Shortland Street 7941 12th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02Can I just apologise?
00:03Stay the hell away from us.
00:04He assaulted you while accusing me of being abusive.
00:07I got the police involved.
00:08Look, I know things haven't turned out the way you'd hoped.
00:10Will is one of my oldest friends and if I have to help him on my own, I will.
00:13The cancer's very advanced.
00:14A few months, that's all she's got.
00:16The surgery is huge and it's not going to save me.
00:19If you love me, you'll do this.
00:20Gay sweetheart, I'll do it.
00:22Just know that when she's spending her last few days in intense pain, it is on you.
00:26And that's if she even makes it off that table.
00:31Come on, Luke.
00:32She's in a systole.
00:33She's 32 years old.
00:34Come on.
00:35I can move her back.
00:36I can get her into there.
00:37What are you doing?
00:38Drop more adrenaline.
00:39You've been going for 40 minutes.
00:41We're not going to get her rhythm back.
00:42Too late.
00:44Phil, she's gone.
00:45She's gone.
00:46She's gone.
00:47She's gone.
00:48She's gone.
00:49She's gone.
00:50She's gone.
00:51She's gone.
00:52She's gone.
00:53She's gone.
00:54She's gone.
00:55She's gone.
00:56She's gone.
00:57She's gone.
00:58She's gone.
01:00We tried.
01:08I better call the next of kin.
01:16You don't have to be here.
01:17Go home.
01:18I have notes to review.
01:19Patients to prep my team on.
01:20Don't do that.
01:21It's my job.
01:22Mate, you know that's not what I meant.
01:23What are you doing?
01:24Well, we haven't finished our chat.
01:26About what?
01:28I just want to help you.
01:29The Blythe kid's been eating Play-Doh again.
01:31He's a nail-by-mouth, who keeps sneaking it in?
01:33I don't know, I'll handle it.
01:35No you won't.
01:36So what, I can't even speak to my patients anymore?
01:37Marty, you are completely capable
01:39of interrogating a five-year-old, yes?
01:41He's seven.
01:42My point stands.
01:47What do I have to do to get you to leave me in peace?
01:49Look, this obsession you have with Shane Young,
01:51I just don't want you to get any more hurt
01:52than you already have been.
01:53I'm not the one being hurt, being bullied.
01:56Well, have you been bullied before?
01:59Felt threatened, felt unsafe?
02:01So what, you're just a great defender of the people?
02:03Why is that?
02:04Look, it's too late for a psychotherapy session.
02:06Look, you don't have to tell me.
02:07I just, I want to make sure that you know
02:10that you don't have to be ashamed of-
02:11Just stop talking.
02:13Look, I get upset because my friend is in danger,
02:15and that makes you think that I've been bullied.
02:19You're right, this is absolutely none of my business.
02:21Don't make random assumptions.
02:22I could say the same to you.
02:25Will Young, you're acting entirely on assumption.
02:26Where are you going?
02:28Don't follow me.
02:28Well, how about you don't walk away from me
02:29in the middle of a conversation?
02:30Just stop.
02:31Fine, self-implode, see if I care.
02:35Hey, Phil, how did it go with Laura's family?
02:38Yeah, amazing.
02:40My mum loved hearing that her daughter had died
02:42from a complete stranger,
02:43and she was extra nice when I said I was sorry for her loss
02:46once she moved past thinking that I was
02:48playing some cruel, twisted prank on her, of course.
02:51Yeah, well, someone once told me I was so well-rehearsed
02:54at telling people their loved ones had died on my watch
02:56that I should replace Ted Bundy
02:58as the textbook example of psychopathy.
03:00I've got that to look forward to then.
03:02So it's never personal?
03:04It's not the first person I've killed, Harper.
03:06Hey, you did everything you could.
03:07So did I.
03:08Okay, I don't want some tropey old pep talk
03:12saying how we saved more lives than we lose.
03:14Well, what do you want?
03:16I need a drink.
03:18First round's on me.
03:19Well, have fun.
