Coronation Street 14 June 2024

  • 3 months ago


00:00It's amazing, isn't it?
00:28Yeah, sort of. It just all seems a bit weird.
00:35You know it's just a computer-generated image, don't you?
00:38It's not real.
00:39Well, of course I know it's not real, but it keeps Oliver alive in spirit,
00:44and that gives me comfort. So that can't be a bad thing, can it?
00:48No, I suppose not.
00:49Er, hey, mate, why don't you get your bag out for school, yeah?
00:57Hey, look, er, I don't want to route, not this early in the morning,
01:02but I'm not comfortable with you showing them that.
01:05It's a picture of Oliver.
01:06Yeah, but it's not, though, is it?
01:07You know, if I'm finding it confusing, what's it doing for him?
01:08All right, fine, but I think you're blowing all this out of proportion.
01:10Hey, what have you been doing?
01:11Eh, just went for a walk, to clear my head.
01:12Yeah, what's the prize considering?
01:13Considering what?
01:14Is everything OK?
01:15Yeah, everything's fine.
01:16Listen, I'll give you a lift to school,
01:29got a few things to pick up on the way.
01:33See you.
01:34Yeah, see you later, mate.
01:37No, I'm all right.
01:38Do you know what's really upset me?
01:41Do you know what's really upset me?
01:45The thought of her being disturbed.
01:48Strangers touching her, pouring over her.
01:51Try not to upset yourself any more.
01:53Yeah, sorry, I'm... I'll be all right. I'll see you at work in a bit.
01:58No, no, take the day off. Amy will cover.
02:00She's been desperate for shifts.
02:02Are you sure? Yes.
02:04Yes, just, er... just look after yourself.
02:07Yeah, I'll try.
02:12Come on.
02:19This is crazy. It's like being a teenager again,
02:21copping off at your parents' house.
02:23Don't know, it's my first time.
02:25It's not all that cracked up to be, is it?
02:27You don't regret what happened, do you?
02:29Course not. I do.
02:31No, no, no, no. I had a really great time.
02:34Honestly! Unbelievable!
02:36You've got to go now.
02:41I thought I heard something. Everything all right?
02:43No. No, it's not.
02:45I've just been in to clean the men's bogs
02:47and it is like the Somme in there.
02:49Ah. And there's me wondering what I wanted for breakfast.
02:52Don't do... Never mind that. You grab them rubber gloves.
02:55Cos I am not doing that on my own.
03:00Oh, no.
03:02Oh, all right.
03:04Well, yeah, thanks for letting us know.
03:06Make sure you say goodbye, won't you?
03:09OK, right. Yeah.
03:11Hey, sorry, we're not interrupting, are we?
03:13No, it's just my pain-in-the-backside nephew
03:16is actually moving to his grandma's, so...
03:18Anyway, what can I do for you?
03:20Oh, well, it's just that Kirky's got a delivery to sort
03:22and we were just wondering, is it all right
03:24if he does it this afternoon and then we can go for our dinner together?
03:27She wants to take me up the bistro.
03:29Does she now? Well, lucky you. Special occasion, is it?
03:31Yeah. No.
03:33Er, well, no, it's not exactly a special occasion,
03:37but, you know, it's nice to treat yourself once in a while, isn't it?
03:39Well, as long as it gets done, Kurt.
03:41Fill your boots.
03:43Yeah, cheers, boss.
03:45I still don't get why we have to go there for our lunch, though.
03:47Cos it's romantic.
03:49Then shut your hole.
03:53Oh, uh-oh.
03:55You're not here on official business, are you?
03:57No. I was, er, I was in the area.
03:59Hannah was just wondering if we could get a date fixed
04:01for my daughter's work experience.
04:03Oh, sure, yeah, I'll get the diary.
04:06How's she doing?
04:08Yeah, OK.
04:10Although she's in the middle of her GCSEs
04:12and I'm struggling to get her to knuckle down and concentrate,
04:14but I just hope she doesn't give you as much grief
04:16when she starts working here.
04:18That's a ringing endorsement.
04:20Well, forewarned is forearmed.
04:22Ah, wonderful.
04:26Whoa, speedy Gonzales.
04:28I think you need to ease off on that caffeine.
04:30Well, actually, they're not for me.
04:32You've got a milky white tea for Audrey,
04:34still in, and a flat white for David
04:36with an extra shot, cos you know he needs that buzz.
