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El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 91 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 92 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 93 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 91 HD Completo
00:13Look, sir, I'm doing everything you're asking me to do.
00:17I'm begging you.
00:19Tell me if my partner is okay, or at least tell me...
00:23First, we have to solve this, Mendoza.
00:25If they catch either of us,
00:27it will be impossible for your loved ones to live to tell.
00:30Don't you think?
00:38It's time to take you to your mom.
00:46Thank you.
00:48Doctor, do you consider it necessary for my wife to go to the hospital?
00:51No, of course not.
00:53Her vital signs and oxygenation are stable.
00:56Her reflexes are correct.
00:58And her pupils have adequate eye movement.
01:01So, can we rule out any poisons?
01:04There are no physical manifestations that make me think or reach that conclusion.
01:09Doctor, with the symptoms I told you I had,
01:12what do you think I could do?
01:15There is a possibility.
01:17Regardless of the blood samples I took,
01:20we could do a quick analysis.
01:22But we would have to verify it later.
01:24No, of course. Do it as soon as possible.
01:31I wanted to get rid of Gala and Sado,
01:33because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be going through...
01:35But Jerónimo, son, for God's sake, you're the one who's wrong.
01:38Your cousin and her boyfriend didn't do anything to you.
01:40Besides, you were the one who got Gala into trouble with the cryptocurrencies.
01:43Nobody else.
01:44But because she rejected me, Dad.
01:46She didn't want to be with me.
01:48Jerónimo, do you realize how bad you sound, son?
01:51For God's sake.
01:53You didn't need money, you needed help.
01:56I lost all my courage, Dad.
01:58My mother didn't get tired of blackmailing me with things,
02:01making me feel bad.
02:03I had to convince myself that I deserved something better.
02:06I can build my empire.
02:09Look where she let you build your empire.
02:12With an absurd thirst for revenge, son.
02:14It doesn't seem absurd to me, Dad.
02:16I knew that if I put Gala in the cryptocurrency business,
02:19I would have control of her life in my hands.
02:22And that made me feel good.
02:28I want to ask you a question, but I need you to tell me the truth.
02:32You know what you did is wrong, right?
02:35Or are you really justifying all this to me?
02:39Yes, Dad. I know I did wrong.
02:42I behaved like a madman, but I don't know how to stop myself.
02:48And there's something else you should know.
02:50What is it now, Jerónimo?
02:52I planned the attack on Bosco.
02:54I told Giovanna everything I had to do.
02:57No, Jerónimo. What did you do?
03:06Honey, is everything okay?
03:09Yes, my life. I feel better every time.
03:12Do you know what happened to my wife, Doctor?
03:15It was just what I suspected.
03:18Does Paz authorize me to give the diagnosis?
03:21Yes. Between my husband and I, there is no secret.
03:24What's wrong? Paz is pregnant.
03:39We're going to be parents, honey.
03:41Yes, my life. I'm very happy. I love you.
03:44I love you, I love you, I love you.
03:47I love you.
03:51If I didn't tell you anything, it was because...
03:53Because you knew I was going to get mad.
03:55How the hell could you do that?
03:56Who do you think you are?
03:58Why did you do it if you know they're like our family?
04:01Because I wanted to hurt Gala.
04:03Because I thought if I hurt Bosco, everyone would suffer.
04:10I don't deserve it.
04:12I didn't educate you like that.
04:14You climbed from a whim to a barbarity.
04:17Because no one ever chose me, Dad.
04:21My mom told me I ruined her life because of preecampsia.
04:24When they got divorced, you left us, Dad.
04:28You left me.
04:31And does that justify everything you've done?
04:34Does that give you the right to make all the people you did suffer?
04:38I don't know, Dad. I don't know.
04:40I swear I try to stop, but...
04:42But sometimes I get angry and I don't know what to do.
04:48Stop. Stop.
04:52Stop, son. Stop.
04:55Son, stop.
04:56I'm here, son. I'm here.
04:58I know I missed you and your brother.
05:01You know how bad I feel about everything.
05:04But I need to know the truth.
05:06You also had to deal with your cousins' attack, didn't you?
05:12What do you mean, also, Dad?
05:15Don't tell me you...
05:24Ginebra has me.
05:26I've been blackmailed with this and other things.
05:30Geronimo told me you shot Mireya and Humberto.
05:33He even showed me the revolver.
05:35No, no, no, Dad. I swear I didn't do it.
