• 4 months ago
AccuWeather's Tony Laubach is on the ground in Iowa ahead of potentially damaging storms in the Upper Midwest on June 12.
00:00Well, we want to turn things outside into the field right now to get a better feel for how things are shaping up.
00:04We go to Sioux City, Iowa where meteorologist Tony Laubach is. And Tony, what areas are you targeting today preparing for this new round of severe weather?
00:15Well, Ari, yes, we are out in the field here for the next couple of days
00:19and we're going to be tracking multiple rounds, as you mentioned, really moving kind of from north to south as we go into the day
00:24on Thursday. Today
00:27we had ambitions to kind of be in this general area.
00:31Unfortunately, the forecast likes to change a little bit and you've been talking and we've been kind of talking about that area up in
00:36northern Minnesota. We'll show you that risk area here.
00:39Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you like to put it here, northern Minnesota, great for state parks and national forests, excellent place.
00:46But unlike back to the future where we're going, we do need roads and there are not a lot of options up there.
00:52So we're probably going to try to target the southern part of this risk outlook,
00:56maybe along and just south of the I-94 corridor, so areas from St.
01:01Cloud down to Minneapolis and then points south. Those are going to be the areas we're going to be targeting.
01:06You've shown the radar and showed that cluster of storms that's moving across central and southern Minnesota.
01:10That's kind of an area where we might play for an outflow boundary and we'll see if we can get storms to fire on that.
01:16If we go into Thursday, we're going to follow that front south
01:19into probably northeast Kansas, also looking at that area across central Illinois.
01:24Those are going to be two areas we're going to watch.
01:26We'll wake up tomorrow and kind of make that decision as to which one of those areas looks the best.
01:31We may have a continuing threat into the day on Friday as well.
01:34So that's something we'll keep an eye on and that might play into the logistics a little bit if we have to be back over
01:39toward the Nebraska area. The severe weather threat today, we're primarily going to be focused on the damaging wind threat.
01:44We do think there is going to be the potential for hail and I do think across far northern
01:49Minnesota, there is that tornado threat.
01:51Again, the logistics just don't really allow us to do much in the way of tracing up in that particular part of the country.
01:56So we're going to kind of focus on the southern end of that today.
01:59That also keeps us in play for tomorrow.
02:01We get too far north.
02:02That really kind of puts us a little too far away to get down to the southern parts of the risk area as we get into Thursday, Ari.
02:08Tony, that makes so much sense.
02:10When we showed that map into Minnesota, I was like, yeah, there's no highways that go up there.
02:14So it makes your job a lot harder.
02:15So we'll be looking forward to any of the video you capture.
02:17We hope you stay safe out there.
