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El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 89 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 90 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 91 HD Completo
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 89 HD Completo
00:00Extinguirte en sol, decide, o te vuelves mi esclavo o mueres.
00:07¿Qué puede ser el siguiente encargo?
00:18Como me has amado.
00:21Te amo a ti.
00:23Mireya, lo único que quiero es que nos escapemos juntos.
00:28Tú y yo podemos tener un futuro juntos.
00:32Nosotros no tenemos nada que ver.
00:36Humberto sí era un hombre de verdad, no como tú.
00:45Te amo.
00:47Nada más porque eres la madre de Samara.
00:51Y ella se merece tener una madre que le quiera de verdad.
01:01Si quieres que Samara sea feliz, tienes que eliminar a Ginebra.
01:07Solamente tú puedes hacer que pare.
01:09Limpia tu conciencia, Mauro.
01:14Tú y yo nos vamos a volver a ver.
01:22¿Estás bien? ¿Estás bien?
01:25¿Tú estás bien?
01:28No, no, no.
01:32¿Habla o te mato? ¡Habla!
01:35¿Va a cometer un crimen, señor Esteban?
01:43No te mato, porque no soy un asesino.
01:47Pero Ginebra y Mauro van a terminar acabando contigo.
01:51Eres hombre muerto.
01:58¿Cuáles son tus últimas palabras para tus hijos?
02:01¿Alguna canción?
02:03¿De verdad prefieres deshacerte por dentro antes de pedirme tu antídoto?
02:09¿Vas a dejar a esos bortanitos solos en la vida?
02:13Yo solo quiero que el amor nos guíe de ahora en adelante.
02:20Ya, ya, ya.
02:22Acepto tu propuesta, ya. No voy a dejar a mis hijos solos, ¿está bien?
02:25Es muy fácil, tenso.
02:26Tú cumples mis órdenes y yo blindo a tus hijos.
02:35¿Sí o no?
02:37Sí, ya, ya.
02:49Me debes la vida.
02:57¿Sí vas a seguir las órdenes de esos tipos?
03:00Ginebra es la jefa.
03:02Tenemos que hacer lo que ella mande si queremos tener dinero.
03:05Ok. Entonces hay que empinar el grupito de Gala y Salomón.
03:18Es Jero.
03:20¿Qué pasó, Jero? Aún no tenemos una respuesta.
03:23No hablo para eso, Gala.
03:24Parece que mis fans encontraron la posible ubicación de Mauro.
03:29En este momento no puedo salir del hospital, pero necesito esa dirección.
03:33¿De verdad están seguros de enfrentarse a ese tipo?
03:38Vamos a tener que ingeniárnosla para distraer a los elementos de seguridad.
03:42¿Qué pasó, Jero? Soy el Salo.
03:44Oye, necesito que me mandes toda la información que sepas del Mauro.
03:47Yo mismo le voy a arrancar la cabeza por haber lastimado a mi jefa.
03:50Ahorita les mando todo lo que me enviaron.
03:51Pero, por favor, tengan cuidado.
04:00No puedo creer, Dios mío.
04:03Estás enferma.
04:08En este punto, Kenzo, tu vida me pertenece.
04:11Obedeces o te arruino.
04:13No. Acá la asesina eres tú.
04:16Si van a sacarme unos análisis, van a ver qué misterios me tienen.
04:18Si van a sacarme unos análisis, van a ver que en mi sangre tengo la misma toxina.
04:22La que mató a él fuiste tú, no yo.
04:24En ese punto te equivocas, querido.
04:26Tengo todo en contra de ti.
04:29¿No le has dicho a Esteban que tu hijo Jerónimo iba a arruinar a Gala, verdad?
04:34¿Cómo sabes eso?
04:36Tu hijo me lo contó.
04:38Y yo entiendo que quisieras el secreto,
04:40porque Esteban es tan cerrado y tan cuadrado y ese bastión de justicia
04:44que seguramente hubiera querido tu hijo preso.
04:46¿Cómo hiciste para que mi hijo viniera a ti, Gina?
04:49¿Con qué lo estás chantajeando?
04:51Con nada.
04:53Él vino solito.
04:55Y eso no es lo mejor, ¿eh?
04:57Hace varios crímenes más de tu retoñito.
05:00¿Sabes qué le disparó a Mireya y Humberto?
05:03Él mató al primo de tu mejor amigo.
05:07No, me estás mintiendo.
05:09Mi hijo es incapaz de asesinar a alguien, yo lo conozco.
05:11Es esta pistola que tiene sus huellas.
