El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 86 Completo HD

  • 3 months ago
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 86 Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 87 Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 88 Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 86 Completo HD
00:10They managed to hide them.
00:12It's a shame.
00:13But they must have heard something.
00:15With a little luck, they will never overcome that trauma.
00:19The war in Geneva is just beginning.
00:22It's going to end with everyone.
00:24Even with the Figueroa.
00:26No one will get out alive.
00:30Let's start then.
00:32To fill the cemetery, first we have to free death.
00:43You don't know how it breaks my heart to see them like this.
00:46I know you miss your mom and believe me, I understand.
00:49I need to see her! Take me to visit her!
00:51Calm down, son. I would love to, but it's still impossible.
00:56I'm going to stand outside the jail and tell the police
01:00that I'm her son, that I need to see my mom.
01:06Don't cry, son.
01:09I can visit my mom and I can give her your message.
01:13You can write her a letter and tell her everything you want
01:16and everything you feel.
01:18A letter, if they let me pass.
01:20Look, don't stop thinking about the day your mom
01:24fulfills her sentence and is with you.
01:26But if years, months, days pass,
01:29I will never leave you alone again.
01:33And do you still love Nandi, Dad?
01:41I love you.
01:43Come here.
01:50You know what?
01:52I want to see Porfirio.
01:54He came into my life to be my calm and my refuge.
01:58That's so beautiful, Mrs. Lupis.
02:00How beautiful it is to find that person
02:02who, just by seeing her, calms all our fears, right?
02:06You had also found the man who gave you calm every day.
02:13My Kenzo gave me complete tranquility
02:17and joy and desire to live.
02:20True love rarely knocks on our door.
02:24And if we don't open it, it leaves.
02:26Don't be sorry for the rest of your life, daughter.
02:31No, but don't cry either.
02:33No, no, Nandi.
02:39Could you describe to us how the events happened?
02:41Yes, of course.
02:42They were here arguing.
02:44When the man arrived, he took a gun...
02:57Indeed, there was a riot in the men's prison
03:00and Rubio managed to escape.
03:02Then it may be that my daughter is not related
03:04to this unfortunate matter.
03:06Mrs. Elvira, I don't want to hurt her anymore,
03:08but the alcances of Ginebra are terrible,
03:10so we shouldn't rule it out.
03:12If Ginebra had something to do with this,
03:14we will live in fear again, taking care of ourselves all the time.
03:17Besides, what would Rubio gain by killing himself
03:19in front of all of us instead of fleeing?
03:21That woman cannot continue destroying our lives.
03:26I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mrs. Elvira.
03:28I didn't say my words.
03:29But I can't take it anymore.
03:30I'm terrified to think that the happiness
03:32we have sought so much has lasted us so little time.
03:35I understand you, Paz.
03:37My heart is the same.
03:39I'm very afraid that Ginebra is behind all of this.
03:42But I'm going with Esteban to face my daughter.
03:45Whether it's one thing or another,
03:47it's up to you.
03:48But I think it's best if you postpone your trip
03:50for a day.
03:52Oh, my God.
03:53The children and the boys are the ones who will resent
03:55the truth the most.
03:56But they won't try.
03:58Well, here the priority is to reinforce security.
04:01And better times will come.
04:05Look, all of us have suffered tragedies,
04:08but we never stop smiling, right?
04:11Despite everything, we always move forward
04:14and we find ourselves as a group of brothers,
04:17of friends who love each other very much.
04:20So let's forget everything that happened,
04:23even if it costs us a lot.
04:25I know, we can all put on pajamas together
04:28to support each other if we are afraid.
04:30Do you like the idea?
04:32I pull with the idea.
04:34Gala, I still love you a lot more.
04:38You have a very strong and very big heart, my love.
04:41Pedro Pablo, are you okay?
04:44Well, the truth is that I wanted to wait
04:48until the family trip.
04:50The scholarship is about to end.
04:52And I'm going to grab it.
04:54I have to go.
04:55No, Pepa.
04:57I don't want you to go.
05:22You don't have the pain level
05:24that I'm going to cause you.
05:26Shut up, blondie.
05:28You don't bark and bark.
05:30There's someone from way, way up there
05:32who wants to see you safe.
05:34But I can break a rib right now.
05:37I want to hear you yawn.
05:39Come on, do it.
05:40Hit me again.
05:42You don't know how much pain I've endured.
05:44Much more than you can imagine.
05:46You're brave, I admit it.
05:50You're going to tell Don Perfumado
05:52that I want money.
05:53A lot.
05:55Why don't you want to get out of the wheelchair?
05:58I'm going to ask you for what you deserve.
06:01And then I'm going to make you choke.
06:04I swear.
06:06Take her away.
06:20Take off the handcuffs.
06:23I'm not in danger with her.
06:25Remember the deal, Gata.
06:32Do you have news?
06:35Yes, but I don't have much time.
06:37Someone else is coming to see you.
06:39They gave a special authorization.
06:41Leave him alone, Rodeos.
06:43My employer has everything ready.
06:45You're going out through the big door.
06:47Just as a queen like you deserves.
06:51How did you do it? I want details.
06:54A good magician never reveals his tricks.
06:56But in front of such a beautiful woman,
06:58I can make an exception.
07:01I have a couple of judges on the bag,
07:03but it must seem legal.
07:05We reached a series of agreements.
07:07You will be a collaborator witness.
07:09Technically, you are not innocent.
07:11But with the deals I signed,
07:13no one will be able to touch you.
07:15You just have to do your part.
07:17You will say what I tell you.
07:19Do you understand?
07:22I will be free.
07:26No one will be saved.
07:34Don't worry, everything will be fine.
07:36Here we will be more protected.
07:38And I will stay by your side as long as possible.
07:41Because that was one of the commitments
07:43I made in front of the altar.
