• 4 months ago
00:00This project is a project which will give an output of 4G ethanol.
00:06And this is first of its kind in the world, which is done on a power plant.
00:11So as you rightly mentioned, it is done in Chhattisgarh power plant of NTPC.
00:15And NTPC Netra has been instrumental in really guiding this whole project.
00:20And the reason for us, I think, to be associated on this project is that we are
00:26actually getting an access to multiple technologies,
00:30which are again transformative in its nature.
00:33We are getting associated with a carbon clean technology.
00:37We are getting associated with the advanced microbial technology,
00:42which is not available globally with more than two or three players.
00:46And then also the electrolyzer technology.
00:48So this gives an access and a partnership to all of these technologies.
00:53I think what we also want to highlight is that ethanol as a product
00:59is a feedstock for the sustainable aviation fuel going forward.
01:04And we want to be the pioneers in establishing this kind of project
01:08so that it helps us be ahead of the curve.
01:11As we move forward and as we take the scale from 10 tons per day
01:14to maybe 150 tons per day,
01:16there will be a reduction in the economic value of the ethanol produced
01:20through conventional means and the ethanol,
01:23which is a 4G ethanol produced through this means.
01:25So we see that parity coming in probably year, year and a half time.
01:30By the time we should be ready to really take on the mass scale adoption
01:35of that particular technology.
01:36And that's where I think this project association for us is very critical
01:39and implementation also.
01:41The total project size is around 250 to 300 crores.
01:45That is for this 10 TPD.
01:46Now, if you scale it to a much higher spread going forward,
01:49the project sizes would become much substantially larger,
01:52to the tune of around 2,000 odd crores.
01:55But this project is between 250 to 300 crores.
01:58So all put together, how much hydrogen would Jackson be producing,
02:03say once all these projects are ready?
02:05Once the projects are all installed,
02:07cumulatively put together hydrogen and its derivative,
02:10which is methanol, ethanol, and the other stuff,
02:13we would be producing cumulatively around 8,500 tons per annum,
02:18which is again a very, very large scale given the sizes of projects
02:21that are happening at this juncture.
02:23So this would require an investment of how much,
02:25since you're also looking at equity partners?
02:28So for the first set of projects would require an investment
02:31of around 3,500 crores, debt and equity put together.
02:36And the debt portion would be around 75% and 25% would be the equity.
02:41So we're looking at equity partnerships on this first set of projects,
02:45as well as the forthcoming projects,
02:47wherein we have got framework commitments
02:51for three gigawatts of projects in partnership mode.
