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Dars e Quran (Be Mutaliq e Hajj) - EP 8 - Hajj Special 2024 - ARY Qtv

Topic: Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 127 & 129

Speaker: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari

#DarseQuran #HajjSpecial2024 #ARYQtv #MuftiMuhammadSohailRazaAmjadi

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00:00O Allah, we seek refuge in You
00:24All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
00:26and to the end of time, to the righteous
00:28As-salātu wa s-salāmu ala Sayyidil Anbiyā'ī wal-mursalīn, a'ūdhu biLlāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm
00:34Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
00:35وَإِذْ يَرْفَعُ إِبَرَاهِيمُ الْقَضَاعِدَ مِنَ الْبَيْتِ وَإِسْمَعِينَ
00:42رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
00:47رَبَّنَا وَجَعَلْنَا مُسْلِمَيْنِ لَكَ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِنَا أُمَّةً مُسْلِمَةً لَكَ
00:54وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا وَاتُوبَ عَلَيْنَا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّبَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ
01:00رَبَّنَا وَبَعَثْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُوْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِكَ
01:06وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ
01:14صدق الله مولانا العظيم
01:16سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا
01:19إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَذِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ
01:21اللهم رب شرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري
01:25وحلو العقدة من لساني يفقه قولي
01:28اللهم رب زدني علما وعملا صالحا مقبولا
01:33اللهم صلي على سيدنا مولانا محمد وعلي سيدنا مولانا محمد ومبارك وسلم صلي علي
01:38اعزائی قرآنی اشهرِ حج حج کے مبارک مهنے چل رہے ہیں
01:44مبارک ايام ہیں مبارک گھڑیاں ہیں
01:47اور ذكر ہے حضرتِ ابراهیم خرید الله
01:52اور حضرتِ اسماعیلِ زبیه الله
01:54ان آياتِ طيباتِ کے اندر
01:56جو خان قابا کی بنیادوں کو اور فاوندیشنز کو بلند کر رہے تھے
02:01اللہ اکبر
02:03وَإِذْ يَرْفَعُ ابْرَاهِيمُ الْقَوَاعِدَ مِنَ الْبَيْتِ وَاسْمَعِيلِ
02:08اور یاد کیجئے کہ جب ابراہیم واسمعیل قابة الله کی بنیادیں اُٹھا رہے تھے
02:14اور اللہ کی بارگاہ کے اندر التجاہ کر رہے تھے
02:16کہ رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا اِنَّكَ اَنْتَ سَمِعُوا لَلِيمِ
02:21اے خدایا
02:23تو ہماری اس خدمت کو ہماری اس سائی کو کوشش کو
02:28اس محنت کو جد و جہد کو اپنی بارگاہ میں شرفِ قبولیت اطاف فرمانا
02:33اور جس وقت عزتِ اسمعیل علیہ السلام پتھر اُٹھا اُٹھا کر لارہے تھے
02:40اور حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام قابة الله کی فانڈیشنز کو بنیادوں کو بُنند کر رہے تھے
02:47جس پتھر پر آپ نے قدم رکھے
02:49اس پتھر پر آپ کے قدموں کے نشان آگئے
02:54جسے مقامِ ابراہیم کہا جاتا
02:56وَاتَّخِذُوا مِنْ مَقَامِ ابْرَاہِيمَ مُصَلَّةً
02:59فِيهِ آيَاتُمْ بَيِّنَاتُمْ مَقَامُ ابْرَاہِيمِ
03:04لیکن سب سے بڑی بات یہ ہے
03:06کہ قابة الله کو تعمیر کرنے کا جو اعزاز
03:10جو اکرام رب تبارک و تعالیٰ نے عطا فرمایا
03:14قابة الله کی بڑی قدیم تاریخ ہے
03:17قابة الله کی تعمیر کی
03:19بعض روایات کے اندر آیا کہ پانچ مرتبہ قابة الله تعمیر ہوا
