XDefiant M16 Multiplayer Gameplay - Best Assault Rifle.
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What is XDefiant?
XDefiant is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft San Francisco and published by Ubisoft. Tom Clancy’s XDefiant is a fast-paced arena shooter that combines intense gunplay with personalized loadouts and specialized factions, as teams of gunfighters -- called Defiants -- battle for domination.
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#XDefiant #XDefiantPC
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What is XDefiant?
XDefiant is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft San Francisco and published by Ubisoft. Tom Clancy’s XDefiant is a fast-paced arena shooter that combines intense gunplay with personalized loadouts and specialized factions, as teams of gunfighters -- called Defiants -- battle for domination.
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#XDefiant #XDefiantPC
00:00Hey what's up guys Walser here, welcome to some Exefion and today we are using the one
00:06and only the M16 assault rifle, man this gun, I love this gun and I have no attachments
00:13on it, but this gun is pretty good, we have used the M16 in other games, we have used
00:19the M16 in Call of Duty, it was a pretty beast, it's not where close to Call of Duty 4, you
00:25have used the M16 in 2007 Call of Duty 4, M16, which was like a 3 round burst destruction
00:32and that thing was like so accurate, so deadly, but this one is still pretty accurate and
00:37but you need like to burst you know on the enemy, but you know it makes sense to balance
00:42it out because of the way the game is developed and with the health system in the game so
00:52it can be a round burst kill you know, but nonetheless it doesn't make it less deadlier
01:01or fun to use, this thing is amazing at medium range man, medium range is where this thing
01:07is pretty beast, too close you get melted by SMGs or shotguns, too far by sniper rifles
01:13and some other guns, but this thing at medium range it's pretty fantastic, so if you find
01:20a switch power to you know hold some objectives and just hold down a certain area on the map
01:33and you can get like a crazy amount of kills and just destroy the enemy, this game gets
01:37like a really really insane with the red side which we will be unlocking a little bit in
01:44this gameplay and let me tell you this thing is pretty fantastic, so I highly recommend
01:50it you know the M16 is one of those iconic weapons that they do well all the time regardless
01:55of the game, I don't think there's a game where you have a bad or awful M16 and if there
02:00is then I haven't played it yet, but for the most part any game that has the M16 this gun
02:06is one of the ghost 2 guns you know, whether it goes burst fire or fully automatic this
02:13thing is pretty pretty insane and it's becoming one of my favorites, so I'm looking forward
02:17to unlock more stuff because the gun basically is naked in this gameplay, I don't really
02:23have much of attachments or anything on the gun to make it like really good, but just
02:29as it is, it's pretty good, low recoil, the burst fire it's kind of quick you don't have
02:36to wait too long between bursts, I mean it's just pretty good, so I'm pretty sure you know
02:42with the attachments we can make this gun like a lot a lot better and that's kind of
02:47scary because it's going to be a total beast you know, once again you can be aggressive
02:52with this gun, but I wouldn't be too aggressive because there's like so many things going
02:56on in the game, so many abilities and whatnot that could just kind of ruin the experience,
03:02but if you play a little bit slower and I think you can do some serious damage with
03:09this gun and definitely get some serious kills, but man my experience with the M16 is pretty
03:15good, it's one of those guns that I wanted to unlock really quick, it's not that difficult
03:19to unlock, you have to get like 10 headshots with an assault rifle, so it's pretty easy
03:24to do, but not so difficult, and then you unlock this gun and after that just pretty
03:31much have fun and try to find your best loadout, so we'll see how it goes with everything else
03:38in terms of the attachments, obviously we'll be making videos to share with you guys what's
03:46my best loadout or what I believe is the best loadout for the M16, but so far this is pretty
03:56nasty, that was a really close quarter skill mixed with the jump right there, so I don't
04:04know, maybe the headshot is just a burst, I guess it should be, but that was pretty
04:11lucky in my opinion, close range kill with this one, so once again, definitely give it