07:45I not only agreed to be your father's wife,
07:47I also accepted with great pride
07:49to be the mother of five of you.
07:51My daughter, you were born in my belly,
07:54but life gave me four more precious children.
07:57And as your mother, I will defend you
07:59with nails and teeth.
08:01With claws if necessary, okay?
08:03Your father and I will be your shields.
08:05And with our lives, we will prevent you from being hurt.
08:09I swear that I will give my all.
08:11And I also swear that happiness
08:13will come to our lives one day.
08:15You are not alone in this fight.
08:17I also want to fight for my four brothers,
08:20for my dad, for my grandmothers, for you.
08:22Thank you.
08:23Count on me.
08:24In the crime, I learned to fight
08:25and I am willing to do it in life.
08:27We will have no other choice.
08:29I also join you.
08:30Llanito and I learned to defend ourselves on the street.
08:33Thank you.
08:34We are going to show that the good can do more.
08:36They are not going to knock us down.
08:38And please trust me,
08:40because that will be my maximum strength
08:42to face evil.
08:43Always together?
08:44Always together.
08:46Come here.
08:50You don't know the strength you just injected me.
08:54You only do your part and I will do mine.
08:58Your list of conditions seemed fun to me.
09:05I know perfectly well the trap you're setting for me.
09:07I'm not an idiot.
09:09I know you want to be my only salvation.
09:11You want me to have enemies everywhere.
09:15I don't.
09:16I'm just a little voice.
09:18But if you want to survive, my boss is the best option.
09:22Can you do what I asked you to do?
09:23Yes or no?
09:25The mayor of this prison will take care of the wedding.
09:28It's the benefit of keeping so many secrets.
09:32Tell Mauro to be ready for my arrival.
09:35I'll take care of my farewell.
09:44Take her away.
09:45She has visitors.
10:06My God.
10:07Bless this home.
10:12Protect all the people who inhabit it.
10:20Let it heal after the tragedies.
10:27I think we should go to Esteban's house.
10:31I don't want to live like this.
10:35Much less like this.
10:36But it's necessary.
10:38They're not safe here.
10:40And I don't know what would happen if something happened to you.
10:44No, no.
10:48We have to call an ambulance.
10:49Yes, please, Lupe.
10:51Lupe, please react.
10:55My beloved ex-husband and my mother.
10:59Together at last.
11:01And what do I owe this visit to?
11:03This must be something very important.
11:06Rubio set fire to the house of peace.
11:08In front of everyone.
11:10What did you do to convince him?
11:14My dear.
11:16I'm locked up.
11:17Did you think I was a witch or what?
11:20How could I force someone to do something from here?
11:26I beg you.
11:27Stop causing more pain.
11:30Aren't you satisfied with having killed your own sister?
11:33Your own blood?
11:35Let's see.
11:36Make up your mind.
11:37Why are you going to complain to me first?
11:39Because of that crazy guy who set fire in front of his family?
11:43Or because my sister committed suicide?
11:45It doesn't matter who you are.
11:47You already confessed.
11:48You're a bitch.
11:50You killed Berenice.
11:52The woman we loved the most.
11:54You caused Mrs. Elvira and I to hate each other for years.
11:59What are you laughing at, you sick psychopath?
12:01What are you laughing at? Tell me.
12:05It's perfect.
12:06That's how I dreamed it.
12:08I enjoyed so much knowing everything they were suffering.
12:13Those poor orphans crying nonstop.
12:19And I see you, Elvira, so disconcerted, so out of orbit.
12:23I know you're still hurting from Berenice's death.
12:26I'm so sorry.
12:28But it fills me with pleasure.
12:33How could you?
12:35How could you kill?
12:37How could you kill your sister?
12:39Mrs. Elvira.
12:40Mrs. Elvira, calm down.
12:42Don't fall for his provocations, Mrs. Elvira.
12:44Calm down.
12:47Look at me.
12:48I'm destroyed.
12:50I'm destroyed.
12:52I'll never get over your sister's death.
12:55And I'll cry for her every day.
12:58Like I cry for you.
13:01A mother can have the worst of children.
13:04But she can't stop loving them.
13:08Why, Ginembra?
13:11Why did you choose this path? Why?
13:13Because you took me to the mother.
13:17You made me like this. Look at me.
13:19Aren't you proud of your actions?
13:22Aren't you happy that I chose a different path from yours?
13:28You chose the path of cowards.
13:31Because the path of the brave is to love.
13:34And yes, I chose to love.
13:38I love my grandchildren.
13:39I love Esteban.
13:41I love a man who loves me.
13:44And I love you.
13:47I was in love, Elvira.
13:50Don't be ridiculous.
13:52Stop insulting her. Stop hurting her.
13:54Mrs. Elvira has my support.
13:56Because you will continue to be the mother of the first woman I loved.
14:01And of the woman who still loves you.
14:03No, you don't love me.
14:04You don't love me.
14:05Because if you did, you wouldn't hurt me.
14:08You're going to spend the rest of your life locked up in this prison.
14:11Isn't that enough punishment for you?
14:13What do you want?
14:14For them to kill you or what?
14:15No, Esteban.
14:17With every breath I have, I'm going to cause them suffering.
14:23And when I see all their bodies in front of me,
14:26then I'm going to have permission to die.
14:29The bulimia of Al,
14:31the weakling of Bosco,
14:33the insipid of Samara and Eder,
14:36even all your political family,
14:39Salomón, Pedro, Pablo,
14:41and all that mess that I don't even want to mention.
14:48You're a bitch.
14:49I'm not going to fall for your threats because I'm going to be there to protect you.
14:55Say goodbye to your happiness,
14:57to your calm,
14:59because your worst nightmare has just begun.
15:05I'm not going to get out of here locked up.