03:23بعض روایات کے اندر فرمایا کہ دس بار قابة الله کی تعمیر کی گئی
03:28ایک روایت کے اندر آتا ہے کہ فرشتوں نے سب سے پہلے تعمیر کیا
03:31پھر آدم علیہ السلام نے
03:33پھر شیرس بن آدم نے
03:35پھر ابراہیم خرید الله علیہ السلام نے
03:38پھر قومِ عمالقا نے تعمیر کیا
03:40قومِ جرحم نے تعمیر کیا
03:42پھر قریش نے تعمیر کیا
03:44قریش نے جب تعمیر کیا تو انہوں نے یہ فیصلہ کیا
03:48کہ ہم کوئی سود کا پیسہ یا کوئی حرام کا پیسہ یا جوہے کا پیسہ جو ہے
03:54وہ خالق قابا کی تعمیر پر نہیں لگائیں گے
03:57تو ان کے وسائل کم ہو گئے
04:00تو یہ جو حتیمِ قابا ہے
04:02اس کی چھت اپنے وسائل کے کمی کے وجہ سے
04:06یہ حتیمِ قابا یا عینِ قابا ہے
04:08لیکن وسائل نہ ہونے کے وجہ سے
04:11وہ اس کو نہیں چھت سکے
04:13نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ
04:15اے عائشہ تمہاری قوم اگر نئی نئی مسلمان نہ ہوئی ہوتی
04:20تو میں قابة اللہ کو ڈھانے کا حکم دیتا
04:23اور دوبارہ تعمیر کرنے کا حکم دیتا
04:26کہ تمہاری قوم کے وسائل کے کم ہونے کے وجہ سے
04:29حتیم پر چھت نہیں آسکی
04:32لیکن فرمایا کہ تمہاری قوم فتنے کے اندر کہیں مبتلا نہ ہو جائے
04:36فرمایا میں نے یہ نہیں کیا
04:39بعد میں حضرت عبداللہ بن زبیر نے نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی خواہش پر
04:43وہ خانہ قابہ کو دوبارہ تعمیر کیا
04:45اور حتیم کو اندر لے لیا
04:49بعد میں اس کے بعد مالک بن مروان نے
04:52حجاج بن یوسف نے انہوں نے تعمیر کیا
04:54تو دوبارہ گرائیا
04:56اور بنائے قریش پر اس کو تعمیر کیا
04:58اللہ ہو اکبر
05:00حارون و رشید بادشاہ کو جب پتا چلا
05:02نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی اس حدیث پاک کا
05:04کہ حضور کی تمنا یہ تھی
05:06تو انہوں نے کہا کہ میں دوبارہ
05:08اس تمنا اور خواہش اور منشاہ پر
05:11تعمیر کرتا ہوں
05:13جیسے عبداللہ بن زبایر نے کیا تھا
05:15تو حضرت امام مالک نے ان کو خدا کی قسم
05:17دے کے منع کر دیا
05:19کہ خانہ قابہ کی حیبت و جلال
05:21کو کم کرنے والی بات ہے
05:23اور یہ بادشاہوں کے ہاتھ کے اندر
05:25ہر بادشاہ آئے گا تعمیر کرے گا
05:27اب اس کو تم نے گرا کر
05:29تعمیر نہیں کرنا ہے
05:31تو آج جو حتیم قابہ ہے
05:33وہاں نے کہا جاتا ہے
05:35فلان سربراہ مملکت
05:37وہ خانہ قابہ کے اندر جا کے
05:39انہوں نے نماز پڑی
05:41جس نے حتیب قابہ بے نماز پڑی
05:43اس نے قابة اللہ بے نماز پڑی
05:45اللہ کے ربیؐ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا
05:47کہ یہ قابة اللہ ہے
05:49تو حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام کا خاص طور پر
05:51جو ان کا ذکر ہے
05:53تعمیر کا
05:55کہ انہوں نے اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ کے گھر کو
05:57تعمیر کیا
05:59رب تبارک و تعالیٰ نے خاص طور پر
06:01قرآن کی آیات و طیبات کے اندر
06:03ان کی تعمیر کا ذکر کیا
06:05حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام
06:07جب تعمیر کیا
06:09تو اللہ کی بارگاہ کے اندر
06:11کئی دعائیں کی
06:13سبحان اللہ
06:15ان دعاؤں میں پہلی دعا نوجوانوں یہ ہے
06:17ربنا تقبل منا
06:19انك انت سمیع لالین
06:21اللہ اکبر
06:23یہ کون کہہ رہے ہیں اللہ کے خلیل
06:25اے خدایہ
06:27ہماری اس خدمت کو اپنی بارگاہ میں
06:29شرف قبولی تطاف فرما
06:31پتا چلا کہ کوئی بھی عبادت
06:33ہو کوئی بھی نیکی ہو
06:35وہ نیکی تبی بنتی ہے
06:37اس کو اعزاز تب ملتا ہے
06:39کہ رب تعالیٰ اسے قبول و منظور فرمائے
06:41تو سب سے پہلے
06:43کوئی بھی نیکی کریں بڑے سے بڑا کام ہو
06:45چھوٹے سے چھوٹا کام ہو
06:47کہیں ربنا تقبل منا
06:49ہم بھی نماز پڑھتے ہیں دعا کرتے ہیں
