Marrying My Ex’s Uncle P1 - Short Drama

  • 3 months ago
Marrying My Ex’s Uncle P1 - Short Drama


00:00No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, let me go, let me go, Frenchman, why are you doing this?
00:06You should have cleared my debt.
00:08Fifty million, easy peasy.
00:10But no, I have no choice.
00:13Kill you, and take your billion dollar inheritance.
00:16You crazy, that money is from my parents, you're just my boyfriend.
00:20Shut your trap, Bella.
00:22Ugh, you disgust me so much.
00:25I might be adopted, but I bear the black family name too.
00:28So why Dad and Mom left most of the money to you?
00:32You bitch, you should rot in hell just like them.
00:36Emily, why are you helping him?
00:38Surprise, huh?
00:40Ben and I are dating.
00:41He said this is how we'll get that sweet dough, and then he'll marry me.
00:45You're insane.
00:47Team up with Benjamin to hurt your own family?
00:50Well, that's because I hate you too.
00:52Your kindness, your intelligence, and good looks, the way everybody just adores you.
00:58I hate everything you have.
01:05You shameless murderers.
01:11Let's go, we don't want to burn to a crisp.
01:13Farewell, Bella.
01:15No, no!
01:35Hi, I'm just picking up a key.
01:43I'm just dropping some stuff off for my friend, so I'll be right back.
01:53Hey, I got the key.
01:56It's at Benjamin's uncle's hotel.
01:58Are you sure it's him?
01:59Absolutely sure.
02:00My dad just had dinner with him.
02:02Room 8200.
02:04Good luck, girl.
02:05No, I'll handle him.
02:07I will become Benjamin's aunt and make sure he loses everything that he has.
02:12Wait, you're sure you want to do this?
02:14I mean, you don't even love the guy.
02:17That's funny.
02:20That's funny.
02:21You know, I caught all that fire.
02:23I don't need love.
02:25I want revenge.
03:18Who are you?
03:19Answer me, who are you?
03:21Think of me as a secret admirer.
03:26I'm like your biggest fan.
03:27Okay, peeping Tom.
03:29You better tell me who you are, or we're going to have a big problem.
03:31I just really like you.
03:34I mean, your eyes.
03:38Your pecs.
03:42Come on.
03:50What the fuck?
03:53No, wait, wait, wait.
03:54I just, I need a favor.
03:55I'm running out of patience.
03:56I need a husband.
03:57And you are the most gorgeous man I've ever met.
04:01Get out.
04:03Okay, look.
04:04How about this?
04:05If I can make you fall for me before sunrise, then you'll marry me.
04:11Marry you.
04:28Come on.
04:29Make me fall for you.
04:49I hope you don't regret it.
05:04Sleep well?
05:11So, you want to go to City Hall?
05:14Tighter than that?
05:23So, you want to go to City Hall?
05:25Tighter than that?
05:37Thank you.
05:39You're the most helpful stranger I've ever met.
05:48Thank you.
05:54Hey, a random girl broke into my hotel room last night.
05:58Find out everything you can about her.
06:12What do you got?
06:13Mr. Michelson, here's what I dug up.
06:15Her name is Bella Black, a fashion designer.
06:17She's been living abroad and has just come back.
06:20Bella Black, the one that died.
06:26The daughter of the Black family, that Bella Black?
06:28Yes, but she died in a fire five years ago.
06:31Could just be someone with the same name.
06:33I mean, I don't really care.
06:34I need a woman to marry.
06:36And then it would get Grandma to stop pushing me to marry Daisy.
06:39I mean, it's not like I have to love her or anything, right?
06:46What are you doing?
06:47He was hungry, so I got him some sandwiches.
06:53Why are you smiling?
06:57Let's go get married.
07:06Benjamin may be a jerk, but his uncle is a delight.
07:10I mean, I don't know.
07:12Benjamin may be a jerk, but his uncle is a delight.
07:20I haven't even introduced myself to you.