05:37I shot that gun because Ginebra was going to teach me how to use it.
05:41I swear I didn't kill anyone.
05:43But it has your fingerprints, damn it!
05:45How are we going to get out of this?
05:49Dad, forgive me.
05:51I swear I just wanted to avoid being sent to jail.
05:54I know. I know.
05:56And believe me, I'm not going to let that happen.
05:58And I'm not going to lose you or let you go.
06:01I choose you.
06:03You and your brother.
06:07I love you, Dad.
06:08I love you more. You're my son.
06:13I love you.
06:28Sabon is already late.
06:30No, but don't worry.
06:32If there were bad news, you would have already found out.
06:39Would you have preferred to go instead of Sabon and kidnap Saman?
06:46I would have preferred that you didn't plan all this.
06:49But don't take me into account.
06:52The one who should be hurt is me.
06:55Your betrayal on the day of the funeral.
06:58You were going to go with Mireya.
07:00Well, yes.
07:02And you know why?
07:04Because I'm tired of this, Ginebra.
07:10Rather, your revenge.
07:12It's already ruined.
07:14Our original plan went overboard.
07:17We knew what could happen.
07:19We had agreed that then we would continue to get rid of everyone.
07:24I never promised you a happy ending.
07:26I know.
07:27I know, but I...
07:29I had never felt love.
07:32I never thought I was going to love Samara.
07:35Love Mireya like...
07:37Like I did.
07:39Like I do.
07:44I swore this was going to last a lifetime.
07:48I swore you and I were going to live for each other.
07:54Me too.
07:56Me too, Ginebra.
08:02But all of this was ruined when you became obsessed with Esteban.
08:07We both broke our promise.
08:11It's both of our fault.
08:17What do we do?
08:19What do we do, Mauro?
08:20Our heads have a price.
08:22They put us on a forum of hitmen.
08:24What do we do?
08:25That's why...
08:28I want to protect you.
08:30I want to end Sabon.
08:32He already did what he had to do.
08:33We got you out of jail.
08:37I'm going to tell you one last time.
08:40Let's get out of here.
08:43Let's grab our money.
08:45And let's go far away somewhere to live together.
08:50If you love me...
08:53Please, do it.
08:56If ever...
08:58It's me, ma'am.
09:06I really don't know what I'm doing here.
09:08I'm very confused.
09:10I'm lost and...
09:12Please, I just want to ask you not to kill me.
09:14I need to see my children.
09:16If you don't obey us, you're useless.
09:19Yes, of course.
09:21Whatever you tell me, I'm here to serve you.
09:24Thank you for helping me get out of jail.
09:26Don't waste saliva on dragging yourself.
09:29I have a new task for you.
09:31I need to make sure that your ex-husband and your son
09:34are still working for me.
09:44And we thought the worst.
09:46We never thought this could happen.
09:48A son of ours, my love.
09:50Now I understand nausea and dizziness.
09:52By the way, does this mean you've been pregnant since...
09:57We were so busy that we didn't even think about the possibility.
10:00What matters is that our love will bear fruit now.
10:03Our family is still growing.
10:09Now it's going to be yours, mine...
10:12And ours.
10:14We're pregnant.
10:17We're pregnant.
10:18We're pregnant.
10:19We're pregnant.
10:21We're pregnant.
10:23I'm so happy.
10:24I love you.
10:26So, yes, like this, little brother.
10:28Now that you have this crossed,
10:30you stop it with these rivets.
10:34And now that these are crossed from below,
10:37the third one, you put it across the others.
10:40Carefully, because they can be cut,
10:44It's like the pigeons we sent to Leder when he felt sick.
10:48Yes, the messages in the rooms helped me a lot.
10:51They cheered me up when I felt sad.
10:54If only all that could make my son come back.
10:58I know it's not possible, but at least it allows us to have a relief.
11:03I like that Mrs. Lupe is your girlfriend, Grandpa.
11:06She's a great woman.
11:08Thank you.
11:09And she makes you smile more.
11:12Children, I thought you were still in therapy.
11:15Lunita Maria is still with the doctor.
11:18They took a long time.
11:20I was explaining to the kids that Maria has had a lot of pain.
11:23It's normal for her to take more time.
11:27And those big smiles?
11:30What would you think if we told you that the family is going to get bigger?
11:38Are you going to adopt someone, Dad?
11:40I don't think that's it, cutie.
