• 4 months ago
Perfecting the art of being hot garbage: featuring Shane McMahon, Kane and more...


00:00I am terrible at everything. I can't even brush my teeth properly, so who am I to say
00:05anything about anybody else? However, as here at WhatCulture we want to talk about everything,
00:09we reached out to the world and did indeed ask the question, which wrestlers are the
00:13worst at a very specific thing? Surprisingly, we got a lot of responses. So you'll agree
00:18with some, you won't agree with others, but let's not forget that everybody in this
00:21list still made it to the big time, which is saying something. It's not easy. And
00:25yes, I'm Simon from WhatCulture, please do subscribe. This is 10 Wrestlers Who Are
00:30The Worst In The World At One Thing.
00:3210. Heidenreich & Selling
00:34Feels important to say that every aspect of wrestling is difficult, but yeah. Selling,
00:39or the art of conveying pain and suffering to the audience, is important. Aside from
00:43ensuring that all the moves look like they hurt, it's also the perfect tool for getting
00:46fans on your side. If you look like you're about to die and the crowd doesn't want
00:50that, they're going to start cheering.
00:52The reason Heidenreich gets the nod here for being bad at it isn't even down to
00:56what he did or didn't do, it's the fact that the man was so damn funny. Because
01:00instead of showing anguish on his face, he would quite literally scream out, or out,
01:04very loudly, I'm not kidding. And yeah sure, if somebody smacks you I imagine you
01:09would make a noise, but this isn't stubbing your toe in the lounge, it's pro wrestling
01:14and you have to give a bit more. I tell you though, this was entertaining for all the
01:18wrong reasons, it used to crack me up, the benign Ruby Soho and the shocked kickout face.
01:23This isn't fair to Ruby Soho, because nearly every wrestler should be here, John Cena,
01:27The Undertaker, Sheamus, everyone. It's become a wrestling trope which is wildly
01:31out of control, because if you hit your big move and somebody kicks out for some reason,
01:35you have to react like they've turned into a ghost. And it can work, but the problem
01:39is we've all started to do it, so it just becomes one and the same. I think Ruby is
01:43mentioned with this because it's more recent, as during the Owen Hart tournament in 2022,
01:47it looked like she had done away with Chris Statlander, and when she got her shoulder
01:51up, Soho's eyes quite literally came out of her head. I mean no, it wasn't literal,
01:56that would be ridiculous and somewhat impressive. You can definitely argue this, as much like
02:00Heidenreich's, it's entertaining, so does it really matter? The answer is no, but yeah,
02:05people see this gif and are like, what is going on? You would think alien life had arrived
02:10in AEW.
02:118. Shane McMahon & Punches
02:13This isn't even me saying this one, Chris Jericho and a bunch of others have openly
02:17talked about it, with Jericho even saying on one occasion, he had to batter Shane McMahon
02:21for real to calm him down. Even without this, you can see it happening in front of your
02:25eyes. Go watch some of the shots he lands on Randy Orton without wincing, because my
02:29word, he is just waffling this guy who is doing his best to cover up. And look, trying
02:34to pull a punch so you don't twonk someone while also making it look legit is hard, but
02:38if you can't do it, just do something else.
02:41Really, this got taken over by the wrestling community as McMahon got to throw these bombs
02:44at everyone, no matter who they were. Just think it upsets certain fans as other full
02:48timers weren't even allowed to give some of them a slam, but I tell ya, that's sports
02:547. Tyrus & The Big Splash
02:56So this one seems a tad unbalanced, as it seems to come from the fact that ever since
02:59arriving in the NWA, Tyrus would do his big splash from the second rope and clearly land
03:04on his knees first. Okay, but what do you want him to do? Kill the guy? I think this
03:09is the better of the two options.
03:10The former Brodus Clay is also on the other end of his career, so protecting himself is
03:13going to be far more important, but sure, if we are going to look at this from a technical
03:17perspective, this is more Snoop Dogg than Montez Ford. All I know is that if I were
03:22taking this, I would want Tyrus to be as careful with me as possible, and if that meant knees
03:27first, hell yeah man, I don't want to die, because I get squished.
03:316. Kelly Kelly & Running The Ropes
03:33I am becoming that guy now, but I run the ropes a lot, and I tell ya, it is no pic-a-nic.
03:38Aside from the fact it hurts a lot at first, you need rhythm, timing, poise, it is so easy
03:42to get your footwork wrong, so acting like everyone is going to be able to do it is not
03:46fair. You gotta work at it like all aspects of wrestling.
03:49And sure, the likes of Steve Austin used to attack them like you wanted a breakthrough
03:53to the other side, and when that's the bar, you will notice those who take it a little
03:56bit easier.
03:577. Hugh Kelly Kelly
03:59Now it did seem as if she thought they would attack her if she bounced into them with too
04:02much force, but again, remember how she was quite literally learning on television? Wouldn't
04:06you rather take this a tad easier before you executed a Hurricanrana, rather than come
04:11flying towards the centre of the ring and go SPLAT.
04:14It is fair to say she could have worked at this part of her craft, but I really think
04:17a lot of us have forgotten that wrestling is super difficult.
04:21Which is one higher up the line than very difficult.
04:235. Vince McMahon & The Stunner
04:25And man, I wouldn't want it any other way.