07:23I'm Bella.
07:25I'm a designer.
07:29And you?
07:33A lawyer.
07:36A lawyer?
07:38Is there a problem with that?
07:39Benjamin's uncle is a CEO.
07:41So, who the hell is this lawyer guy?
07:43What was your last name?
07:47That's funny.
07:49I have a friend whose uncle is also an Ashton.
07:54What a coincidence.
07:56Last name checks out.
07:57Should be the right guy.
07:59Sign this before we get married.
08:06It's a prenup.
08:07Says we'll get divorced in a year.
08:10After the year, we'll get a big compensation.
08:15Did I just win the lottery?
08:21I have other plans.
08:24I'm gonna make you film that with me.
08:32We'll see.
08:57You handle Benjamin's uncle.
08:59Yeah, but he's a bit strange.
09:03I mean, he's got a presidential sui for that.
09:06I don't know, something feels off.
09:07Rich people, I just don't understand them.
09:09Maybe he has like a secret identity or something.
09:12Who knows?
09:14So, Benjamin and Emily stole your inheritance and invested in it.
09:19And Benjamin's uncle helped them.
09:21Yeah, I know.
09:24But hey, here's to my newlywed life as Benjamin's aunt.
09:28Oh, yes bitch.
09:29I'm gonna take every last dime from that son of a bitch.
09:32No matter.
09:33And you know what, I have something for you that's gonna help you do just that.
09:37This is for you.
09:39What is this?
09:41Something that's gonna make Leon go crazy over you.
09:43Now open it up.
09:53Yes, honey.
09:56This, listen, do you see this?
09:59This is how you celebrate moving in with Leon.
10:02You're gonna be hotter than you've ever been.
10:05You go girl.
10:07Yes, honey.
10:21That's it.
10:22Is this it?
10:32Mr. Michelson, the new house is all set.
10:34New furniture and everything.
10:35You did it again.
10:36Don't call me Mr. Michelson.
10:38Mr. Ashton.
10:43So this is my new home.
10:47Do you really think she's gonna fall for an ordinary girl like me?
11:07I'm home, my newlywed husband.
11:14I'm home, my newlywed husband.
11:17Honey, are you there?
11:26I didn't peg you to be a shrinking violet.
11:29I'm not.
11:31You're gonna see tonight.
11:32I'm not.
11:34You're gonna see tonight.
11:38I came prepared.
11:40I'm gonna make you crazy.
12:03Are you trying to seduce me, Miss Ashton?
12:07It's our first night of marriage.
12:10It should be wild.
12:14Did someone call for a sexy little kid?
12:26I have a lot of work to do.
12:28I don't think tonight's gonna be a wild night.
12:42Playing hard to get, huh?
12:45That's my bride.
12:48So hilarious.
13:18I received a genius design.
13:20It's absolutely stunning.
13:22Check it out.
13:28Hey, well you look really interested.
13:30You'll get to meet the designer soon.
13:33Well, I scared the new designer.
13:35Oh yeah, bring her in, bring her in.
13:37Bella Black.
13:55Hi, do we know each other?
13:57She's alive.
13:59Hey, can I sit down?
14:01Can you stop staring like that?
14:02That's really rude.
14:04Dad, I thought we both agreed to let Emily run the new design program.
14:09Yeah, I'm just looking at more options.
14:11You know, Bella or Emily, whichever's more capable will take over.
14:15Dad, what do you think?
14:20Excuse us.
14:29Payback time.
14:38Emily, Bella is still alive.
14:41And she's back for revenge.
14:43No way.
14:44She died in that fire.
14:46But it looks just like her.
14:48You must be mistaken.
14:50The new designer.
14:52Anyway, you should get back to the office.
14:54She's taking over the new design project.
14:56Fuck, I'm on my way.
15:08Bella Black.
15:10Funny, my sister's name is also Bella.
15:14Where is she now?
15:15She's dead.
15:17Burned alive.
15:21How horrible.
15:23Who told you this?