04:38Well, it is pretty edgy seat life or death stuff, isn't it?
04:42I mean, doing all the dry rinses, sorting the split ends.
04:44I know, I could practically kill over with excitement.
04:46OK, well, have fun.
04:48See you later.
04:50Hey, Nick. You got a second?
04:54Yeah, I was just off to work, was I?
04:56So, obviously,
04:58I'm sure it's just Beth shouting a gob off,
05:00but there's a rumour going round the factory
05:02that Toya was arrested yesterday.
05:06Yeah, she was,
05:08but she's been released.
05:10What did they arrest her for?
05:12Oh, no.
05:14Why? What's going on?
05:16Look, um,
05:18this doesn't go any further, OK?
05:20Not to Gran, not to Mum, no one.
05:26I brought these for you two o'clock.
05:28Well, unless they have mysteriously
05:30risen from the dead and we...
05:32No, they haven't.
05:36But, er,
05:38just pop them over there for us, Mary.
05:46Is everything OK?
05:48Well, do you remember
05:50I told you about Mrs Watley?
05:52I just called her to explain about me
05:54losing my rag yesterday.
05:58No luck.
06:00She's hired Rest Easy to do her husband's funeral.
06:02All that money down the drain, Mary.
06:04I could kick meself.
06:06And me sister.
06:10It's now a good time.
06:12Have you seen this little face?
06:14I'm guessing this is a business call.
06:16I'm afraid so.
06:18And, look, I know it's a sensitive subject,
06:20but it really would
06:22be in your best interest to at least
06:24attempt a mediation with my client.
06:26I mean, before this has to go any further.
06:28I'm not sure how we'd manage to do something like that.
06:30Not after everything that's happened.
06:32But if he and Glenda can
06:34sort something out, doesn't that mean
06:36it doesn't have to go to court?
06:38Well, it would certainly make life easier
06:40for both of you.
06:42Plus it'd save a lot of time.
06:44And money.
06:48Hey. Hello.
06:50Sorry, I hope you don't mind me dropping by.
06:52I just wanted to see
06:54how you were.
06:56I heard about what happened.
07:00Oh, you mean at the police station.
07:02That was just a misunderstanding.
07:04No, sorry, I mean about
07:06what happened with your baby.
07:08Nick told me.
07:10Did he? Yeah, well, he's obviously asked me not to
07:12say anything to anyone, which I won't, I swear,
07:14but he's just really worried about you.
07:16Oh, you must think I'm a really horrible
07:18person to have done something like that.
07:20No, of course not.
07:22I can't imagine what you must have been
07:24through or how hard that must have been for you.
07:28But I do know
07:30what it's like to lose a baby
07:32and what it can do to you.
07:34Me and Todd,
07:36we lost Billy 20 years ago and I still think
07:38about him every day.
07:40Yeah, same.
07:42Yeah, they say time's a healer, but not all
07:46I just want her back so I can give her a proper funeral
07:48and have her laid to rest
07:50somewhere nice that I can go and visit.
07:52But then everyone's going to know what I did
07:54and they're going to hate me.
07:56Well, if they feel like that, they're not worth knowing.
07:58You did what you had to do
08:00and what you thought was best.
08:02And I can tell you loved your baby
08:04just like I love mine.
08:06Yeah, I really did.
08:08Thank you.
08:12So how have you been feeling since I last saw you?
08:14Any significant changes?
08:16Erm, well, I guess
08:18the main things are
08:20I've been feeling a bit weaker
08:22sort of around my torso
08:24but especially my neck.
08:28You never mentioned that.
08:30I didn't want to worry you.
08:34Besides, it's not like
08:36there's much I can do about it, is there?
08:40We'll need to keep an eye on that.
08:42So maybe start using your collar a bit more.
08:44But there will come a point
08:46when you'll be unable to support
08:48the weight of your head
08:50which, along with the trunk of your body being weakened
08:52means that it might not be as easy
08:54or safe for you to use a stairlift anymore.
08:58Excuse me.
09:00I've just got to take this.
09:02It'll only be a moment.
09:08You OK?
09:12Not really.
09:16But basically it sounds like
09:18it won't be long
09:20before I might not be able to go outside.
09:24Or leave the flat.
09:28She didn't say that.
09:30She didn't have to.
09:36Right, that settles it.
09:38That wallpaper
09:40in the bedroom has got to go.
09:46So, I guess
09:48Roy's not coming then.
09:50We're all here though, don't take it personally.
