JT Economie - 17/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : JT Economie - 17/04/2024


00:00Welcome to Median TV, the main news of the economic news.
00:11We open this edition in Morocco, which should know a growth of 3.1% this year and 3.3% in 2025, according to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund.
00:24In this report, the International Monetary Fund also forecasts an inflation of 2.2% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025.
00:36As for the unemployment rate, it should reach 12% this year before slightly decreasing to 11.5% next year.
00:46Also know that the IMF anticipates a resilient global growth for 2024 and 2025, around 3.2%.
00:56It even estimates that most indicators seem to announce a soft landing.
01:02As for the global inflation rate, it will drop at the end of this year to 2.8% and 2.4% at the end of 2025.
01:13According to the IMF, the resilience of growth and the acceleration of deflation are explained by the favorable evolution of supply,
01:23notably the drop observed in energy prices.
01:27In national news, the Atacmili pension regime, managed by the Moroccan Pension Fund, achieved a net return rate of 5.31% last year.
01:40This complementary and optional pension regime allows affiliates, according to their savings capacity,
01:47to contribute to the improvement of their pension at retirement age.
01:52Since its creation in 2006, this regime has maintained a remarkable performance.
01:57This regime is intended exclusively for affiliates to the civil and military pension regime managed by the CMR,
02:05i.e. state officials, agents of territorial collectivities and employees of certain public organizations.
02:14It should also be noted that the Atacmili regime offers affiliates several advantages,
02:20including a fast and easy subscription, flexibility in contributions and an advantageous tax.
02:29And then in international news, Spain's tourist GDP should exceed 200 billion euros for the first time in 2024
02:39and beat its previous record of 2023, according to the estimates of the patron organization Exceltur.
02:47The tourist activity, which is the pillar of the Spanish economy, should therefore display an increase of 8.6% compared to 2023,
02:57which had already experienced a spectacular growth rate.
03:01In this sense, the tourist activity will therefore weigh 13.3% of the Spanish GDP.
03:08It should also be noted that during the first quarter of this year, the tourist activity has progressed by 13.8% in the country.
03:17The second world tourist destination behind France, Spain is also benefiting from the increase in air traffic
03:26and the diversification of railway services, with the arrival of new operators.
03:32Recalling that in 2023, the country had received a record number of 85.1 million international tourists,
03:41mainly British, French and German, according to official statistics.
03:46We stay in Europe, heading now to Italy, where inflation was expected to fall in March to 1.2% over a year,
03:55even if it remains higher than that of February, which was 0.8%, according to definitive data.
04:03This price rise in consumption is mainly due to a slight decrease in energy prices compared to March 2023.
04:12On the other hand, the price rise in Italy remains significantly lower than that of the euro zone, which is expected in March to 2.4% over a year.
04:23Over a month, consumption prices slightly increased from 0.1% in March in Italy.
04:31Prices of regulated and non-regulated energy products have seen their fall diminish in March.
04:39The increase slowed down for non-transformed food prices, going from 4.4% to 2.6%,
04:47while it accelerated for transports from 3.8% to 5.4%.
04:54And finally, we go to Latin America, specifically to Brazil,
04:58where the government has just decided to increase the minimum wage by more than 6% to about $300.
05:07The goal is to adjust it to inflation.
05:11This increase is included in the Budget Orientation Law for 2025.
05:17According to official projections, the index of consumption prices should increase by 3.25%
05:25over the next 12 months ending in November,
05:29while the GDP growth rate was 2.9% last year.
05:35The government's planned wage adjustment takes these two indicators into account,
05:41recalling that the minimum wage had been corrected last year
05:46according to the price index and the GDP growth rate.
05:50This is the end of this edition. Thank you for following it.
05:54Have a good rest of the program on Median TV.