15:41EURO 2024
15:43The Copa América and the League Squad
15:47It's not just soccer.
15:48It's the best soccer of the summer.
15:50In one place.
15:54That woman murdered your friend.
15:56That's to be proven.
15:58I'd do something between them.
15:59Nicolás, I need to talk to you.
16:01You should stay away from those people.
16:04The killer is one of them.
16:08July 1st.
16:10On Las Estrellas.
16:12For years, we've shared the latest news with you.
16:15All the most relevant events of the week.
16:18With the summary of the sports categories.
16:20So you can stay informed.
16:22In the show that the whole family enjoys.
16:25Get ready to get in.
16:28This Sunday.
16:30On Las Estrellas.
16:32The fights between brothers are getting more and more macabre.
16:36I'm going to accuse you with my parents that you're grabbing forbidden fruit from the tree.
16:40I introduce you to my brother.
16:42I brought the wine.
16:43Of the last ones you brought, this is the cheapest.
16:46Stop it!
16:47Macabre Stories.
16:48This Saturday at 11pm.
16:51Starting your day well is informing yourself quickly and punctually.
16:54On Las Noticias, we have the most relevant information of Mexico and the world.
16:58With all the stories that matter to you.
17:00I'm Carlos Luzado and I'll be waiting for you every morning on Las Noticias.
17:03Don't miss it.
17:05Monday to Friday at 5.50pm.
17:07On Las Estrellas.
17:10Dad, you have to come with me tomorrow.
17:12If you don't go, they'll reproach me.
17:14I need a father for my son.
17:16Don't worry, Ani.
17:17That's why you have this daddy.
17:19He can be the foster father of my son, Dani.
17:21Let's see if he doesn't eat the evil.
17:23Bye, Charlie.
17:24Who is Dani's father?
17:25The judge.
17:26Ani, you're really wrong.
17:27This Tuesday at the end of the notice.
17:29This Sunday, Doña Lucha and Albertano will put aside their love of mother and son to compete face to face.
17:35They are the captains of these two teams of celebrities.
17:37And the stars will realize that no matter how much they shine.
17:40We are more than a beautiful body.
17:42If you don't know the answer, you will lose a lot of weight.
17:45Cash, the weight of money.
17:46This Sunday at 9pm on Las Estrellas.
17:49All the information.
17:50With different interviews.
17:52This is the level of Copa America.
17:53We have to do it now.
17:54We have to play with that courage.
17:56In the company of our team.
17:58Copa America will seek to maintain the spine that led it to the bi-championship.
18:03Contacto Deportivo.
18:04Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
18:07With the stars.
18:08If it's about great works, we have Shakespeare.
18:10Ah, yes, girls.
18:11Very intimate, ladies.
18:13If we talk about humor, Gantinflas is the best.
18:15Don't think that by appetite, but by necessity.
18:18And his name is synonymous with fun.
18:19I don't care about the names.
18:21This Saturday, get ready to laugh with Romeo and Juliet.
18:25And on Sunday, Raquel's bolero.
18:27With the stars.
18:29My name is Diego.
18:30I live in Jalcomulco, Veracruz.
18:32I love to play jaripeo.
18:34The bulls are not real.
18:35We make them jump.
18:37You can bullfight them, you can pull them.
18:40And the most fun thing is to pull them and open the drawer.
18:48Esmeralda decides.
18:49You will marry me, Esmeralda.
18:51And uncomfortable encounters occur.
18:53We love each other with all our souls.
18:55But she is still firm with her choice.
18:57I know that Álvaro will make us happy.
18:59And he will be the father who needs my son.
19:01Esmeralda. Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm.
19:05For the stars.
19:08Look at us.
19:10They tell us young people with few resources.
19:13But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
19:20Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
19:26Let's celebrate big, dad.
19:28With a very fun program.
19:29Games, challenges, special guests and many surprises will not be missing in this celebration.
19:34In the music we will have the presence of Alexander Hacha.
19:37Alex Sinte.
19:38Los Recoditos.
19:39And the beautiful Maribel Guardia.
19:42Dad is tomorrow at 7 pm.
19:44For the stars.
19:46Here you will feel the sports greatness.
19:49Everything you want to know about the Copa América.
19:51Euro 20-24.
19:55Exclusive information.
19:57The best humor.
19:58The summer play.
19:59This Sunday starts at 11 pm.
20:02For the stars.
20:05Wake up with the stories that will mark the course of your day.
20:10To understand what is behind each news in Mexico and in the world.
20:15And get all the information about sport, entertainment and video.
20:19Wake up. A newscast from NMAS.
20:21Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am.
20:23For the stars.
20:25Gabriel is cheating on me with that photographer from Quinta.
20:27Between Gabriel and me, there is only half.
20:29It's Francisco's cell phone.
20:30The person who hurt him put that cell phone in my office.
20:33There is a woman who is expecting a child of mine.
20:35The nurse who made the mistake deleted all the woman's record.
20:38It's my body.
20:39And I decide what to do with him.
20:40Where is the father of that child?
20:42Monday to Friday, 9.30 pm.
20:44All the information.
20:45With different interviews.
20:47This is the level of Copa América.
20:48We have to do it now.
20:49We have to play with that courage.
20:51In the company of our team.
20:53Copa América will seek to maintain the spine that led him to the bi-championship.
20:58Contacto Deportivo.
20:59Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
21:0011.30 pm.
21:02With the stars.
21:04The time has come to pull the curtain.
21:06I have to tell Elena the whole truth.
21:08Although it may be a little late.
21:10I can't believe they've been kissing.
21:13Will Elena be able to with this truth?
21:15Juan, you're alive.
21:18For her it only takes Monday to Friday, 1.30 pm.
21:21Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
21:2211.30 pm.
21:23With the stars.
21:25Study acting.
21:26In the Artistic Education Center of Televisa.