03:20I am on call.
03:22All for us?
03:23Yeah, well, we need to get back to the kids, actually.
03:25We don't both have to.
03:26Okay, well, then you and Phil can head to the bar
03:28and I will see you later.
03:31Hey, you okay?
03:32Yeah, no, we lost a patient.
03:35Oh, babe, sorry, that sucks.
03:36Don't, it's fine.
03:37Well, I guess you do need that drink, then.
03:39Yeah, not enough to cause a marital spat.
03:42Well, Harper's still riding your heart any day?
03:45Well, if you want to butter up Drew for better surgeries,
03:48I reckon you should get Harper on board.
03:49How mercenary of you.
03:51I'm just trying to even the playing field.
03:53Hey, that wasn't me calling dibs.
03:56Yeah, I know, it's just,
03:59yeah, I know you've had a lot going on lately
04:00and with Leanne's surgery coming up,
04:02I just thought it was only fair you had a night off.
04:05I don't want a night off.
04:06Neither do I.
04:07Harper, I know what this is about.
04:10You don't have to prove to me how cool
04:11and I'm jealous you are of Phil.
04:14I get it.
04:15You're not threatened by her in the slightest.
04:17Anyway, all that's over now.
04:19She's been through a lot, the miscarriage and all that.
04:21Yeah, I know.
04:22So you go, have one drink.
04:23And if she draws battle lines for my heart,
04:26my money's on you anyway.
04:28What if I surrender?
04:30Still you.
04:39So you're going through with the surgery?
04:43What changed your mind?
04:44Oh, I got over myself.
04:50I looked fear in the eyes
04:51and I said, not today, Lord of Darkness.
04:54And I walked myself towards the light.
04:57Leanne, look, if you're feeling uneasy about something,
05:00you can say so.
05:01I'm petrified.
05:03But I'm gonna do it anyway.
05:05Look, I know that you're scared of the risks,
05:08but I have a really good feeling about this.
05:11Well, let's hope that you're a late bloomer
05:14and that your clairvoyance is finally presenting itself.
05:18Or maybe when you're feeling up to it,
05:19you can teach me how to read.
05:21Unicorn cards.
05:23You can practice on me.
05:25Just may have get a say.
05:28It's a danger.
05:29Reading for non-believers.
05:32The deck can always sense these things.
05:34That is interesting.
05:36Hey, so I've been on some forums
05:38and found some anecdotal evidence
05:40from people with similar margins to you
05:43who've had the surgery
05:44and one of them's lived for five years.
05:46Do you wanna see?
05:48It's getting late, Nick.
05:49Why don't we let Leanne do that later
05:51in her own time?
05:52Yeah, I don't wanna overwhelm you.
05:54No, you're not.
05:56Are you sure?
05:57Yes, absolutely.
05:58If I'm gonna beat the odds,
06:00I have to be optimistic.
06:05You know, if you take a leisurely jaunt
06:07to the supermarket for the next half an hour,
06:08you can probably ditch me now
06:10without Drew asking why you're home so early.
06:13You don't wanna be here.
06:15Is that true?
06:15You're kinda killing my vibe.
06:17Oh yeah, cause it's been so positive.
06:20All right, go on, drink up then.
06:26To team bonding.
06:28Because getting wine drunk
06:30couldn't possibly lead to another kiss.
06:33Relax, no one's listening.
06:34I don't care.
06:35Well, neither do I.
06:36So, why does it have to be weird between us?
06:39It doesn't.
06:40Yeah, good.
06:41So, can we be friends?
06:45Yes, yes, of course we can.
06:48Okay, so no late night supermarket strolls then?
06:50Unless you piss me off.
06:52I'll be on my best behavior.
06:55Same again?
06:55Yeah, sure.
07:00How did it go with the Play-Doh hunt?
07:02Her younger brother was sneaking it in.
07:04Obviously, he was making little Play-Doh cakes
07:06to try and calm his big brother's nerves.
07:09Yeah, but also very sweet.
07:12Well, I guess he didn't need me after all.