05:14Opina lo contrario.
05:16Es con la que asesinaron a Humberto Villa de Correa.
05:20Yo misma hice que tu hijo la sujetara y dejara sus huellas.
05:25Tu hijo trabaja para mí.
05:27Gina, por favor, te lo ruego,
05:31deja de hacerle daño a mi hijo, por favor.
05:34Me encanta que sueltas.
05:37Y vas a memorizar todas mis historias.
05:39Y vas a memorizar todos mis órdenes.
05:42Para empezar,
05:45tú vas a desaparecer el cuerpo de Castro.
05:51Acepté escaparme con Mauro
05:54para detener todo lo malo que nos estaba pasando.
05:58Pero yo nunca me imaginé que iba a ocurrir una tragedia así.
06:02Humberto iba a terminar muerto por mi hijo.
06:05Mire, tranquila, por favor.
06:06Tú todavía estás delicada.
06:08No podemos permitir que la tragedia crezca.
06:10Tú solo estabas haciendo el bien,
06:13sacrificándote por todos nosotros.
06:15Humberto era un buen hombre, carnalita.
06:18Él estaba dispuesto a quererme bien.
06:23Ahora ni siquiera lo podemos acompañar a su funeral.
06:26Yo me siento como una miserable aquí, de verdad.
06:29No, no, mira, escúchame.
06:31Aquí los únicos miserables son Gina y Braemauro.
06:33Ellos no tienen límites.
06:34Yo también estoy igual de frustrada que tú,
06:37porque es increíble que no puedan detenerlos.
06:39Su poder y su maldad lo superan todo.
06:42Te juro que todavía tengo bien clavado en mi mente
06:45el momento en el que Ginebra me disparó.
06:52Quizás alguien tendría que tomar una terrible decisión.
06:56Alguien tendría que sacrificar su libertad
06:59a cambio de matarla.
07:01Escúchame bien, paz.
07:02No te atrevas a hacer ninguna estupidez, ¿sí?
07:05Pero métemelo.
07:07Y menos ahora que encontraste a tu hijita,
07:09porque ella te necesita más que nunca.
07:11Ni la cárcel fue suficiente para ella, Mire.
07:14Al contrario, regresó todavía más maldita.
07:16Alguien la tiene que matar.
07:18Es un peligro que esté viva.
07:26Ginebra, por favor, te lo pido.
07:28Yo jamás he hecho esto en mi vida.
07:30Jamás escondí un cuerpo.
07:32Por favor, no me hagas hacer esto.
07:34Pues siempre hay una primera vez.
07:36Ponte creativo.
07:38Mira, si mi hijo cometió un error,
07:40él lo va a tener que pagar.
07:42Yo no voy a lastimar a nadie,
07:44menos voy a ayudarte.
07:46Pensé que dirías algo así.
07:48¿Y adivina qué?
07:50Ya lo hiciste.
07:52Y ahí cuentas a tu nombre con dinero sucio
07:54que yo te transferí.
07:56¿De qué hablas?
07:58¿Tú pensabas que te ibas a deshacer de mí tan fácil?
08:00Quién sé quién soy.
08:04Tú vas a hacer todo lo que yo te diga.
08:06Si no, tu amigo se va a enterar
08:08no solo de que Filipa era mi cómplice,
08:10sino tú también.
08:12No, porque él no te va a creer
08:14y le voy a contar todas las cosas como fueron.
08:16Ándale, ve corriendo.
08:18Corriendo, ve y explícale todo.
08:20No tienes una idea
08:22todo lo que tengo preparado para ti.
08:24Y si Esteban te contó algo mío,
08:26tenía toda la razón.
08:28Decide quién soy.
08:30Pero tu enemiga,
08:32mucho mejor.
08:34Después de deshacerte de este muertito,
08:36vas a ir a ver a Esteban
08:38y vas a hacer todo lo que yo te diga.
09:00Aún no puedo creer
09:02que Humberto se haya ido tan joven
09:04con una vida llena de sueños
09:06y aspiraciones.
09:08Era un hijo para mí.
09:10Yo lo sé, papá.
09:12Humberto te ayudó a sobrellevar
09:14el dolor de nuestra separación,
09:16a la muerte de mi mamá
09:18y también te ayudó con las tierras.
09:20Estoy sintiendo
09:22como si hubiera sido
09:24la última vez
09:26que hubiera tenido un hijo.
09:27Te ayudó con las tierras.
09:29Estoy sintiendo tanto dolor
09:31como cuando tuve que despedir
09:33a mi esposa.