06:51ربنا تقبل منا
06:53اے خدایہ ہماری اس نماز کو قبول فرما
06:55ہمارے اس روزے کو قبول فرما
06:57ہمارے اس چیز عبادت کو قبول فرما
06:59تو یہ قرآن مجید فرقان حمید کے اندر
07:01عزت ابراہیم علیہ السلام
07:03کی اس دعا کو رب تعالیٰ نے
07:05ربنا تقبل منا
07:07پھر آگے دعا فرمائے
07:09ربنا و جعلنا مسلمین لکا و من ذریتنا
07:11امتم مسلمتلک
07:13اے میرے مالک و مولا
07:15ہمیں بھی
07:17ہم دونوں کو مسلمین
07:19مسلمین جمع ہے
07:21مسلمین تصنیع ہے
07:23کیونکہ دو دعا مانگنے والے تھے
07:25عزت ابراہیم و اسماعیل
07:27اے خدایہ ہم دونوں کو بھی
07:29ہمیشہ تیرا تابدار رکھنا
07:31مسلمان رکھنا
07:33حالانکہ آپ تو انبیاء ہیں دونوں
07:35باب بیٹا آپ تو اللہ کے خلیل ہیں
07:37مراد یہ ہے
07:39کہ یا تو آجزی کرتے ہوئے
07:41آپ عرض کر رہے ہیں
07:43یا پھر استقامت کے لئے دعا کر رہے ہیں
07:45جب ہم نماز پڑھتے ہیں
07:47خود کہتے ہیں اہدن السراط المستقیم
07:49اہدن السراط المستقیم
07:51اے خدایہ تو ہمیں سراط المستقیم
07:53پر چلا تو سراط المستقیم پر
07:55تو الحمدللہ ہم ہیں
07:57نماز کے لئے کھڑے ہو گئے ہیں
07:59قرآن پڑھ رہے ہیں مراد یہ ہے
08:01کہ سراط المستقیم پر استقامت اتا فرمانا
08:03جن راہوں پر
08:05رستوں پر تو نے چلایا ہے
08:07ہمیں ان راہوں پر
08:09قائم دائم رکھنا غیر المغضوب
08:11عالیہم والدولین
08:13ان راہوں پر نہ چلانا
08:15کہ جو تیرے مغضوب بندے ہیں
08:17اور تیرے دول بندے ہیں
08:19تو فرما ربنا وجعلنا مسلمین
08:21لکا ومن ذریعتینا
08:23ہمیں بھی مسلمان رکھنا
08:25تیرا تابع دار رکھنا
08:27اور ہماری اولاد میں سے بھی
08:29من ذریعتینا
08:31امتم مسلم تلق
08:33ہماری ذریعت
08:35ہماری اولاد میں سے
08:37ایک گروہ کو ایک جماعت کو
08:41تیرا تابع دار رکھنا
08:45سبحاناللہ کتنی پیاری دعا ہے
08:47اپنی اولاد کے لئے
08:49اپنے بچوں کے لئے بچیوں کے لئے
08:51پوتوں کے لئے نسلوں کے لئے
08:53جہاں ہم دوسری دعایں مانگتے ہیں
08:55یا اللہ ان کو روزی دےنا
08:57روزی کی دعا بھی اللہ کے خلیل نے مانگی
08:59لیکن پہلی دعا یہ مانگی
09:01کہ خدایا یہ تیری تابع داری
09:03کے اندر اسلام پر قائم رہے
09:05وَوَصَّابِهَا عِبْرَاحِيمُ بَنِيهُ وَيَعْقُوبُ
09:09حضرت عبراہیم علیہ السلام
09:13حضرت یعقوب علیہ السلام نے
09:15یہی دعا مانگی
09:17سَبْعَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ
09:21مرنا تو اسلام پر دین پر
09:23اللہ کے تابع داری
09:25کے اندر مرنا
09:27حضرت یعقوب علیہ السلام نے بھی
09:29اپنے بچوں سے کہا کہ میرے بیٹوں بتاؤ
09:31کہ تم میرے بعد
09:33کس کی عبادت کروگے
09:35وَنَعْبُدُوا إِلَهَكَ وَإِلَهَ آبَائِكَ
09:37عِبْرَاحِيمًا وَإِسْمَعِيلًا
09:41اِلَهَمْ وَاحِدَهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُمُ مُسْلِمُونَ
09:45سبحان الله
09:47اے ہمارے بابا جان
09:49اے ہمارے بابا یعقوب علیہ السلام
09:51ہم آپ کے الٰہ کی تابع داری
09:53کریں گے
09:55اور ہمارے جو آباء و اجداد ہیں
09:57حضرت ابراہیم حضرت اسمعیل
09:59حضرت اسحاق
10:01اللہ اکبر
10:03جس راستے پر وہ تھے
10:05ان کے نقش قدم پر ہم چلیں گے
10:07جن کی وہ عبادت کرتے تھے
10:09ان کی منہ عبادت کریں گے
10:11اور هم توحید بر قائم رہیں گے
10:13اور یہ بھی ایک بہت بڑی بات ہے
10:15نو جوانو
10:17حضرت ابراہیم
10:19علیہ السلام کی دعا کا یہ صدقہ ہے
10:21کے آپ کی زوریت و
10:23اولاد کے اندر جتنے بھی
10:25امبیاء بني اسرائیل گزرے ہیں
10:27حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام
10:31حضرت اسحاق علیہ السلام نبی
10:33حضرت یعقوب علیہ السلام نبی
10:35حضرت يوسف نبی
12:22The Prophet of the end of times, give birth to our progeny.