07:13Yeah, about that.
07:15Is everything okay with you and Mon?
07:16Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
07:18Well, I'm not gonna lie, Naz.
07:19You might be hard to read,
07:20but Monique's tales are imprinted in my brain.
07:23That's unfortunate.
07:24Well, I know she can be quite intense,
07:26but she clearly cares about you.
07:27And this bothers you, why exactly?
07:29It doesn't.
07:30And then I fail to see why you're bringing it up?
07:32I don't know, just be nice.
07:35I'm not gonna grovel at Monique's feet
07:36just to get back into theater.
07:38Besides, I'm more worried about Will.
07:39I still haven't heard from him.
07:40Look, if you're not careful,
07:41you'll be giving Shane exactly what he wants.
07:43So, what am I supposed to do?
07:45Just stand back and let him isolate my friend even more?
07:47What about Richie?
07:48We will figure something out.
07:49Okay, just don't do anything crazy.
07:53Yeah, okay.
07:54Thanks, buddy.
07:56See you tomorrow.
08:10Sorry to bother you at this time of night.
08:12I was hoping to get a reference
08:13for one of your current solicitors.
08:17Thank you so much.
08:19What can you tell me about Shane Young?
08:23Thank you.
08:24All right, these better be our last.
08:26Oh, work and no play.
08:28You will thank me tomorrow when we're back in the trenches.
08:34Is it Mr. Harper missing you already?
08:36My God, you smell incredible.
08:38What perfume are you wearing?
08:39Oh, just something E.I. got me.
08:41Of his own volition.
08:42Why are you so surprised?
08:43Drew doesn't spoil you with gifts?
08:45Oh my God, I am lucky if Drew gets me
08:47my body wash from the supermarket.
08:49Oh, can I?
08:49No, God, no.
08:50I smell like E.D.
08:51with tonight's of vomit and body parts.
08:56Eh, here it is.
08:59Oh, stolen at midnight.
09:01Yeah, I've seen this.
09:02Seen the ad, what's the line?
09:04Steal the night.
09:06You should try it.
09:08Go on, just put a little on your wrist.
09:10No, look, it's your signature fragrance,
09:13not mine, okay?
09:14Smells expensive.
09:15Yeah, I think it is.
09:17I remember when I used to spend money
09:18on things like perfume back before I had kids.
09:20Now it just seems like a waste of money.
09:22Now it's just bills, bills, bills.
09:24I also remember when it didn't matter
09:27what I was wearing or how little I'd slept.
09:29I just felt so powerful and sexy and irresistible.
09:36God, does that sound delusional?
09:38You don't need perfume to be desirable.
09:43Anyway, it takes a while to find your signature.
09:46Well, that is a first world problem.
09:49I don't blame you for wanting to be desired.
09:52I'm guilty of that too.
09:55Yeah, for me it's not about lingerie or even touch.
10:02It's a feeling you get with another person.
10:05You could have a full conversation with just their eyes
10:09and the rest of the world disappears.
10:14And you know that you want her
10:16just as much as she wants you.
10:19Do you want me to try again?
10:24You should see what he wants.
10:31Do you have something to confess?
10:32I don't know what you're talking about.
10:33Don't act dumb.
10:34Can this wait till morning?
10:35I just got a strongly worded email
10:36from Shane Young's lawyer.
10:38You've been calling his office,
10:39hounding his boss for fake references?
10:41What, you didn't think he'd find out?
10:43People talk, boy genius.
10:44Look, I'll handle it.
10:45Oh no, you will not.
10:47Are you trying to lose your job?
10:48I'm trying to protect Will.
10:50See, I am struggling to see how you acting unhinged
10:52is helping Will at all.
10:54I messed up.
10:55Yes, yes you did.
10:56What do I do?
10:58You can start by going to your EAP
11:00and then you can pray to God
11:01that our lawyers will make this go away
11:03before Shane takes this public.
11:06Look, it's just,
11:07it's not just your reputation that is being attacked.
11:09It is this hospital's, it is Esther's.