09:35No hay nada más terrible
09:37que enterrar a un hijo.
09:39Es algo antinatural.
09:42Yo estoy viejo
09:44y él tenía un futuro por delante.
09:47Tú también tienes mucho
09:49por vivir, viejo.
09:51Y yo sé que a él le habría gustado
09:53verte feliz, dando lo mejor de ti
09:55con cada amanecer.
09:57No importa el corazón, Porfirio.
09:59Un hijo es lo más sagrado
10:01que tenemos.
10:03Pero debes encontrar consuelo
10:05porque era un hombre bueno
10:07y seguramente está con Dios.
10:09Mientras no lo olvides,
10:11él estará viviendo en tu corazón.
10:13Querido Porfirio,
10:15Humberto ya está gozando
10:17de la presencia
10:19de nuestro padre en el cielo.
10:21Lo único que nos resta
10:23es aceptar
10:25el llamado que Dios le hizo
10:27y rezar
10:29porque pronto nos mande consuelo.
10:33Yo también tuve que despedir
10:35a mi gran hija.
10:37Es un dolor
10:39que nunca vas a superar.
10:41Te acostumbras a él nada más.
10:43Y no existe palabra
10:45que te repele.
10:47Sientes que tu vida
10:49se parte en pedazos
10:51y que no vas a poderla reconstruir.
10:53Te abrazo con el corazón,
10:57Humberto era un hombre
10:59tan generoso,
11:04Lo voy a extrañar
11:06cada instante
11:08del resto de mi existencia.
11:13Pasaron muchos años
11:15para poder estar así,
11:17juntos y unidos.
11:19Y hoy agradezco tener
11:21a mi padre y a mi hermano.
11:23Yo siempre supe
11:25que la sangre
11:27de mi padre
11:29estaba aquí, Humberto.
11:31Me hiciste recordar
11:33que necesitaba
11:35el amor de Esteban.
11:37Empezamos con riñas y combates.
11:39Terminó en esto,
11:41riéndonos los tres.
11:43Y aquí van a tener
11:45a su padre para respaldarlos.
11:47Yo sé que me iré
11:49antes que ustedes
11:51por ley de vida,
11:53pero quiero que los dos
11:55se tengan el uno al otro,
11:59Juntos en las buenas
12:01y en las malas.
12:03Los quiero mucho.
12:05Nosotros a ti.
12:08Él se me adelantó.
12:11No sé si pueda seguir viviendo
12:13sin extrañarlo
12:15un solo instante.
12:17No dejo de lamentar
12:19que Humberto se haya ido
12:21por culpa de mi hija.
12:23Genebra terminó
12:25con otra vida.
12:27Es un dolor
12:29que siempre voy a cargar.
12:31Les agradezco mucho.
12:36agradezco lo que hiciste,
12:38pero no manches tus manos
12:40con esa gente.
12:42No te vuelvas a arriesgar,
12:44por favor.
12:46No puedo perder otro hijo.
12:48Eso ya no lo resistiría.
12:54Soy yo quien debe
12:55tener a Genebra.
12:57Yo soy su madre.
12:59No, usted tampoco se puede arriesgar,
13:01doña Elvira.
13:03Genebra es una mujer muy peligrosa.
13:05Humberto acaba de perder la vida.
13:07¿Cuántos más, Esteban?
13:09Ya no, ya no.
13:11Ya nadie puede morir
13:13por culpa de Genebra, ya no.
13:18¿Deberías usar mejor
13:20las pocas negronas
13:22que te quedan?
13:23No es el listo.
13:25Te pueden encerrar.
13:27La verdad es que
13:29la cárcel no es suficiente castigo
13:31para todo el daño que he hecho.
13:33Me aburre tu remordimiento,
13:37Deberías darme gracias
13:39porque dejé viva a Mireya.
13:41Por ahora.
13:43No, no.
13:45Ataca a quien quieras,
13:47pero a Mireya
13:49y a Samara no las tocas.
13:51La niña de esa tonta de paz
13:53y además,
13:55Kenzo me va a ayudar a conseguirlo.
14:02Qué bueno que ya estás mejor,
14:06Tenía tantas ganas de verte.
14:08Te amo, pero por favor, descansa
14:10para que pronto nos podamos ir de aquí.
14:12Ahora sí nos sacaste un sustote,
14:14jefecita, ¿eh?
14:16Pensamos que no le ibas a librar.
14:18Échale ganas, te necesitamos.
14:21Mira, aquí nos vamos a quedar
14:23para siempre.