11:43Well, let's say a new member of the family is on its way.
11:52Yes, that's what you can imagine.
11:56We're going to have a little brother or sister.
12:00Yes, we know.
12:01Come here, my loves.
12:04The family is growing.
12:08We really needed to take a break.
12:10I know.
12:11It's great to be the prisoner of your own house, isn't it?
12:14The good thing is that Yaya let us accompany her.
12:16Be careful with that Yaya.
12:18You're going too fast.
12:19To the left, to the left, to the left.
12:23I would have told you that I like it, but with you my legs become gelatinous.
12:27Stop it.
12:28I like you a lot too.
12:31Initial therapy was a very painful process.
12:34Your daughter is in a very difficult stage.
12:38Not only because of the traumas, but also because of everything she has lived with you.
12:43Well, the truth is that my wife and I have done the best we have been able to under the circumstances.
12:48What do you mean by what the doctor says?
12:50Well, she has suffered great changes of identity in a short time.
12:53How many times have you changed her name?
12:57It's not something I'm proud of, but we were forced by everything that was happening.
13:02We couldn't even finish the session.
13:05The poor thing drowned in an uncontrollable cry that left her exhausted.
13:08And considering her fatigue, I thought it was wise for her to take a nap.
13:13Look, I respect your profession, but I think it's a little out of place that you're scolding us as if we wanted to do something to Maria on purpose.
13:21The identity of a child is forged in his first years of life.
13:23And there is a clear carelessness to minimize the suffering of the little one.
13:27Let's see, I don't like what you're saying, much less your tone.
13:30What you don't like is the truth.
13:31No, no, no.
13:32Please, honey.
13:33We're not going to fight, okay?
13:34The doctor is the best at the subject, right?
13:36I saw how Maria connected with him in the first session.
13:41Okay, let's talk somewhere else.
13:44I don't want to disturb my daughter's sleep.
13:49Let's see.
14:01Rest, my child.
14:02I want to tell you all the good news.
14:05I love you, I love you, I love you.
14:13Without knowing it, we repaired what was broken.
14:16Yes, we have become other people.
14:19And we already learned to put this toxic love aside.
14:24We deserve a love like that.
14:29We are interrupting something.
14:30I saw you, I didn't see you.
14:31Mrs. Yaya, I swear we didn't go from the first base.
14:34Excuse me?
14:35I mean, we're not doing anything wrong.
14:37No, I already know that.
14:39You have nothing to explain.
14:40I was the one who brought them here to clear themselves.
14:44To live their love in public.
14:48Because I'm more than willing to accept it.
14:52Thank you, Yaya.
14:53Although I think you also have something to tell us, right?
14:55You already saw your hands.
14:57Well, let's see.
14:58We wanted to tell you, or rather confirm to you,
15:01that apparently everyone had noticed.
15:04Yes, it has been difficult for me.
15:06And it will be very difficult for me to overcome these prejudices that I bring from...
15:12I apologize to you, Solomon.
15:14Because we all deserve to live our love.
15:19I am very happy for you, Yaya.
15:20Because Foby will make you very happy.
15:23Simón, ma'am.
15:24Well, Mrs. Yaya.
15:26I just don't know how to tell you yet.
15:28Elvira, tell me, Elvira.
15:31And I repeat, I have to offer you many apologies.
15:34Because you have the right to tell me how you want.
15:38I behaved very badly with you.
15:40Would you like me to call you Yajira?
15:44It's a mix between Yaya and...
15:46Yes, I'm not stupid either.
15:47I understood.
15:48Yaya and Elvira.
15:50So what?
15:51A hug, Yajira?
15:53Well, we didn't get that far, but...
15:55A little bit of reconciliation.
15:56That's it, that's it.
15:57It's okay, that's it.
15:59It's okay, Salma.
16:00It smells so good.
16:01Thank you.
16:02Let's go now, without falling.
16:03No, leave him, leave him.
16:04There are a lot of holes here.
16:06He's going to need those blows in life.
16:09What beautiful words.
16:11There I go, there I go.
16:23Forgive me for what I'm going to do to you.
16:31Well, cheers.
16:33To the eyes.
16:34To the eyes.
16:39Let's see, tell me.
16:41Do you have many dreams to fulfill?
16:44How do you know?
16:45Well, because we all have dreams.
16:48Well, yes.
16:49I would like to see my children grow up.
16:53I would like to see my mom enjoying her daughter.
