I'm sure it's stuck in the tarp.
00:11:28Well, I'm sitting here facing it.
00:11:31It's right there.
00:11:32Oh, look.
00:11:33How do you go?
00:11:34The water's getting cold.
00:11:35Well, how can I help it?
00:11:36It's tuck up the hot water tap.
00:11:39I was asking to bring a sweater hat.
00:12:39What the dickens is going on in here?
00:12:42Oh, Mr. Brown.
00:12:46It's Eric.
00:12:47What's the matter with him?
00:12:50It's his toe.
00:12:52You don't mean to tell me he's got that toe stuck in the tarp again.
00:12:55It's only a little bit stuck.
00:12:57It took me two hours to get it out last week.
00:13:00Oh, well, it won't take you a minute now.
00:13:02You've got the hang of it.
00:13:04Yes, I know.
00:13:06The point is, why does he want to put his toe up there
00:13:08in the first place?
00:13:10It doesn't get much far now, does it, Matt?
00:13:27Who is it?
00:13:29Oh, uh, come in.
00:13:32Really, Sykes, this is a ridiculous situation to be in.
00:13:34Why do you have to put your toe in the tap in the first place?
00:13:37Well, it drips, you see.
00:13:39My taps do not drip.
00:13:41I had new washers fixed last week.
00:13:43Your washers drip, then.
00:13:44Well, now they do.
00:13:53I can't budge it at all.
00:13:59You'll never be able to dance again.
00:14:01Don't pay for the drama of it, Sykes.
00:14:03Now, when I hit, you pull.
00:14:25Mr. Brown, I'm sorry, look, why don't you try a gentle little...
00:14:28Wait a minute, no!
00:14:30Try and flush it out.
00:14:32Yes, that's quite a good idea.
00:14:33I know.
00:14:36You knew that was going to happen, didn't you?
00:14:38Get to work!
00:14:39Come on!
00:14:40Come on!
00:14:41Come on!
00:14:42Come on!
00:14:43Come on!
00:14:44Come on!
00:14:45Mr. Brown, help me get my brother!
00:14:47Betty, go and get the ambulance PCC.
00:14:50Why should I need to get my brother?
00:14:52Go and get the plumber.
00:14:53He lives across the road.
00:14:54Hurry up before he breaks my toe!
00:14:56Really, Sikes, this is too much.
00:14:57Here you are, a guest in my bath,
00:14:59and all you do is to take advantage of it.
00:15:01As I told you last week,
00:15:03taps are for water, not for toe receptacles.
00:15:07I can't understand it.
00:15:08It's the same tap.
00:15:09Well, you must have put on weight, then.
00:15:11I haven't.
00:15:12I've lost a couple of pounds.
00:15:13Well, you put weight on your toe, then.
00:15:15I'm not in the habit of weighing my toe separately.
00:15:19Sikes, I don't like your attitude.
00:15:22Well, it's silly, isn't it?
00:15:23I blame you for having a toe that can't speak.
00:15:25Yes, it may be,
00:15:27but you should never have shoved it up in the first place.
00:15:29Now, because of your insatiable curiosity,
00:15:31I shall have to screw the whole thing off.
00:15:33Oh, be careful!
00:15:35It's all right, dear.
00:15:36Remember life, darling.
00:15:37Twist it over a little.
00:15:38No, no, something's giving.
00:15:39Something's giving!
00:15:44Look at that, Sikes.
00:15:46A brand-new spanner.
00:15:48This is going to cost you a packet.
00:15:50Well, you'd better lie there until the plumber comes,
00:15:52and I hope the water's cold.
00:15:54It's freezing!
00:15:57Have to be an Arctic patrol.
00:16:05And now, Bear Island.
00:16:23Sorry, Mr. Frown,
00:16:25but after all, your taps are rather small, you know.
00:16:28My taps are not small.
00:16:30I can get my own toe up there and wiggle it around.
00:16:33Well, anyway, I mean, I could if I wanted to.
00:16:36Will you kindly get off the arm of my chair?
00:16:39I've just had it stuffed.
00:16:41I wonder what's happened to that plumber.
00:16:43He's been up there for ages.
00:16:45Mr. Jones! Mr. Jones!
00:16:47Oh, there you are.
00:16:48Do you know you've been up there for nearly two hours?
00:16:51Not that I care.
00:16:53I'm going to have your bill sent in to the Sikes'.
00:16:55Now, come out of there, Sikes.
00:16:57I want my bath.
00:16:58You won't get a bath tonight, mate.
00:17:00Why not?
00:17:01Because he's in it.
00:17:02Oh, can't you get him out?
00:17:04I can get him out,
00:17:05but it would mean leaving his toe up the tap.
00:17:08Well, can't you unscrew the tap?
00:17:10Ah, some clot's been built in it.
00:17:12Ruined the thread.
00:17:14I'll have to use oxyacetylene.
00:17:16You don't use oxy anything in my bathroom.
00:17:18I've just had the walls painted.
00:17:20Well, it'll have to be dismantled and returned to the manufacturers.
00:17:23And let them do it.
00:17:25There, you've got a perfectly simple little job
00:17:27like getting some fool's toe out of a tap,
00:17:29and you want to have it sent back to the management.
00:17:31I've never heard anything so idiotic in my life.
00:17:34Give me these tools.
00:17:35I'll have it out.
00:17:36Don't let a little thing like this beat me.
00:17:51Be careful, sir.
00:18:06Thank you very much, gentlemen.
00:18:08Thank you.
00:18:16Thank you so much.
00:18:18Thank you so much.
00:18:20What's this, a stunt or something?
00:18:21It's a gross impertinence, if you ask me.
00:18:23I've been dressing him since six o'clock this morning.
00:18:26Why don't you get his trousers on?
00:18:28That is no concern of yours.
00:18:36Mr. Brown?
00:18:37What is it, Sykes?
00:18:38Well, where's the lorry?
00:18:40Well, it'll be back in about half an hour.
00:18:42In half an hour?
00:18:43Well, I could have waited inside, could I?
00:18:45I've got to get back to my job.
00:18:48Do you think I'm going to leave my house open for trace people
00:18:51and people like you to trace all over it?
00:18:53You're very much mistaken.
00:18:54Well, I could have seen they didn't do any damage.
00:18:57Well, I wouldn't take a risk on that.
00:18:59Why, you can't even have a bath without all this happening.
00:19:03Now, I'll be going now, Sykes.
00:19:05Would you like a toe?
00:19:11Oh, never mind, Eric.
00:19:13Have a nice cup of tea.
00:19:15Don't go away.
00:19:17Now, I'll stay right here.
00:19:22Good morning.
00:19:23Good morning.
00:19:24I'm not well.
00:19:44Oh, it's you again, Junico, eh?
00:19:49I got you this time, didn't I, eh?
00:19:53No, wrong.
00:19:55This is not a vehicle.
00:19:56This is a bath.
00:19:58Oh, yes.
00:19:59So it is.
00:20:00Oh, what'll you do to me then, Admiral?
00:20:02Cast your drift in an open bath, eh?
00:20:05As a matter of fact, I'm waiting for someone.
00:20:07Oh, it's a two-seater, is it?
00:20:10Oh, it's a two-seater, is it?
00:20:13Now, get this out of here.
00:20:14Come on.
00:20:15I can't get it out of here, can I?
00:20:17Look, I'm attached.
00:20:18No, it's not doing any harm, is it?
00:20:21Isn't it?
00:20:22Well, suppose I turn the blind eye to it and let you stay here, eh?
