WATCH: Davidson Bashes Biden Military ‘State Sponsored Indoctrination’ During Turning Point Event

  • 3 months ago
On Saturday, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) discussed military policy during the Turning Point Action "People's Convention" in Detroit, Michigan.

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00:00Join us in defending our nation's principles.
00:04Visit slash we the people.
00:13Our own government is being turned against its citizens.
00:16This government isn't even known as most basic responsibility, which is to secure and protect.
00:20We are known as one or two to break the plot.
00:30God bless you all.
00:41What an impressive crowd.
00:43My name is Warren Davidson, and I love this country with a soldier's passion.
00:53How did that come to be?
00:54Back in the 1980s, the Cold War was going on.
00:57Ronald Reagan was president of the United States.
01:00He came through my hometown about three hours south of here.
01:03You go straight down I-75, and you go through a little town called Sydney, Ohio.
01:08Ronald Reagan rode through there on a train in 1984.
01:12And can you imagine a country so united?
01:15Now, look, not everybody loved Reagan, but he won 49 out of 50 states.
01:21It was a different time.
01:24We knew the world was largely divided between the godless communists, on the one hand,
01:31and the God-fearing American people.
01:34It was good and evil.
01:36Today, you see our country.
01:39Well, let me just describe a little bit.
01:42So I enlisted in the Army, graduated high school in 1988, and they sent me over to Germany.
01:47I get over to Germany, and the Berlin Wall is up.
01:51The Cold War is there.
01:54And I was down in Bad Tolz, Germany, where the 10th Special Forces Group trains,
01:59getting trained, and this guy steps up on the stage.
02:02He goes, write this day down.
02:04This is going to be one of the most famous days in history, 9 November 1989.
02:08You're like, oh, that's a pretty bold intro to your talk or whatever.
02:11He goes, the Berlin Wall just came down.
02:13We couldn't believe him.
02:14We're like, no way.
02:15He said, seriously.
02:17So we went over there for Thanksgiving break, and I got to cross through Checkpoint Charlie
02:23and see people coming from the East German side into West Germany.
02:29And they couldn't believe what they were seeing.
02:31They were like, is it like this everywhere?
02:33And it was Berlin.
02:34I mean, I was a kid from rural western Ohio, and I thought, you mean, you know, big cities?
02:41No, we have small towns, everything.
02:43And no, the stores are open at night, and they've got fresh milk.
02:47I'm like, yeah, of course.
02:49Here's a 7-Eleven.
02:50You're explaining.
02:51Let me just say, they were not looking for more government.
02:53They were looking for more freedom.
02:55And they knew they had been lied to by the people on the other side of the wall.
03:01In one generation, go back to Ronald Reagan.
03:03One of his most famous sayings is, freedom's never more than one generation away from extinction.
03:12And that sounds like hyperbole, but today, you all know it's not hyperbole.
03:17You know that we're on the precipice of losing that in this country.
03:21This country's worth defending.
03:23And if we don't defend it, who else will?
03:26So I'm so encouraged to see so many people out here today doing that.
03:30And that's the thing about when I served in the Army.
03:38It's deeds, not words.
03:40It's free to join, but for some of my friends, it cost everything.
03:43Our country, though, has lost its way.
03:46During the Cold War, it's referred to as cold because we weren't always fighting.
03:52We were selective about it.
03:54The country had developed an idea, the Powell Doctrine, that we should define the mission before we go and wage a war.
04:02We should know exactly what it is we're trying to achieve.
04:05That seems to have been displaced by catchy slogans like, as much as it takes, as long as it takes.
04:11That's the mission in Ukraine right now.
04:14As much as it takes to do what?
04:17As long as it takes to do what?
04:19Bankrupt America?
04:21That's how we defeated the Soviet Union.
04:23We bankrupted them.
04:25So today, Russia is not the Soviet Union.
04:28And Vladimir Putin has not spent the last 25 years building the world's most lethal military.
04:34He hasn't spent the last 25 years plundering the wealth of Russia, which is why he's on the ropes by Ukraine.
04:40And look, as just as their cause is, it's not our war to fight, and it's not our war to fund.
04:53When America does get involved in the world, we can see that we can really make a difference.
04:59In Korea, maybe the place that you can see where that difference is most stark,
05:03South Korea is a first-world country, first-world economy, first-world health care.
05:09They're a mission-sending country, so they're sending Christian missionaries out into other places of the world.
05:15But just across the 38th parallel, you see a different world.
05:21China backed the North Koreans, and they still do, and America backs South Korea, and we still do.
05:27So there is good and evil in the world, and you can see the contrast of ideas.
05:32But when President Eisenhower took office, he quickly said there has to be a path to peace.
