Exploring Jaylen Brown's Case for Finals MVP on Defense

  • 3 months ago
00:00Defensively is where Jalen Brown, 100%, I feel, makes the most compelling case on his
00:15own merit.
00:17The real case, I do think, for Jalen Brown is Boston's going to win the series, Tatum's
00:22not playing well enough.
00:25The argument on Jalen Brown is a little bit more efficient, but again, it's defensively.
00:35He has the same defensive rating as JT now.
00:39If you want to tell me, well, look at what he's doing to Luka, okay, now we're getting
00:43into the Andre Godala stuff.
00:46Andre Godala, Kawhi Leonard, guys who won finals MVP for holding LeBron James to numbers
00:53that merited winning finals MVP on his own.
00:56I still maintain, do not care, LeBron should have won finals MVP back in 2015.
01:01It is what it is.
01:02But if you're telling me that Jalen Brown is finals MVP because his defense on Luka,
01:07who's averaging 30 points a game with six assists, I mean, I guess now it's Luka, for
01:14Luka, these are lower numbers, his three-point shot spent awful in this series, down to 25%.
01:21But I think the way it feels now, and if you want to throw game four out, you can,
01:29but it still sits there.
01:32The argument for Jalen Brown finals MVP is truly Tatum doesn't deserve it.
01:41But then it begs the question, what if Tatum plays incredible in the closeout?
01:48As much as Jason Tatum has fallen short in this series, and you could probably argue
01:55with him the postseason.