00:20:26Well, in no time at all, we'll have baths all the way along the street.
00:20:30Oh, of course you won't.
00:20:32It's not very pleasant.
00:20:33In any case, the lorry'll be here in a minute.
00:20:35Meanwhile, you're causing a disturbance of the peace
00:20:38and starting a crowd to collect.
00:20:41It's only you and me.
00:20:44I can soon get some others.
00:20:47I'll get you one of these days, isn't I, eh?
00:20:50Why can't we live in peace?
00:20:53What, and do me out of a job?
00:20:54Don't talk rot.
00:20:56Oh, ha!
00:20:57Look, the lorry.
00:20:58The lorry's arrived.
00:20:59Oh, just in time, eh?
00:21:01Ha, ha, ha!
00:21:02Come on, Rowley.
00:21:03Come on.
00:21:06Oh, as you are.
00:21:08Ha, ha, ha!
00:21:09Rowley, hi, brother.
00:21:12If I just get the back down a bit, will you?
00:21:14Do you mind?
00:21:15We're just doing a hand here.
00:21:16You two can look, please.
00:21:17We want to get this bath.
00:21:18It's a bath, yes.
00:21:20Now, will you just turn around?
00:21:22Stay on here.
00:21:23Oh, thank you.
00:21:24Wait a minute.
00:21:26I'll just put it...
00:21:27Come up a bit, will you?
00:21:32Hello, driver.
00:21:33Bring the back down in.
00:21:35It's all right, Jess.
00:21:46Hold it. Hold it.
00:21:47Turn it round.
00:21:48No, that's right.
00:21:49No, we're right. No.
00:21:50No, that's it.
00:21:51Come on. Up on it.
00:21:52Wait a minute.
00:21:53That's it.
00:21:54Up, right.
00:21:56Hold it.
00:21:58That's it.
00:22:00Now, when I say one, two, three, up,
00:22:01I want you to get the bath straight into the back.
00:22:02All right?
00:22:03One, two, three.
00:22:26Well, I'm glad he's gone.
00:22:28He was getting on my nerves, he was.
00:22:32Shouldn't you have gone with them?
00:22:34It doesn't matter now.
00:23:02Couldn't get me trousers on over this.
00:23:06My sister liked a foot.
00:23:10What happened to you then?
00:23:12Got me toe stuck in the tap.
00:23:14That's a silly thing to do, isn't it?
00:23:16One born every minute, isn't it?
00:23:20It was an accident.
00:23:22You should never have stuck your tap there in the first place.
00:23:36How do you make me step then?
00:23:37Oh, good.
00:23:38Put a pound note in there.
00:23:40What's that?
00:23:41I don't know.
00:23:42Don't get me flipping the hand out, do I?
00:23:44Might be an IOU.
00:23:47It's not as silly as yours, though, mate, is it?
00:23:49Got my toe stuck in the bars, have I?
00:24:00I don't know.
00:24:25Well, I don't know.
00:24:26What happened to you then, mate?
00:24:28It's obvious, isn't it?
00:24:30I've been stuck in here since yesterday, so the missus says.
00:24:34Might be a week for all I know.
00:24:37Is it Mr. Thompson?
00:24:39Ned Kelly?
00:24:43You've got a chin like Mr. Thompson's.
00:24:52What's the weather like?
00:24:55Quite mild.
00:24:57The sun was out this afternoon.
00:24:59I thought so.
00:25:00Very hot and sticky in here.
00:25:03All right, though, when it rains, eh?
00:25:05Not wet, but loud.
00:25:13I've got my toe stuck in a tap.
00:25:17I've had that before, twice.
00:25:20I've got a bars on my hand.
00:25:22Not as bad as mine.
00:25:23That stiff will be...
00:25:24That toe will be stiff as a poker tomorrow.
00:25:26Very well.
00:25:27Nothing's as bad as mine.
00:25:29Have you ever sat watching a piece of tin for hours?
00:25:42Good on television last night, they tell me.
00:25:45I missed it too.
00:25:46I was in the bathroom, stuck there.
00:25:49What about me?
00:25:50Sat face and television and nothing but sound.
00:25:52Well, why don't you listen to the radio then?
00:25:55We always watch telly.
00:26:01He's on this side.
00:26:04That's all right, mate.
00:26:05I'll only have to go back to work.
00:26:10Maybe in Birmingham.
00:26:20Who's gone?
00:26:22Toe in tap.
00:26:26What's the doctor like?
00:26:27About five foot seven, round neck, square shoulders.
00:26:30Yes, yes, I mean Dr. Parker, he's good, he is.
00:26:37Use that singing.
00:26:38They don't like that ear, you know.
00:26:40Oh, thank you, Doctor.
00:26:41That was marvellous.
00:26:43Look at it.
00:26:44You can see colour coming back.
00:26:45I can wiggle it a bit now.
00:26:48Well, don't you do anything so foolish again.
00:26:50I won't, Doctor.
00:26:51Thank you very much.
00:27:03I'm off now.
00:27:04Wished I was.
00:27:05I say, I wish I was.
00:27:17Oh, where is he?
00:27:20Oh, Eric, thank goodness you've been come.
00:27:22I've been waiting about three hours.
00:27:24Have you got the front door key?
00:27:27Well, there's one behind the door on the string.
00:27:29Well, I asked Mr. Brown to help.
00:27:31There you are, Sykes.
00:27:33Come quickly, I've been stuck here for four hours.
00:27:37Come and open the door.
00:27:39Oh, all right.
00:27:43Ah, don't do that.
00:27:45Remember the tap?
00:27:47There's only one key and you've got your hand on it.
00:27:49Well, Eric, you'll just have to get down the coal hole.
00:27:52I'm not going down the coal hole this time of night.
00:27:54Well, I can't go.
00:27:55I'm too big, you know.
00:27:56Hurry up, Sykes.
00:27:57I'm losing all feeling in this hand.
00:27:59Oh, what about the toe?
00:28:00It tingles.
00:28:03Go down the coal hole.
00:28:04It's not seemly for a man with a bad leg.
00:28:07He said this foot hasn't got to be used for three or four weeks' time.
00:28:10And then when he does, when he...
00:28:12When he...
00:29:10Home again, home again.
00:29:13Home again.
00:29:14Home again to buy a fat pig.
00:29:18Hello, I've something to tell you.
00:29:20It's gone, hasn't it?
00:29:21The tube's gone.
00:29:22I know it's gone.
00:29:23I had a feeling in my bones.
00:29:24Those tubes are a dead robbery.
00:29:26They're guaranteed to go and only after the electricians are shut.
00:29:30I haven't switched it on.
00:29:32You haven't switched it on?
00:29:35Your eyes aren't going funny, are they?
00:29:38Eric, what did you do with the rubbish I gave you this morning?
00:29:42Well, the dustbin was full.
00:29:44I disposed of it.
00:29:47I don't know.
00:29:48I don't know where I dispose of all my rubbish.
00:29:50I disposed of it.
00:29:51You threw it over Mr Brown's front hedge.
00:29:56Mr Brown hasn't been complaining.
00:29:58It's not intentional anyway.
00:30:00I threw it up in the air so that we'd be sort of caught by the wind and dispersed evenly.
00:30:06In a biscuit tin?
00:30:11Don't tell me Brown's been complaining again.
00:30:13Eric, he went out this morning and tripped over it.
00:30:16Did he?
00:30:18It's no laughing matter.
00:30:20He is now in bed with a sprained ankle.