05:38Technically, there's not a true peace treaty there, but there's a negotiated agreement that has resulted in years of peace.
05:45And I would say that a similar path could be achieved in Ukraine,
05:50but it will take leadership from a decisive president like President Eisenhower and, frankly, like President Trump.
06:03That war was totally preventable. It was completely avoidable.
06:08On August 31st of 2021, the United States left Afghanistan in the most unimaginable way possible.
06:16You don't have to have served in uniform to know that you don't get the civilians,
06:21you don't get the military out first and then leave the civilians behind and trust the Taliban to get them out.
06:27You do it the exact other way.
06:29The military stays there, the civilians get out. When the mission is accomplished, the military leaves.
06:36The very next day, the Biden administration, on September 1st of 2021, entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Ukraine
06:46to support their membership in NATO, to support their membership in the European Union.
06:51And since then, they've continued to press that as the objective.
06:55If you ask Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Graham, Senator Graham, Neocon Graham, Neocon's another word for not conservative.
07:03You guys get that right? Neocon, not conservative.
07:10So, look, I get that we have a big party and we need all those folks to have our majority,
07:17but we need to reject these ideas that somehow America is made stronger by being constantly at war.
07:23We're not. We're made stronger, like Eisenhower knew, by reaching a peaceful arrangement when it's possible
07:30and preserving American strength. The business of America has been business.
07:35We could have a strong economy.
07:37But one of the other things Eisenhower did and did well was he secured our borders.
07:42Border security is national security.
07:53And frankly, he deported quite a few people.
07:56And that might be what we need to do after this.
07:59You've got more than 10 million people that have come into our country illegally.
08:03We don't use our military to secure our borders, and we should.
08:07We should use our, if you want to fix recruiting in the country, there's a couple things that you can do.
08:13You don't need a woke military. You need a military that's laser focused on fighting and winning wars.
08:23You don't need a directionless compass that accepts every invitation to war that is extended.
08:29Frankly, we can decline some of those invitations.
08:32You need a focused America first foreign policy.
08:42We need to keep building our strength by focusing on war fighting, not on woke agendas.
08:50And frankly, when it comes time to recruit, I think we ought to put the enlisted men and women in charge of the whole recruiting effort.
08:58You need special training, university training, to be able to come up with all this woke DEI, critical race theory ideology.
09:07It wouldn't occur to people naturally to do this, and frankly what they've found is a normal high school education isn't enough time to get all the indoctrination complete.
09:17So they want to send you off to these state-sponsored indoctrination camps and load everyone up with lots of debt and make them indentured servants.
09:28They say they want it to go away. They say they want to forgive the student debt.
09:32They're not forgiving student debt. They're transferring it to you.
09:40And here's the next problem with that.
09:43They don't want to turn off the programs that load everybody up with debt, that drive up inflation for students, even the ones that want to pay for it themselves and get it the right way.
09:53They don't want to turn off the broken federal takeover of it. They want to keep the indoctrination going.
09:59And so if we're going to get the focused foreign policy we need, we need to do those kinds of things, recruit.
10:06And we have an all-volunteer force, and we should keep it that way.
10:13Frankly, we are debating a draft. The very first amendment that I passed was an amendment that's called Draft Our Daughters Amendment.
10:28I would hate to think that our country gets to the point that we need a draft of any kind.
10:33I think we're made stronger by people that voluntarily choose to defend our country.
10:38But here's the reality. If there's nothing you hold so dear, nothing you're willing to commit to defend, what kind of country is that?
10:49This country is worth defending. This country and its ideals are unique in world history.
10:59And you guys are taking an otherwise beautiful day outside, coming in here, hearing these things, because you're the people that are the deeds, not words people.
11:07A lot of people, words are so good, we appreciate them, but part of the disconnect is the gap between the words and the deeds.
11:16And the one thing I will say about the people that was just at Memorial Day service, you're honoring the people that actually gave everything.
11:24And you know those people had deeds. You can't just give a good speech. You actually have to show up and go do it.
11:31And lots of men and women in our country have worn our uniform and defended freedom in that most direct way.
11:39But you guys are on the front line in a different way, because in the 60s, the far left committed to a long march through the institutions.
11:47They've been working to take over every institution, whether it's academia, the media, the military, the government, the schools.
11:58Everything, sports, they've even taken over sports.
12:02So when you look at what's on the line, we have to have our own counterinsurgency to extract these people.
12:11And we're going to do it because you are the young men and women who are going to go out and take every lane in our country and reclaim it.
12:20To restore a government small enough to fit inside the Constitution is going to take a long commitment.
12:32And it's going to take lots of deeds, not just words. So thank you for being the people that are committed to do that.
12:38With your help and God's blessings, we can, in fact, restore this great country and make America great again.
12:48God bless you.