12:29Who is praying?
12:31Khalil of Allah is praying.
12:32Who is saying Ameen?
12:34Hazrat Ismail A.S.
12:36I have told you the entire lineage
12:39that all the Prophets of Bani Israel are from the progeny of Hazrat Ishaq and Yaqub.
12:44One is the Prophet of the end of times.
12:48One is Juhar and the other is Gohar.
12:51The prayer of Ibrahim A.S.
12:54is from the progeny of Ibrahim and Ismail.
12:57The Lord Almighty has sent you from the progeny of Ismail.
13:02Glory be to Allah.
13:03But it has always been like this.
13:06Glory be to Allah.
13:07There was a group in your progeny.
13:11The Prophet of the end of times said that
13:14the Lord Almighty has sent me with a pure back and a pure womb.
13:19In the entire progeny of the Prophet of the end of times,
13:23your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather,
13:26Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. and Hazrat Adam A.S.
13:31there was not a single man or woman who was polytheistic.
13:37And it never happened that it happened without marriage.
13:41The Lord Almighty has sent Noor-e-Muhammadi with a pure back and a pure womb.
13:48Glory be to Allah.
13:49So, in your progeny, always,
13:51Glory be to Allah.
13:52We seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.
13:54And make us Muslims, and from our progeny, a Muslim Ummah.
13:59O Allah, always keep a community from our progeny.
14:03Always keep a community that is obedient to You.
14:09Here, the commentators said a very beautiful thing.
14:14Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. specially prayed for his progeny.
14:19What is the reason for this?
14:20He would have prayed for everyone.
14:21Look, where the responsibility of the progeny is on the person,
14:27similarly, the responsibility of the progeny is also on the person.
14:31In the Holy Qur'an, the Lord Almighty says,
14:33O ye who believe!
14:35Say a word against yourselves and your family.
14:39O ye who believe!
14:41Say a word against yourselves and your family,
14:44your children, your daughters, your family,
14:47because you are not responsible for them.
14:50It is your responsibility.
14:52It is your accountability.
14:53You will be asked,
14:55tell me, have your children been on the right path or not?
15:00This is why Jacob A.S. used to ask his children,
15:04tell me, what will you do after me?
15:06And Abraham and his sons and Jacob,
15:09Hazrat Abraham and Hazrat Jacob were also making a will.
15:12They were tensed.
15:14They wanted no one from their progeny to be left behind.
15:18So, it is said,
15:19That is why, first of all,
15:20Say a word against yourselves and your family.
15:25Our Lord, make us Muslims of You,
15:28and of the progeny of the Ummah of Muslims.
15:31Keep us also,
15:32and our children and our progeny also.
15:36Glory be to Allah.
15:39And this is mentioned in the Surah of the Holy Qur'an,
15:42in Surah Al-Furqan,
15:43which is also a prayer of the pious servants of Allah,
15:47that they also used to pray,
15:48Our Lord, grant us from our wives and our progeny,
15:54a happy life,
15:55and make us leaders of the righteous.
15:58O Allah, make our children, our progeny, our family,
16:02the coolness of our eyes,
16:06and make us leaders of the righteous.
16:09So, in the presence of Allah,
16:11where a person asks for other things for his children,
16:15he asks for blessings,
16:16he asks for a job,
16:17he asks for a livelihood,
16:19but first of all, he should ask
16:21that our children's beliefs and ideologies do not go astray,
16:26that our children do not fall prey to misguidance.
16:30Today, parents are tensed that
16:33their children's marks do not fall short.
16:36They are tensed.