11:12I'm sorry.
11:14Go home, get some rest.
11:15And for the love of God,
11:16do not even think about Shane.
11:18For Will's sake and yours.
11:29Home already?
11:30Kids are barely asleep.
11:33Hi, bud.
11:34Are you drunk?
11:35Teeny tiny bit.
11:37You want some toast?
11:39Drink of water?
11:40No, I don't want water.
11:41Oh, what, what do you want?
11:46Oh, oh.
11:52Maybe you should go out with Phil more often.
11:53Oh, shut up.
12:04If you just put one hand here
12:05and then one hand there.
12:08Like this?
12:09Kind of.
12:10You know what?
12:11We will work on it again when we get out on the field.
12:13We can just not pass it to you
12:14until you get the hang of it.
12:16You're right.
12:17I'm a liability.
12:19At this rate,
12:19I'll never be ready for the inter-hospital tourney.
12:21Oh, it's just for fun.
12:23That's loser speak.
12:24So is that.
12:25Well, what do you think?
12:27Right now, though,
12:28you're not a very good team player.
12:29No, I mean the dating pool.
12:31Hey, where's Marty and Roland and Ihaia?
12:33Did you give them the wrong time or something?
12:35Of course not.
12:36But they're busy.
12:38Now, what do you think of Ella, the new physio?
12:41She's kind of cute, eh?
12:43Give it a rest, Selina.
12:44I'm just trying to help.
12:45Help what?
12:46I'm trying to give Lily a date.
12:47Hey, have you got some of that cray-cray spray left?
12:50The pheromones?
12:51Don't go there, Lingov.
12:52Sorry about that.
12:53So is my bumpy skin.
12:55You could be weaponized.
12:57What, my bumpy skin?
12:58No, your pongy potion.
13:00Oh, right.
13:01That's deeply unethical.
13:04Well, I'm just saying,
13:05you could be deeply rich.
13:06Well, whatever.
13:07If I wanted a date,
13:08I could go out and find one without your bloody pheromone,
13:11or my big sister rounding up
13:13all the single women in the hospital.
13:18What the hell?
13:21I'm so sorry.
13:22Oh, my finger.
13:25That's all right, I suppose.
13:27Bit of enthusiasm, please.
13:29Well, if you like it, buy it.
13:31How are you not hungover?
13:33Half a practically crawled through the door last night.
13:36I'm sure it was more elegant than that.
13:38Well, it was certainly something.
13:40You guys really should go out for a drink more often.
13:42It did end rather abruptly.
13:44Well, I gotta get back to it.
13:49It's hot, right?
13:51Are you sure it's Harper's Colour, though?
13:53No, that's for me.
13:54Oh, I thought you were buying her a special gift.
13:57It's not her birthday.
13:58Is it?
13:59Is it our anniversary?
14:00What do you know that I don't, Phil?
14:02I'm just used to spontaneous gifts with E.I.
14:05Oh, yeah?
14:06Yeah, it's just the way he is.
14:08Well, I can do spontaneous.
14:10Well, and Harper needs a new helmet.
14:15Just what every woman dreams of.
14:17You don't know Harper like I do?
14:21You know, a couple of years ago,
14:22I bought her a banging pasta maker.
14:25Oof, blew her mind.
14:31This is all my fault.
14:32No, it's mine.
14:34No, I saw the spin, I wanted to do the spin,
14:36and instead I became a big, dumb domino.
14:39Well, the good thing is it's not broken,
14:40but it might just be a bit sprained.
14:42Selena, what do you think?
14:44Oh, Billy knows what he's talking about.
14:46I mean, he is a fully registered, qualified nurse,
14:49and he's spent some years with the ambulance service,
14:52and I trust him because he's a straight kind of a guy.
14:54Am I right or am I right?
14:55Yep, that character assessment sounds valid to me.
14:58Well, if it's just a sprain, I can sort it myself.
15:00No, no, I'll take you to E.D.
15:02I'll be fine.
15:04You sure?
