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00:00Go together, we'll have a blast!
00:04Follow me!
00:06We're off to travel around the world
00:08To see what we can see!
00:10Expedition is always fun!
00:12We're Team Doki!
00:17Come on!
00:18Expedition is always fun!
00:20We're Team Doki!
00:24Who's the fastest cowboy in the wild west?
00:28Giddy-up Gabby is coming through!
00:30Nobody's faster than Tumbleweed Doki!
00:37Yay! You made it back to the ranch!
00:39Who wants to go with us?
00:41Later, Annabella!
00:43First, the world's best cowboy
00:45needs to lasso some cows!
00:49Nice throw!
00:51You would have made a great cowboy!
00:53Too bad they don't exist anymore!
00:55What do you mean?
00:56It's not the wild west anymore!
00:58Nowadays, ranches are probably run by robots!
01:14No way!
01:15Cowgirls and cowboys are much cooler than robots!
01:19But maybe Otto's right!
01:21I wonder, do cowboys still exist?
01:24Maybe somebody in the World Wide Expedition Club knows!
01:29A team from Colorado Springs, USA,
01:31says we should come and check out
01:33a real cattle ranch!
01:35And do you know what that means?
01:37It's expedition time!
01:41Let's go!
01:42Hey Team Doki!
01:43Everybody get ready!
01:45Now it's time to go!
01:47Let's go!
01:48We're Team Doki!
01:49We've got a question!
01:51There's something we need to know!
01:53Colorado, USA, here we come!
01:56Hey Team Doki!
01:57Everybody get ready!
01:59Now it's time to go!
02:01There's something we need to know!
02:04It's expedition time!
02:06Let's go!
02:11Sure looks like cowboy country!
02:13Yep, yep, yee-haw!
02:17Did you see those horses?
02:22Another perfect landing!
02:26Pretty swanky for a cowboy ranch!
02:28You sure this is the right place?
02:30Oh, you're in the right place!
02:32That is, if you're Team Doki!
02:34I'm Jackie!
02:35Welcome to Colorado Springs!
02:37I've got a message that you have a question for me!
02:39Hi Jackie!
02:40We want to know if real cowboys and cowboys
02:43are actually cowboys!
02:45I'm Jackie!
02:46Welcome to Colorado Springs!
02:48We want to know if real cowboys and cowgirls still exist!
02:53Sure they do!
02:54You're looking at one!
02:55Although I usually call myself a ranch hand!
02:58But I thought ranches were all modern now!
03:01Are you sure you're not a robot?
03:05A lot has changed since the days of the Wild West,
03:07but we're not using robots yet!
03:09Do you still ride around on horses and round up cattle?
03:13Would you like to see for yourself?
03:14I could use a few extra ranch hands today!
03:17You can count on Team Doki!
03:19Around here, you'll be Team Tenderfoot.
03:22That's what we call beginners.
03:23But most folks learn fast.
03:24Come on!
03:27Time to suit up!
03:28Where's the shiny spurs?
03:29And the cowboy vests?
03:31Real cowboys wear good, strong clothes
03:34that can stand a little wear and tear.
03:36But for you tenderfeet,
03:37let's start with a real cowboy hat.
03:40That'll keep the sun out of your eyes!
03:43I reckon us tenderfeet are ready to get to work!
03:52I'm glad to hear it!
03:53Hey, where'd your other friends go?
03:55Otto? Lindy?
03:56There they are, checking out my old truck wagon.
03:59So cowboys used to cook in here?
04:01Every day!
04:02It sure could use a few improvements, though.
04:05Maybe a nice stove.
04:07Or an Otto-rific oven!
04:10Sounds like you two are cooking up trouble!
04:13I'd rather cook up lunch.
04:15Can we, and, uh,
04:17maybe make a few upgrades to your truck wagon?
04:21Upgrades, huh?
04:22You do know that nowadays,
04:23I have a perfectly good kitchen in the house,
04:25and I can deliver food with my truck.
04:27That's not as much fun.
04:30It'll be yummy!
04:32You two get cooking,
04:33and the rest of you, follow me!
