• last year
The secret to the best fajitas lies in the depth of flavour
within the marinade. While many fajita recipes include the
basics like olive oil, lime juice, garlic, cumin, chili powder,
paprika, onion powder, salt, and pepper, what truly
elevates this recipe is the extended marinating time.
Instead of rushing, consider letting the chicken soak in this
flavourful concoction for a more extended period, ideally
between 4-8 hours but best if left overnight in the
refrigerator. This extra time allows the marinade to
penetrate the meat thoroughly, infusing it with a rich, well-
balanced blend of tangy, smoky, and slightly spicy notes.
When you combine this marinated chicken with the
colourful mix of red and green bell peppers, red onion, and
optional jalapeño for that extra kick, you're in for a fajita
experience that goes beyond the ordinary, delivering layers
of taste that truly stand out when wrapped in your
favorite tortillas.