15:06I'm so sorry.
15:07Stop saying that, it was just an accident.
15:09I can get you some pretty decent pain relief.
15:11Just promise to take it responsibly.
15:13Don't worry, I'll be fine.
15:15Thaddeus, how about you go and get that pain relief
15:18for just in case?
15:19Yes, yes, good thinking.
15:20Yeah, give me a hug.
15:25You like her.
15:26I don't even know her.
15:28Well, get to know her, ask her out.
15:29She's new around here and she probably needs
15:30some new friends or something more.
15:33No, she's not interested.
15:34No, Ella is interested.
15:36You don't know that.
15:37Well, neither do you.
15:39And you won't receive it unless you ask for it.
15:42I can't get a hold of Will.
15:43It goes straight to voicemail.
15:44You are going to be arrested, but that is okay.
15:46I will come visit you in Rwanda if I have time.
15:48He's my friend, I need to make sure he's okay.
15:50Well, I'm sorry, didn't he block your number?
15:52I've been using the hospital landline.
15:54He's in danger.
15:55Look, you better not be thinking of going to his home.
15:57That's my next step.
15:59Well, I don't care about the restraining order.
16:00I don't care if they send the whole army after me.
16:02I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna talk to him.
16:03And if this was happening to you, I'd do the same.
16:05Send him an email.
16:07Write it up.
16:08I'll proof it.
16:09Look, if you think his husband really is abusing him,
16:11you need to do everything you can to stay in his life.
16:13You're helping me?
16:14Might be.
16:16Because me wanting you to be wrong
16:18isn't a good enough reason not to.
16:22What happened?
16:22Is he okay?
16:23Spinal injury, we're taking him to the theater.
16:25I'll update you later.
16:26You can't go.
16:27It's Will.
16:28I am very aware of that, but this is a legal nightmare,
16:30so back off.
16:44Sorry about last night.
16:46You wish you stayed.
16:47No, I was just a bit drunk.
16:49No, you weren't.
16:50Yeah, I was.
16:50And when I get drunk, I get-
16:54Oh, thank you.
16:56So we should definitely do it again.
16:58You know, with the guys.
16:59With the guys.
17:00Don't trust yourself alone with me anymore.
17:03Especially when you're wearing that special fragrance.
17:06I'm not wearing any perfume.
17:08What do you call it?
17:11Yeah, okay.
17:12Sure, sorry.
17:13Yes, I do.
17:14Reek of that.
17:15Oh, but relax.
17:16I'm only teasing.
17:18So ibuprofen?
17:21No, no.
17:23Come on, 60 milligrams.
17:24We're not saying this.
17:25You want me to chart it?
17:26That's okay.
17:27It's my patient.
17:28I can do it.
17:37That is not what I wanted.
17:39Can you help?
17:41If I nick that nerve,
17:42we're talking sensory deficit,
17:44ongoing pain, paralysis.
17:47Okay, you slow down.
17:49Just take your time.
17:50I need a clear line of sight.
17:52Are you okay with him watching?
17:56I just need to focus here.
17:58Hey, did you find out anything?
18:00All I got was that he had some kind of fall.
18:02Came in via ambulance, no one with him.
18:04Came in via ambulance, no one with him.
18:07Look, you don't know Shane was involved.
18:09Could have been an accident.
18:10Yeah, maybe if he was skiing.
18:12Just don't do anything until we have all the facts.
18:15We can protect him while he's here.
18:18A spinal injury is pretty bad, right?
18:22So he'll be in the wards for ages recovering.
18:25We can pick up a plan then.
18:26Should you be in here?
18:29I told him he wasn't allowed
18:31and the legal repercussions will be severe.
18:34I couldn't exactly stop him.
18:36All right, mate.
18:37Let's take a break, shall we?
18:38I did this.
18:42I antagonized Shane, made him mad.
18:43That anger had to go somewhere.
18:45Naz, no.
18:46This is not your fault.
18:51Our appointment has been postponed.
18:54Oh, that's a shame.
