• 4 months ago
These moments had us on the edge of our seats! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most stressful moments on the first two seasons of “The Bear”.


00:00Guys, I can't do this.
00:02I can't.
00:03I can't do this.
00:04Welcome to WatchMojo.
00:06And today, we're counting down our picks
00:08for the most stressful moments on the first two
00:10seasons of The Bear.
00:12Beware of anxiety-inducing spoilers ahead.
00:15Yeah, make it about you.
00:17Make Christmas about you.
00:20Number 10, A Living Nightmare.
00:22After a long day of work, Carmi tried to unwind
00:25by watching a calm cooking show.
00:27She then kneads it until it is smooth.
00:30The dough should rest for at least 30 minutes.
00:33But things went from calm to chaotic once he fell asleep.
00:36Carmi immediately imagined that he
00:38was stuck in the kitchen for another chaotic day of service.
00:41As he worked faster and faster, he
00:43gets hounded by negative thoughts and words.
00:46Just when it seemed like Carmi was out of the fire,
00:49he woke up and discovered he was in the middle of setting
00:51his real kitchen ablaze.
00:58The sight of his home on fire caused our own hearts
01:00to skip a beat.
01:01This unnerving scene established that stress
01:04had truly crept into every aspect of Carmen's life.
01:07It's OK to ask for help.
01:12I understand.
01:14I do.
01:15Number 9, The Bike Accident.
01:17Although Marcus was pushed to improve his craft while
01:20studying in Copenhagen, his story largely steered away
01:23from stressful scenes.
01:25This nice change of pace briefly came
01:27to a screeching halt when he stumbled upon
01:29the scene of a bike accident.
01:35Without warning, Marcus was suddenly
01:37expected to rescue a man who could
01:39have been seriously injured.
01:40To make matters more complicated,
01:42there was a language barrier between them.
01:44On the count of three.
01:45One, two, three.
01:50Watching Marcus navigate this incident
01:52was definitely nerve wracking.
01:54Fortunately, he was able to get the victim out of this jam
01:57without incident.
01:58It was a big relief when we realized
02:00that this sudden accident wouldn't
02:02spiral into something worse.
02:07So you want to get back on the bike?
02:08Number 8, The Beef Blows a Fuse.
02:11A normal prep day at the beef was instantly ruined
02:14once the toilet suddenly exploded.
02:16Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the most anxiety
02:19inducing part of the day.
02:20Do we need to close for lunch?
02:22No, no, no, no.
02:22If we lose one service, it could kill us.
02:25You don't think this is putting at a risk
02:27for losing a service?
02:29No, this is fine.
02:29Problems seemingly piled up as the crew got closer to service.
02:33Carmen had to worry about cleaning the restaurant,
02:35Richie's aggressive attitude, and Marcus falling
02:38behind on cakes all at once.
02:40All the stress and strife built up to the shocking instant
02:44where the restaurant's fuse blew.
02:46Where'd it go?
02:46I blew a fuse, all right?
02:48Oh, my God.
02:49Oh, my God.
02:51This outage felt especially uneasy
02:54because it was the result of many bad things
02:56coming together at once.
02:57A blown fuse wouldn't be a big deal on its own.
03:00However, knowing this electric malfunction
03:02killed any chances of indoor service for a day
03:05was absolutely devastating.
03:07You know what?
03:07Actually, change of plans.
03:08We're going to take everything.
03:09Just take it outside, all right?
03:11Take it outside.
03:11I'm doing well with it.
03:14All right, let's go.
03:14Let's go.
03:15Number seven, a jarring flashback.
03:18Fire, 31, 25, two out on 31, chefs.
03:20The second episode of the series began
03:22with a cold open that showed us what Carmen's previous job was
03:26As orders flew in, he struggled to keep up
03:28with the demand while advising a cook who
03:30couldn't get a dish quite right.
03:32Carmen's rough day only got worse
03:34when the head chef appeared.
03:35Like a hungry shark, this new character
03:38quickly swooped in and relentlessly attacked.
03:40Can you not handle this?
03:41Is it too much for you?
03:43Answer me.
03:43I can handle it.
03:44I can handle it, chef.
03:45Our hearts raced when Carmen was forced
03:47to execute his job perfectly while being
03:50peppered with insults.
03:52The close-up editing and domineering backup music
03:54made the scene even more uncomfortable.
03:59You should be dead.
04:00This flashback got so intense that the episode's
04:03cut to the beef's chaotic kitchen in modern times
04:06felt relaxing in comparison.
04:08Number six, a street of rage.
04:11Shortly after gunshots hit the window of the beef,
04:13Richie stepped outside the restaurant
04:15and discovered a few shady characters had
04:17started hanging around outside.
04:19Listen, man, you know, you guys aren't supposed
04:22to be hanging out here.
04:24I asked you to hang out down there.
04:25Don't call the cops.
04:27John, don't hurt my feelings.
04:29How long have you known me?
04:30While he didn't get answers, he was
04:32able to convince them to keep things calm.
04:34But Richie's diplomacy didn't keep the peace forever.
04:37After a bigger argument broke out,
04:39he started scrambling around for a gun.
04:41When he failed to find it right away,
04:43Sydney went outside to try and defuse the tension herself.
04:46Our anxiety went through the roof
04:48when she first stepped into the thick of the argument solo.
04:51Guys, shut up!
04:55Thank you.
04:57What's going on here?
04:59This isn't his space.
05:01Miraculously, Sydney got back up in the form of her co-workers
05:04and a few sandwiches.
05:06Who knew beef was so good at breaking up arguments?