16:56Her granddaughter.
16:58And, well, I don't know.
17:02But let's see.
17:03What do you dream, Mireya?
17:05What do you dream about?
17:07Look, Humberto, there is a moment in life
17:09when your dreams are the dreams of others.
17:12Let's see.
17:13But life doesn't stop, does it?
17:16And there are people who are going to enter and leave your path.
17:19And if we get lost, what will happen to us?
17:23But there is no us.
17:26Well, but right now you and I are here, right?
17:29Tell me, where do you want to take your life?
17:34Mom, mom, mom.
17:36Are you okay, mom?
17:37Tell me something.
17:38What's wrong? What hurts you?
17:39Are you okay?
17:44Maria presents several issues with the development of personality.
17:48It was reckless not to consider everything she suffered at the hands of Ginebra
17:51and then what she lived on the street.
17:54Did you know she had to steal you to live?
17:56Yes, but I didn't know how to deal with what had happened.
17:59I didn't want to open more wounds.
18:02A wound can heal on its own, of course.
18:05But if you don't take care of it carefully, it can also get infected.
18:08And that's where the infection goes to the mind.
18:11And it's a little voice.
18:14And it doesn't go away.
18:15And Maria is the example of that.
18:18Yes, it sounds logical what you say,
18:20but our daughter has not shown signs of pain.
18:24Are you sure of your diagnosis?
18:26When we are children, we hide the pain so that adults do not see it.
18:30And worse still,
18:32if we believe that we could ruin the happiness of those people who are around us.
18:37I would have preferred you to tell us before that my daughter was suffering.
18:40Yes, of course.
18:41That way we could contain her.
18:43For that I am a professional, gentlemen.
18:44The best thing is to let her rest for a while.
18:47When she wakes up, make sure to make her feel that it is important.
18:51Hey, and do you think it's a good idea to tell her that I'm pregnant?
18:57I leave it to your consideration.
18:59It would be terrible for the girl to feel that after her crisis,
19:02you were looking to replace her.
19:07I need to see my daughter.
19:08My love, my love, calm down.
19:10We already saw that the girl is fine.
19:11Calm down.
19:12But I want to see her, I need to be with her.
19:14No, ma'am, I really suggest that you let her rest.
19:16The session was really exhausting.
19:24Oh, the kids are having a lot of fun with the butterflies.
19:29When the danger passes, we will go to the field to fly them.
19:32The wind will help us more.
19:37And now, who moves?
19:41Mr. Esteban asked me to donate some things.
19:44He wants more space so that you can bring your belongings.
19:47Excuse me.
19:48Hey, the suitcases are very heavy.
19:51It's like tense. What happened?
19:53Not everything is fine, Mrs. Lupita.
19:54I have to take several trips.
19:56Excuse me.
19:57I was feeling bad.
19:58As if I were so old.
19:59Do you need help?
20:00No, don't worry, Mr. Porfirio.
20:01You have already suffered too much.
20:03You deserve to rest.
20:10Here, honey.
20:11You are very nervous.
20:12Yes, and the pregnancy can make her even more sensitive, ma'am.
20:15I don't want to leave my daughter alone for a second.
20:18Don't worry.
20:19Nothing will happen.
20:20You are safe in this house.
20:21There are cameras everywhere.
20:22Hey, excuse me, but I have to go.
20:24I have patients waiting for me at the office.
20:27Well, I'll go with you.
20:28No, no, really, don't worry.
20:29I know the way.
20:30And congratulations on the new baby.
20:32Excuse me.
20:34Thank you.
20:45Hey, hey, hey.
20:46Wait, wait.
20:47Let me help you with that.
20:48You can't be carrying weight, honey.
20:50The doctor asked for more time, but my daughter has not eaten.
20:53She has been sleeping for a long time.
20:54I don't want her to get sick.
20:57Maria, wake up, little girl.
20:59Wake up.
21:03Maria is not here.
21:05Maria is not here.
21:06They took my daughter again.
21:08They took her again, Esteban.
21:10Esteban, where is my daughter?
21:12They took her again, Esteban.
21:14They took my daughter again.
21:19Well, if you don't talk, I'll do it.
21:21Because that's a crime and Esteban Opaz has to know.
21:24Please, please, Nandi, I'm asking you.
21:26You can't say anything.
21:27It can also affect you.
21:28And why me?
21:30Let's see, Geronimo tried to put Gala in the cryptocurrencies, didn't he?