09:52I know, I know.
09:54And listen, thanks for arranging all this.
09:56Yasmin's right.
09:58I mean, Roy's hardly the most sociable of people
10:00at the best of times, is he?
10:02What, and you are?
10:04I have my moments.
10:06I must have blinked and missed those.
10:10Hello, mate.
10:12What can I get you?
10:14I've got a car.
10:16Just came to say goodbye.
10:18What do you mean?
10:20Well, I'm moving back in with my grandma.
10:22Just got to finish packing my case
10:24and book a taxi, then I'm off ski.
10:26It's a bit sudden, isn't it?
10:28Didn't want to outstay my welcome with Carla.
10:30Well, I for one would be sorry to see you go, mate.
10:32And next time you're round these ways,
10:34you give me a shout, all right?
10:36Don't be a stranger.
10:38Will do.
10:40Look after yourself.
10:48can I have a word?
10:50I'm with my friends.
10:52I'm Brian.
10:54I'm sorry I got your son into trouble.
10:56I was only trying to help,
10:58but things got out of hand.
11:02I'm moving away now,
11:04so he probably won't see me again.
11:08I just hope
11:10he'll sort things out with Carla.
11:12None of this was her fault.
11:14I appreciate your apology.
11:20why don't you join us for a drink before you go?
11:22You know, one for the road.
11:24Are you sure?
11:26I insist.
11:28Yeah, come on.
11:30Hey, how was your meal?
11:32Not bad, sir.
11:34We don't often see you in here, well,
11:36I mean, not in the day, anyway.
11:38I thought you weren't coming in.
11:40Yeah, I thought it'd take my mind off things, you know, keep busy.
11:42All right, well, I mean, if you're sure, yeah?
11:46They let you out, then?
11:50The Rossers. Someone said they saw you being kicked off yesterday.
11:52So, what was all that about, then?
11:54Not that it's yours or anyone else's business,
11:56but it was to do with Toya damaging the car
11:58of those creeps that were hassling Roy.
12:00And you'll be pleased to know, and I'm sure everyone else is going to be pleased to know,
12:02she got away with a caution.
12:04So, happy now?
12:06Is that why you wanted us to come in here, to catch up on the goss?
12:10I was just showing a bit of neighbourly concern.
12:12Well, you're all heart.
12:18Hey, thanks for that.
12:20No problem.
12:22Oh, by the way, I had a chat with Sarah before, and it really helped.
12:24Oh, right, I'm glad.
12:26I hope you don't think I overstepped the mark.
12:28I was just worried about you.
12:30Anything else I can do, let me know.
12:32Oh, no, listen, you've done enough, honestly. Thank you.
12:34Well, I'll get to work.
12:36Oh, hold on. Mary dropped some flowers off for you.
12:40From who?
12:42I don't know. I mean, there is a card.
12:50What's the matter?
12:52They're from Rowan.
12:54Why would Rowan be sending you flowers?
12:56Well, when I went to the grave, I took a yellow rose.
12:58So, this is a warning, isn't it?
13:00It's a message.
13:02Rowan must have been the one who called the police.
13:06We were right.
13:08Leanne told him everything.
13:24Look at that. Where's the fire?
13:26How could you?
13:28I just got these from your little friend, and there's a card.
13:32So, Rowan sent you flowers.
13:34What's wrong with that?
13:36Well, not just flowers, either, Leanne.
13:38Yellow roses, just like the one I left at the park.
13:40Just like I told you about.
13:42Hang on a minute. I already told you I had nothing to do with it.
13:44Come off it, Leanne. How else could he have known what happened?
13:46You know, what I did all those years ago,
13:48unless you spoke to him.
13:50So, what, did you tell him, and then he called the police
13:52and then sent these as a warning for me to back off?
13:54Is that it?
13:56I mean, it's not enough that he's taking me to court as well.
13:58No, because he wouldn't do that.
14:00He wouldn't tell anybody about anything I told him in private.
14:02Oh, so it's true.
14:04You did tell him.
14:08All right?
14:10Been busy?
14:12Pretty dead. Although I did see Max heading by earlier.
14:14All right.
14:16Did he say anything?
14:18No, but I think you should say something to him.
14:20Like what?
14:22Well, I don't know. Maybe sorry for almost punching your lights out
14:24for something you didn't do.
14:26OK. I'll have a word with him when I get a chance.
14:30What time's this meeting with the investigator?
