Ouraton Sa kayamat ma hona wala sawal jawab

  • 2 months ago
"Qayamat" is an Arabic term meaning "the Day of Judgment" or "the Day of Resurrection" in Islamic theology. It refers to the day when Allah will judge all humans and decide their eternal fate based on their deeds in life.

The concept of Qayamat is central to Islamic belief, emphasizing accountability for one's actions and the eventual reckoning of all souls. It is believed that on the Day of Judgment, all people, regardless of their beliefs, will be raised from the dead and brought before Allah for judgment. Each person's deeds will be weighed, and their faith and actions will determine whether they are rewarded with paradise (Jannah) or punished in hellfire (Jahannam).

Islamic teachings describe various signs that will precede the Day of Judgment, such as the appearance of the Antichrist (Dajjal), the coming of Imam Mahdi (a messianic figure in Islam), and other natural and supernatural events.

In summary, Qayamat is a profound concept in Islam, reflecting the belief in ultimate justice and the importance of leading a righteous life according to the teachings of Allah and His prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him).