16:37They are tensed that their children's marks do not fall short.
16:42But there is no tension about their marks.
16:45There will also be a test,
16:47they will also stand there.
16:49There will also be a test.
16:53They will also be given a piece of paper
16:55to read whatever they have done.
16:58So, here also, may Allah make our children successful,
17:00may He make them successful.
17:02May He not make our children poor,
17:05may He not make them dependent on anyone,
17:07but rather than the test here,
17:10the preparation for the test there should also be a tension for the parents.
17:16Their beliefs, their actions.
17:19I had said in the Dars
17:21that Prophet Abraham asked for the first prayer
17:24that may Allah make us stand in prayer.
17:27O Allah, grant our children,
17:29our progeny, the right to pray.
17:33And what is being said here?
17:34And may our progeny and the children of our nation
17:37always have a community and a group that is obedient to You.
17:49May they not deviate from Your obedience.
17:51And teach us the ways of worship,
17:59the ways of Hajj,
18:02and also the absolute worship.
18:05The worship of Hajj.
18:06It is also understood here that
18:08you are giving Zakat, do you know the problems of Zakat?
18:13You are going to perform Hajj,
18:14Hazrat, do you know the problems of Hajj?
18:15O Allah, you are great.
18:17Allah is great, Allah will help.
18:20Allah will help, but Allah and His Messenger have given this command.
18:25Prophet Abraham is building the Ka'bah and praying
18:31O Allah, teach us the ways of worship.
18:36So, it is understood that worship is worship
18:39and worship is performed only when a person performs Salat.
18:43He does not know about ablution,
18:44nor does he know about washing, nor does he know about purification.
18:48He does not know about the obligations of Salat,
18:50nor does he know about the conditions.
18:51He does not know what causes Salat to be corrupt.
18:53He does not know what is necessary for prostration.
18:56A person is going to perform Hajj,
18:58he is going to perform the Hajj of Manasik.
18:59He does not know what is necessary for ablution.
19:03He does not know what is necessary for ablution.
19:06He does not know what is necessary for ablution.
19:10He does not know where he is going to stay in the field of Arafat.
19:13He does not know where he is going to stay.
19:14So, it is said,
19:15وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا
19:17O Allah, teach us the ways of Hajj and worship.
19:24And turn to us with your mercy.
19:28O Allah, you are the chosen one of Allah.
19:31You are the Prophet of Allah.
19:32Your son is also the Prophet of Allah.
19:34You have said this for the sake of humility
19:37and for the sake of teaching us sinners.
19:40وَتُبْعَلَيْنَا مَالِكُمْ مُولَىٰ
19:42O Allah, you are the greatest of the greatest.
19:45For whom Allah is declaring,
19:47وَتَخَذَ اللَّهُ إِبْرَاهِيمًا خَلِيلًا
19:50Ibrahim became the chosen one of Allah.
19:52Allah is making him the chosen one of Allah.
19:54What is he saying?
19:56وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا
19:59And turn to us with your mercy.
20:04كِإِنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمِ
20:07You are a very merciful.
20:11You are a Ta'eeb, a Ta'eeb.
20:12You are a Ta'eeb who accepts repentance
20:16and is very merciful.
20:18In the next verse of Ta'eebah,
20:20I mentioned that the last prayer that Allah asked for
20:25رَبَّنَا وَبَعَثْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ
20:28I have added the Holy Prophet
20:29with his progeny in this verse.
20:33In this verse,
20:35Allah's chosen one is praying
20:39to make him the chosen one of His progeny.
20:42There is a pure hadith of the Prophet.
20:44Allah's chosen one said,
20:46I was the Prophet of Allah
20:48when the Khabeer of Adam was being prepared.
20:51I was the last of the Prophets in the presence of Allah.
20:55I was the last of the Prophets in the presence of Allah.
20:57Then Allah said,
20:59I will tell you of my first condition.
21:04I will tell you of my first condition.
21:06The hadith of Mishkatul Masabi is pure.
21:07I will tell you of my first condition.
21:10I will tell you of the call of Ibrahim and the good news of Jesus.
21:14Allah said, I will tell you who I am.
21:18That means that I should tell you of my ascension.
21:23Shall I tell you?
21:24He says, I am the supplication of Ibrahim Khareedullah
21:27This supplication
21:28Rabbana wa baas fihim rasoolam minhum
21:33O our Lord, send that noble messenger from among our descendants,
21:40the people of Mecca, the people of Ibrahim, the people of Ismail,
21:44Hazrat Ismail, peace be upon him, the children of Ismail, the children of Ibrahim
21:49O Lord and Master, send him from among them
21:54Rabbana wa baas fihim rasoolam minhum
21:57O our Lord, send that noble messenger from among us,
22:04who is he?