21:29Participate in the Children's Call 2024.
21:32Look for the bases in lasestrellas.tv.com.
21:37We are waiting for you.
21:43Start your day with a lot of energy.
21:45At 9.
21:46Advice, games, exercise and all the fun just today.
21:49Learn to live more.
21:50Complain less.
21:51And to finish, find out everything about the famous.
21:54That the duo Río Roma invites people to adopt and not buy.
21:57Notes, recipes and more in Cuéntamelo Ya.
22:00From Monday to Friday with the stars.
22:03Look at us.
22:05They tell us young people with few resources.
22:08But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
22:15Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
22:20See them.
22:22This summer there is football.
22:24But not just any football.
22:26There is football pride.
22:28We present all the games of the Euro 2024.
22:31The Copa America and the League Cup.
22:35It's not just football.
22:36It's the best football of the summer.
22:38In one place.
22:41Domingo, Doña Lucha and Albertano will do their motherly love and son to compete face to face.
22:46They are the captains of these two teams of celebrities.
22:48And the stars will realize that no matter how much they shine.
22:51We are more than a beautiful body.
22:53If you don't know the answer, you will lose a lot of weight.
22:56Cash, the weight of money.
22:57This Sunday at 9 at night with the stars.
23:04Coming soon.
23:05Come back to the most famous house in Mexico.
23:10We will be partners.
23:11And I want my money.
23:13No one is going to get away.
23:25What are you talking about?
23:27No, you can't go out in freedom.
23:29There are too many crimes against you.
23:33You should kill them.
23:35Feel that even with me here locked up, the panic eats them.
23:40And I see it in their eyes.
23:41They are full of fear.
23:45It gives me life.
23:47What else do you want?
23:50This path is just going to take you to death, daughter.
23:53Don't call me that again.
23:55It may have your blood, but I have no relationship with you.
23:58Ah, we have it.
24:00Although you hate it, although you deny it.
24:03Although I despise every act, I saw that you have done good to me.
24:09No, Elvira, what I am for you is the reason for your nightmares.
24:15I am the one who causes your tears.
24:18I steal your breath when you feel panic.
24:21And your pain just feeds me.
24:24How did you cause that riot?
24:26Mauro is in Mexico.
24:28Did he help you with all this?
24:30So many unanswered questions is terrible, right?
24:33Especially for you with your complex of hero who wants to save and protect everyone from pain and suffering.
24:40You are not going to beat us.
24:42Because if necessary, I'm going to get my family out of the country.
24:47What did you do, Ginebra?
24:49What did you do? Rubio was a puppet of yours.
24:52He would not have set fire to us if you had not ordered him to do so.
24:56How did you threaten him?
24:59Did you also subdue his family?
25:01Were you doing the same thing you wanted to do to me?
25:06The doubt is strong, right?
25:07Believe me, they do not want the answer.
25:10But if a man set fire to me, what else could he achieve that the others do?
25:17That you are capable of committing the most atrocious crimes, yes.
25:21But that's all you say is that your soul is completely rotten.
25:25You disgust me.
25:27I'm not afraid of you.
25:29Poor girl, abandoned.
25:32Who is still looking to be killed.
25:34Who is still looking to be listened to.
25:37Who is looking for attention.
25:39Poor girl.
25:41How pathetic you are, Ginebra.
25:44Everything you have done, even if you deny it,
25:47I have done it to get attention, so that I love you.
25:51You pity me.
25:53Keep cheating on me.
25:56But when I have them on my knees, they will beg me for forgiveness.
26:05The ambulance will be here soon, Lope.
26:08Please react.
26:10You can't leave me like this.
26:25Thank you, my father.
26:27I love you.
26:29I love you.
26:31I love you.
26:32Thank you, my father, for not helping us.
26:37Do you know where you are?
26:39Who are you?
26:43I'm not sure.
26:50Are we going to die too?
26:52No, no, no, my girl.
26:54Don't ever say that again.
26:56I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you.
26:58Let's not forget what we talked about.
27:00We're going to win.
27:02We're going to hurt everyone who wants to hurt us.
27:06Besides, Rubio is no longer here, so there's no way I can hurt him.
27:10Paz, I know we have to keep our spirits up and everything,
27:14but we have to take more precautions.
27:16I don't know, what if they teach the kids to defend themselves?
27:18Well, I don't think you care much.
27:20What good is it that you teach them, Esgrima?
27:23Look, Bosco, thank you very much for what you're trying to do,
27:26but your father has doubled the security,
27:28the police are surrounding the house,
27:30and this house has become a fortress.
27:32Hey, Paz.
27:34I feel like they don't tell us everything.
27:36When I recovered from the coma,
27:38there was something that wouldn't let me turn my head.
27:42I wanted to know why that happened to me.
27:46My child, don't help anything you say on this subject.
27:49It was probably something from the air, a bug, a bacterium.
27:52There are many reasons.
27:54It was something I drank.
27:56And I think it was Ginebra who gave it to me.
27:58My mommy?
27:59I don't know, Loretita, but that lady is really crazy.
28:02I know she also did something bad to her blanket.
28:04Kids, please.
28:06There's no point in getting sick because it only hurts more.
28:09We're a family, aren't we?
28:11Families shouldn't tell each other lies.
28:13We're kids, not fools.
28:15Yes, mommy. Tell us the truth, please.
28:18Paz, if they don't know what we're up against,
28:20I think it's going to be harder to protect them.
28:23My child, I'm going to try to be as soft as possible with this.
28:29Ginebra is a bad person.
28:32She's the one who's been hurting us all.
28:41Why do you want to leave, Pepa?
28:43Why do you want to accept your scholarship right now?
28:47I'm sorry, bro, but I wasn't going to let you leave like that.
28:51Yes, yes, you get it, don't you?