15:24I don't know what your game is, but stay the fuck away from me.
15:33How do you look?
15:36I'm here to work, okay?
15:37So let's keep things professional.
15:39We're not children.
15:41Oh, and these designs are incredibly important, so please don't touch them.
15:59What the fuck, Emily?
16:01Oh, sorry, my hand slipped.
16:03No, you did that on purpose.
16:04Got any evidence?
16:05Just wait until the CEO gets here.
16:08What the hell's going on?
16:10Emily ruined my drawings because she's afraid that I'm going to replace her.
16:13Record everything right here.
16:16You, you bitch, I mean...
16:19The real designs are actually...
16:22Right here.
16:23No, there's just some scrap paper.
16:24Well, except for that first one.
16:27What the hell?
16:28Bitch, I will tear you apart.
16:34You've gone too far.
16:35You're no longer part of the new design project.
16:37She set me up.
16:38Just shut up.
16:40I've seen everything.
16:41Why don't you just leave?
16:47You're right.
16:48She can't be Bella.
16:50Not that vicious bitch.
16:53That bitch.
16:55I'll make her pay.
16:57I'll make her pay.
17:58I missed a date with Bella.
18:10You have a fever.
18:12I'm better.
18:16Sit up.
19:39Good morning, sweetie.
19:41Last night, um...
19:43Did you...
19:45Carry me in here?
19:48How else do you think you'd get in here?
19:51And my clothes?
19:55Without your permission.
19:58No, I mean...
20:00Did you like what you saw?
20:02Not even a high fever can stop you.
20:05Of course not.
20:07Because you gave me the fever, babe.
20:10Set my soul on fire.
20:13Nice try, girl.
20:15But remember, what binds us together...
20:18Is the contract that you signed.
20:20Not love.
20:23That night was an accident.
20:37I've made an appointment for you with a private doctor.
20:40And I'll ask Simon to bring you to it later today.
20:52Who's left?
20:53You're more prone to cold than others.
20:55So please keep warm and try not to catch a fever.
20:57I won't.
20:58Thank you.
20:59I'll put you on an IV.
21:00It's gonna take about two hours.
21:04If you have to go somewhere, you can...
21:06I'll be okay here.
21:08Thank you, ma'am.
21:15Miss Black, I found my chance.
21:40Hello? Anyone here?
21:49I've never crossed anyone who did this.
21:59Oh, you poor little thing.
22:00Who locked you in here?
22:03Let me guess.
22:04You were hiding from the doctor?
22:09Okay, don't be afraid.
22:11Hold my hands.
22:14I'm gonna find a way to get us out of here.
22:24What a lame prank.
22:28Okay, here. You go first.
22:51Help somebody!
23:03I'm sorry I lost Lucas.
23:04He doesn't want therapy.
23:07Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
23:10You okay?
23:11Tell Dad what's wrong.
23:12What happened? Tell Dad.
23:17Go to Simon.
23:27Hey. Are you okay?
23:31What are you doing to me?
23:50You're safe now.
23:54Okay. Don't move.
23:56Alright? You have a concussion.
24:03How did I get here?
24:07You rescued me.
24:11I'm so sorry for all the trouble.
24:15It's okay. I guess we're even now.
24:18You saved my son's life.
24:20You saved my son's life.
24:23Your son?
24:25Yeah, that kid that you rescued.
24:29My son. He had some serious mental health issues.
24:33But he always shuts himself away.
24:37What do you think?
24:39Are you still okay with this? I mean...
24:42We can get a divorce if you want. Then you can go back to Benjamin.
24:51Benjamin? Wait. How do you know about...
24:54Did he find out the real reason why I married him?
24:57Yeah. You care to explain, Bella?
24:59Because if my wife is seeing another man, we can divorce immediately.
25:03No. It's not like that. I swear.
25:06I love you, Mr. Ashton.
25:09You are the only one.
25:12Do you mean it?
25:19Can I trust you?
25:21Of course.