04:28When Vince took what should be his last stunner at WrestleMania XXX and it turned into a farce,
04:32I was the happiest man on the planet.
04:34I don't know what happened here, but it was like trying to chase a chicken as Steve Austin
04:37desperately tried to grab McMahon, and couldn't because he was all over the place.
04:41This just seemed to be the way too, as it happened time and time again over a 20 year
04:47I mean, Vince was over 50 years old when this started, so that could tie in, but I don't
04:52If wrestling is meant to put a smile on my face, these leave me in tears, I just don't
04:56get how they could go so wrong.
04:57It is fair to say that Linda took them worse, but she took what, like 1 in 30 years? You
05:02can get a pass for that, whereas the chairman of the board decided he would make this a
05:06I love it.
05:07Vince took Kane and selling the pedigree, mostly because he's massive and likely didn't
05:11want to die.
05:12I mean, think about it.
05:13Kane is 6 foot 10 or whatever it was, and when facing Triple H, his head would be put
05:17in the game's legs, who would then jump backwards and plough his face into the mat.
05:21It's hard enough if you're off normal height, but at this size, Glenn Jacob must have been
05:25worried about repercussions, as 9 times out of 10 he always fell to a knee first.
05:29Now, I don't blame him, but it did take away from the impact of the move.
05:33The whole point is that it's a brain buster, whereas this one was more about hurting somebody's
05:38Kind of made it even more ridiculous when it defeated the Big Red Machine, but here's
05:41the secret.
05:42Kane was never hurt that much in a massive career.
05:44No wonder people say he's smart.
05:47Vince Russo & Booking
05:49You heard it.
05:51This one feels a bit like prodding the bear, because over the years Vince Russo has become
05:53the poster boy for anything going bad.
05:55It's only right to remember he had that period during the Attitude Era when he was clearly
05:59a big reason as to why the WWF was so successful, and many a wrestler have thanked him for his
06:05Then he went to WCW.
06:07The problem here was Russo was so obsessed with the idea of the work shoot that everything
06:10became a work shoot, meaning nothing was a work shoot.
06:12It was just nonsense.
06:13It also undermined the whole card, because he was actively telling you that everything
06:17was fake apart from the real backstage stories that were happening in front of camera, and
06:21it was anti-wrestling.
06:23Once every now and then is fine, but 100 times a week was overkill.
06:26It would be like every performer on the roster walking out on Dynamite and doing a promo
06:30like MGF did in May 2022.
06:33By the fifth one, you'd be bored and well aware of what was going on.
06:35Also, Vince Russo booked a Judy Backwell on a forklift match, and there is no excuse
06:40for that, and there never will be.
06:43Triple H In Promos
06:44Right, there is no point in me pretending otherwise.
06:46I think this is ludicrous, and anyone who thinks it should be shot out of a cannon into
06:50some pillows.
06:51I don't want anybody getting hurt.
06:53Triple H has cut many a fire promo over the years, and all of his stuff with CM Punk in
06:572011 especially was excellent.
06:59I was hooked on every word and believed it as much as one could when watching Monday
07:03Night Raw.
07:04The reason he has been thrown in here is because there was a time around the turn of the century
07:07when the King of Kings was given long, old segments where he would talk and talk and
07:13It's why The Rock would often do the whole, I am the gamer, and I'm gonna talker, because
07:17it had become a thing and the wrestlers knew it.
07:19The thing is, aside from someone like a Dwayne Johnson or a Steve Austin, I'm not sure anybody
07:24could take a 20-minute talking segment and not have it go on a bit, so pointing the finger
07:28at Triple H seems a bit mute.
07:29There have definitely been far worse promos throughout the years, so I am drawing a line
07:34and we're moving on.
07:35That's right, the one Stephanie McMahon being a heel.
07:38This one needs clarity, so to start, Stephanie McMahon was an excellent bad guy.
07:43She had the walk, the talk, you wanted to see her get hers.
07:46She took everything her dad had done and proved that it just existed in the gene pool.
07:50The problem was, she never got her comeuppance.
07:54Whether by accident or by design, Stephanie would destroy babyfaces as she should have
07:57done, but when it was time for them to finally get their own back, it never arrived.
08:01She just moved on to someone else, and that's not the way.
08:04The whole point of being a heel is to get the good guy over.
08:07The exception to this rule was Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 34, and look how good she
08:11was at that.
08:12If we had only done this for a few others, we'd be having a very different conversation
08:16right now.
08:17It is standard storytelling at the end of the day, act like an idiot and eventually
08:21you fall.
08:22I'm not sure WWE remembered that.
08:25Know of any other wrestlers who are the worst thing in the world at one thing?
08:27Well make sure you let us know in the comments below and flip this and tell us the wrestlers
08:31who are the best in the world at one thing, because balance is key.
08:34Like the video, share the video, and subscribe.
08:36Then head over to WhatCulture.com where you can read articles like this with your eyes.
08:40Make sure you come follow us on social media at WhatCulture WWE or Simon at 316, and we
08:44do have a lot of videos I've checked, maybe you'd like to watch one.
08:48My name is Simon from WhatCulture, thank you very much for listening as always, and never
08:51forget that 2 plus 2 equals 4, because when you think about it, what a world we're living
08:58I don't know what that means.