28:53Rubio just set himself on fire in front of us.
28:55We're living in Mr. Esteban's house.
28:57We're surrounded by security.
28:59What do you mean? What security?
29:01Well, I thought you had already accepted it.
29:03I don't understand why one day you say yes and the next you say no, mom.
29:06No, no, no, it's not that I'm indecisive, son.
29:08It's common sense.
29:10You see the storm and you don't get angry, or what?
29:12Cannaval, we support you in whatever you do with your life.
29:14We don't get into your personal issues because you don't want to share them,
29:18but this does put you at risk.
29:20Well, yes, yes, and it sounds crazy, and I'm sorry to say it like that,
29:23but you heard Umbe.
29:25This was because Rubio escaped.
29:27Besides, Ginebra is still in prison.
29:29Mauro is not even in the country.
29:31What do I have to do with this, mom?
29:33Why would I be an objective?
29:35Honestly, I don't see the problem.
29:37Come on, Carlos.
29:39To be so abused with numbers, you need a lot of street, bro.
29:42You're watching and you don't see? Really?
29:44Aunt Paz and Esteban insist that everything has to do with Ginebra.
29:47Well, yes, but for that they need to prove evidence.
29:50Rubio was already crazy on his own.
29:52He probably just wanted to take revenge on us or scare us, I don't know.
29:56No, the danger is not over.
29:59I didn't want to tell them so as not to worry them,
30:02but Mauro went to look for me at home and threatened me.
30:16They should have already sent the memorandum of the scholarship.
30:19Time is running out.
30:21For your own good, I hope Pedro Pablo accepts it.
30:24I prefer to kill him than his mother.
30:26I don't know when Mireya softened him.
30:29I could kill that little man at any second
30:32and make him look like a hate crime.
30:36Of course.
30:38Very well.
30:43If I don't order you, I don't even want you to breathe.
30:47You know I'm your boss, right?
30:49Do you know or not?
30:56My loyalty is with money.
30:59And from what I see, Mrs. Ginebra and you
31:02are bleeding him with nonsense plans.
31:05That's why they looked for a new boss.
31:14Your life belongs to me, Abdul.
31:17Your destiny is sealed, Luis.
31:19Nothing more than a simple employee.
31:23And my sister and I
31:25are sent alone.
31:28Are you going to obey me?
31:30Are you going to obey me or not?
31:38Sir, the computer is ready.
31:41The connection is physical and encrypted as requested.
31:44Very well.
31:49Sabon will have the chain
31:51at this point, but I'm going to find a way to break it.
32:07You do have high blood pressure, ma'am.
32:10That must have disoriented you.
32:13Drink, Lupe. Drink.
32:15You need to breathe better.
32:17Go on, drink.
32:19What about the ambulance?
32:21I canceled it as soon as you got back.
32:23Oh, that's good.
32:25My wife had very similar attacks to yours.
32:29I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Porfirio.
32:31I didn't mean to remind you of painful moments,
32:35but it would have been better.
32:37Pain is part of life.
32:39Sometimes there are droughts, sometimes there are snowfalls,
32:43but the sun always comes out every day.
32:47God, our Lord,
32:50knew that to achieve salvation,
32:52His Son first had to suffer.
32:56In this way, we also have many tests to overcome.
33:01Yes, Father, yes.
33:03I have faith, I am a believer.
33:06But it's not fair, Father.
33:09Why can't my family be calm?
33:12Why? Why?
33:14So that our reward is greater.
33:16So that our reward is greater.
33:18My daughters, my grandchildren, the family of peace.
33:24No one was going to be able to come back here
33:27without remembering how horrible it was.
33:32No one.
33:34No one.
33:37Thank you, thank you.
33:39Pobo, could you get hold of our contacts?
33:43Do you know who gave you the video?
33:44They gave me the same version as Mr. Humberto.
33:47I don't see any connection with Ginebra, ma'am.
33:49I just spoke to the director of the prison.
33:52He tells me that Ginebra was not in contact with anyone abroad,
33:55that no one visited her.
33:57In fact, she was locked up and isolated for a long time.
34:00Well, yes, obviously they are covering her up.
34:02You know that it is very easy to get cell phones here, right?
34:05But to get organized,
34:07she must have received help from someone.
34:09Yes, Mrs. Elvira, I share your theory.
34:11What does it mean that that ally of Ginebra
34:14has to be someone more dangerous and powerful than Ginebra and Mauro?
34:17I spoke to Castro and he told me that
34:20all the suspicious, corrupt partners of Ginebra are already arrested.
34:23So it has to be someone else.
34:25If the prison was not able to stop Ginebra,
34:29what is it going to stop?
34:35We will be partners and I want my revenge.
34:38No one will be saved.
35:09I really love to play caripeo.
35:12The bulls are not real.
35:14We make them jump.
35:16You can bullfight them, you can tie them up.
35:18And the most fun thing is to arrest them and open the drawer.
35:21It's a good summer!
35:39Notes, recipes and more in Cuéntamelo Ya!
35:43From Monday to Friday with the stars.
35:45This is paranormal inactivity.
35:48It will have something to do with what they did here in the land.
35:50In a pantheon? In a hotel.
35:52Are you sure you're going to become millionaires?
35:54My breath smells bad.
35:56No, you never bathe.
35:58Here they made you a drink.
36:00As for which, this Sunday at 5.30 pm.
36:04If it is about great works, we have Shakespeare.
36:05Oh, yes, girls.
36:07Something intimate, ma'am.
36:09If we talk about humor, Cantinflas is the best.
36:11Do not think that for lack of appetite, but for need.
36:13And his name is synonymous with fun.
36:15I do not care about the names, pure cucumber.
36:17This Saturday, get ready to laugh with Romeo and Juliet.
36:20And Sunday, Raquel's bolero with the stars.