14:25Sí, carnalita,
14:27aquí estás tan chula como siempre.
14:29Tenemos Mireya para rato
14:31y ni modo que se ataque
14:33la que se tenga que atacar.
14:35Bueno, yo los dejo un ratito
14:37porque voy a comprarles algo de cenar
14:39porque no quiero que se me malpasen.
14:43Nosotros ahorita regresamos, mamá.
14:50A ver, mañana a primera hora
14:51vamos a estar muy felices, Mauro.
14:53No, a ver, yo no estoy seguro,
14:55y Salo, creo que debemos
14:57de pensar mejor las cosas.
14:59No sé si sea bueno hacer nuestra justicia
15:01con nuestra propia mano.
15:03La neta, no hay nada que pensar, Pepa.
15:05Cómo está nuestra jefa por su culpa.
15:07Ese extraño tiene que estar
15:09fundido en la cárcel
15:11o en una tumba.
15:22Esteban, mi amor, ¿estás bien?
15:32Mira nada más cómo estás.
15:35No me interesa que así.
15:40No, no, no.
15:42No, no, no.
15:44No, no, no.
15:46No, no, no.
15:48No, no, no.
15:50No, no, no.
15:52No, no, no.
15:54No, no, no.
15:56No, no, no.
15:58No, no, no.
16:05Es que no puedo contenerme.
16:09No puedo creer que Humberto
16:11ya no está entre nosotros.
16:15Tenía tantos planes,
16:19estaba enamorado.
16:22Maldita Ginebra.
16:25Mil veces maldita.
16:28Ella le arrebató la vida.
16:31Humberto fue un gran apoyo
16:33para todos nosotros.
16:35Gracias a él mi familia
16:37salió libre de la cárcel.
16:39Agilizó todo para que Samara
16:41se convirtiera en nuestra hija.
16:43Yo tenía que haberla matado.
16:46Tenía que haberla matado.
16:48Si Ginebra no tiene piedad,
16:50¿por qué ella tendría que tenerla?
16:52Por eso no es el ejemplo
16:54que le quiero dar a mis hijos.
16:56Me cuesta.
16:58No le hago vueltas a esa idea, mi amor.
17:00Es tanto encoraje
17:02que te juro que me siento capaz
17:04de estrangularla.
17:06Sí, pero tú y yo no tenemos
17:08esas aguetas.
17:10Ay, mi amor.
17:12Mauro se atrevió a meterse en el hospital.
17:14Y yo lo único que pensaba
17:16era matarlo al igual que a Ginebra.
17:18Saber que están libres,
17:20yo tengo ese terrible pensamiento
17:22de convertirme en una criminal
17:24con tal de que nadie de nosotros
17:26siga en peligro.
17:28Quiero dejar eso de vivir
17:30y empezar a vivir.
17:32Ni siquiera podemos dormir
17:34por culpa de esos monstruos.
17:36Nosotros no somos asesinos,
17:38pero parece que pelear desde la justicia
17:40y desde el amor no es suficiente.
17:42Sí, pero nuestro amor
17:48es capaz de resistirlo todo.
18:18fue muy lamentable y sorpresivo
18:20lo de Humberto,
18:22pero quiero que sepas
18:24que siempre vas a contar conmigo.
18:26Gracias, Kenzo.
18:28Me encontré un gran candidato.
18:30Ay, qué bueno.
18:32Sí, este es el mejor.
18:46Oye, ¿revisaste los antecedentes?
18:48Algo extraño, hay que ser muy precavido.
18:50Sí, sí, sí lo revisé.
18:52Él es una eminencia,
18:54tiene estudios en el extranjero
18:56y muchos reconocimientos.
18:58Yo le hice todo lo necesario
19:00para regresarle la tranquilidad a mis hijos.
19:02Han pasado por tantas situaciones
19:04que no quiero que esto afecte su calidad de vida.
19:06Ah, y me atreví a citarlo
19:08para que lo entrevistes.
19:10Te necesitaba, amigo.
19:12Eres indispensable en mi vida.
19:16Son las fotos,
19:18dice que Mauro debería estar
19:20en estas calles para aquí,
19:22pero no sé qué planean hacer,
19:24¿qué piensan?
19:26Pues yo digo que o le damos un besito con el coche
19:28y se metera un crimen
19:30y si hace eso lo logramos
19:32y entonces se rompe el acuerdo que ellos tenían.
19:34Oiga, exacto, los gorros de don Esteban no vienen.
19:36No, no, no se preocupen,
19:38yo le pedí a Mendoza que fuera a comprar unas cosas
19:40para que nos pudiéramos escapar, ¿ok?
