• 4 months ago
बजट पूर्व व्यापारियों की झलकी पीडा, केन्द्र व राज्य में भाजपा की सरकारें

अजमेर. अब केन्द्र व राज्य में भाजपा की सरकारें यानी ‘डबल इंजन’ सरकार हैं। कर नीति केन्द्र की हो या राज्य सरकार की इनमें रियायत मिलना जरूरी है। वेट घटे व जीएसटी की दरों में पुनर्विचार हो जिससे आम जनता को महंगाई से राहत मिले। कुछ ऐसा ही मानना है व्यापारियों का। उनका कहना है कि बजट में व्यापारियों के हितों को ध्यान में रखते हुए कर नीति में बदलाव की जरूरत है। अन्यथा कारोबार करना मुश्किल हो जाएगा। राजस्थान पत्रिका ने सोमवार को व्यापारियों से आगामी बजट को लेकर चर्चा की।


00:00I have also heard that the Chief Minister is going to change.
00:03Oh man, we are talking about the budget.
00:06Don't talk about the budget.
00:07What is the problem?
00:08We are talking about the budget.
00:11We are not talking about politics here.
00:14We are only talking about the budget.
00:15What is the difference between business and businessmen?
00:17And what are the expectations?
00:18That should be our topic.
00:19We are talking about business.
00:20Yes, that.
00:21How will your customers attract you?
00:24Listen to your father.
00:26Yes, I am listening.
00:27Businessmen are not a problem.
00:28We just want the government to pay the budget.
00:31We don't want to give relief to everyone.
00:33As you said, there are two governments in the central and the state.
00:38We should support both of them.
00:40We should give benefits to everyone.
00:43We pay taxes to the government.
00:45We do everything for the government.
00:47The government should do something for the businessmen.
00:49They should do something.
00:50We should give relief to the businessmen.
00:52We don't want the government to pay taxes to us.
00:55We pay taxes to the government.
00:58We do everything for the government.