00:30:25Now, Mr Griffin, you go up there at once and apologise to him.
00:30:30When the programme's finished.
00:30:33It's the last episode tonight.
00:30:35How can you be so callous?
00:30:37Oh, all right.
00:30:39Now, don't upset him. He's in very great pain.
00:30:42It's the last episode.
00:30:44Oh, the last episode.
00:30:46Oh, the last episode.
00:30:50The last episode?
00:31:10Who is it?
00:31:13Oh, it's you. Come in.
00:31:17Kathy told me about the ankle.
00:31:20I'm sorry about that, Biscuit.
00:31:22You're sorry?
00:31:23Here am I, an active, virile man, cut down in my prime,
00:31:27and all because you were stupid enough to fill a biscuit tin with rubbish and throw it into my drive.
00:31:32What was wrong with the dustbin?
00:31:34Oh, you would have come a cropper over that.
00:31:38It could have been much worse.
00:31:40Oh, well, it's probably much worse than you think.
00:31:42I'm in two minds about suing you.
00:31:45Oh, you wouldn't do that.
00:31:46Wouldn't I?
00:31:48Sykes, I've tolerated your lack of social conscience for long enough.
00:31:51When it comes to endangering the lives of other people,
00:31:54well, I think you ought to be brought to book.
00:31:56Furthermore, I'll tell you this...
00:31:58Come in.
00:32:03Here you are, Mr Brown.
00:32:05I've made you a lovely scrambled egg.
00:32:07I doubt whether I can eat it all.
00:32:09Oh, well, eat as much as you can.
00:32:11Isn't there any bread?
00:32:13Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I'll go and get some at once.
00:32:16Well, I must be off. I've got a lot of work to do.
00:32:19The programme's finished.
00:32:21You should have seen it.
00:32:27The programme on telly, the...
00:32:29It was a...
00:32:32What you can't manage, just leave.
00:32:35I'm only eating to keep my strength up.
00:32:38You'll do the ankle of power good, will that?
00:32:40You'll be up and about tomorrow.
00:32:42Oh, thanks, if only that were true.
00:32:44Oh, if you only knew how I hate lying in bed.
00:32:48You must hate Sundays. You never get up before tea time.
00:32:51That's nothing to do with it.
00:32:55Haven't you got any sympathy for all the agony I'm going through?
00:32:58Oh, yes. Oh.
00:33:01Well, the sports view's on now. I must be off.
00:33:06Before you go, I wonder if you'd be good enough
00:33:08to put another lump of coal on the fire.
00:33:10Oh, certainly.
00:33:13This is empty.
00:33:14Well, you know where the coal is. It's in the basement.
00:33:19I'll be careful of that.
00:33:21It's an antique.
00:33:22It was handed to my grandfather by the Duchess of Markham.
00:33:25She must have been a strong woman.
00:33:35Miss Sykes, is that bread coming?
00:33:37Oh, thank you.
00:33:45Is he managing to eat anything, Eric?
00:33:49Just watch the plate, that's all.
00:33:52Do I let it there? I can always fish for it.
00:33:55Good night.
00:34:01Are you all right?
00:34:06He's got two more steps than we have.
00:34:12You might have a little consideration
00:34:15for the patient upstairs.
00:34:17I'll fall.
00:34:19Don't fall. Quietly.
00:34:23I've just done a hard day's work and I've got to go
00:34:25scratching about in the bowels of the earth for coal.
00:34:28I think of that television set of ours lying fallow.
00:34:35What is going on?
00:34:38Oh, it's all right, Mr Brown.
00:34:40Eric fell down the cellar steps.
00:34:42Typical. Always has to go one better than anybody else.
00:34:46Oh, no, it's just Eric's way.
00:34:48He's always bumping over things that help.
00:34:50He always bounces back for more.
00:34:52They do say, well, there's no sense, there's no feeling.
00:34:55Now, now, Mr Brown.
00:34:57Eric may not look very intelligent, but he...
00:34:59But what?
00:35:01How's your ankle?
00:35:03Oh, dreadfully painful.
00:35:07It's another twinge.
00:35:09You know, we Browns are very plucky.
00:35:12Do you know, I had all my inoculations during the war without a wince.
00:35:15Oh, Mr Brown.
00:35:17I'll just go and see what Eric's doing.
00:35:21Well, about time, too.
00:35:23I thought you'd gone down to the Rhondda Valley for it.
00:35:30Only one lump.
00:35:32That's all there was.
00:35:34Are you sure you looked?
00:35:36I spent ten minutes down there trying to find another piece.
00:35:39Well, it's getting awfully chilly in here.
00:35:42I wonder, Sykes, would you mind lending me a bucketful out of your cellar?
00:35:46Couldn't you snuggle down in bed?
00:35:48Well, if you hadn't done that with the biscuits in at the first place, I wouldn't...
00:35:51All right, all right, all right.
00:35:53Now, don't use that, please. I said it's an antique.
00:35:56After all, your coal's not very...
00:35:58Well, I mean, I always have the best coal.
00:36:01Look, we haven't got the bucket we bring ours up by the shovel for.
00:36:05I'm sure you'll find something in your house suitable for bringing up coal.
00:36:09Mr Charles Brown, supposing you did sue, how much would it cost us?
00:36:15Well, there'd be the legal fees, and then...
00:36:17All right, I'll get the coal, I'll get the coal.
00:36:32How long's this going on?
00:36:34Hello, Cliff.
00:36:36How long's this going on?
00:36:38Do you know, two hours I've been home and not one glimmer of commercial.
00:36:41Oh, well, Eric, doesn't matter, dear. I've made a cup of tea. Sit down.
00:36:45I can't. I'm still on duty.
00:36:47I'd better get a cup of coal now, some coal.
00:36:49And do you know what? We haven't got a bucket.
00:36:51Oh, yes, we have. There's an old one in the cellar.
00:36:53Well, that's a relief. I was visualising bringing it up piece by piece.
00:36:57Oh, shut up a minute.
00:37:01Yes. Oh, hello, Mr Brown.
00:37:03Well, it's a matter that I've just made a cup of tea.
00:37:05Milk and sugar. I'll bring it straight round, Mr Brown.
00:37:16He's on his way.
00:37:19I thought slavery had been abolished.
00:37:22I thought slavery had been abolished.
00:37:26Oh, thank you. Milk, sugar, tea.
00:37:29Please let it be all right.
00:37:38Oh, I'm sorry.
00:37:40Never again. I'll tell you about it.
00:37:46Come on.
00:37:52Oh, no.
00:37:57Well, I can't. Oh, I can't.
00:37:59I can't do any more. I've done all this.
00:38:11There's a hole in my bucket.
00:38:15What is going on?
00:38:17Oh, it's all right, Mr Brown.
00:38:19Mr Brown, it's gender.
00:38:26Oh, I'm sorry.
00:38:39Come in.
00:38:41What is going on in here?
00:38:43I hope your brother isn't making a mess of my house.
00:38:46Oh, no, Mr Brown.
00:38:48He dropped his fountain pen.
00:38:55It's gone. I suppose I'll have to pour it out myself.
00:38:59There's no sense of community feeling from next door.
00:39:05Oh, really, Sykes. You might have found something better than that to bring the coal up on.
00:39:11I don't think it'll scratch. I think it's one of those...
00:39:15You're not at home now.
00:39:18Well, if I'm all right, tea, I'll be going. I've got a lot of work to do.
00:39:22Sykes, I wonder if you'd ask your sister if you'd rinse out a few s'mores for me, would you?