19:42¿Seguro es que es por aquí?
19:44Oigan, a ver, va a ser el momento de la verdad,
19:46yo les quiero preguntar,
19:48¿estamos seguros de lo que vamos a hacer?
19:50Sí, 100%, a ver, él mató a mi tío,
19:52lastimó a su mamá
19:54y no puede seguir haciendo estas cosas
19:56sin ninguna consecuencia, ¿ok?
20:06¡Ay, Salu!
20:08¡Ay, Salu, ¿qué pasa aquí?
20:10No, no, no, no, no, perdón, no fui yo,
20:12el coche se borró solo...
20:14Sí, pero ya prendió el coche,
20:16a ver, no sé, está como trabado,
20:18es que no tiene la ranza,
20:20¿ya ves la pantalla?
20:24¡No, no, no, no, no, no!
20:26¡Abre, Salu! ¡Abre la puerta!
20:28I can't do anything!
20:29You can't!
20:30The phones are locked!
20:31They're locked!
20:32They're all locked!
20:33It doesn't work!
20:34Open the door!
20:35I can't!
20:46What are you doing here?
20:48In this moment you're going to finish your revenge game.
20:54And tell me, who do you think you are to demand anything from me?
20:57Your mother.
20:58You're not my mother.
20:59It's a bitch who abandoned me.
21:03Your problem is with me, isn't it, Genevara?
21:05Here I am.
21:07Do you want to keep holding on to the idea that I abandoned you for pleasure?
21:11Kill me.
21:13Kill your own mother.
21:23What were you doing in the dressing room?
21:24I don't know, but...
21:25You're a coward!
21:26You're a coward!
21:28We're trapped!
21:34Do something!
21:35Do something, please!
21:41Are you okay?
21:43Yes, yes.
21:44Suddenly I had a strange feeling.
21:47As if someone was pressing me.
21:50And how is the most beautiful princess in the world?
21:53Look at my arms.
21:55How are you?
21:57I miss my uncle Humberto.
21:59I don't know why he went to heaven.
22:01We need him here too.
22:04We're all going to miss him a lot.
22:06But I'm sure that from heaven we have an angel who will take care of us.
22:10And you also have your uncle, who I think adores you.
22:12Yes, daughter.
22:13Besides, when a loved one dies, it takes us time to accept it and understand it.
22:17But the most important thing is to keep those beautiful things here in our hearts.
22:21Fortunately, the help to make us feel better is about to arrive.
22:25Who are we waiting for?
22:26A psychiatrist that Kenzo recommended to me.
22:29He will help us contain ourselves in all this process that we are going through.
22:33Gentlemen, the doctor has arrived.
22:37Good afternoon.
22:39Mr. Villa de Cortés.
22:41Nice to meet you.
22:42Let me introduce myself.
22:43I am Dr. Ignacio Villa de Cortés.
22:45Let me introduce myself.
22:46I am Dr. Ignacio Villa de Cortés.
22:49Hello, girl.
22:50I came to talk to you.
22:54Daughter, don't be afraid.
22:56Yes, the doctor intends to help us.
23:09Don't look at me!
23:11Kill me!
23:12Kill me!
23:13End your twisted revenge!
23:15Isn't that why you killed my daughter?
23:19Better sit down, do you want?
23:21There is a woman as nervous and fragile as you.
23:24I could give her a heart attack.
23:26And it would be a shame if that took away my happiness.
23:31I made you suffer.
23:34No more insults, ma'am.
23:37How curious.
23:38All offended by an insult.
23:40And she's been begging me to put a bullet in your brain.
23:43How do we do it?
23:45You're crazy.
23:50What was that you told me, Ginebra?
23:52That you weren't going to rest until we all died?
23:57Don't tell me you're so eager to talk
23:59because you have a hidden microphone.
24:01I don't have anything.
24:04Your suffering, mommy,
24:06is far from over.
24:08And I suffered for years in the orphanage,
24:11in the streets,
24:12sold by my adoptive parents.
24:15And I killed.
24:17I killed to survive.
24:19To have a name.
24:20To have the existence that you denied me.
24:25I already told you.
24:27To be consistent.
24:29I looked for you all my life.
24:32I did the unimaginable.
24:34I spent everything I had to try to be with you.
24:37And all I found were ashes.
24:42I have to put you in a psychiatric hospital.
24:46I'm not crazy, mom.
24:49If you wanted to find me, you would have done it.
24:53Your dad knew where I was.
24:55Was it so hard for him to tell you?