21:33Yes, yes, yes.
21:35But that's a family matter.
21:37And Nandi, I'm sorry to tell you this way, but that doesn't belong to you.
21:44You know what?
21:45It does belong to me because you're my friend and it's affecting you.
21:48Unless there's something else.
21:49Tell me.
21:53No, no, no, no, no, no.
21:56No, no, no, no, no, no.
21:58There's nothing else.
21:59But, but, but that's my secret.
22:01And you, more than anyone, should understand it.
22:03When you buried Zamara, you also committed a crime.
22:06No, no, forgive me, but that was something very different.
22:09Yes, but it had the same result.
22:11They knew they had committed a crime and that they were talking about putting them in jail.
22:15Listen to me, Nandi.
22:17I'm not going to lock up my son.
22:19Who begged you?
22:20Tell Esteban.
22:22You don't know him like I do.
22:23He's going to start being paranoid.
22:25He's going to think there are more things.
22:27And I know it.
22:28He's going to lock up my son.
22:29If he's capable of doing it to me.
22:32Nandi, if you ever loved me, I beg you.
22:35Stop getting into something that doesn't belong to you.
22:39I ask you from the bottom of my heart.
22:42Good afternoon.
22:43Filipa, what are you doing here?
22:45Have you already been released?
22:46I thought that...
22:47Yes, yes, I also thought that, but well, I'm already out here.
22:50Nandi, I'm sorry for the interruption.
22:51I didn't expect to see you here.
22:53I don't want to fight with you anymore, Silvia.
22:55No, not me either.
22:57The truth is, being in jail was something very hard for me.
23:00A great lesson.
23:02So I come in peace.
23:04All I want is to get my children's love back.
23:07And be a new person.
23:12It can't be, it can't be.
23:14Where is my daughter?
23:15Please, she has to show up.
23:17Where is my daughter?
23:19Maria, where are you?
23:24What's going on?
23:25What's going on?
23:27She's here.
23:28But how did she get there?
23:29She's here, she's here, she's here.
23:30Calm down, calm down, calm down.
23:31She's here, she's here.
23:33Don't worry.
23:35Come, let's sit her down.
23:37Let me measure her pulse.
23:38Please tell me she's alive, please tell me.
23:40She's alive, she's alive.
23:41She has a pulse, my love.
23:42Calm down, calm down.
23:43But how did she get there?
23:44What happened?
23:46They wanted to take her.
23:47But who?
23:48The doctor, the doctor.
23:49He's the only one who has entered this house.
23:51And he spent too much time with her.
23:53Maria, please.
23:54Please, you have to wake up.
23:55My daughter.
24:01My love.
24:02How are you?
24:03How do you feel?
24:07But I don't know why I fell asleep.
24:10I just remember that I was with the doctor.
24:14And he told me that I was super cute.
24:17And I fell asleep.
24:21My little girl.
24:24You're an idiot, Sam.
24:27You had to bring Samara in front of me.
24:30It wasn't easy to get that girl out.
24:32They have that house completely shielded.
24:34What you don't know is how to do things right.
24:37Mendoza was an idiot.
24:38And that's why he doesn't exist anymore.
24:40Enough, Ginebra.
24:42Stop trying to hurt Samara.
24:46He suffered a lot when he was with you.
24:49I can't stand it when you get so weak and sentimental.
24:54Not with the girl, Ginebra.
24:57Remove your hatred with peace.
24:59Or with Esteban.
25:01Who has been the only man who has made you lose control of your emotions.
25:06I know you're still in love with him.
25:08And that you suffer when you see him happy with peace.
25:11Don't continue, Mauro.
25:14I'm just telling the truth.
25:16No other man has made you feel like Esteban.
25:22By the way, I found out that Paz is expecting Esteban's son.
25:37How would Paz feel
25:40to suffer the theft of another child again?
25:46This night is special
25:49There are smiles for me
25:52So much music dancing in the city
25:59And I get goosebumps
26:02So many desires to get close to you
26:05I look at you, you look at me
26:08And it's great
26:13What algorithm programmed
26:16The beginning and the end
26:20Of this story to the measure of the two
26:27A million times I thought
26:33My traveler heart
26:36You're tired of doubting
26:40Now yes, now no
26:44Yes or yes
26:47I'm loving you
26:51Yes or yes
26:54And you love me
26:58It's love
27:00A hundred thousand times more than love
27:03Don't go, please
27:06This night is ours
27:08Stay with me, yes
27:11Yes or yes
27:20The soup tastes so good
27:23I think I overslept
27:26Thank you, mommy
27:28Thank you for pampering me
27:30I will always do
27:32Hey, your dad and I have very nice news for you
27:36Tell me, what is it?
