Xdefiant vs Destiny 2

  • 3 months ago
XDefiant vs Destiny 2 Multiplayer Gameplay in 2024
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What is XDefiant?

XDefiant is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft San Francisco and published by Ubisoft. Tom Clancy’s XDefiant is a fast-paced arena shooter that combines intense gunplay with personalized loadouts and specialized factions, as teams of gunfighters -- called Defiants -- battle for domination.

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#XDefiant #XDefiantPC
00:00hey what's up guys Wadz here welcome to X Defiant versus Destiny 2 we are in
00:062024 and we are still talking about Destiny 2 what a great game that is so
00:12we just got X Defiant released or just came out not too long ago and you know
00:20we are having such a great time whether you like the game or not it's free to play it's
00:23always fun just to jump into games like this and give it a try and just have
00:28some fun here and there and the more I play X Defiant and the more I notice
00:35its similarity with other games and I already posted a video with regarding
00:41Black Ops 4 and X Defiant but Destiny 2 is also a game that came to mind when
00:47playing X Defiant there's a lot of abilities as a lot of let's say
00:53superpowers and whatnot that are very very similar if not the same so in
00:58Destiny 2 we got the Titan you got the the bubble you know the dome
01:03protective dome I will have something similar here on X Defiant not a complete
01:09dome but you know you got a pretty good shield that you can shoot through and
01:12get the enemy that way also we got a with these how is with the Echelon what
01:18the name is that little pistol you know there's like a two shots you know
01:24depending on how far you are from the enemy it's a two shot kill we have
01:28something similar in Destiny with the hunter where you get the golden pistol
01:34correct me if I'm wrong with all these names but and also invisibility also the
01:40hunter and also invisibility here on X Defiant so we can go on and on trying to
01:47match you know some of these like I say abilities and superpowers from one game
01:52to the other one and I'm not saying this as a bad thing it's just pretty good if
01:56you like the games or not that's a different story but they're similar and
01:59I think it's very interesting although I give X Defiant something different
02:09compared to compared to Destiny X Defiant is a much faster multiplayer
02:16experience Destiny 2 is a little bit slower and both this is a good debate I
02:23don't know if you guys think the same or not but both games have really map
02:28design or at least I like the map design in both games I think it's pretty
02:31fantastic in X Defiant it's just the flow and the maps is pretty amazing and
02:36it allows you to be really aggressive same thing with with Destiny we don't
02:41have and maybe I'm missing some maps on Destiny 2 but I'm gonna say that we
02:45don't have those big maps with long line of sights let's say if you play
02:51Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 I don't know if you remember a map called
02:56Wasteland or if the OG COD 4 Overgrown so maps with a really long line of
03:03sights and really perfect for snipers and whatnot or just taking everything on
03:10the long range I mean you can be aggressive as well but most people
03:13decide to sniper or use a sniper rifle on those maps because of that because
03:18the map design in X Defiant you can yes use a sniper rifle that's fine and try
03:24to go for those long range shots but we don't have those really really long
03:29line of sights like you know all the games same thing with with Destiny
03:35Destiny 2 the maps are very like compact you know like promotes being
03:41aggressive promotes being like on the move not so much with camping and just
03:47waiting for the enemy everything's so chaotic multiple entries multiple ways
03:51and and that's good that promotes a good flow within the game and that
03:56promotes good flow regarding the game modes I want to say things I prefer the
04:01game modes better on well they're kind of similar in a way the game was on
04:07between Destiny and X Defiant. TDM and Domination I think are the the best two
04:15for both if they have all the game modes that I'm working at the moment with
04:19Destiny 2 please forgive me but there's some of the game was on X Defiant
04:23which I've been playing lately and I just don't like that you know it's kind
04:28of boring and I don't just I don't feel comfortable playing those and like this
04:32mode over here whatever I'm playing Occupy or Escort I just not a fan I play
04:39them here and there just because just to try something different or just to see
04:44if I like them but I think TDM and Domination it's it's what's a it's as
04:49good in my opinion but I'm not I'm not saying they're terrible just like
04:53personally I just don't don't feel like like like I'm having fun playing playing
04:59those those game modes. Destiny I don't remember all the game modes, Domination
05:03we got also we have TDM I think we do I don't remember but anyways I always play
05:10Domination I like you know a sort of objective to play otherwise it just
05:18leads to to really slow gameplays or games and it's kind of like not my
05:24thing so when you have an objective you know makes makes things a little bit
05:29different so so now we're moving to Destiny 2 as you see like the map design it's I
05:34don't want to say like extra fine but once again promotes that the moving
05:39around and going through the objective not so much waiting for the enemy on the
05:43other side of the map and and try to get kills that way with the sniper rifle so
05:47I noticed that and I thought it was pretty cool you know map design Destiny
05:53I always liked it I thought it was pretty fantastic and you know it's
05:56pretty fun to play on on these maps and like I said I'm not saying that you
06:01cannot be aggressive in Destiny 2 but it's a bit slower compared to to XFN
06:05both games are great both games are fantastic one has a campaign a very
06:10lengthy campaign because XFN, I'm sorry XFN, no Destiny 2 at the moment
06:17this commentary released not too long ago the final shape so more content XFN
06:23just just released and we're just gonna start with season one in a few in a few
06:29days at the moment of this commentary so that's pretty pretty fantastic so we'll
06:32see how that goes once again both games are great
06:36one futuristic one more I don't want to say modern but because modern in terms
06:46of a map design and weapons but in terms of soldiers they're like futuristic you
06:51know I'm talking about XFN so it's a kind of a weird combination but it kind of
06:55fits you know the narrative of the game and what's going on but I will love the
07:00campaign for XFN that would be pretty interesting just to bring some
07:04bad guy in and to make all these like quote-unquote like heroes you know make
07:10it work but hey I love campaigns but that's just me talking crazy but anyways
07:14I would like to hear your opinion both games have abilities that you can
07:19obviously acquire throughout the game where you get some kills but the
07:23objective and whatnot so you get these really super abilities powerful and fun
07:28so like I said they have a lot of similarities and it's good you know if
07:33you like this type of games that's pretty good if you don't like these then
07:36and you know abilities and superpowers and all this then definitely it's not
07:42your thing if you like more like realistic shooter games or sort of like
07:49a modern warfare-y so definitely not destiny and not so much with XFN but
07:57once again both games are great I love playing both they have good they have
08:02good and bad things and it's a lot to choose from in terms of what you want to
08:08do and how you want to play either of these games so thank you guys for
08:12watching my name is Wad Chalet and I would like to hear your opinion in the
08:16comments below and I'll be making sure to reply to your comments if you guys
08:21have any questions or something to say I like to interact with you guys in the
08:26comments so let me know if you guys enjoy both games or if you have a
08:31preference between the two and you know it's just gaming is fun man I love it
08:35you know I love it when we have multiple games and a lot to choose from it's
08:41always it's always best in my opinion so thank you for watching and see you guys
08:45on the next video alright later