36:23Irina was the condemned, but they will pay for the penance.
36:27We are very afraid to attack her because she was in jail.
36:30Irina is coming back.
36:32You will not be talking to me.
36:34Get Irina out.
36:36And I stay.
36:38I do not want to have children, do you think?
36:40Now how do we get rid of them?
36:42Do you think? This Sunday at 7 pm.
36:44If you want to connect with us and get good advice,
36:47our menu, every day you must open.
36:50If it happened to you, what happened to me too.
36:52But it did not happen to me.
36:54Are you saying it was my fault?
36:56I hope that with this I return the course.
36:58Very good things will happen to you.
37:00As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
37:03It's time to pull the curtain.
37:05Better than telling her all the truth, Elena.
37:07Although it may be a little late.
37:09I can not believe they have been kissing.
37:12Will Elena be able with this truth?
37:14Juan, are you alive?
37:16For her it only takes.
37:18Monday to Friday, 1.30 pm.
37:20With the stars.
37:22The fights between brothers are more and more macadronas.
37:25Fermin, I'm going to accuse you with my parents
37:28that you are grabbing fruit from the forbidden tree.
37:31I introduce you to my brother.
37:33I brought it myself.
37:35Of the last ones you brought, this is the cheapest.
37:37Stop it!
37:39Macabrones stories, this Saturday at 11 pm.
37:41For years we have shared the latest news.
37:45All the most relevant events of the week.
37:48With the summary of the sports categories.
37:50So you stay informed.
37:52In the program that the whole family enjoys.
37:55Get ready to get into action.
37:57This Sunday, 2 pm.
37:59With the stars.
38:00Gabriel is cheating on me with that photographer from Quinta.
38:03Between Gabriel and me there is only one friend.
38:05It's Francisco's cell phone.
38:07The person who did it to him put that cell phone in my office.
38:09There is a woman who is expecting a child of mine.
38:11The nurse who made the mistake deleted all the woman's record.
38:14It's my body and I decide what to do with it.
38:16Where is the father of that child?
38:18Monday to Friday, 9.30 pm.
38:20Start your day well is to inform yourself quickly and punctually.
38:23In the news we have the most relevant information from Mexico and the world.
38:27With all the stories that matter to you.
38:30I'm Carlos Ruzado and I'll wait for you every morning in the news.
38:33I don't want to give you more.
38:35Monday to Friday, 5.50 pm.
38:37With the stars.
39:00With the stars.
39:02With the stars.
39:04With the stars.
39:06With the stars.
39:08With the stars.
39:10With the stars.
39:12With the stars.
39:14With the stars.
39:16With the stars.
39:18With the stars.
39:20With the stars.
39:22With the stars.
39:24With the stars.
39:26With the stars.
39:28With the stars.
39:32I was waiting for you.
39:34Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
39:36With the stars.
39:38Wake up with the stories that will mark the course of your day.
39:42To understand what is behind each news in Mexico and the world.
39:48And get all the information about sports, entertainment and cinema.
39:52Wake up, a newscast from N+.
39:54Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am.
39:56With the stars.
39:58A family that lives on appearances.
40:00A father who wants to break his commitment.
40:02What will people say about us?
40:04A father who wants to correct the past.
40:06My son is going to be the vice-president.
40:08And three women who will give a second chance to his heart.
40:12This is my timeless love.
40:14Let's do it.
40:16Monday to Friday, 8.30 pm.
40:18That woman killed your friend.
40:20That is to be proven.
40:22There was something between them.
40:24Nicolas, I need to talk to you.
40:26You must stay away from those people.
40:33July 1st, 8.30 pm.
40:35With the stars.
41:00I love to play jaripeo.
41:02Bulls are not real.
41:04We make them jump.
41:06You can bullfight them, you can pull them.
41:08And the most fun thing is to pull them and open the drawer.
41:11It's a great summer!
41:30Monday to Friday, 8.30 pm.
41:32With Romeo and Juliet.
41:34And Sunday, Raquel's bolero.
41:36With the stars.
41:38Lina was the condemned, but they will pay the penalty.
41:40We are very afraid to remove her because she was in jail.
41:42Irina is coming back.
41:44You will not be talking to me.
41:46Get Irina out and I'll keep her.
41:48I don't want to have children, do you think?
41:50Now how do we get rid of them?
41:52Do you think?
41:54This Sunday, 7 pm.
41:56For years we have shared the latest news with you.
41:57All the most relevant events of the week.
41:59With the summary of the sports categories.
42:01To keep you informed.
42:03In the program that the whole family enjoys.
42:05Get ready to get into action.
42:07This Sunday, 2 pm.
42:09With the stars.
42:28And I decide what to do with him.
42:30Where is the father of that child?
42:32Monday to Friday, 9.30 pm.
42:52We will be partners.
42:54And I want my children.
42:56And no one is going to save themselves.
43:04Now, my girl, please don't cry.
43:06Here I am.
43:08Ginebra can't hurt us.
43:10The house is very safe.
43:12I promise you.
43:14I knew that my mother, Ginebra, was not good.
43:16And I'm afraid.
43:18I know, but ...
43:20Why don't you imagine that all this is a story
43:22and that you are a princess, you know?
43:23Yes, that's right.
43:25You have suffered a lot,
43:27but do you know what will happen in the end?
43:29The heroes come together to defeat the witch.
43:31And let's have a happy ending.
43:33The same goes for the king.
43:35Step is the rule.
43:37Well, and here you have a warrior princess.
43:39A brave monkey.
43:41The magician is for Chin.
43:43Oh well, and also a chef who knows how to fight.
43:45But you were missing a blanket.
43:47And also the Roble family.
43:49Uncle Kenzo.
43:53I know, my love.
43:55Each of us is willing to give everything for you
43:58and for all of you.