27:38We're going to give you a very special moment
27:41I like surprises
27:43My love, Mendoza doesn't answer me
27:46He tells the other security guards
27:48That they saw him leave with some suitcases
27:52What am I good for, my daughter?
27:54Mom, can I take care of Maria?
27:56Don't leave her alone for a moment, we'll explain later
27:58Yes, of course
28:00Thank you
28:02Oh, my beautiful girl
28:04What's up with you?
28:06Let me give you your soup
28:08It's hot
28:10Let's see
28:20It can't be
28:22The doctor and Mendoza were in cahoots
28:28They wanted to take her in a suitcase
28:31Mendoza betrayed us
28:33Sabon probably works for Ginebra
28:35He must be her accomplice
28:38And that was the moment when Sabon alerted her
28:41That bastard
28:43That's why he held us back so much
28:45Was that the one who recommended you to that doctor?
28:47Do we have to talk to him?
28:49No, we have to learn all the alerts
28:51It's obvious that Ginebra wants to hurt us
28:53And until when is he going to stop?
28:55It terrifies me to think that at any time
28:57I can do something to my daughter
28:59Maria and our family deserve to be happy
29:01Enough of so much suffering
29:03We saw how the unfortunate Mendoza
29:05took out two suitcases
29:07He could have taken Maria to our noses
29:09They didn't make it here, thank God
29:11Dad, Mrs. Lupita, please
29:13I beg you to protect our children
29:15As much as I reinforced security
29:17Those bastards managed to make fun of her
29:19Yes, and they made fun of everyone
29:21The supposed doctor invented a therapy
29:23Just to make us dizzy
29:25While trying to take my daughter
29:27My God, I can't imagine the terror
29:29That my granddaughter would have lived
29:31What's going on?
29:33Mrs. Elvira, Mendoza betrayed us
29:37The psychiatrist works for Ginebra
29:39They tried to take Maria
29:41Fortunately, they didn't make it
29:43But who is supposed to be that doctor
29:45That Uncle Kenzo recommended him?
29:47Well, I'm trying to locate him, but I haven't been able to
29:49Let's see, dad, if Kenzo had something to do with our attack
29:51Because he could have done everything
29:53Before we left
29:55No, let's see, this is very strange
29:57Besides, Kenzo was always good
29:58I'm going to look for Mendoza
30:00To file a report to the police
30:02Yes, go and file that report
30:04The police must know
30:06They have to stop those criminals
30:08I'm going to look for Mendoza
30:10To the address we have registered
30:12Excuse me
30:14Fobo, Fobo, wait
30:16I need you to tell me who we can trust
30:18I don't know if anyone else is involved
30:20We need to have that information
30:22We have to protect the family
30:24We need you very attentive, family
30:26At this point, everyone's life is in danger
30:28We need to protect the family
30:34Fobo, please tell me you have news
30:37Could you give all the information to the police?
30:39Yes, sir
30:41There are search protocols for Mendoza and Sabon
30:44They can't escape
30:46They have to be our guide to find Ginebra
30:48The police believe they are still inside the country
30:50Anyway, they are already on all alerts
30:53Well, anything you know
30:55Let me know immediately, okay?
31:00We have to think like Ginebra
31:02What does she want in exchange for Sam?
31:04My love, she wants to torture us
31:06Ginebra is obsessed with me
31:08And she won't stop until she gets rid of us
31:12You were always at the galleon's feet
31:14To get me out of jail
31:16That means you care
31:19I know you and I could go back, Kelsey
31:21Filipa, enough
31:23The only thing you want is to get me away from you
31:25It's your fault we're in this mess
31:27Don't you realize you were the one who ruined our children's lives?
31:30Dad, please, enough
31:32Seriously, enough
31:34Look at me
31:36Look at me and tell me you don't feel anything for me
31:38There was a time when we loved each other, Kelso
31:40Filipa, enough, please
31:42Stop thinking only about yourself
31:45Look at me
31:47Look at me
31:49Look at me
31:51Don't you realize this isn't even about us anymore?