04:17a try, unlock this gun, some of you guys already have it, some people don't have it, some people
04:24don't know how to unlock it, so just look at your challenges and go for it, you won't
04:30be disappointed, this thing is pretty good, I mean, I had the guy, it's the connection,
04:37just kidding, but for the most part I like it, I like it a lot, sometimes, I mean don't
04:43get me wrong, I love assault rifles and I love fully automatic rifles, they're easy
04:47to use and they're pretty deadly for the most part and whatnot, but there's something about
04:53burst fire guns man, it's just pretty fun to use, if we go back to Battlefield games
05:00or if we go back to like some of the Call of Duty games where we have had guns like
05:07this, they're always pretty good, they're always pretty good, so it's something, I don't
05:14want to say like super skillful or something like super insane or I have to be a pro to
05:22use these guns, but it's just a matter of like how you play the game, how you approach
05:26the map as well, so definitely, definitely one of my recommendations for now in terms
05:35of assault rifles, I'm pretty sure the Steelers are good and they're pretty fun, the ACR is
05:40pretty good, we use that a lot in the beta, the M4 is one of those first guns you get
05:46in the game, so that's pretty good too, we're very familiar with it, but the M16, you know,
05:53sometimes doesn't get much of a recognition and sometimes you don't see that often in
06:00the Battlefield, you know, you see a lot of the same guns and I like to just try things
06:04out just to challenge myself with different guns, whether they're good or not and just
06:08kind of find a good build and just have fun with it, you know, because that's the end
06:15of this, you know, have fun and win some games, of course, win some games, you know,
06:19that's the main thing, win the game, you know, if you play to lose, I'd rather not play,
06:25I play to win and that's the way I go, I guess, when it comes to gaming, but I really, really
06:32enjoyed the M16, this game mode, you know, it's not my favorite, I'm just looking forward
06:38to all the game modes, you know, the ammunition is good, you know, it's fun to play, but I
06:46want to play something different, I wish I had a, or we had TDM, sometimes I just feel
06:50like playing something without an objective, just to kind of rush around and not worry
06:56about the objective, you know, just getting the kills and what not, but once again, once
07:02again, this video is about the M16, you guys should have it and you guys should use it
07:07and don't be afraid, you may get your butt kicked the first time, because this game is
07:11a little weird sometimes, you get killed so quickly and it takes sometimes longer to kill
07:16the enemy, it's some kind of an issue that we've been dealing with gaming, with FPS for
07:23a while, Call of Duty, even Battlefield, sometimes it feels like you die so quick, like one frame
07:30and it takes like a full clip to kill the enemy, so I don't know what it is, I don't
07:34know what the problem is, but sometimes it feels like that, sometimes, you know, you
07:37kill those people quickly and these guys try to rush and, you know, do its thing and, you
07:42know, the M16 beat them, so use this gun if you haven't done so already, it's a fantastic
07:49weapon system, it's fun to use, it's not a newbie gun, it's becoming one of my favorite
07:55weapons in X-Defiant, so give it a try and let me know how it goes, if you have it unlocked
08:04and you have everything, you know, share with us, share with me the, you know, the
08:07loadout and once I unlock everything I'll try it out and we'll see how it goes, but
08:12I'm excited to try new guns, I like to try new guns, new builds, new loadouts, it makes
08:18the gaming experience and I believe, and this is a personal thought, you know, make sure
08:26a skill level go up when you try different things, if you stick to the same of the same
08:30all the time, you don't improve, so I like sometimes to get my back kicked with guns
08:35I'm not familiar with or weapons I don't normally use, let's say shotguns, sniper rifles and
08:41whatnot and just learn, you know, learn things from my mistakes, so anyways, thank you guys
08:48for watching, hope you enjoyed this gameplay, this commentary, my name is Wildchild, if
08:52you haven't subscribed to the channel, M16 is amazing, M16 is a beast and I have fun
08:58with this game and I have fun with this gun and I can't wait to bring you more gameplays
09:05with the M16 and X-Defiant, I'll see you guys on the next video, alright, later.