JT Economie - 18/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : JT Economie - 18/06/2024


00:00Hello and welcome to this new edition of the Journal of the Economy of Média.
00:10In Morocco, the volume of counterfeit articles seized last year rose to 2,021,000 articles
00:18against 1,821,000 in 2020.
00:21This is an 11% increase with a total value estimated at 19.9 million dirhams according
00:29to the Administration of Customs and a direct point.
00:31A total of 622 requests for suspension of free distribution of counterfeit goods
00:38were processed against 682 in 2022.
00:42With the development of online trade, in particular sales on social networks, which constitutes
00:47a privileged channel for the distribution of counterfeit products, the Customs has strengthened
00:52its control mechanisms to fight this harmful phenomenon to the national economy.
00:57Concerning the scourge of counterfeiting, the Customs has in addition carried out significant
01:02seizures of non-cigarette and suspicious goods of a total value of 262 million dirhams
01:09against 123 million dirhams in 2022.
01:12In Africa, Nigeria has obtained a loan of $ 2.25 billion from the World Bank in order
01:19to support the country's efforts to stabilize the economy.
01:23The first part of the loan, estimated at $ 1.5 billion, aims to strengthen policies
01:29and protect the poor, while the second, of $ 750 million, supports fiscal reforms
01:36and oil revenues.
01:38The Nigerian presidency has repeatedly recognized the economic difficulties induced by these
01:43reforms, but has called for patience to leave time to bear fruit.
01:49According to the National Bureau of Statistics, inflation in general reached 33.69% in April
01:56in Nigeria, with inflation on food products exceeding 40.5%.
02:02In international economic news, inflation in Italy remained stable in May at 0.8% on
02:10an increase according to the National Institute of Statistics.
02:13The increase in consumption prices in the peninsula is very significantly lower than
02:17the average of the euro zone in May, estimated at 2.6%, and with an objective of 2% in the
02:24medium term of the European Central Bank.
02:26Food prices transformed and progressed less quickly in May than in April, as did
02:32those of transport at 2.4% against 2.7%, while those of energy products, unregulated,
02:40slowed their decline to 13.5%.
02:44Energy prices, regulated, went up again with 0.7% compared to April, and 1.3% according
02:53to the figures of the state.
02:55In a month, consumption prices increased by 0.2% in May.
03:01Direction now to Russia, while officials warn that huge public spending
03:06to support the military operation against Ukraine leads to an overheat of the economy,
03:12the rate of inflation has accelerated again last month.
03:16The increase in public spending has supported the Russian economy in the face of a barrage
03:20of Western sanctions, but has also triggered a flurry of prices and shortages
03:25of labor in many sectors not directly linked to these expenses.
03:29Annual inflation rose to 8.3% at the end of May, against 7.8% a month earlier, according
03:37to the official statistics agency of the country.
03:40This is the highest level since February 2023, far above the official target of 4%.
03:48This rapid rise in prices has put pressure on the central bank of the country to raise
03:53interest rates again in order to control inflation.
03:57We continue our international newspaper with this alarming figure.
04:0110 billion dollars is the price that the lack of investment in the education sector
04:07is causing.
04:08A figure that exceeds the accumulated GDP of France and Japan, two of the richest countries
04:14in the world, according to a UNESCO study.
04:17In total, some 250 million children did not go to school in the world last year, and
04:23about 70% of children in countries with medium or low incomes cannot understand a text
04:29written at the age of 10.
04:31According to the report, the lack of skills reached 94% in sub-Saharan Africa, 88% in
04:38Asia, 74% in the Arab countries or 64% in Latin America and the Caribbean.
04:46By reducing by 10% the number of uneducated or insufficiently trained young people, the
04:51global GDP would grow from 1 to 2% per year, estimates UNESCO experts.
04:57This is the end of our edition today.
04:59Thank you for following it.
05:00Bonne suite des programmes sur notre antenne.