24:58Despite all your arrogance
25:01and being so empowered,
25:02according to you, you were subdued,
25:04subdued by a man, by your dad.
25:08What a brave female example you were going to give me.
25:10You didn't know my father.
25:11He was capable of anything.
25:13No, I didn't know him.
25:16But I know you.
25:18And I'm not going to lie to you.
25:21I want your pathetic breath to escape
25:24with every cry.
25:27And I dream of the day you see everyone break
25:30before you do.
25:33And when we're flooded with your tears,
25:37then I'm going to take your life.
25:44Salo, open the door!
25:45Are you sure?
25:46It's locked!
25:48Let's get out of here!
25:49Let's get out of here!
25:50Open the door!
25:51Open the door for me!
25:52Open it!
25:54It's locked!
25:55Open it!
25:56There's no point in breaking the windows!
25:57It's locked!
25:58You can't, you can't!
25:59I can't breathe!
26:01Pass me the tools!
26:02They're in the trunk!
26:04In the back, in the black backpack!
26:07The backpack is in the back!
26:08It's a backpack, but it's too big!
26:11Hurry, pass it to me!
26:12I'm drowning!
26:13Pass it to me!
26:14I'm drowning!
26:15Get in!
26:16Hold on!
26:17Hold on!
26:18I can't breathe!
26:19You're going to get us out!
26:20I can't breathe!
26:23Hold on!
26:24The door, the door!
26:25Close it!
26:26Close it, please!
26:30Hello, I think you put on a lot of perfume.
26:39It's just that I like to smell good, always.
26:41I think it's a very important part of life.
26:44Do you have experience with children?
26:46Yes, ma'am.
26:47I have been giving consultations to children and adolescents in different parts of the world for a few years.
26:51And I have been a speaker in various conferences.
26:53My mother was a psychologist, so the study of the mind and the human brain run through my veins.
26:58I just arrived in Mexico and I'm setting up my office.
27:01Yes, I read in your CV that your technique is based on the theories of Jampi Ayed, Abigoski, Siegel, and Karl Dweck.
27:07I see that you did your homework very well, sir.
27:09Well, you will understand that we had to review your background.
27:13If you have seen the news, there are many issues to solve in this family.
27:17Sit down with the tranquility of investigating what you need.
27:21It will calm you down.
27:23Is something wrong, Kenzo?
27:24No, no, no.
27:25Just that I'm still not processing all this that has happened.
27:29But Dr. Sabon is the best in his field.
27:32I also serve adults, Mr. Figueroa.
27:35If you want me to finish with all your problems, do not hesitate to speak.
27:40Well, I have not yet decided whether to hire your services.
27:43Yes, we want to see if Sams adapts his way of working.
27:47Would you mind if I'm present at the session?
27:49It's not how I usually work, but if you prefer it that way, I'm ready.
27:54Well, my wife will accompany you to a place where you will have greater privacy.
27:58Please sit at home.
28:00Thank you very much.
28:01I'll do it.
28:02At home you breathe a very beautiful atmosphere.
28:07Come on, daughter.
28:08We will not take long.
28:09The doctor will help us keep only the beautiful memories, okay?
28:12Let's go.
28:14Thank you.
28:15Let's go.
28:20It's kind of weird that doctor, don't you think?
28:23I guess genes are like that.
28:27What's wrong with you?
28:29Do you feel bad? Did the color go away?
28:31I think I ate something.
28:33I feel bad, I want to go back to the stomach.
28:35Well, take a deep breath and sit down.
28:37Sit down.
28:38I'm going to ask them to give you a serum.
28:39It won't take long.
28:40Thank you.
28:45God, please forgive me.
28:47God, please forgive me.
28:49I want to end everything.
29:00Help me get her out.
29:01Help me get her out, Gala.
29:05Quick, quick.
29:07Help me, help me.
29:09Gala, please.
29:10Please react.
29:12Zalo, for Pipa.
29:13Take care of my sister, take care of my sister.
29:14Yes, yes.
29:15Get Pipa out, quick.
29:17Gala, please.
29:18Gala, please react.
29:19You can't leave us, Gala.
29:21Gala, please.
29:23Gala, please.
29:40Friend, what's wrong with you?
29:42Hey, I'm going to take you to the hospital.
29:43You look very bad.
29:44No, no, no.
29:45Don't worry.
29:46With the serum, I'll feel better.
29:47No, no, no.
29:49I'm going to rest at your house.
29:50Here, take this.
29:52Hey, Kenzo, Kenzo.
29:53Calm down.
