Divorce to be the Top Heiress Part 4

  • 3 months ago
Divorce to be the Top Heiress Part 4


00:00It's just weird. I thought I just heard my grandpa.
00:13What are you doing on a phone call with Julia? And why's Hugo there too?
00:17You just don't get it, do you? How did I get such a foolish, bloody grandson?
00:21The woman that you've just proposed to, Julia, is Lawrence's granddaughter!
00:33Let's start again.
00:36What the fuck?
00:43I said, she's married!
00:49Alright, man.
00:54Shit! She's over there!
00:57Stop it!
01:02Now it's your turn, isn't it?
01:04How does Julia feel about that?
01:06Julia? You even asked Hugo?
01:09You don't get it. Hugo is Julia's...
01:17Get up and get out.
01:20Don't tell me you came all this way without those divorce papers.
01:24Don't tell me you came just to start trouble.
01:27Julia, I need to speak with you.
01:38Julia, Julia, I need to speak with you.
01:42I didn't come here to fight.
01:45I didn't come here to fight.
01:47I didn't come here to fight.
01:50I came to apologise.
01:53It's a little too late for that.
01:55I know.
01:57So that's why I thought...
02:02A gift might help bridge the gap.
02:06It's too late, and all this is turning sour.
02:09All the good memories are being drowned out by the horrific ones.
02:13Let's just stop the torture.
02:15That's what I'm trying to do.
02:18Irene will be on a plane to France by Friday,
02:22and Sadie and Evie never step foot in my house again.
02:27I've made a lot of mistakes,
02:30and trusted the wrong people,
02:33and let go of the right one.
02:42You really care for me?
02:45Do you want to give me something that will make me happy?
02:52Then give me my freedom and sign a divorce papers.
03:15Can we talk about it?
03:21This whole thing is wearing me out.
03:24I don't know how much more I can take.
03:27I just need him to sign the papers.
03:30Let Hugo help Julia.
03:33He has the influence, he'd fix it in a second.
03:36I'll give him a few more days.
03:39See these?
03:42I first saw them in a petite jewellery store on a honeymoon in Paris.
03:46They are handmade.
03:49The only ones in existence.
03:53He begged to get them for me, but I said no.
03:57He must have went back and got them.
04:00But you're a Lawrence.
04:03You could have bought the entire store.
04:05And that's something I'll never forget.
04:09Matt Harrison will pay.
04:18Well Mr Hayes, settle down.
04:21I'll send over the contract later.
04:26Looking forward to our collaboration.
04:30Never thought this serious.
04:33Never thought this area had a lady with such good golf skills.
04:38Mr Hayes, it's nice to meet you.
04:41I'm Julia and I'm in charge of the Lawrence group.
04:44Oh, the Lawrence group. It's a pleasure.
04:47Julia, when did you learn to play golf?
04:50You two know each other?
04:52We're not close.
04:54Well, since we're together,
04:57it'd be a great chance to discuss potential collaborations with the Lawrence group.
05:00I can't wait to start.
05:04The Lawrence group are aggressively developing a military-grade concrete
05:09containing special polymers that can withstand direct munition attacks.
05:14We call it hydrocrete.
05:16Perhaps we can discuss in more detail.
05:19So first you steal my product, and now you want to steal my investment?
05:26I wouldn't call it stealing.
05:28I'm clearly here to help.
05:30Adding another investor will be a benefit for you both.
05:33Miss Julia, you're a negotiating expert.
05:36Mr Harrison, what do you think?
05:38I think there's absolutely no possibility
05:40of collaboration between Harrison Group and Lawrence Group.
05:43Why is that?
05:45Because you represent Hugo Lawrence.
05:47Then you're out of the game.
05:49Or, sign the divorce papers.
05:51Otherwise, I'll compete with all your projects.
05:54In a kind and respectful manner.
05:56Is that a threat?
06:00Guys, let's not go to war.
06:02Let's swing for it, and let the good lord decide.
06:04Winner takes all.
06:09Good hand.
06:13I'm here to help.
06:15I don't think you need anyone.
06:17You've got this.
06:19What's the relationship between you two now?
06:23Are you scared?
06:25Quite the opposite.
06:27I've played for years.
06:29Your handicap won't help you now.
06:31Ignore him, Jules.
06:33I'm here to help you win.
06:46All right.
06:48I've got to be really relaxed.
06:51It's not good.
06:53That's intense.
06:55Shoulder to the top.
06:57Okay, that's it.
06:59No gripping, sweetheart.
07:10Less tension.
07:14What's your problem?
07:16Your technique.
07:19Okay, ready?
07:20For that big swing, I really, really want to bring that ball the way up.
07:28Look, Jules.
07:30If you want to learn how to play properly, I can teach you.
07:34Let's play.
07:41See? Didn't embarrass you too much, did I?
07:51Easy, boy.
07:53There's a lot riding on this shot.
07:55It's too much.
07:57You can forfeit, Matthew.
07:59Yeah, no shame in forfeiting it, Matt.
08:14You enjoy humiliating me that much?
08:16Not as much as I want those divorces.
08:17Mr. Hayes.
08:19Tell me about yourself.
08:21Can I call you Jim?
08:29Boy, that woman has a hell of a swing.
08:31You have no idea.
08:36The vultures are already circling.
08:39You don't have to lie to yourself.
08:41Why did you deliver that shot?
08:44I don't know.
08:45Why did you deliberately lose to her?
08:50You're an undefeated presence in this club.
08:53Marriage is sacred.
08:55Love is rare.
09:00The vultures are fighting for her.
09:02I say go get her.
09:04Use your last breath.
09:06Thanks for your help today.
09:08I'm going to make it up to you after that stunt I pulled in your office.
09:11I mean, who proposes after meeting just once?
09:16After two meetings, though?
09:23Over. I'm not ready to be in a marriage again.
09:26Julia, I believe in fate.
09:28It can't be a coincidence after all these years.
09:30Sorry, but I need to mull it over.
09:45I'm sorry.
10:15Is anyone there?
10:22With no one that cares, foolish Julia starts to die.
10:26Or forget that self-righteous pest in the blink of my little eye.
10:38Is anyone there?
10:40Please, someone help!
10:45Is anyone there?
11:16I, Matthew, take you, Julia, to be my lawfully wedded wife.
11:36Let my arms lead you.
11:46Stupid fucking woman.
11:48About to die and you need to put your arms around seeing me without him.
11:56Julia, are you in there?
12:04I can't believe I'm still fantasizing about night coming to save me.
12:10I feel so sleepy.
12:16Julia, are you in there?
12:19Julia, are you in there?
12:24Julia, are you in there?
12:31Let's go and get this damn door open.
12:33Sir, calm down. I'm doing my best.
12:36Don't tell me to calm down. My wife is trapped inside.
12:41If anything happens to her, your life is over.
12:45Come on!
12:58Come on!
13:00Julia, it's okay.
13:02It's okay.
13:04Julia, it's okay.