00:39:26Yes, all right.
00:39:27Thank you. Find them in the bathroom.
00:39:29Yeah, I'll remember.
00:39:57What's this?
00:39:59He wants you to rinse out a few s'mores.
00:40:02This is the last thing.
00:40:04I'm not going to have any more. I'm going to put my...
00:40:06We're going to watch television and we're going to enjoy it.
00:40:08What about the stair carpet, Eric?
00:40:10Tomorrow, Hat. We've done enough tonight.
00:40:12Running around like...
00:40:17Mr. Brown, now look here.
00:40:19It's a...
00:40:23He wants to read a book now.
00:40:26I'll get him one.
00:40:28Well, it's the last thing. I'll tell you what.
00:40:32I'm going to tell him straight.
00:40:34This should interest him.
00:40:36What is it?
00:40:37The rise and fall of a dictator.
00:40:40Oh, Eric, be quick.
00:40:42Your life's just starting.
00:40:47That was quick, wasn't it?
00:40:51Hello, Eamon.
00:40:55Have you found the victim yet?
00:40:57He's read it.
00:40:59Oh, he's read it.
00:41:05Yes, it is a lovely morning, isn't it?
00:41:08I think I can manage two eggs this morning.
00:41:11It'll help me to get my strength back.
00:41:13By the way, has your brother come back with my newspapers yet?
00:41:18Well, he should have done. I phoned him at six o'clock this morning.
00:42:27Eric, stop looking at yourself.
00:43:39Room service.
00:43:43Oh, no. Thank you. Thank you.
00:43:45Well, good night to you, Mr. Brown.
00:43:47Thank you. Good night.
00:43:49We're finished for the night.
00:43:51Oh, thank goodness. What time is it?
00:43:54It's not yet three o'clock.
00:44:01You have peened the staircase, have you?
00:44:04You have peened the staircase, have you?
00:44:07After all, you and your brother have been traipsing up and down rather a lot recently, haven't you?
00:44:12If your brother's still there, will you tell him that my windows could do with a wash?
00:44:16He'll find a ladder in the tool house.
00:44:18In a far place, in a dreadful state.
00:44:21Oh, and by the way, while we're on the subject, is he any good with a paintbrush?
00:44:25Well, you know, the woodwork and things like that.
00:44:30I know he's got to go to work this morning, but he doesn't have to leave till 8.30, does he?
00:44:36Well, after all, I didn't ask to lie here maimed.
00:44:38Why did he do that stupid thing with the biscuit box in the first place?
00:44:42Yes, two eggs.
00:44:44Oh, yes. Oh, I'm absolutely exhausted.
00:44:47I shall have to get somebody to do my telephoning for me.
00:45:01Hold again, hold again.
00:45:03Bring in the jig.
00:45:08Yes, Mr. Brown.
00:45:10It's all right. It's me, Hat. Me.
00:45:12Oh, Eric. What's the time?
00:45:15Surely seven o'clock.
00:45:17Seven o'clock? He hasn't phoned for over an hour.
00:45:20His phone's out of order.
00:45:22No, no, it's my scheme. It's worked.
00:45:24Has it?
00:45:25What do you do? What do you do?
00:45:27Well, you see, I realised that all he wanted was company, so I fixed it.
00:45:31Mark, you're a wonder.
00:45:33I think what we'll do, we'll have supper like in the old days,
00:45:35and we'll sit and watch television.
00:45:39I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:45:40You put the chips on, I'll get the set warmed up.
00:45:42Well, you see, Eric, the thing is...
00:45:45I've taken our television set into Mr. Brown's.
00:45:49You've done what?
00:45:51You've done what?
00:45:52It has kept him quiet, hasn't it?
00:45:54Yes, but what are we going to sit and look at while we eat?
00:45:56Oh, Eric, please!
00:45:58Are we civilised people or are we slaves to the telly?
00:46:01We're not slaves to the telly, but we've got to sit and look at a piece of brown oilcloth now.
00:46:07Of course we haven't.
00:46:09We could play cards.
00:46:11Cards? Yes, we'll play cards.
00:46:13All right, we'll play cards.
00:46:14Well, I think it's a bit... Let's play Cribs.
00:46:16Well, I'd love to. We haven't played it for years.
00:46:18Now, let me... Oh!
00:46:19And let's play a hate me for a heart.
00:46:21Now, let me... Oh!
00:46:22And let's play a hate me for a hundred points!
00:46:25Oh, I locked the door.
00:46:27Oh, you didn't!
00:46:31Oh, now, let me see. I think we begin with six each.
00:46:34Six each? Well, we'll...
00:46:37We're going to be lucky. There's only 11 in all.
00:46:41Oh, I remember!
00:46:43You gave the others to the church fair for people to throw darts at.
00:46:47Well, that's that, isn't it?
00:46:49Let's play darts!
00:46:52We use the dart board to cut bread on.
00:46:56Well, we can still play darts.
00:46:58Well, what are we going to throw at you? Bread knives?
00:47:01Do you remember? We gave the darts away.
00:47:02We swapped them in the first place for the cards that we gave away to the church fair
00:47:05for people to throw darts at.
00:47:07It doesn't matter!
00:47:08I've got a marvellous idea!
00:47:11Come round. Sit down.
00:47:13Now, let's have a quiet evening listening to records.
00:47:19Oh, I'm sick of the road to Mandalay.
00:47:23We don't have to play that!
00:47:25I'm sick of the other side, too!
00:47:3220 questions?
00:47:35And the first object is animal.
00:47:37And it's lying up there in bed watching our television.
00:47:41And the first question is, when's he going to get better and get out of it?
00:47:46Eric, how can you be so inconsiderate about the sick?
00:47:51Sick? Sick?
00:47:54He's bluffing, that's what he is.
00:47:56It doesn't take four days for an ankle.
00:47:58Look at Uncle Arthur, he had a broken leg and he refused to go to bed.
00:48:02Oh, I'm not going to bed with a broken leg!
00:48:07Then he died.
00:48:11Eric, I have seen Mr. Brown turn over in bed and he wins!
00:48:17Yeah, because the bed was full of bread crumbs.
00:48:21Cake crumbs!
00:48:22I know, I know.
00:48:24What shall we do?
00:48:25I'm going to call his bluff, that's what I'm going to do.
00:48:29I'll just match a little ingenuity.
00:48:32Try and make a noise like a town hall.
00:48:36Hello, hello Mr. Brown.
00:48:38Yes, this is the town clerk speaking.
00:48:41Well, the mayor is having a little informal dinner party tonight.
00:48:44He's worshiping the mayor and he wonders if you would like to sit on his right hand.
00:48:50No, I know you've never met but he has watched you.
00:48:53And it'll be nine o'clock and could you be there at nine o'clock at the town hall for a little...
00:48:57Oh, oh, what a pity.
00:49:01Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:49:04Well, what's he say?
00:49:06Well, he said he couldn't get along tonight because he's in bed with a sprained ankle.
00:49:14Well, I hope you're satisfied.
00:49:17You expected him just to get up and go, didn't you?
00:49:21Well, it was just a try on, wasn't it? It was just a bluff.
00:49:24Eric, when you're in bed with a sprained ankle, I hope people are just a little bit more considerate to you.
00:49:30He's lined up there wallowing in it now, Wells Fargo.
00:49:34Oh, Mr. Brown.
00:49:36I'm afraid I have to go out.
00:49:39So soon?
00:49:40Well, I've been invited out to dinner.
00:49:42Oh, but your poor ankle.
