• 3 months ago


00:00This is now a crime scene, and the police will settle this.
00:04Alright Julia, I apologise on their behalf. I'll compensate for their loss.
00:09Call the police.
00:11Why wouldn't we call the-
00:12On one condition.
00:14What is it?
00:16Sign the divorce papers.
00:19Are you serious?
00:23Cheating man doesn't deserve me.
00:28Well how about you Jules?
00:31At least I'm more at the end of us.
00:34You're talking about Hugo Lawrence?
00:37Well I did know him before you.
00:39Years before you.
00:41On some cold nights.
00:44He would even tuck me in.
00:46So you slept with him before me?
00:48Absolutely. Hundreds of times.
00:57Just stop.
01:02It's tomorrow.
01:04I'll see to it personally.
01:13You're still really jealous of Hugo, is he?
01:15Of my brother?
01:17He was just embarrassed, that's all.
01:19But why did you lie?
01:21About, you know, being together?
01:23I didn't lie.
01:25When I was a baby, he would always sing me to sleep.
01:41What's this all about?
01:43Freedom! You're getting divorced! Congratulations!
01:46And who said I'm getting divorced?
01:56Uh, Matt?
01:59What did you mean by that?
02:01Exactly what I said.
02:03But she cheated on you.
02:05First with Darcy, and then again with Hugo Lawrence.
02:07Irene, I'm warning you.
02:09For the last time.
02:11This is none of your business.
02:15Then why did you save me, huh?
02:17I thought it was because you deeply care about me.
02:21I came to save you.
02:24I came to save you.
02:27To make amends with Julia on your behalf.
02:29Not because I believe you.
02:31But only because you're worth a child.
02:38Oh, Matt.
02:40You still just can't let go, can you?
02:48I drove Julia away as you wanted.
02:51We had a deal.
02:53I did my part.
02:55Are you going to keep yours?
02:57Are you a man of honour or not?
02:59I agreed to be your guardian.
03:01Not your husband.
03:03And certainly not your father.
03:06Grow up, all of you.
03:12I just, I don't know what he's seen in that woman.
03:14It's embarrassing.
03:15Don't worry, Irene.
03:17Let's make a plan.
03:19We must make Matt give up on that wretch.
03:22You mean Matt eating bitch.
03:27I have a plan.
03:29But I'm going to need some help to find someone first.
03:39Everyone makes me happy.
03:43Hey, just wait till I get my hands on you,
03:45I'll tear that fine dress right off
03:47and make you fucking beg.
03:49See how you like this shit?
03:52I'm thinking, I know somebody who wants revenge
03:55just as much as we do.
03:57Let's show Matt just how depraved Julia really is.
04:21What the hell are you doing here again?
04:29Ever since I left here the other day,
04:31Matt has completely ignored me.
04:34I have nowhere else to turn.
04:36Why should Julia give a shit, you maniac?
04:39I know it's going to be hard to believe me, but
04:41Julia, I truly never meant you any harm.
04:44The heart does foolish things when in love.
04:49So how exactly do you want me to help?
04:53Tomorrow's Sadie's birthday.
04:56I would, we would really love you to come.
04:59It would make Matt so happy knowing we were no longer enemies.
05:04Another olive branch.
05:09What time?
05:12I'll be there.
05:15I'll see you at Matt's house.
05:20And thank you again.
05:24Are you crazy?
05:26Oh, I know they're up to something.
05:28I'm just curious to find out what it is.
05:36Thanks again, Dora. I owe you.
05:38I just hope you're reading the room right.
05:40Irene's no saint, but is she that evil?
05:43We'll see.
06:00Julia? Is that you?
06:02Come upstairs, darling.
06:11Irene is such a flake, she must have chickened out.
06:14Shh. Be patient.
06:20Matt, come quick, something's happened.
06:23What's happened?
06:24Well, Irene invited Julia to Mum's birthday dinner and then
06:28Julia brought some guy with her and they've locked themselves in your bedroom
06:32and we can't get the door open.
06:35Quick, let's get ready.
06:37Quick, let's get ready.
06:39Go, go, go.
06:46Where's Irene?
06:48Irene's making sure the job gets done.
06:51Matt's already here, he must be worrying about her.
06:53Let's go, let's go.
07:01Julia, open the door.
07:03Julia, Matt's standing here.
07:13Get the fuck off her, you prick!
07:19You tried to rape me!
07:21That's not supposed to be, Julia.
07:25Is someone looking for me?
07:28What's going on?
07:30Julia, are you alright?
07:32Couldn't be better, why ask?
07:35I don't know.
07:54Where is she?
07:56Did she get in?
08:14Ah, there you are.
08:18Sadie's waiting for you in the room.
08:20You're not coming in?
08:22Well, she'd like to talk to you, so I should lead you both to her.
08:25No, let's go in together.
08:27Come on, we'll have a drink together.
08:31Sadie's not in there, is she?
08:33She's asleep.