44:01I'm not very cult,
44:03but I think there is a phrase from a book that works for this moment, right?
44:06Two for one.
44:08And one for all.
44:10How do you do that?
44:12So beautiful.
44:14No, it's that Chale, boss, you blew it.
44:16You had to have said it.
44:18Let's see, I know, I know, but I didn't do it.
44:20I never imagined that something so terrible could happen.
44:23Well, let's see, this changes everything.
44:25We lowered the guard.
44:27We thought we could live in peace,
44:29but now we know that the danger continues.
44:31I think we have to tell everything to Esteban and my aunt.
44:34No manches, they have to know that Mauro continues to bother us.
44:37Pepa, my son, do you see why I don't want you to go?
44:40Of course I want you to grow up and fly.
44:43But not when someone can break your wings.
44:46Recapacita, Pepa.
44:50Let's see, can't you wait a little bit for your dreams?
44:55I think they deserve to know the truth.
44:57Yes, in part I wanted to go to grow up,
45:00but there is something else.
45:02There is no point in continuing to cut it.
45:05I wanted to go to be free,
45:07because here, here I could never be happy.
45:10It would be easier to start from scratch
45:13in a place where no one knew me.
45:15I'm afraid they won't accept me.
45:17Hey, hey, hey, let's see, let's see.
45:18Shut up.
45:20My son, why do you say that?
45:22I'm your mom, why are you afraid to be yourself with me, little one?
45:25Borro, I've known you since you wore your diapers.
45:28How can you say that we are not going to accept you?
45:30No manches.
45:40No, damn it, I'm not asking you.
45:42You send me that report and right now I'll sink you in an eternal litigation.
45:45What do you think?
45:47How are you?
45:49Hey, why are you so mean to me?
45:52If I was horrible to you.
45:54Because all that courage did not come from you.
45:58I'm still investigating what happened.
46:00Esteban sent me a message.
46:02Sandro, do you think if I show you a great game
46:05that I bought for both of us?
46:07Yes, come on, let's go.
46:11Esteban insists that the blonde thing has to do with Ginebra,
46:14but I don't know, I don't find any connection.
46:19And Filipa?
46:21Is she okay? Is she safe? What do you know?
46:26My beautiful boy, I am your mother.
46:28And I will always love you like this.
46:31Like you are.
46:33It hurts me a lot that you did not have the confidence to tell me, dad.
46:36Simon, dad, we know that you have had a difficult life.
46:39I was not the best brother and it was very hard for the two of us that my dad left us.
46:44Oh, but it's not your fault.
46:46What your brother means is that we did not stop to observe you,
46:51to listen to you, to let you say who you really are.
46:57It is that you always look so cool, so cool, so cool,
46:59that I did not imagine that you would have so much pain saved.
47:02Thanks for sharing it with us.
47:04Pepa, look, in life there are very easy paths and others very tangled, right?
47:09But we all have to move on.
47:11And you lived this process alone, my child.
47:14It hurts me a lot not to have been there to accompany you.
47:18And I could not give you so much advice, but maybe I know something, right?
47:22We are guys.
47:24And really, we live, I mean, we sleep in the same room, man.
47:27How was I not going to realize?
47:29Well, if I'm not blind, it's just that I do not want to force you to speak.
47:32Wow, I thought it would be a big deal.
47:34Pepa, you do not need to get lost to find yourself.
47:38I am your mother and in my heart there will always be a place for you.
47:42In mine too.
47:44Now I understand about your trip.
47:46You're going to go crazy, huh?
47:48Do it.
47:50Pepa, of course I want you to take your scholarship, my son, of course.
47:53Only not right now.
47:56You are my baby.
47:58And you will always be my baby.
48:01And you too, huh?
48:03I, for you two, am able to give my life.
48:06What? Do we give each other another hug or nothing?
48:09I think that's it.
48:13It is assumed that we set up all that show so that Ginebra no longer has contacts.
48:17Well, that's what I'm investigating.
48:19But let's go now!
48:21Humberto, a guy set himself on fire and better me and my nephew.
48:24What are you waiting for, damn it?
48:26Hey, sorry, I know you're talking about something very strong, but if you keep raising your voice, Sandra will hear you.
48:31I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
48:33I should not have acted like this, but I feel that I am running out of options.
48:36I do not know what to do.
48:39No, calm down.
48:41Justice takes time to arrive, that's how it is.
48:46I don't know if it's a good idea to answer.
48:49It could be something bad or bad.
48:52Yes, who is speaking?
48:54Quienzo, I'm glad you answer.
48:57It's Filippa.
48:59Well, let's get up.
49:01Hello, hello, can you hear me?
49:04Where did you get the cell phone?
49:06Oh, that does not matter.
49:07I did the favors and they lent it to me.
49:10How are my nephews? Are they safe?
49:12Why do you say that? Do you know something?
49:15It's a lie, I just want to know if they're okay.
49:18Filippa, I'm Humberto, I'm here with Quienzo.
49:21Tell me something.
49:23Do you know if Ginebra suspects, I don't know, that you have been informing us, something?
49:32He doesn't know anything.
49:34Ginebra still trusts me.
49:36Did he tell you anything about an attack?
49:39No, no, there is nothing of any attack.
49:43They had her locked in solitary in the punishment cell.
49:47But they must know something.
49:50Ginebra has a plan.
49:57No, well, to be rich you seem poorer than me, huh?
50:00Shut up, yes, I don't need your decoration advice.
50:03You are going to send the location to Tortuga of the car that Salomón drives.
50:07They have it stored in a warehouse.
50:09Then he already knows what he has to do.
50:11When did I become your runaway, huh?
50:14We are on the same side in this, güerito.
50:16Why don't you send him the whole message?
50:19So that later they betray me and go with the gossip.
50:22I'm not an idiot.