00:49:44Well, I thought, oh, yes.
00:49:46And I thought the time had come, you know, to give it a little bit of exercise.
00:49:49Yeah, but the way you were going on this morning, I thought you were stuck there for the winter.
00:49:54Oh, yes, oh, nobody can go out with a sprained ankle.
00:49:58Oh, yes, oh, nobody can go out, can't he, to have dinner with the mayor.
00:50:01Well, as a matter of fact, the mayor asked me specially, made it a personal invitation.
00:50:06How did you know I was going out to dinner with the mayor?
00:50:09Just a shot in the dark.
00:50:12Mr. Brown, we must be honest.
00:50:14No, we don't.
00:50:15It was Eric who telephoned.
00:50:17Yes, ah, yes, well, no, I'll tell you what.
00:50:18Kathy and I had a little medical chat.
00:50:20And we decided the best thing for you was a shock to your system.
00:50:23Otherwise, you could have lain there and your legs would have gone useless.
00:50:26Tykes, this is outrageous.
00:50:28Yes, well, some tribesmen lie down and they never get up.
00:50:32I'm not a tribesman.
00:50:35Now, just through your inconsiderate piece of foolery, I suppose I'll have to do without my dinner now.
00:50:41Well, all I can say is you'd better start preparing one for me straight away.
00:50:45Good night.
00:50:46Oh, Mr.
00:50:49Mr. Brown.
00:50:50What is it?
00:50:51Your stick.
00:50:52Oh, oh, oh.
00:50:57Mr. Brown, would you like Eric to carry you?
00:51:02No, thank you, I can manage.
00:51:04You won't forget the food, will you?
00:51:05No, do you fancy anything in particular?
00:51:07No, no, just anything you've got in the house.
00:51:11No, anyway, I shouldn't bother.
00:51:12No, I think I'll just have a steak.
00:51:14Medium rare, carefully cooked, and a beautiful art of sausages.
00:51:22He should be emphatimized.
00:51:25Oh, I did the mistake.
00:51:26Medium rare.
00:51:27And a beautiful art of sausages.
00:51:30He'll have egg and scrape and like it.
00:51:33Eric, you just have no consideration for the stick at all.
00:51:36Think of that poor man up there fending for himself.
00:51:39Oh, he fended for himself when he thought he was having dinner with the mayor, didn't he?
00:51:43Oh, yes.
00:51:44And when I think of him now wallowing in our television.
00:51:47Now, Eric, what did we say?
00:51:49We're not slaves to the telly.
00:51:51No, you're quite right.
00:51:52My eyes are clearer tonight than they've ever been.
00:51:55I'm glad I'm missing dancing club.
00:51:58Dancing club?
00:51:59It's on now.
00:52:00But I could never sleep after seeing it.
00:52:02I could never sleep.
00:52:03My feet were going in bed.
00:52:04Chassis, promenade to the left, I was on the floor.
00:52:10And all that formation dancing.
00:52:18I'm going for a walk.
00:52:20Yes, a walk.
00:52:21Yes, a walk.
00:52:23A walk.
00:52:24Do you know why?
00:52:25Because I want to get some fresh air into me lungs.
00:52:27Fresh air.
00:52:28You're going for a walk?
00:52:29For a walk.
00:52:30Yes, I know.
00:52:31Legs before the other and the arms swinging.
00:52:33I haven't forgotten.
00:52:36A walk.
00:52:38He never goes for a walk.
00:52:40Even when we had the doggies out of the door with a ten foot lead.
00:52:45Thank you so much.
00:52:52Mr. Brown?
00:52:54Is Eric with you by any chance?
00:52:58No, I just thought he might be because television dancing club was on.
00:53:03Oh, the steak.
00:53:05Yes, I'll bring it round straight away.
00:53:09He must have gone for a walk.
00:53:13He can't have.
00:53:26It's the epilogue.
00:53:40Oh, no!
00:53:42Come down!
00:53:52Come down!
00:54:32It was a lovely day.
00:54:33And the sun was shining.
00:54:36Off they set.
00:54:37Hand in hand they walked into the wood.
00:54:41Oh, look at the birds, said Rupert, smiling.
00:54:44Yes, said Helen, and her lips were moist.
00:54:48Her lips were what?
00:54:50What were her lips moist with?
00:54:52Well, I don't know, Eric.
00:54:53Had she just had a drink or something?
00:54:55Well, you didn't say that, did you?
00:54:58Get to the wolf bit.
00:55:00Oh, please.
00:55:03Come in.
00:55:09There you are, Sykes.
00:55:10I hope it isn't too strong for you.
00:55:12Oh, I'll try and moisten me lips a bit.
00:55:15Thank you so much, Mr. Brown.
00:55:17Eric's had quite a comfortable afternoon.
00:55:21I still don't see why you had to be cleaning my windows at that time of night.
00:55:27Well, uh, we had to get through the work, you see.
00:55:31Sykes, about these damages that you were...
00:55:34Oh, they're liable.
00:55:35They're going to be considerable, you know.
00:55:37Oh, dear.
00:55:38I hope you're solvent.
00:55:40Well, I still don't see that I'm responsible.
00:55:42Well, according to our solicitor, he says it was on your premises,
00:55:47your faulty ladder, no safety precautions.
00:55:49Oh, dear.
00:55:50Yes, but the point is...
00:55:51He said it could mean imprisonment.
00:55:54Oh, well, it might not be that bad, Mr. Brown.
00:55:56It all depends whether Eric presses charges.
00:55:58Yes, it's up to me.
00:56:02I suppose it's up to me.
00:56:04Well, I merely hope when it does happen, Sykes,
00:56:06you'll remember all that I've done for you.
00:56:08Can I warm that tea up for you?
00:56:10Yes, would you, little...
00:56:11Yes, and I'd like a little chicken to pick at.
00:56:13Yes, just a minute.
00:56:14I've got a pad here.
00:56:15Yes, chicken.
00:56:16Put some coal on the fire, will you?
00:56:19Not ours, yours.
00:56:20It's better quality.
00:56:21All right.
00:56:22Oh, and just see if that book's free from the library.
00:56:25I'll go down there straightaway.
00:56:27Well, chop, chop.
00:56:28All right.
00:56:30Don't let it...
00:56:34Come on, Eric.
00:56:35Has he gone?
00:57:36Boy, boy boy!
00:57:44It's you, isn't it? You find the life, by the means, eh?
00:57:49I just thought I'd found the lost cause.
00:57:51Eric, this won't burn.
00:57:53I don't want you to burn that.
00:57:55Oh, but you've got to burn something.
00:57:57There's this stuff that's been going up in the attic for years,
00:58:00getting mouldy and attracting mice,
00:58:02and you can't keep saving everything.
00:58:04There's a lot of this stuff in here, sentimental value.
00:58:07You can't burn that.
00:58:09There's a lot of this stuff in here, sentimental value.
00:58:12You can't burn this. Look at that.
00:58:15You and me as children.
00:58:17Look at those pigtails.
00:58:19And look at mine.
00:58:23Burn that. Burn that.
00:58:25What's this?
00:58:27This is a licorice allsort.
00:58:29Oh, don't be silly, it's a top hat.
00:58:31It's not a top hat, isn't it? Because a top hat is a great...
00:58:33Oh, well, it's one of those things that, you know...
00:58:36It'd be marvellous.
00:58:38It should be a ride to the garden party, wouldn't it?
00:58:40Hello, Mr Macmillan.
00:58:42Get your OBE.