29:54What's wrong?
29:55You're acting very strange.
29:57What aren't you telling me?
29:59The thing is, Umberto's death is making me feel very bad.
30:02It made me stop thinking about my family.
30:04Are you talking about Filipa?
30:08Umberto was doing all the arrangements to get her out.
30:10I don't want her to die in prison, Esteban.
30:12I understand, but she has to assume the consequences of her mistakes.
30:14She laundered money.
30:16She forced your son to do it.
30:18She has to fulfill her sentence.
30:20I knew you were going to start with all your moral rules.
30:22Don't you realize that Filipa could die?
30:24Look, I'm sorry.
30:25I didn't mean to be insensitive.
30:27But crimes can't go unpunished.
30:29I wouldn't want them to hurt her either.
30:31But the law is clear, Kenzo.
30:33And this leads me to ask you about Jerónimo.
30:36What are you talking about?
30:38Look, I know Filipa took advantage of your son's popularity to launder money.
30:41Are you sure Jerónimo had nothing to do with it?
30:43Look, Jerónimo can be rude and all that, but he's not a criminal.
30:48Where are you getting that from?
30:50Look, Umberto didn't go into detail because he respected the professional secret.
30:53But that idea is giving me a headache.
30:56I'm sorry, Esteban.
30:58The thing is, I panic when I feel like my family is dying every second.
31:03And it's all my fault.
31:05No, it's not your fault.
31:07Yes, it is.
31:08I was the one who had to be more present.
31:10Look, focus on defending and supporting your people.
31:13That's what a real man does.
31:16Thank you.
31:23I'm sorry, Dr. Sabon.
31:25I don't want to get involved in your work.
31:27And I don't want to disrespect you either.
31:29I just want to keep an eye on my daughter.
31:31If I were you, I would do the same.
31:33I'm sorry.
31:34I just want to keep an eye on my daughter.
31:36If I were you, I would be just as careful.
31:38There's a lot of crazy people out there.
31:40Thank you.
31:42And hey, I'm not saying you're crazy or anything.
31:44No, I am.
31:46I have to be.
31:48Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to understand my patients' problems.
31:50Hey, Doc.
31:52Are you going to be able to cure me?
31:54Of course, little girl.
31:56I know pain and suffering well.
31:58I'm here to take them away from you.
32:00Doc, I'm sorry.
32:02I'm sorry.
32:04Let's make a decision.
32:06It would be very irresponsible of me to prescribe you something
32:08without having a diagnosis first.
32:13If he's going to be able to sit like that for nothing,
32:15his pompoms are going to hurt.
32:18I'm here to listen to you.
32:20And if we're not at the same level,
32:22it's going to be harder for us to talk.
32:24Tell me something.
32:26What do you expect from this?
32:29Well, I don't want to be sad.
32:31And I want my mom, Pazita,
32:33to have a big, big, big smile.
32:37I want to be happy.
32:39I want my family to be happy.
32:47Help me! Help me!
32:49I need to feel my brother's feelings, quick!
32:51I don't know! I don't know!
32:53Like in the movies!
32:55Like this, let's see.
32:57Inspect him, please.
32:59No, again, again!
33:02Gala, please, open your eyes.
33:05Gala, please, wake up!
33:10Pepa, are you okay?
33:12Help me with Gala, please!
33:14Bosco, help me!
33:16Gala, Gala, Gala!
33:18It's okay, it's okay.
33:20Pepa, are you okay?
33:22Gala, call the police.
33:24Gala, Gala, please.
33:26Breathe, breathe.
33:28You can go now.
33:29You can go now.
33:33If you don't kill me,
33:37I'll kill you.
33:41Now you really surprised me.
33:45Do you know how to use it?
33:48Give it to me.
33:52Don't move or I'll shoot you.
33:56I still remember my first murder.
33:59The guy raped me when I was a child.
34:03He tried to kill Mauro,
34:05and that's why I blew his head off.
34:08Do you know what I remember best?
34:11The eyes.
34:13The light left them
34:16the moment the gun was released.
34:18Shut up!
34:24This bastard always gives me trouble.
34:26If you take out a gun,
34:27it's to use it.
34:31Why don't you end my suffering once and for all?
34:34What more do you want?
34:36Look at me, for God's sake.
34:38As much as I look at you,
34:40I don't see anything in your eyes.
34:42It's like seeing the void.
34:45Well, that's how I am, mother.
34:49And that's how I'm going to leave you.
34:52Now that I think about it,
34:54I could accuse you of murder,
34:55or attempt to murder.