22:05What is his glory?
22:06The last thing
22:07yatloo alayhim ayatika
22:11He may read to them your clear signs
22:15wa yu'allimuhumul kitaba wal hikmata
22:18and teach them the Book and Wisdom
22:21Kitab means the Quran
22:23and Hikmah means the Sunnah of the Prophet
22:28Those are the secrets, those are the commandments,
22:32those are the conditions
22:33which the Prophet of Allah came as the Master of the Shariah
22:37Allahu Akbar
22:38wa yu'allimuhumul kitaba wal hikmata
22:41wa yu'allimuhumul kitaba wal hikmata
22:42and teach them the Book and Wisdom
22:47Hikmah means the Sunnah
22:49wa yu'allimuhumul kitaba wal hikmata
22:51and purify them
22:57the Quran came, but along with the Quran,
23:00the teacher also came
23:02This did not happen
23:03Although it is an Arab society
23:07and in the Arab society, they understand the Arabic language
23:10They are eloquent
23:11They are great poets, great writers,
23:15and eloquent
23:17But they are not eloquent
23:18The words of Allah are the words of Allah
23:20The Lord has given the Book
23:22and the owner of the Book
23:26The Lord has also given the teacher along with the Book
23:30Those who will explain
23:33Establish Salah
23:35How to establish Salah?
23:36How to offer Salah?
23:37How to bow?
23:38How to prostrate?
23:39What to do first?
23:40He said,
23:41Sallu kama ra'aytumuni usalli
23:45The Quran said,
23:46If you want to act upon it,
23:49then look at Mustafa Kareem
23:52Just as Mustafa Kareem will act upon it,
23:55you must act upon it
23:57How to give Zakat?
23:59What is its balance?
24:01For how long?
24:02How many times?
24:03He said,
24:04Just as Mustafa Kareem will act upon it,
24:06you must act upon it
24:07So the teacher also came
24:09Allahu Akbar
24:10I would like to add one more thing
24:15There is a trend nowadays
24:17that people read the Quran
24:21like a parrot
24:23What will happen if you read it?
24:25I seek forgiveness from Allah
24:26Recite your Ayat upon them
24:28Recitation is a direct means of Prophethood
24:34and one of the attributes of the Prophet
24:37Recitation is worship
24:39It is a different form of worship
24:43to teach a teacher
24:46But you cannot deny recitation
24:50What is the benefit of recitation?
24:52You don't understand
24:53Yes, you do understand
24:55You do understand
24:56that this is why the Quran was revealed
24:58But you cannot deny recitation
25:02Recite from the heart of the Ummah of the Chosen One
25:06The Prophet said,
25:07Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah,
25:09he will be rewarded with a good deed
25:11and a good deed is equal to ten good deeds
25:13The one who recites the Quran
25:15recites a letter
25:16and a good deed is rewarded
25:17for each letter
25:19which is equal to ten good deeds
25:22So recitation itself is a form of worship
25:24Reciting the Quran
25:27and teaching the Quran
25:28and understanding the Quran
25:30is a separate form of worship
25:33Allahu Akbar
25:35Even if you read the Quran
25:36even if you recite the Quran
25:38in your homes
25:40If you want to fulfill your needs
25:43then recite Surah Yasin in the morning
25:46If you want to get rid of hunger
25:50then recite Surah Waqia
25:52The Prophet said
25:53Whoever recites Surah Waqia
25:55will not be hungry ever
25:59The Prophet said
25:59No one will be hungry
26:01who recites Surah Waqia
26:03Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood
26:04taught Surah Waqia to his daughters
26:07Our sisters and daughters are listening
26:08Recite Surah Waqia in your homes
26:10Allah will get rid of hunger
26:12The Prophet said
26:13Whoever wants to have blessings
26:15and mercy in their homes
26:16recite Surah Fatha
26:18Allah will give blessings and mercy
26:19Recite Surah Muzammil
26:21Allah will fulfill their needs
26:24The Prophet said
26:24Whoever wants Allah to protect them
26:25from the torment of the grave
26:28then recite Surah Mulk
26:30We also want
26:33that we don't have to do anything
26:35We just need to make a person sit
26:36and tell him to keep reciting
26:36and we will listen
26:37When we know how to recite
26:40then whoever recites Surah Al-Mulk
26:42This will be for him
26:44This excellence will be for the one
26:45who recites it himself
26:47Otherwise, he will be rewarded
26:49For the audience
26:50it will be a special excellence
26:53It is for the one
26:54who recites Surah Al-Mulk
26:57The Prophet recites your verses