00:58:44I'll take it to the Thatchers.
00:58:46Look at this.
00:58:48A playbill.
00:58:501923, the Gator Theatre.
00:58:52Eduardo, the greatest escapologist in the world.
00:58:54Oh, now it's Uncle Edward.
00:58:56Yeah, he was marvellous, wasn't he?
00:58:58Get out of chains, upside down,
00:59:00put him in a watertight box in the tent.
00:59:02Marvellous. Died of a broken heart.
00:59:04Did he?
00:59:06Yeah, he got his head stuck in the bed rails.
00:59:08Well, that shouldn't have broken his heart.
00:59:10That didn't.
00:59:12It was having to stand for the fire brigade to get him out.
00:59:14I thought it did him.
00:59:16Look, this must have belonged to him, Eric.
00:59:18Look, it's got E.G. inside.
00:59:20That's right, that's his.
00:59:22He always used to wear this.
00:59:24Oh, quite right, he was a bit of a big head.
00:59:26It's you.
00:59:28What I meant was, he used to wear this...
00:59:30He used to go out to dinner in this at night.
00:59:32Well, in those days, people often used to go out to dinner in top hats.
00:59:34But he used to eat at Tom's Cafe.
00:59:36Do you remember that dirty little place?
00:59:38Oh, I won't tell you that story.
00:59:42Oh, right, the top hat story.
00:59:44He took me out to Tom's.
00:59:46I was only a little lad. He took me out there.
00:59:48He goes, like that, goes into Tom's Cafe.
00:59:50He says, a table for two, he says.
00:59:52Of course, you know, Tom, great slather.
00:59:54He said...
00:59:56Well, I can't tell you what he said.
00:59:58Anyway, Uncle didn't go.
01:00:00And we sat there.
01:00:02And he says, oh, well, there's some peacock's tongues,
01:00:04and a scanty's leg, and a feather on the foot.
01:00:06And Tom's Cafe.
01:00:08Anyway, we finished up with egg and chips.
01:00:10Oh, he was just showing off.
01:00:12He frightened me.
01:00:14And he sat there, there's a great big lorry driver here.
01:00:16And he turns around, he says,
01:00:18must make a change, some darling, at your club work.
01:00:20Of course, Uncle turns around, he says,
01:00:22I don't think we've been introduced, he said.
01:00:24I thought, hello, this is it, a pod shop.
01:00:26Oh, I tried, you know.
01:00:28The big lorry driver says,
01:00:30haven't we been introduced?
01:00:32And he got this top hat, I'll remember it to this day.
01:00:34And he filled it full of rice pudding.
01:00:36And he went, fun, on Uncle's head.
01:00:38He said, well, we have now, haven't we?
01:00:40Gee, what did Uncle Edward say?
01:00:42Give him his due.
01:00:44He was cool as a cucumber.
01:00:46He turned around, he said, my bill, please.
01:00:48And I'm not paying for the rice pudding.
01:00:50I can still hear the laughter as we went out.
01:00:52Oh, I'm going to get a little nap.
01:00:54I've got a minute.
01:00:56That's a bit cheeky there, wasn't it?
01:01:00Hello, what's that?
01:01:02I'm glad, which photograph's fallen off the wall?
01:01:08The promise.
01:01:16Promise? But promise what promise?
01:01:18What are you talking about?
01:01:20The promise, I mean.
01:01:22Crikey, do you remember that story I just told you?
01:01:26When I got out of that cafe,
01:01:28he got on to me like this, he said,
01:01:30if you ever tell anybody about this rice pudding,
01:01:32I'll get you, he said.
01:01:34Oh, well.
01:01:38He can't get you now.
01:01:40He's dead.
01:01:42Yeah, that's right.
01:01:44Listen, I've just thought of something.
01:01:46He never took that hat off from that day.
01:01:48Do you know why? I've just thought of it.
01:01:50That rice pudding had congealed.
01:01:52Stuck his hat on his head like cement.
01:01:54Oh, he could have warmed it up.
01:01:56He was sitting in the oven for four hours.
01:02:00Now he was doomed to walk the streets with this on.
01:02:02Well, he could have gone to a doctor
01:02:04and had a minor operation.
01:02:06Don't you see, that would have ruined his career.
01:02:08Eduardo, the greatest escapologist in the world,
01:02:10couldn't get out of a top hat.
01:02:14It may be that I've not named the rice pudding.
01:02:16Oh, Eric, don't.
01:02:18What's the matter?
01:02:20Well, if he made you promise not to tell anyone that story,
01:02:22he could still get you, you know.
01:02:24Well, the promise has invalidated itself now, hasn't it?
01:02:26On his death, I'm exonerated.
01:02:30Well, he could come back and haunt us.
01:02:32Haunt us?
01:02:34All right, so he'd haunt me, wouldn't he?
01:02:36Not you?
01:02:38Yeah, but if he's haunting you, I'd see him, wouldn't I?
01:02:40All those chains and things.
01:02:44Don't tell me he's still doing the act up there.
01:02:48Mind you, he was a funny bloke, wasn't he?
01:02:50He was a funny bloke, wasn't he?
01:02:52Oh, he was most peculiar.
01:02:54He was always seeing things that weren't there.
01:02:56Yeah, yeah, but that was only after the temperance meetings,
01:02:58wasn't it?
01:03:00Look, come on.
01:03:02What are you getting worried about?
01:03:04Now, get this stuff out of here.
01:03:06Worried about nothing.
01:03:08Oh, things, seeing things, clanking chains.
01:03:14Now, what's happened? Where's he manifesting?
01:03:16I heard chains.
01:03:18Well, that's mainly because I've got them.
01:03:22Now, don't panic.
01:03:24Now, go on, put it in the kitchen.
01:03:26Now, stop all this panicking.
01:03:28Clanking chains, load of nonsense.
01:03:32There's no such thing, a load of rubbish,
01:03:34and we're just going to get rid of it all.
01:03:36Oh, look at this stuff, isn't it?
01:03:38Look at that, it's a conch shell.
01:03:42Hey, look, look, wait a minute.
01:03:48Oh, crikey, for the moment, you've got the key.
01:03:50You're not haunting us, I'll tell you that.
01:03:52We're going to be haunted.
01:03:54We're going to be haunted in the light.
01:03:58There are no such things as ghosts.
01:04:00Oh, don't you give me that.
01:04:10There's a body in the trunk!
01:04:14That's me.
01:04:16That's me.
01:04:18Are you dead?
01:04:22I just fell in the trunk, that's all.
01:04:24There was nothing else to do.
01:04:26What's that?
01:04:28Now, what's what?
01:04:30What's that on your wrist?
01:04:32Well, that's a perfectly normal pair of handcuffs.
01:04:34How are you going to get it off?
01:04:36I'm going to get it off by the key, that's all.
01:04:38That's a click, click, and I'm free.
01:04:40Now, don't panic.
01:04:42Eric, how did he eventually get it off?
01:04:44Get what off?
01:04:46The top hat.
01:04:48I don't know.
01:04:50Probably went to a hedge shrinker.
01:04:52Well, nobody's going to get stuck in this house.
01:04:54I'm going to burn it!
01:04:56You're not going to burn this.
01:04:58This is perfectly good for weddings.
01:05:00Yes, and funerals.
01:05:02Oh, Eric, I've got the most uncanny feeling
01:05:04that he's just floating around somewhere,
01:05:06just waiting for somebody to get stuck into it.
01:05:08Can you give me some back?
01:05:12That's ridiculous.