34:57It would be very funny to see you through the bars.
35:04But no.
35:06I need you alive
35:08and alert.
35:10Otherwise, how am I going to make you suffer?
35:16Thank God your mother still has a heart.
35:21But on my account,
35:22I'm going to charge you
35:24for each of the crimes you've committed.
35:37What I think the most
35:40is that my mother, Ginebra, is bad.
35:44When you think about her,
35:46what do you feel?
35:48I don't know.
35:50I'm afraid,
35:52I'm sad,
35:54because I feel like she's suffering.
35:57Can't people have a bad heart?
36:01Or do they?
36:03My beautiful girl,
36:05every day I spend,
36:07I'm more certain that you're an angel.
36:09That's right, ma'am.
36:11All evil comes from something we call trauma.
36:13But we all suffer,
36:15and that's not why we get rid of others.
36:17Yes, ma'am.
36:19If you'll allow me to finish,
36:20each person processes what happens to them in a different way.
36:23Some with anger,
36:25others with pain.
36:27It can cause you to want to help everyone or...
36:29Destroy them.
36:31The important thing is that when you have those bad feelings,
36:33you take a break.
36:36Like the game of the frozen?
36:40And just like in the game,
36:42you can analyze everything.
36:44The mind is very powerful.
36:46It can take you to magical places.
36:50when you close your eyes,
36:52what can you notice about what's around you?
36:56I can smell the doctor's lotion.
37:01And I can also feel the love you have for me.
37:05Open your eyes.
37:07When you're scared,
37:09remember this exercise.
37:11Your mommy's love will always take care of you.
37:21They should have told us they were dead.
37:23I'm sure your stupid plan didn't work.
37:25You should have done something easier, a shot and goodbye.
37:27It's not that easy.
37:29Do you know how to shoot a gun?
37:31No, but how hard can it be?
37:33You aim, you shoot and you hit them.
37:35No, it's not that easy.
37:37Ginebra just taught me how to shoot
37:39and that thing has its magic.
37:47They're still alive.
37:48I told you, Pollito.
37:50Why so much drama with the gas?
37:52Because I didn't want them to suffer.
37:54Besides, it was easier to simulate a suicide.
37:56No, things will get better.
38:01Your daughter has important trauma sequels.
38:04She suffered a lot in a short time.
38:06So, do you think she needs medication?
38:09Not for now.
38:11I understand she sleeps well.
38:15She doesn't have a crisis,
38:16but she has a lot of stress.
38:18I'm sorry, I didn't understand.
38:20What did she say?
38:22I'm sorry, ma'am.
38:24TCC stands for cognitive behavioral therapy.
38:26Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.
38:29If you liked the way I handled her,
38:31I'd like to keep seeing her.
38:33I'm not an expert in this kind of therapy,
38:35but it seems my daughter felt comfortable with you.
38:38So, yes, I'd like you to keep helping my Maria.
38:43When I'm done with her, she'll be very different.
38:47TCC stands for cognitive behavioral therapy.
38:50TCC stands for cognitive behavioral therapy.
38:53I understand, sir. Thank you.
38:55Well, the procedures to free Filipa are still underway.
38:59She could be released on parole,
39:01but we have to pay some bail.
39:03You don't know how much you're taking from me.
39:05That's what friends are for.
39:07More than friends, you're part of my family.
39:09My children are your nephews,
39:11and with the Robles, there are more people who love you.
39:13Yes, and you know they count on me for whatever they need.
39:16By the way, how did it go with Ginebra?
39:18Did Castro and you get any leads?
39:23The good thing is that you're strong.
39:25It'll be easy for you to take Castro's body.
39:28Go down the path I told you.
39:30There are no cameras.
39:32Ginebra, what am I going to tell Esteban?
39:34Use your imagination. I don't know.
39:36But don't worry about that.
39:38That's the least of your problems.
39:40What are you talking about?
39:42What else can you ask me?
39:44You're going to authorize the exit of the car you drive to love.
39:48And you're going to tell your best friend that his children died.
39:54Ginebra can't ask me that.
39:56Hey, friend.
39:58Hey, Quienzo.
40:00No, nothing new, nothing new.
40:02What happens is that woman is very smart.
40:04I don't lose hope of finishing her.
40:09Unknown number.
40:11I think you should answer.
40:17What? How did they attack them?
40:20No, no, no. Get into some business. We're going there.
40:23What happened to my nephews?
40:26How do you know if I didn't say their names?
40:29Because I know you, you would only get like this for them.
40:32They tried to kill them, Quienzo.