14:34And do you really think he can find out who's behind it all?
14:36I hope so. They might be paying him.
14:42I spoke to Rowan
14:44about you and your baby while we were doing an upload together.
14:46But that is totally private.
14:48It's just between us. It's like...
14:50It's like talking to a priest in a confession.
14:52Well, clearly it isn't.
14:54Otherwise, how did the police know everything?
14:56When you got arrested,
14:58I spoke to Rowan, I asked him if he'd told them
15:00and he swore to me that he hadn't.
15:02He reckoned that it was probably those people
15:04that you had a go at for digging up the park.
15:06He reckons that they probably put two and two together and...
15:08And what?
15:10What, Leanne? What?
15:12Realised what I'd done 23 years ago?
15:14Have you even met these people?
15:16They're not master detectives.
15:18They are gullible, delusional idiots.
15:20Actually, now I come to think about it,
15:22you'd probably get on with them quite well.
15:24But I honestly believe
15:26that Rowan wouldn't lie to me.
15:28Do you know what? I give up. I really do. I can't...
15:34She doesn't understand. How could she?
15:36She's right.
15:40What you're doing is unhealthy.
15:42And you need to start seeing that
15:44before it's too late.
15:46Too late for what?
15:48Too late for us.
15:54It's a shame
15:56Roy didn't feel up to joining us.
15:58It might have taken his mind off things.
16:00Yeah, or pushed him completely over the edge.
16:02What are you looking at me for?
16:04You know there's a silent mode on those things, don't you?
16:10You all right, Lachlan?
16:12Did you have one too many?
16:14Not a drink.
16:16I think I might be going down with something.
16:18If you say so.
16:20I'm sorry, Ben, if you don't mind,
16:22I'm going to go home.
16:24Not feeling 100%.
16:26Would you like someone to go with you?
16:28You know, just in case?
16:30It's only next door, but thank you.
16:32Enjoy the rest of the evening
16:34and happy birthday soon.
16:36Thanks, Ken. Look after yourself.
16:38I'll be feeling better.
16:42Knew we should have brought an umbrella.
16:44Right, come on.
16:46Let's get you inside, boys.
16:48You're too wet.
16:50Are you coming?
16:52I don't want to go inside just yet.
16:54It's raining.
16:58So what's it going to do?
17:00Kill me.
17:08I'm starting to think
17:10it's only a matter of time
17:12before I won't be able to leave
17:14the flat at all.
17:16Go outside,
17:18look at the trees
17:20and the sky
17:22and any of that stuff.
17:30I just want to make the most of it
17:32while I still can.
17:46Whatever you want.
17:54You found nothing.
17:58It's the same problem
18:00that the police had.
18:02These sort of things are posted anonymously
18:04and they use every trick in the book
18:06to stop you finding them.
18:08You need to somehow track down
18:10this faker's genuine IP address.
18:12What? And you can't do that?
18:14This is exactly my area of expertise.
18:18Most of my job involves sitting in hotel car parks
18:20trying to catch some bloke cheating on his wife
18:22with another woman.
18:24You'd be surprised how often that happens.
18:26I had this one case right with this fella.
18:28So what do we do now?
18:30My advice?
18:32Find someone who specialises in cyber crimes.
18:34That sort of thing.
18:42Better finish packing and book a taxi.
18:44Sorry I can't buy you all one back.
18:46Oh, don't worry.
18:48Besides, it's Evelyn's round next
18:50if I'm not mistaken.
18:52You are.
18:54I might give Ken a knock on.
18:56Oh, good idea. Check he's all right.
18:58Yes. He did not look well when he left here.
19:00Mind you, it was his round.
19:02Oh, you really are a ray of sunshine, aren't you?
19:04Take care of that, right?
19:06And good luck.
19:08See you. Bye-bye.
19:10Oh, has Ryan gone?
19:12Oh, he just left a minute ago.
19:14Oh, well, you be all right on your own for ten minutes
19:16because I'm just going to grab a quick bite to eat.
19:18Oh, yeah, enjoy.
19:20Don't think about those nasty, horrible bogs
19:22we had to scrub this morning.
19:24Is this you getting me back for breakfast?
19:26Oh, no. That totally slipped my mind.
19:32Are you all right?
19:34What can I get you?
19:36Actually, it's you I've come to see.
19:38Oh, what about?
19:40A pint of zero and a June tea for this one, please.
19:42Somebody has had a bad day at work.