01:05:14Now, that's ridiculous.
01:05:16If I were to take this hat off,
01:05:18if I were to...
01:05:20Oh, for the moment.
01:05:22Now, you're just making a mystery
01:05:24out of something that's not a mystery.
01:05:26Now, calm down, look at it.
01:05:28Now, sit down.
01:05:30There's no occult mystery.
01:05:32Sit down.
01:05:34Has it gone colder?
01:05:36No, it's my imagination.
01:05:38Now, you've got me worried.
01:05:40Look, relax, relax.
01:05:42Sit down.
01:05:44Now, it definitely has gone colder.
01:05:46I felt a different gesture,
01:05:48as if somebody was trying to get across.
01:05:50It came across in the worst...
01:05:56Well, there's your manifestation.
01:05:58There's your manifestation.
01:06:00Now, come here.
01:06:02There are no such things as ghosts.
01:06:04A ghost went out with Dickens
01:06:06nearly 70 years ago.
01:06:08So, look, you've got to do what I do.
01:06:10I say, there are no such things as ghosts.
01:06:12Oh, but you know what a liar you are.
01:06:18What? What? Now what?
01:06:20I can feel him in this room.
01:06:22Yes. No, that's me. No, that's me.
01:06:24Is that the... No, that's me.
01:06:26Now, don't... Come on, get this stuff off.
01:06:28It is rubbish. It is ordinary rubbish.
01:06:30There's nothing occult about it.
01:06:32Are you coming with me?
01:06:34You're only going to the kitchen, aren't you?
01:06:36Frankly, I'll be here, won't I?
01:06:38On me own. On me own?
01:06:40Cut it!
01:06:44Just wanted to know where you got to.
01:06:46It's only natural for a brother to want to know
01:06:48where his sister's got to when she goes over the load of rubbish.
01:06:56Harry? What? I've got a good idea.
01:06:58Let's leave the rest of all that
01:07:00stuff over there tonight, cos we have burnt a lot of it.
01:07:02That's a good idea. That's a good idea.
01:07:04We don't want to burst the boiler. No!
01:07:06And we'll clear it out tomorrow.
01:07:08Yes. In the daylight, with the police present.
01:07:12We'll sit in and watch television tonight.
01:07:14Have a good old...
01:07:16Oh, crikey, Hibson's Ghosts.
01:07:20I won't be very long, Eric. I'm just going out.
01:07:22Where are you going?
01:07:24To the Ladies' Guild.
01:07:26Yeah, well, I'm coming with you.
01:07:28You can't. You're not allowed. It's the Ladies' Guild.
01:07:30I mean, we might be talking about...
01:07:36I'll join in.
01:07:40No, Eric.
01:07:42I've got something here of my own. That's a cert.
01:07:44Oh, well, you're not afraid of ghosts, are you?
01:07:46Of course I'm not afraid of ghosts.
01:07:48Oh, well...
01:07:50I'll only be about an hour, Eric.
01:07:52Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where are you going?
01:07:54Look at your wrist. What?
01:07:56It's a cert, a manifestation.
01:07:58Right, now. There.
01:08:00Now, you have to take me with you, don't you?
01:08:04take these handcuffs off, please.
01:08:06No. Either you go with me here
01:08:08or we stay outside together and together.
01:08:10Give me the key.
01:08:12Now, look, I'm not afraid of ghosts.
01:08:14I'll take that. I'm not a child.
01:08:16It's just that I'm not staying here alone at night
01:08:18in this house with him in the dark.
01:08:20All right. We'll go to the pictures together.
01:08:22Promise? Yes.
01:08:24No promises. Not one of mine.
01:08:26I promise. I promise.
01:08:28We'll go to the local. There's a good one on there.
01:08:30Oh, not the local, Eric.
01:08:32There's such old films there.
01:08:34Old films? Rubbish. You enjoyed Shirley Temple
01:08:36last week, didn't you?
01:08:40What are you looking for, dear?
01:08:44The key. I put it down here.
01:08:46With the rubbish? With that rubbish.
01:08:48I put it in the boiler.
01:08:50You put it in the boiler? That's our freedom in that boiler.
01:08:52Oh, Eric, this is all your fault.
01:08:54You know that, don't you? You shouldn't have told me
01:08:56the story. You promised I'd be able to eat.
01:08:58Let me come back and get you. Look at that.
01:09:00Presented to the great Eduardo.
01:09:02This is it. This is it. He's done it. We're doomed.
01:09:04We're doomed to walk the streets.
01:09:06Now, just a minute. Now, pull yourself together.
01:09:08There are policemen
01:09:10to release us. There's a phone.
01:09:12Get to the phone.
01:09:14Is it just romance?
01:09:16Well, he didn't visualise that we'd have a phone.
01:09:18Tell them.
01:09:20Please, please.
01:09:24Oh, hello.
01:09:26You don't know me, but
01:09:28I wonder who could possibly spare
01:09:30a policeman.
01:09:34I'm not lonely.
01:09:36It's just that my brother and I
01:09:38are handcuffed together, you see.
01:09:40And I've put the key in the boiler.
01:09:46Well, what did he say?
01:09:48What did he say?
01:09:50Get it out of the boiler.
01:09:52It's a fine thing. It'll be days before that thing cools off.
01:09:54Listen, pick that thing up.
01:09:56You've got to use subterfuge with these policemen.
01:10:00What's this? Low fusing.
01:10:02Right. We want policemen here.
01:10:04Come on.
01:10:06Hello, police?
01:10:08Yes, this is 24 Sebastian Polterrest.
01:10:1024. You've got that?
01:10:12Good. Well, I'd like to report...
01:10:24What have you done?
01:10:26You've croaked him.
01:10:28Right, let's get out of here right away.
01:10:30What's the point, Al? He may be phoning the police.
01:10:32Right, let's get away from 24 Sebastian Polterrest
01:10:34as quickly as we can.
01:10:40What are you talking about?
01:10:42In three minutes, this place will be swarming
01:10:44with policemen.
01:10:46Let's go and put the kettle on.
01:11:04It's a long three minutes.
01:11:06Well, crikey.
01:11:08They can't be bothered with murders and things.
01:11:10Not that there's a traffic problem yet.
01:11:12Do you know what congestion is like in the West End?
01:11:16Look, Hattie, I'll tell you what we'll do.
01:11:18As soon as we've eaten, I'll take you down to the police station, OK?
01:11:20All right, then.
01:11:22Right, then.
01:11:24Uh-huh. Now, that's a snag.
01:11:26There's a snag here.
01:11:28Just a minute. Sit here. All right?
01:11:32Oh, dear.
01:11:42Hey, if you sat at that end of the table,
01:11:44I could eat my dinner.
01:11:46Yeah, I know.
01:11:48Well, we're not finished. We'll go down.
01:11:50It's as long as long, isn't it?
01:11:52Just a minute. Get that plate. Get that plate.
01:11:54Put it there.
01:11:56There we are. OK?
01:12:02Do you want salt?
01:12:04No, I don't like salt.
01:12:06Oh, no.
01:12:10Salt? I don't want any. No, I don't want any.
01:12:14Can we get going now? Oh, great.
01:12:16I'm in a good mood.
01:12:18All right, we'll have some break. There we are.
01:12:20Are you quite all right now? Yes.
01:12:22Honestly? Oh, stop it.
01:12:28I mustn't grumble. I did get a bit.
01:12:32Now, then, come on. Let's get something.
01:12:34I can't. If you're going to...
01:12:36I'll tell you what we'll do.