05:08Sandwiches, simple conversation, no yelling,
05:12no smoking, where all the food is.
05:15You know what I mean.
05:16All right?
05:17Number five, Karmie's fever dream.
05:19Welcome back to The Bear.
05:22I'm Carmen Berrizato, and today we're
05:24going to be making beef regal.
05:27When The Bear started an episode with a playful parody
05:30of a cooking show, we thought we could relax for a moment.
05:32But it didn't take long before this dream sequence
05:35became a nightmare.
05:36As Karmie started talking about darker subjects
05:38on a lighthearted kitchen set, stressful images
05:41invaded the frame.
05:42The anxiety really started creeping in
05:44when items around him started disappearing.
05:47Guys, where's my stuff?
05:50Before long, the intrusive images
05:52increase in frequency and intensity.
05:54The pressure didn't stop building
05:55until Karmie was jolted awake.
05:57Although nothing in the sequence was real,
06:00this fever dream made us incredibly apprehensive.
06:03Hey, Carmen, can you hear me?
06:06Number four, the fire suppression test.
06:09I ran two more tests myself, and I just can't figure it out.
06:13Everything the staff of The Bear had worked for
06:16depended on the outcome of one inspection.
06:18Throughout season two, there was a running thread
06:21where the restaurant kept failing a fire suppression
06:24After multiple misfires, they had one last chance
06:27to get it right before their dreams came crashing down.
06:30We struggled to take a single breath as the inspector
06:32conducted the test.
06:34Suppression seems to be working.
06:38I will now check the gas line.
06:41On top of our own anxiety, the scene
06:44took time to go into the heads of everyone on the staff
06:46to depict what they were nervous about as well.
06:49The relentless sequence came to a tremendously satisfying end
06:52when the crew discovered they had passed.
06:54We're not sure we could have continued
06:56watching if they had failed after this high-tension scene.
06:59Congrats, Natalie Brizotto.
07:01You have a restaurant.
07:03I'll get you!
07:04Number three, Sidney gets overwhelmed.
07:07For a brief shining moment, everything
07:09was going great for the Bears opening.
07:11Guests were excited, food was going out,
07:14and the team was working in perfect sync.
07:16But the good times didn't last forever.
07:18I want you to help Sid with tickets.
07:20I'll have Josh cover your station, OK?
07:21Josh, wait.
07:22I don't know where Josh went.
07:23Can you speak up?
07:24What does that even mean?
07:25The kitchen started to slow down,
07:27the toilet broke again, and fights started
07:29to break out amongst staff.
07:31And just when things seemed to be improving,
07:34Carmi got stuck inside of the walk-in.
07:36Carm, can you hear me?
07:37Yeah, yeah, can you hear me?
07:38Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can hear you.
07:40Are you OK?
07:42Our panic really set in when Sidney froze up
07:44while trying to figure out how to get everyone out
07:46of this mess.
07:47After a moment of heavy apprehension,
07:49Richie stepped up to help save the service.
07:51Thanks to his skillful leadership,
07:53we were able to walk away from this episode
07:55without any extra anxiety.
07:57Seven, just keep going, guys.
07:59We are almost out of the woods.
08:01Number two, the final fork.
08:03What began as a verbal feud threatened
08:05to get physical when Mikey threw a fork at Lee Lane.
08:10Did you just throw a fork at me?
08:12I did.
08:12Although the rest of the family tried to cool them both down,
08:15neither man was willing to back off.
08:17As Lee kept goading his rival on,
08:19Mikey escalated the situation by throwing a second utensil.
08:23We were on the edge of our seats when
08:25Mike reached for a third fork and kept threatening to use it.
08:28Go ahead.
08:30Let's go.
08:31Where you want to go, Lee?
08:32Instead of it being thrown, we had
08:34to endure a nearly unbearable mix of excruciating silences
08:38and false starts.
08:39The nerve-wracking scene surprisingly
08:41came to an end when Mikey's mom appeared.
08:43Merry Christmas.
08:45Merry Christmas.
08:46What did I miss?
08:48But once she left, all the simmering tension boiled over
08:51and we got the explosive confrontation
08:53that was promised.
08:54Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:10Number one, Sidney and Marcus quit.
09:13After the pre-order option was accidentally left
09:16on the restaurant's online ordering site,
09:18the kitchen gets overwhelmed with lunch orders.
09:21Uh, okay, um, I, uh, uh, oh, I don't know.
09:26You left the pre-order option open.
09:28Okay, uh, no, sorry.
09:30Yes, what's that mean?
09:33The intense pressure to deliver lots of food
09:34in an impossible timeframe
09:36put everyone in the kitchen on edge.
09:38It was tempting to highlight Carmi's explosion at Marcus
09:41or the moment Sidney accidentally stabbed Richie.
09:44However, the most anxiety-inducing point
09:47came after both of those tense incidents.
09:49Both Sidney and Marcus decide to get away from the heat
09:52and quit the kitchen in a short time.
09:54What are you doing?
09:55What are you doing?
09:56This isn't on me.
09:57What are you doing?
09:58Go out.
09:59Since this entire story was filmed in one shot,
10:01we never got a break from all the tension.
10:03By the time Carmi decided to keep going
10:06despite his huge losses,
10:07we were full of second-hand stress.
10:10You open or not?
10:18What moment on the bear stressed you out the most?
10:21Let us know in the comments.
10:24What, why are you ignoring me?
10:25Because you're mad at me?
10:26Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, quiet, quiet.
10:30Quiet, quiet.
10:32Did you enjoy this video?
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