Two police officers charged with assaulting 92-year-old in Picton

  • 3 months ago
A 92-year-old man was left with a fractured elbow and significant bruising to his head and arms after an alleged assault at the hands of two police officers in Picton. NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said on Thursday that police arrested and handcuffed her 92-year-old husband, and during that arrest the man was injured.


00:00Overnight we've charged two police officers with assault to appear at court
00:07later in this month and into August. The investigation is a result of police
00:15were called on two triple O calls to an address in Picton on the 21st of January
00:21this year to a domestic violence matter. During that response police arrested a
00:2992 year old man when he was handcuffed and during that arrest he was injured
00:36and conveyed to hospital. The very next day an internal investigation was
00:42commenced and as a result of that investigation it's culminated in those
00:47charges last night and as I said those officers are now before the court. Those
00:53officers are currently suspended from duty.