01:12:38Now, let's pretend we're one person, right?
01:12:40You've just got one pair of hands. Go on.
01:12:42Right, come on now.
01:12:44There we are. Good.
01:12:48I think that's a good idea.
01:12:52Now, look, I'll cut it. That's right.
01:12:54There we are.
01:12:58Is it working?
01:13:00Is it OK? Right, now.
01:13:02Don't forget the innermost. Now, don't get in there.
01:13:04Bit of bacon. That's it.
01:13:06And the mushrooms. Get the mushrooms. That's the one.
01:13:12Actually, I'm not really hungry.
01:13:16Well, you've had my dinner as well.
01:13:18Have you had enough, then? Can I just have a little go?
01:13:20Oh, sorry. Yes, of course. Thank you.
01:13:22I'll put the kettle up.
01:13:26Look, we're going down to the police station right now.
01:13:28And we'll have a meal at Tom's Cafe on the way home.
01:13:30Yes, all right.
01:13:32I will never get through that.
01:13:34I could have been sitting there for hours, starving.
01:13:38Right, now.
01:13:40Now, just a minute.
01:13:42There's another snag here now.
01:13:44Come on, come on.
01:13:46Now, then, if you...
01:13:48Come here.
01:13:54That's better.
01:13:58there we are.
01:14:00Come out, come out.
01:14:02Come out.
01:14:08I'll just put them over there,
01:14:10like they do on the films, okay?
01:14:12Yes, all right.
01:14:14Now, let's get down to this police station.
01:14:28Come on.
01:14:52Kettle up.
01:14:56What's the matter, madam? Don't you trust me?
01:14:58No, well, yes, I...
01:15:00Come on now, madam, be inside. I won't bite you.
01:15:02I can't stand here if you don't mind.
01:15:04Very well, have it your own way.
01:15:06Anyone's healthy!
01:15:30Are you all right, dear?
01:15:32Come on.
01:15:34Sorry, madam,
01:15:36no dogs allowed.
01:15:38Let me, child.
01:15:40It's my brother.
01:15:42Well, you'd better loosen his braces, then.
01:15:44Now, pass along inside, please.
01:15:46Are you all right, dear?
01:15:56Any more fair feet?
01:15:58Fair feet.
01:16:02Any more fair feet?
01:16:06What's the matter, madam?
01:16:08Does this seat annoy you?
01:16:10No, I'd rather stand, thank you.
01:16:12Well, I prefer you to sit down
01:16:14and allow me to carry on with my duty,
01:16:16if you don't mind.
01:16:18Thank you. Any more fair feet?
01:16:20What's the matter with this one?
01:16:22Well, um, I got a bit of cramp, officer.
01:16:24Well, have it sitting down, will you?
01:16:26Thank you.
01:16:28Fair feet!
01:16:30Any more fair...
01:16:34That's very funny.
01:16:36Very funny.
01:16:38Listen, if you want to hold hands,
01:16:40why don't you go and sit in the park?
01:16:42Still, I was young myself once.
01:16:44Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:16:46Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:16:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:16:50Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:16:52Get off.
01:16:56Come along.
01:17:02I'm taking her down to the police station.
01:17:06I say,
01:17:08what for?
01:17:10Well, we don't know till we get her down there.
01:17:14Get off.
01:17:16Get off.
01:17:18Oh, I can't.
01:17:20I'll tell you what she does, she puts bombs on buses.
01:17:26Bombs on buses.
01:17:28Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:17:46What are you doing there?
01:17:49Looking for a bomb, sir.
01:17:52Yes, a couple said they planted one on board, sir.
01:17:55Ridiculous idea, really.
01:17:57Still, I thought I'd just check.
01:17:59A bomb, eh?
01:18:00Yes, sir.
01:18:01I used to be in the Royal Engineers.
01:18:03The Royal Engineers, sir?
01:18:05Well, that gives me an idea.
01:18:06I wonder if you might have a look around here, and I'll pop upstairs and have a look.
01:18:09All right, sir?
01:18:10Thank you very much.
01:18:16What are you doing?
01:18:17You can't ring that bell.
01:18:18That's my job.
01:18:19I've just found your bomb.
01:18:20My bomb, sir?
01:18:21Yes, it was under there, right under your nose.
01:18:22What, under here, sir?
01:18:24But luckily I managed to throw it over the bridge.
01:18:25It's all right now.
01:18:26It's safe.
01:18:27It's at the bottom of the Thames.
01:18:28Was it a square thing, sir?
01:18:30Blue, with a lot of string around?
01:18:32Nasty little thing.
01:18:33That was my little bomb.
01:18:34I'll have a look.
01:18:35I'll have a look.
01:18:36I'll have a look.
01:18:37I'll have a look.
01:18:38I'll have a look.
01:18:39I'll have a look.
01:18:40I'll have a look.
01:18:41I'll have a look.
01:18:42I'll have a look.
01:18:44Nasty little thing.
01:18:45That was my lunch.
01:18:46And you threw that one in there, right?
01:18:49Get off.
01:19:13Still haven't found it.
01:19:42Thank you.
01:19:43Thank you.
01:19:49Why do you scratch with the other hand?
01:19:51It doesn't itch now.
01:19:57Now what?
01:20:00Wasn't it funny that the police weren't able to get these things off?
01:20:02Well, as they say, they're out of date now.
01:20:04In any case, they're all out on cordon duty.
01:20:09What's cordon duty?
01:20:11I don't know.
01:20:12They're all linking arms around the bus depot.
01:20:14Now go on.
01:20:22Oh, let it itch.
01:20:26Hey, just a minute.
01:20:27Just a minute.
01:20:28No, no.
01:20:29That wasn't it.
01:20:30I wanted a drink of water.
01:20:31Oh, Eric, you don't.
01:20:32Well, I do.
01:20:33All right.
01:20:34Don't bother yourself.
01:20:35No, I'll get it.
01:20:37I'll get it.
01:20:38You stay where you are.
01:20:39Come on.
01:20:46This is awful.
01:20:47Look out.
01:20:49Now, be careful.
01:20:50Now, if you just have your eyes open.
01:20:54If you didn't want to come, just say so.
01:20:58I'll get the water.
01:21:10Oh, no.
01:21:18Are you ready?
01:21:19Come on in.
01:21:21Just a minute.
01:21:26Do you notice anything?
01:21:28It's gone.
01:21:29It's gone.
01:21:30It's gone.
01:21:31I don't understand it.
01:21:32They were on the bedroom.
01:21:33They were on the bedroom.
01:21:34We're free.
01:21:35Oh, look.
01:21:36They're there now.
01:21:37It must have been when we saw your phone.
01:21:39That's right.
01:21:40Now, be careful.
01:21:41Do you know what these are?
01:21:42These are tricks.
01:21:43When you press that or somewhere, they open.
01:21:46Well, you're a great old fraud.
01:21:49Well, you charlatan.
01:21:52Don't mock.
01:21:53I'm not mocking.
01:21:55It's funny to see you standing over there.
01:21:58Is it?
01:21:59I'll go and get some breakfast.
01:22:01Yeah, get some breakfast.
01:22:03We'll have some food.
01:22:04Look, we're getting rid of all that rubbish.
01:22:06We'll give that to somebody we don't like.
01:22:10We're not going to get trapped with him again, okay?
01:22:13Let's go.
01:22:14We'll get rid of him.
01:22:32Why can't you leave us alone?
01:22:38Why can't you leave us alone?
01:23:08Why can't you leave us alone?
