大马欲加入金砖国家 | 推进“去美元化”交易 大马和BRICS“抱团取暖”是上上策 ?

  • 3 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌我国紧随泰国步伐,宣布申请加入金砖国家,除了是在全球经济上的一个战略性举措,也是加快推进“去美元化”的一步棋?

主持 | @celes 美伶

#BRICS #金砖国家 #中国 #俄罗斯 #去美元化
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00Myanmar is going to become a part of the BRICS, a state-owned corporation.
00:03First of all, An Hua recently said in an interview that
00:05our country is going to apply to join the BRICS to wait for the South African government's approval.
00:09An Hua was the first to make this announcement
00:11in front of China's Prime Minister Li Qiang's house.
00:14In the past, BRICS was often seen as a non-Western alliance
00:17that was formed by Western mainstream views
00:20and was considered to be an anti-Western camp
00:22that opposed the G7, a group of seven countries.
00:27The government is now boldly joining forces with this elite country
00:31which is definitely a good thing for Malaysia.
00:34When is Malaysia going to join BRICS, by the way?
00:37We have indicated as a policy that we are.
00:40We have made a decision.
00:41We are placing the formal procedures soon.
00:44As far as Global South, we are completely committed.
00:47I'm working well with President Lula
00:51in expanding this sort of issue.
00:54We are just waiting for the final results
00:56and the government in South Africa.
00:59First, let's talk about the BRICS.
01:01It is actually a four-state concept
01:05that was proposed by senior American economist O'Neill in 2001.
01:08It predicts that Brazil, Russia, India and China
01:12will surpass the UK, France, Italy and other developed Western countries in 2050.
01:17The United States and Japan will form the six major economies in the world
01:20and re-shape the world's economic structure.
01:22BRICS is the name of the four countries and the English lettering of South Africa.
01:27The BRICS camp has now expanded.
01:29Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Ethiopia
01:33have officially joined in January this year.
01:34There are currently 10 member states.
01:37In addition to our country,
01:39Thailand has also officially submitted an application to join the BRICS last week.
01:44And neighboring Indonesia is also willing to join.
01:46Now, the BRICS accounts for more than 40% of the world's population
01:49and one-fourth of the global economy.
01:51The G7, an industrialized national group led by the United States,
01:54has suddenly decided to apply to join the BRICS in Malaysia.
01:58According to a report by 22,
01:59Professor Ajan Fazwan, Director of the Research Center for Policy Studies at the University of Rijeka,
02:03believes that this is a strategic move.
02:05He said that joining the BRICS is a wise move for the West.
02:11Therefore, our country can become an equal trading partner of these countries
02:14and have the opportunity to expand exports.
02:16As for the research director of the Danish Institute of Economics,
02:18Sankaran Nandbir,
02:19when he was interviewed by Freedom Today in Denmark,
02:22he said that the global economy has long been a part of the international mainstream narrative.
02:26Anwar obviously thinks it's time to find a substitute model.
02:29For Malaysia, he decided to stand on the side of other fast-growing economies.
02:33As a part of the 50-year right to speak,
02:36he welcomed it and also reminded
02:39that this means that Malaysia needs to be cautious
02:41to avoid infuriating the United States and its Western allies.
02:44No matter what,
02:45both respondents believe
02:47that joining the BRICS is a wise move for our country
02:50to avoid further weaponizing the US dollar
02:53by imposing economic sanctions on the US dollar.
02:56As Anwar said,
02:58even if our country's investment has set a record high last year,
03:01another currency will still be heavily hit.
03:04And the BRICS is really ahead of its time
03:06in terms of weaponizing the US dollar.
03:09In order to resist the US dollar hegemony,
03:10Russian President Vladimir Putin also predicted
03:12that the state of gold will launch its own independent payment system.
03:16XRP, a virtual currency,
03:17is likely to be a cross-border settlement currency.
03:20In addition, Professor Azan Fazwan
03:23also cited the use of Chinese oil in 1993 and 2003
03:26as an example of the payment of Russian combat aircraft costs.
03:29He believes that one of the benefits of joining the BRICS
03:31is that you can find other trade methods that do not use foreign currency.
03:35So what do you think of the decision to apply to join the BRICS?
03:38This move by Malaysia
03:40is a step forward for the international future
03:41between the Western camp, which is led by the United States,
03:44and the new country camp?
03:48Welcome to leave a message below.
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03:50remember to like it and share it.
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