27:02and teaches them the Book and Wisdom
27:07and purifies their hearts
27:09Glory be to Allah
27:11He teaches them the Book and Wisdom
27:13and purifies their hearts
27:17He purifies their hearts
27:18with his own eyes
27:21By the way, the Companions
27:22are the first addressees to this
27:25The Prophet is purifying
27:26the whole Ummah
27:28But the Companions were the first
27:30to be present
27:32The Companions are the first
27:33Allah is the Greatest
27:35Allah loved faith in you
27:38He said about the Companions
27:40Allah loved faith in you
27:43and adorned it in your hearts
27:45and made disbelief,
27:48disobedience, and disobedience
27:50to you. They are the righteous
27:52by the grace of Allah
27:54Glory be to Allah
27:55He said that Allah
27:57made disbelief,
28:00disobedience, and disobedience
28:01to be disliked
28:03They are disliked
28:06by Allah
28:08He said that Allah
28:10adorned their hearts with faith
28:14He created faith in their hearts
28:17Allah loved faith in you
28:20and adorned it in your hearts
28:24He said further
28:25Those who Allah has tested
28:28their hearts for piety
28:30Allah has tested their hearts
28:34for piety
28:36Those who glorify the Prophet
28:38He said for the people of the House of At-Tahar
28:40Allah only wants to purify you
28:43and purify the people of the House of At-Tahar
28:48The purification of the people of the House of At-Tahar
28:50has been announced
28:51He said for the Companions
28:53Allah made disbelief, disobedience, and disobedience
28:56to be disliked
28:58He adorned their hearts with faith
29:02He said
29:03No one can be a believer
29:06until he loves his life, his children,
29:10his wealth, and everything
29:12until he loves his life, his children,
29:15his wealth, and everything
29:21Sayyiduna Umar-e-Farooq said
29:23O Messenger of Allah!
29:24I love you more than anything
29:27My children, my wealth, my family
29:31except for myself
29:32O Messenger of Allah! I love you more than my life
29:35My life is very dear to me
29:37He said
29:37O Umar!
29:39Your faith will not be complete until then
29:42At the second moment
29:43At the second moment
29:44Sayyiduna Umar-e-Farooq said
29:46O Messenger of Allah!
29:47You are dearer to me than my life
29:55The Muhaddithin said
29:56What is the matter?
29:57Why did Sayyiduna Umar-e-Farooq say this?
30:00He said
30:01with the blessed tongue of Huzoor
30:04When Huzoor heard that Umar
30:07Umar-e-Farooq said
30:10O Messenger of Allah!
30:10You are dearer to me than my life
30:13Huzoor said
30:14O Umar!
30:15Your faith will not be complete until then
30:18Your faith will not be complete until then
30:20Your faith will not be complete until then
30:21He said
30:22with the blessed tongue of Huzoor
30:26Allah is the Greatest
30:27In the presence of Huzoor
30:30the companions kept their reality
30:33so that they could see
30:34and purify their minds
30:36so that they could see
30:39He said
30:39They wanted to see the Prophet
30:41as they saw Huzoor
30:44At the second moment
30:45the world of their hearts changed
30:47He said
30:47O Messenger of Allah!
30:48You are dearer to me than my life
30:51This is the manifestation of
30:53This is the manifestation of
30:55Today, the world is dying for wealth
30:59for everything
31:01But sacrifice yourself for the companions of Huzoor
31:04For the poor immigrants
31:06who were driven out of their homes and wealth
31:09They left their wealth
31:11and their homes for Huzoor
31:13and followed Huzoor
31:15When they reached there
31:16sacrifice yourself for the companions of Huzoor
31:17Allah is the Greatest
31:22Brothers are fighting for the world
31:24But how did the Prophet
31:26make them brothers?
31:28He divided his house, his business, his wealth, his land
31:33and he himself is in need
31:38Young people, this is not my testimony
31:41This is not my testimony
31:43I am not an authority in the religion
31:45My Lord is testifying for them
31:48Allah is the Greatest
31:53Allah is the Greatest
31:57The companions of Huzoor are in need
32:00But they are sacrificing for their brothers
32:02Then Allah announced for them
32:05Allah is the Greatest
32:07And whoever is satisfied with his own self,
32:11then those are the successful
32:13He said, whoever's greed is pulled out of his mind
32:16he is successful
32:19So how did they become Muzakka?
32:21How did they become Muzaffa?