25:25And you still owe me a wild night.
25:46Sir, I found out who locked Miss Bella in the utility room.
25:51Emily Black. Your wife took her job, so she hired someone to do it.
25:55Good. And she'll pay for it.
26:03Let me out!
26:06Who are you people?
26:08Don't forget. This is the price that you pay for hurting Bella.
26:11Who are you? Why would you do this for her? Let me out!
26:15I'm her husband. And if you do this again, I'll make you rot in fucking hell.
26:19Her what? She got married? Who the hell are you?
26:51You're awake?
26:59You okay?
27:03You okay?
27:07You went out last night?
27:08Yes. I went to punish the person that hurt you.
27:12You mean Emily?
27:14You don't have to do that.
27:16Shh. You are my wife. Okay? I'm not going to let anybody hurt you.
27:20Thank you.
27:22You're welcome.
27:24I don't even know what to say. I mean, nobody's ever promised to protect me before.
27:30And you're the first and you did it.
27:33Did it?
27:35Okay. Don't give me that look. Because that look is going to make me want to kiss you.
27:40And we can talk about it in the morning.
27:49Mr. Ashton, I have the documents for you. Oh my god.
27:55I'm going to take a shower.
28:00The documents.
28:04The documents.
28:15Team meeting in half an hour.
28:17Copy that boss.
28:26Oh my. You're blushing. Did you kiss Leon?
28:30Did you kiss Leon?
28:32Is that obvious? I touched up before I came to work.
28:35Come on. Your face screams I love Leon.
28:39He's incredible. He helped me get back at Emily and he said that he'd protect me.
28:44I feel like we're really growing to like each other.
28:48But what about your revenge? Don't forget. Leon is all a part of the plan.
29:00Look. I know Leon's the whole package. But you can't fall for him.
29:04This is Benjamin's uncle and he has a son.
29:07Not to mention he might still be in love with the kid's mom.
29:15You're right. I need to keep my eye on the prize.
29:18I have a meeting so I'll talk to you later.
29:21Alright girl. I love you. Bye.
29:44Screw you Bella.
29:46And your husband.
29:51Hey shithead. I was gone all night. No call. No nothing. I'm your fiance.
29:56Whoa. Whoa. Calm down. What happened?
29:59Bella's married. And her husband is some mysterious billionaire.
30:05It's definitely the Bella we know. Bitch wants revenge.
30:09Reborn from the flames and hotter than ever.
30:13Hotter? You still love her?
30:16Reborn from the flames and hotter than ever.
30:19What did you say? Hotter? You still love her?
30:22You still love her?
30:24Don't get worked up honey. Where are you?
30:27At the hospital. Come pick me up.
30:30I'll send someone. I gotta see my ex.
30:40What are you doing here?
30:42Just passing by.
30:45Good. You keep Bella company. I got work to do.
30:51Welcome aboard Bella. I can give you a tour if you like.
30:56Need I remind you that I'm married? You're gross.
31:05I like your style. More than your yapping sister.
31:11Can't wait to see you again, Bella.
31:21Maybe he's still in love with the kid's mom.
31:25Hey honey, can I ask you a question?
31:28Yeah, what's up?
31:31Who is Lucas' mom? You never told me about her.
31:35Yeah, um, about that, she...
31:44I'm sorry, I need to take this real quick.
31:46Yeah. Now.
31:51Alright, I'll be right there.
31:56I need to go on a business trip.
31:59Do you think you can watch Lucas while I'm gone?
32:02Right now? It's already dark.
32:05It's urgent, but I'll be back as soon as possible.
32:11Bye. Be safe, okay?
32:15Is he dodging my question?
32:21Bye buddy. See you later.
32:28Bella, I admit it. I'm sorry.
32:32I'm sorry.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:36I'm sorry.
32:38Bella, I admit it. You know nothing about his past, but he's already won you over.
32:44You're in love with him.
32:50Lucas is adorable, and Leon treats you so well.