50:24Tortuga and I are equals.
50:26Or do you want Pepita to be the godmother who gave Bosco and Pepa?
50:29I know you gave money to Tortuga.
50:30You even lost the color and that you look like paper.
50:33Now you are a bald chicken.
50:35Don't you dare threaten me.
50:37I'm going to lose the whole farm.
50:39I don't lack powder.
50:41I was pregnant, but I know how to defend myself.
50:52Sleep quietly, my love.
50:54Here is your mother to take care of your sleep.
51:01My love.
51:04I saw the children in the garden.
51:06Bosco is showing them the crime and they look very excited.
51:10They are happy.
51:12Sorry, I couldn't keep the secret any longer, my love.
51:15I had to tell them that it is possible that Ginebra has to do with everything that has happened.
51:21We didn't want to protect them from so much pain, but he chases us.
51:26But don't worry.
51:27It was a sensible decision.
51:29It is preferable that they are warned about anything that can happen.
51:34And could you get the information from that damn Ginebra?
51:36Did she confess to you if she organized everything about Rubio?
51:39No, no, no. She went crazy as always.
51:41She doesn't face it.
51:43She goes with the flow.
51:45I swear, if Ginebra wasn't so smart,
51:47I could think she was crazy.
51:50It hurts me a lot that my daughter had to live with that monster for so long.
51:53And I also feel terrible to imagine what Mrs. Elvira is carrying.
51:56Yes, but Mrs. Elvira is not to blame for her daughter's sins.
51:59And here the important thing is that we already have Maria.
52:02And that we are going to protect her against anyone.
52:05She is safe.
52:07I know what happened was terrible and caught us off guard.
52:11You know what?
52:13I would like a specialist psychologist to come on these issues.
52:16We can contain our children, but I don't have all the answers.
52:19Yes, I think it's a very good idea.
52:21I'll take care of it.
52:23I swear, my love, that I feel a great impotence
52:26when I see them suffer.
52:28Oh, my love.
52:30Look, families support each other.
52:33And that's what we're going to do.
52:35Be parents, guides.
52:37And when we don't know what to do,
52:39together we will find the solution.
52:41I love you.
52:43Thank you for being my team.
52:45And your team.
52:47Thank you for being my team.
52:49And your team, my love.
52:58Help, help!
53:00Something's wrong with him, please go see Jim.
53:02Yes, he has something.
53:10Can you hear me?
53:11Can you hear me?
53:23Don't even try.
53:26I injected him with a muscle paralyzer.
53:29And if you keep making noise,
53:31you're going to choke.
53:33Better learn from me.
53:35Look at her.
53:37Has she already resigned?
53:41She said she was going to get out and take revenge.
53:46Don't you think it's weird that she's not with her classmates?
53:49And that I can be here alone?
53:51The best thing is that no one will report that we're alone.
53:57See this?
54:01I'm going to put it in your mouth.
54:08Until it reaches your stomach.
54:10And when it starts to digest,
54:13I'll take it out.
54:15Can you imagine?
54:17But don't worry, please.
54:19You won't be able to scream.
54:22But you're going to suffer.
54:24Because I'm going to pull your guts out.
54:27That's what's going to happen.
54:30Let's see, who screamed?
54:35Obviously you.
54:37So open your mouth.
54:39Open your mouth!
54:49I dreamed so many times of fulfilling your dream, niece.
54:54Now, thanks to God and life,
54:57I can do it.
55:10How's everything going, mommy?
55:12I'm not your mom.
55:16What did you do, damn it?
55:18I swear that if you touch a single hair on my mom, I'm going to kill you.
55:22I just cloned her phone.
55:24Your mom is safe.
55:26For now.
55:29Mireya, this is your last chance.
55:33Are you going to accept to escape with me?
55:36Or do you prefer me as an enemy?
55:39I don't know.
55:43Don Berto, they'll be here soon.
55:46There they are.
55:48What's so important that you couldn't say it over the phone?
55:51Yes, please, tell us something.
55:53Don't you see that we all just experienced a trauma?
55:55Sorry, I have to answer this.
55:57Let's see, cousin, cousin.
55:59What happens is that Filippa called me from jail.
56:01He told me that Ginebra has a plan.
56:03She is willing to accept all her crimes.
56:05No, but that doesn't make sense.
56:07What made her change her mind?
56:09She doesn't want to go to jail.
56:11It's too late.
56:13What happened, cousin?
56:15What happened?
56:17After being declared guilty,
56:19Mrs. Ginebra Nicoliti will be released today.
56:22Apparently, she reached an agreement.
56:24However, I don't have the details yet.
56:26At the moment, we can see how she is being released
56:29and we will see her opinion about it.
56:32Mrs. Ginebra, how are you at the moment?
56:35What can you tell us about it?
56:37Although for some this is an injustice,
56:40the reality is that I was arrested for crimes I did not commit.
56:44Let's see, Humberto, how is this possible?
56:47If we had all the evidence.
56:49She became a person of interest
56:51and right now my contacts told me that she was betraying other criminals.
56:54I don't understand how she did it,
56:56how she achieved conditional freedom.
56:58No, she can't be free.
57:00She's going to come, she's going to want to steal my daughter.
57:02What am I going to do?
57:04My love, what am I going to do?
57:06Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down.
57:10She's going to want to complete her revenge,
57:12that's what Esteban is going to want.
57:14To those who wanted to lock me up, I have a message.
57:17I am free and justice will come for all of you.
57:30I'm going to go with you wherever it is.
57:32I am capable of everything for them.
57:33I wish with all my heart that you find someone who really values you.
57:36I just came to recommend some good sedatives,
57:39because they are going to tremble.
57:41Shut up, bitch!
57:44She should be dead, it's you, not my mother.
58:03And you love me.
58:07Stay with me, yes, yes or yes.