32:23Although they were chosen by Allah for the companions of Huzoor
32:29These are the manifestations of Muzakka
32:32These are the manifestations of the gaze of the Prophet
32:36That Allah made the companions of Huzoor
32:40and the people of Bait-e-Athar
32:42the greatest among all the Ummah
32:46There is no one greater than them
32:49Allah is the Greatest
33:06Teach them the Book of Wisdom and purify them
33:09Reform their souls
33:12No doubt, He is the Greatest, the Winner, and the Wise
33:17So we pray to Allah the Almighty
33:19that the verses of the Holy Qur'an
33:21which we have listened to today
33:23and the lesson of the Holy Qur'an
33:26may Allah the Almighty
33:28enlighten our hearts with the light of the Holy Qur'an
33:31May He grant us blessings and mercy
33:34And the faith of the Prophet
33:37who came as a blessing from Allah
33:41who came as a prayer of Ibrahim
33:43Huzoor said
33:45I tell you
33:46I am Ibrahim's prayer and the glad tidings of Jesus
33:49I am Ibrahim's prayer and the glad tidings of Jesus
33:54I am giving the glad tidings of the prayer of Ibrahim
33:57the glad tidings of Jesus
33:58and the glad tidings of his Prophet
34:00after his name Ahmad
34:02And I am giving the glad tidings of the Holy Prophet who is coming after me.
34:06So, may Allah the Almighty enable us to have faith in him.
34:10May Allah the Almighty enlighten us with the light of the Holy Quran.
34:13And may Allah the Almighty also purify our hearts
34:17with the gift of this description of the Holy Prophet.
34:20May Allah the Almighty purify our hearts.
34:23And at the end of our supplication, we say,
34:25All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
34:29If anyone has any questions, please do ask.
34:33Huzoor, I have a question.
34:35When people go for Hajj, the five days of rest that they take,
34:38if something goes wrong in their rest or if something is impure,
34:43is there any way to change that?
34:47Actually, in our tradition, it is believed that
34:49if you take a rest, it opens up your rest.
34:54If you take a rest, it is like when you take a bath,
34:56it also opens up your rest.
34:59So, if you take a rest to take a bath or to change your clothes,
35:04if your clothes are dirty,
35:06you take a bath and change your clothes,
35:08it does not open up your rest.
35:11There is no difference in taking a rest.
35:13The conditions of taking a rest,
35:17if you do not want to take a rest,
35:21you should avoid doing that.
35:23Changing your clothes does not make a difference.
35:28Some people, before going for Hajj,
35:30if they take a bath,
35:35is it okay to do it there or before going for Hajj?
35:39Is it okay to do it there or before going for Hajj?
35:42See, before taking a bath, you should make an effort
35:45that before you take a rest,
35:48you should clean yourself properly.
35:51Clean the extra hair on your body
35:55and clean your body properly
36:00and then take a rest.
36:02Then, if you go there, you sweat,
36:05it is hot, it is humid.
36:07In this case, if you take a bath there,
36:10it does not make a difference.
36:12But in the beginning, when you take a rest,
36:15be careful.
36:16Just like a person takes a bath for Jummah,
36:18for Eid-e-Adhan,
36:20in the same way,
36:21clean yourself properly
36:25and then take a rest.
36:29Yes, son. Do you have a question?
36:30Peace be upon you.
36:32Huzoor, the question was about breath.
36:34Sometimes, we should know
36:37that we are going for Hajj or Umrah.
36:40Is it compulsory to breathe?
36:41When is it compulsory? In what circumstances?
36:43Sometimes, no one knows
36:46and an action happens
36:48which makes it compulsory to breathe.
36:50Now, they do not know.
36:51Now, they are free
36:53and come and share their matter with someone.
36:55That action also tells that I have done this.
36:58The other person knows that this action made it compulsory to breathe.
37:01Now, the other person who is telling that
37:03it is compulsory to breathe on you.
37:05For example, all the matters have been completed.
37:07Now, what will happen in this case?
37:09Look, if they are within the limits of the Haram,
37:11then they can sacrifice an animal within the limits of the Haram.
37:15Now, the circumstances of breathing
37:18and committing crimes are different.
37:23If, for example,
37:25a mistake has been committed
37:27and it is fulfilled with charity, then it will be charity.
37:30If a mistake has been committed
37:32and it is compulsory to breathe
37:35and then we will have to see what the situation is
37:38that it is done with a cow or a goat or a camel.
37:42But whenever it is compulsory to breathe,
37:44you should know that within the limits of the Haram,
37:46you should breathe before coming.
37:50Or you can make someone a lawyer
37:52and tell him to breathe within the limits of the Haram.
37:57So, with God's help, we hope that God will accept his Hajj.
38:02And we say, all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Haram.
38:16Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