04:35Time for your first cowboy lesson.
04:40That's right on the range!
04:42Do you think you're ready to try riding the real thing?
04:45Of course I'm ready!
04:46You won't be calling us Team Tenderfoot for long!
04:51More like Team Tenderbottom!
04:56That's it!
04:57You're getting the hang of this!
05:00Time to head out over yonder!
05:02Hold your horses, Doki!
05:04We've got some chores to do first.
05:06Grab that last big bag of grain.
05:08We've got a hungry herd to feed.
05:10I'm on it!
05:19Need a hand, Tumbleweed?
05:21Nope, I got it!
05:25Good try, Doki!
05:29Ah, there's nothing like cooking
05:31good old-fashioned cowboy food,
05:34Otto style!
05:35Don't forget the beef stew is my idea!
05:39Come on!
05:40Let's grab a wagon horse
05:41and bring the cowboys some grub!
05:46Yo, cows, come here!
05:48Yodelay, yodelay, yodelay, hee-hoo!
05:50Yodelay, yodelay, yodelay, hee-hoo!
05:52Eco, I think cattle calls
05:54are supposed to bring the cattle to you,
05:56not chase them away.
05:58Aw, they're so hungry!
06:01Hey, whoa!
06:02Waste your turn!
06:05You know, I, uh, could lend you a hand.
06:08Nah, I don't need help.
06:09I've got everything under control!
06:12In that case, how about a little contest
06:15to see who's the best ranch hand on Team Tenderfoot?
06:18Okay, Gabby, you're on!
06:21Come on, girls, get along!
06:23Come on, get moving!
06:24In there you go!
06:29I don't need help.
06:31I can do this.
06:35Not that way!
06:36Over there!
06:39Jackie says the cattle need a drink.
06:41Well, they're gonna need more than that!
06:46It's a good thing I was thirsty, too.
06:49We put on ear tags
06:51so everyone knows who the cow belongs to.
06:54It's just like an earring.
06:56What a great idea!
07:00I don't want an earring!
07:07Faster, Gabby!
07:08Jackie says we need to spread grass seed everywhere!
07:12It's everywhere, all right.
07:14Can I help?
07:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
07:17I got it!
07:18Now this is a job for Tumbleweed Doki!
07:21I can fix the fence...
07:27Okay, Gabby, you win!
07:29You're a way better ranch hand than me.
07:31This cowboy stuff is hard!
07:33Well, thanks for saying that,
07:34but it hasn't been easy for me, either.
07:36It gets a whole lot easier
07:38when you learn to work together.
07:40On a ranch, we all help each other to get things done.
07:43I just didn't think I would need this much help.
07:47Here comes the truck wagon!
07:56Grab the reins!
07:57I'm trying!
08:01Our lunch!
08:02I'll close the gate
08:03so they don't end up on the road!
08:07Hang on, guys!
08:09We're coming!
08:12We're here to help you!
08:14Who knew?
08:15Castle A was so slippery!
08:28Oh, man!
08:29Easy, boy!
08:30Hold your horses, horsie!
08:36Gabby, you saved us!
08:37You guys are one awesome team!
08:39I guess that was pretty good
08:41for a couple of tenderfeets.
08:44You're not tenderfeet anymore!
08:46You worked together and got the job done,
08:49and that's what makes you a real cow hand!
08:58Don't give me a home
09:00Where the truck wagons roll
09:02And the cowboys and cattle do play
09:05Where seldom is heard
09:07A discouraging word
09:09And I sure wish Team Doki could stay!
09:14I wish we could stay too,
09:15but we have to get back.
09:16It was great learning that cowboys do still exist.
09:19Yeah, it's been a long day, partner.
09:21Being a ranch hand is hard work!
09:24Thanks for letting us give it a try!
09:26My pleasure!
09:27You'll come back anytime!
09:29Check it out, partners!
09:30A sticker to celebrate our expedition!
09:33Yay, Team Tenderfeet!
09:35Thanks for the hats, Jackie!
09:38I mean, hurry, move along!