32:54You shouldn't use him for revenge anymore.
33:11Is that you?
33:18Lucas? Oh my god, please.
33:21It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay. Stay calm.
33:27911, what's your emergency?
33:28Hi, I'm at Solly Street, SD, S14DE. A child fainted. I need you to send help.
33:36Miss, the reception is bad due to the weather. I can't hear you clearly.
33:40No, no, no. You have to hear me.
33:42Miss? Hello?
33:51I told Leon I was going to take care of you. It's going to be okay.
33:59Are you okay? Are you okay?
34:02Are you okay?
34:08Bella, how is Lucas?
34:17How is Lucas?
34:22How is he?
34:24Food poisoning, apparently from something he ate. He's doing okay now.
34:26Thank you, doctor.
34:28I don't even know what happened. I just heard this loud thud, and then Lucas was on the ground, and then he kept throwing up, and he wouldn't wake up.
34:39It's okay now.
34:41So I just had to grab him and run. I promised you that I was going to take care of him.
34:45Bella, Lucas is safe. Okay? Don't beat yourself up.
34:49I had to save him. I was the only one who could save him.
34:57Don't worry. Lucas is fine. Okay? You saved him.
35:05Bella, you are braver and truer and kinder than I thought you would be.
35:15Lucas is very lucky to have you by his side.
35:20I am too. Lucky to have you by my side.
35:29What are you making?
35:32After Lucas got out of the hospital, he started treating me differently.
35:38Do you like me or something?
35:42Well, maybe I just fell in love with your cooking.
35:45Well, I guess I'll have to keep cooking then.
35:48All right. I'm looking forward to it.
35:49Hey, Helen. What's up?
35:51Can you stop letting your jerk husband take up all your time?
35:55You're not answering any of my texts.
35:57Hey. The jerk husband is right here.
36:00Did I say jerk? No. I meant Hercules.
36:05Don't worry. I have not forgotten about our date.
36:08I will see you at the cafe this afternoon.
36:10Well, how about I make it up for you guys?
36:13I will be there.
36:14I will see you at the cafe this afternoon.
36:17Well, how about I make it up for you guys?
36:19I will book the fanciest cafe restaurant for you guys tonight.
36:22Okay, Leon. Now that's what I'm talking about.
36:38Oh, this looks so good.
36:41Please enjoy.
36:42I was smiling then.
36:44I just want to marry him.
36:47It's been a while.
36:50Looks like you want a boyfriend now.
36:52And that's your fault. You and that Leon.
36:55But I get it now.
36:57He really is a great catch.
36:59Too bad he's Benjamin's uncle.
37:04You're not falling for him for real, are you?
37:07I don't know.
37:09What are you doing?
37:10This is your only opportunity to get back at Benjamin.
37:14You know what? Let me remind you.
37:16I honestly didn't think that you would ever fall in love again.
37:20Especially after what he did to you.
37:23I did too, but...
37:26Leon's great.
37:30If he finds out that I just married him for revenge...
37:33Don't worry.
37:35Okay? Your secret is safe with me.
37:37You just gotta stay focused.
37:40Now, I know he's this big-shot billionaire,
37:43and he feels like the perfect match,
37:45but you can't fall for him for real.
37:47Okay? Cheers to not falling for Leon.
37:51Cheers to not falling for Leon.
37:53Say it again.
37:55Cheers to not falling for Leon.
38:05Hey, what are you doing here?
38:07I missed you, and your grandma said you're a lawyer here.
38:08It's so hard to get a hold of you.
38:10I am your fiancé, right?
38:12Okay, this is an office. Please get off of me.
38:15Say, you missed me.
38:17Stacey, I'm working, okay?
38:19Let go of me and get out. Your choice.
38:21Okay, okay. Someone's no fun.
38:23You work. I'll wait.
38:39Are you almost done?
38:41I'm hungry.
38:46Bella, hey.
38:48Listen, it's not what you think, okay?
38:50Me and Daisy are just, um...