18:56Drew's busy, apparently.
18:58Yeah, he's in theater.
18:58I handed him his last patient.
19:01We came here for nothing.
19:03Please don't fight over me.
19:05We're not.
19:07I'm worried it feeds the cancer.
19:09Well, we're not fighting, Leanne.
19:10I promise.
19:13Life's too short.
19:14Eddie, hey.
19:17Oh, can I talk to him?
19:21Yep, yep.
19:22We've moved the surgery to this week.
19:24You know, it's not too late to change your mind.
19:27She'd never forgive me.
19:28That's not true.
19:29Leave it, Maeve.
19:30It's your life, Leanne.
19:33It's only right that you should get to choose
19:34how you spend the rest of it.
19:36You're right.
19:37And I'm choosing not to waste whatever time I have
19:40breaking my daughter's heart.
19:46How about tonight?
19:49Yeah, I just figure you're more likely to spring for dessert
19:51while the guilt's still fresh.
19:53Nah, dessert's always on the table.
19:55Good to know.
19:56So let's call it part apology, part celebration?
20:00Yeah, you're hot in your job.
20:03Yeah, it is.
20:05Dinner on the first date?
20:09Well, what if the conversation's mungo
20:11and you can't bail because you have to wait
20:12for a frickin' crab linguine?
20:14You told me to ask her out.
20:16Yeah, for a coffee or a drink.
20:18Haven't you seen Sleepless in Seattle?
20:20No, you know how I feel about Tom Hanks.
20:22Yeah, yep, you're right.
20:24Enjoy your date, and if you get into trouble,
20:26just text me and I'll come and take you.
20:28Anything for my little bro.
20:30Wow, so you're dating already?
20:32Oh, yeah, I mean, it's just a casual dinner.
20:34It's hardly a date.
20:35With who?
20:38Yeah, Ella's lovely.
20:39Very different to Madonna.
20:41Oh, well, I guess, I mean,
20:42I don't really know her that well.
20:45So if you're dating, then I suppose Madonna
20:48will be ready for all that sort of stuff too soon.
20:52Sorry, no, I don't mean for me.
20:54I mean, I just want to make sure
20:56that the flat is presentable enough
20:58for any and all gentleman callers
21:00that may or may not appear.
21:02Right, okay.
21:09Sorry I'm late.
21:10Oh, no worries.
21:11I need to make a quick stop and grab that.
21:15What is this?
21:16It's just a little thank you.
21:18What for?
21:19For my darling devoted wife, who else?
21:21But why?
21:22I don't need a reason to be spontaneous and spoiling.
21:25Come on.
21:27As long as you're not about to drop a bombshell
21:29and this is like the cushioning so I don't get mad.
21:31Oh, ye of no faith.
21:35I just whipped out all my break, picked it up.
21:37How'd I do?
21:42You shouldn't have.
21:43Stolen midnight.
21:44What's the line?
21:45Steal the night.
21:48Crap, it's the wrong line, isn't it?
21:49No, no.
21:52Go on.
21:56I'm sorry.
22:06I love it.
22:08How did you know?
22:09I know what you like.
22:11Always have.
22:22What are you playing at?
22:24You smell delicious.
22:26Is this funny to you?
22:27He asked me for advice.
22:28I didn't think you'd want another bike helmet.
22:34Look, how does it make you feel?
22:36Desirable, powerful?
22:37I am freaking out.
22:40Don't do it again, okay?
22:42Help your husband choose a present you'll actually like.
22:45You wanted me to think it was from you.
22:46Of course not.
22:48I wanted you to feel special
22:49and have a present that you deserve, that's all.
22:51Okay, don't tell me it wasn't more than that.
22:53Okay, then I won't tell you.
22:55But he was clueless.
22:58I was doing him a favor.
22:59Now you're laughing at him.
23:00I'm not laughing at him.
23:02You know what Drew's like, stuck in a Drew land.
23:04You can't even remember what body wash
23:06you like from the supermarket, right?
23:08Unless it's work related, don't come near me again.