31:53This is much more serious
32:01Don't ask me to trust you when you released Ginebra
32:05A dangerous woman who continues to commit crimes
32:08Besides, she was taken out for corruption
32:10She was taken out for agreements established in the law
32:13She's a confessed criminal, yes
32:15But she's also a witness of interest to the authorities
32:17She stole my daughter
32:19The one I've been looking for for seven years
32:21The only evidence of that crime
32:23Is in Mr. Fermin's statements
32:25There's no way to prove they were the ones who abducted the minor
32:28And why do you minimize my pain, agent?
32:30I don't minimize it, ma'am
32:32Please, take a seat
32:34I'm only telling you the truth
32:36Ginebra Nicoliti did stay with her daughter
32:39And she made her go through it on her own
32:41But as soon as she recovered
32:43That girl is under her care
32:44And what happens to her is her responsibility
32:46Don't be insolent
32:48What kind of police officer are you?
32:50Ginebra is a crazy psychopath who enjoys pain
32:53She wants to take revenge on us
32:55You're the one who's harassing me with your insolence
32:57In the face of Castro's disappearance
32:59I'm the authority in charge
33:01Then solve it
33:03You have to stop Ginebra or end her
33:05We can't keep living in fear every day
33:07You were about to kidnap my daughter
33:09Why don't you have a little empathy?
33:11Mr. Arnulfo Mendoza and his partner
33:12Were found dead
33:14In their vehicle
33:16On a nearby road
33:18They are currently being transferred to the morgue
33:21And what does Sabon know?
33:23He can tell us something
33:25Or is he going to cover it up too?
33:27We're still investigating
33:29All his data seemed surreal
33:31But when we checked with the database
33:33We saw that there are double entries
33:35Did someone else steal the identity?
33:37If I have to repeat everything
33:39This process is going to be eternal
33:40And I have a lot of work to do
33:42Sabon was hired by Ginebra
33:44And surely she was in charge
33:46Of getting Mendoza off the map
33:48Do you have evidence?
33:50Or are you just talking because you have a mouth?
33:52If you want, sit in my chair, sir
33:54It looks like you already solved the case
33:56Just to come and yell at me
33:58No, this is the last straw
34:00That you point out to us
34:02When the criminal is out
34:04They are incompetent
34:06They don't deserve to be in this place
34:08Get to work
34:10If you're not going to do your job
34:12Talk to your superior
34:14Someone has to take us seriously here
34:16I am the law in this place, ma'am
34:18So accept the advances I'm giving you
34:20And don't talk to my wife like that, okay?
34:22Don't you dare touch me
34:24If you don't want to end up in jail
34:28And these are the annual charts
34:30With their costs
34:32Who are they?
34:34Mrs. Elvira
34:36You brought Sabon into my house
34:38He was about to kidnap Samara
34:40I demand an explanation
34:42Why didn't you investigate him?
34:44Mrs. Elvira, I swear
34:46I did investigate him
34:48I had all the documentation in order
34:50That's why I listened to the recommendation
34:52No, no, no
34:54Sabon doesn't answer any of the numbers registered in his name
34:56The police also went to the addresses where he claims to be
34:58And there is no trace of him living there
35:00I hope your conscience is calm
35:02Because at this moment
35:04A girl could be suffering from a terror
35:06That no one is told, except for a child
35:08Oh my God, it can't be
35:11You follow my orders
35:13And I will protect your children
35:22Me, me, me, me
35:24Me, me, me, me
35:26Me, me, me, me
35:28Me, me, me, me
35:30Me, me, me, me
35:35Respect the age
35:37Wait, wait, wait
35:38There it is
35:40My mom has a surprise for me
35:43But she will tell me more later
35:45I know what it is
35:47That's not fair
35:49Give me a clue
35:51I am Bocón, but not so much
35:53You will be very happy with that news
35:56Yes, just like I was
35:58Oh, so you also know
36:00Yes, yes
36:02If I don't throw the tower, I'll tell you
36:06Damn, I really feel like a trapped lion without being able to do anything
36:10We promised my dad that we wouldn't risk it again
36:13But I want to make a broadcast to talk directly with the people
36:16In case they come to see Sabón or Mendoza and help us report them, right?
36:20I've been thinking about what you said
36:22Maybe it also has something to do with this
36:26Where did that come from?
36:28My dad listens to Uncle Kenzo, right?
36:30He could have helped them hack the car somehow
36:31And put it on gas
36:33And Jerónimo was the one who gave us the address
36:36Is it possible?
36:37Let's see, let's see, but aren't we exaggerating?
36:39I mean, Jerónimo is kind of crazy, but Uncle Kenzo is the gang, I don't think
36:43He's been like an uncle to us
36:45But it would make sense because he knows everything about our lives
36:50And now about Jerónimo, isn't it very strange that he wants to take us with him out of nowhere?
36:53And just when he starts doing it, it's when they attack us
36:57There are many coincidences
36:58But we have to find out if Ginebra and Jerónimo have something to do with it
37:08Tell me, is someone threatening you?
37:11We're alone, trust me
37:13It's very strange that you have a kidnapper in my house, Kenzo, for God's sake
37:18Nilvira, Nilvira, I didn't know anything, I swear, I would be unable to hurt him
37:22Esteban is like a brother to me, you know that
37:24Speak up, Kenzo
37:25Because if you knew, I would have sent you to prison immediately
37:28Ma'am, Kenzo has nothing to do with this
37:31And what about you? How can you be so sure if you are also a criminal?
37:36Well, because I was locked up with his daughter
37:40I knew perfectly well all his plans and he never mentioned Kenzo to me
37:45You are warned that
37:48Where did you get that soap?
37:49Calm down, calm down
37:50Where did you get that soap?
37:51Esteban, I showed you all his data, I verified it, I don't know him, please calm down
37:54I don't know more than that
37:56Kenzo, we need you to give us more information
37:58Tell us what you know about the soap, please
38:00I know you perfectly well and I know you're hiding something
38:04Are you working for Ginebra?
38:17I'm at the police station
38:19I tried to talk to my boss but he doesn't answer me, he must be furious
38:23You are careless
38:26I proved to be superior to him
38:28At least I don't leave things unfinished
38:33You are a human scoundrel, I'm ashamed to see you like this
38:39I'm going to take a shower to see if that relaxes me a little
38:42Excuse me
38:51Let's see, I understand the affection and everything that binds you to Mauro
38:53But you are a strong woman
38:55And it gives me the feeling that he is softening you
38:58Mauro is betraying you
39:00I think it's time for you to eliminate him
39:03Are you trying to put me against my brother?
39:07That I have known for years
39:08And that he listens to you and that you have been five minutes at dinner
39:12No, don't get confused
39:14No one is fooling me
39:16I just remind you that it was my boss who released you from prison
39:19And you don't want to make him angry
39:24Hey, you are being very hard on Kenzo
39:26He has not given you any reason to suspect him
39:30Let's see, all the processes were authorized by you
39:33Esteban, you also investigated him
39:36We are going to believe in you
39:38Especially because I don't think you are capable of hurting us
39:40You witnessed my suffering
39:43I know you wouldn't have the heart to expose a child to criminals
39:47You are a father and you know that a child does not deserve to suffer
39:50My father was right
39:52I myself lived that anguish with my children
39:54And I would like to know who tried to kill them in the car with gas
39:57My children could have died
39:59There are many people who are betraying us, Esteban
40:02There is the example of Mendoza, right?
40:07He helped the car attack
40:08He deleted the access records to the car deposit
40:11And the only ones we had access to to eliminate that were us or someone from security, no one else
40:17I just spoke to the police
40:19They are still investigating what happened with Mendoza
40:22They brought documents with the itineraries of the whole family
40:25Then Mendoza gave all our information to Ginebra
40:29We had that damn traitor in the house
40:31We had that damn traitor in the house
40:37Zamara should have been here with me
40:39I had everything ready to torture her
40:41If Mendoza had not repented, that girl would already be suffering
40:45But the best thing is to look to the future
40:49The future
40:52What future do you think awaits me?
40:56You are my best friend
40:58And because of your carelessness, you are also exposed
41:15You still have Kenzo
41:17You have him dominated, there is no way he can escape
41:19Unless that imbecile also regrets it, because what he has of handsome he has of cowardly
41:24You have done the same thing I would have done
41:26He has his secrets in your hands
41:28You have planted evidence
41:30If he speaks, it would be his end
41:32He would go to jail
41:35I'm the one in charge here, do you understand me?
41:38You will have freed me, but you deserve me
41:42And we still have a lot of pain to cause
41:44The stupid taqueria and Esteban will not be happy
41:48Kenzo will do what I tell him
41:50I'm done with him
41:56To be continued