19:44Oh, wow. What happened?
19:46Two words. American.
19:50Oh, fair enough. Who were you in a sack?
19:52Actually, I've been with your brother this morning.
19:54Well, not in that way.
19:56He's not my type.
19:58Anyway, Dee Dee dropped by
20:00about getting a mediator in
20:02to stop this going to court
20:04because she reckons it's going to cost you a lot of money.
20:06Why do you care so much?
20:08Because I hate it when families fall out.
20:10You know, I remember when Mother and I
20:12didn't speak for a whole year
20:14and, actually, that's a bad example.
20:16It was absolute bliss.
20:18Well, to answer your question,
20:20it's been such short notice, I haven't asked anyone yet.
20:26Well, it doesn't have to be
20:28anybody professional, does it?
20:30No, that's what Dee Dee said, just someone impartial.
20:32Only I can't think of anyone to ask.
20:34I'll do it.
20:36You are?
20:38I said, I'll do it.
20:40As long as it gets me a flipping drink.
20:44Ken? It's me, Bobby.
20:46Evelyn sent me.
20:48She said to say it's your round and, uh...
20:54Don't move, OK?
20:56I'm going to call an ambulance.
21:08Well, nice of you to tell me you'd left work and came back home.
21:10I came back to make some lunch.
21:12Or do I have to report everything back to you now?
21:14Well, you seem happy enough to do that with Rowan.
21:18Well, it's true. I mean, you talk about him
21:20like he's the second coming.
21:22You are so dependent on him.
21:24I'm so tired of hearing his name.
21:26Well, do you know what I'm tired of?
21:28You not supporting me.
21:30Not seeing that I'm the happiest I've been in ages.
21:32Rowan helped me come to terms
21:34with losing Oliver, and I'm more focused
21:36and driven than I have been in years.
21:38OK, so what about us?
21:40What are you on about? What about us?
21:42Oh, well, there we go. You in love with him?
21:44Rowan? No.
21:46Right, so what is it? You having an affair?
21:48No, I am not.
21:50How could you even ask me that? I love you.
21:52I feel very loved.
21:54I feel like we're strangers.
21:58Look, if it's true
22:00that you do love me, that you say that you love me,
22:02then I'm going to make this really easy for you.
22:04You've got to just stop all this.
22:06You've got to leave the Institute,
22:08you've got to cut all contact with them,
22:10and we're Rowan, or we're over.
22:22Don't move, Ken!
22:24An ambulance is on its way.
22:26Hi, Daniel. Yeah, it's Stu.
22:28You need to get back here pronto.
22:30Ken's had a fall.
22:32He's going to be OK.
22:34Well, I'm not sure, but Bobby just found him.
22:36So it's your way or the highway.
22:38How is that fair?
22:40Well, you're not giving me much choice.
22:42Oh, we all have choices, Nick.
22:44The problem is, you're just too closed off to see them.
22:46All right, so you're making this about me?
22:48No, I'm making this about us.
22:50Look, I'm not judging you, I'm just saying
22:52that maybe we're in different places right now.
22:54Yeah, I'm living in reality and you're living in la-la land.
22:56Oh, you can criticise all you like,
22:58but the simple fact is, I know where I'm heading.
23:00Yeah, and where's that exactly?
23:02To become a more complete version of myself.
23:04You're becoming what the Institute wants you to become.
23:06The same Institute that wants to destroy your sister.
23:08You know, I don't recognise the person in front of me anymore.
23:10Well, that's because you don't want me to change.
23:12No, I just want the person back who I love.
23:14And I am standing here, right in front of you.
23:16I just want better for my future.
23:18Even if it's worse for everyone else, then so be it.
23:20I am not apologising for growing.
23:22OK, yeah, I may be on a new journey.
23:24Oh, here we go.
23:26But that doesn't mean that we can't reach the same destination.
23:28Me and you have overcome so much more than this.
23:30We can achieve anything, me and you.
23:32The two of us.
23:34Yes, we can.
23:36But it's not just the two of us, anyway.
23:38It's you and me.
23:40It's you and me.
23:42It's you and me.
23:44But it's not just the two of us anymore, is it?
23:52Look, it is not often I agree with Adam,
23:54but representing yourself is...
23:56Don't worry about it.
23:58You've always got the option of the duty solicitor.
24:00Or I could see if I've got a couple of hours tomorrow.
24:02Oh, Dee Dee, thank you, but honestly, I'll be fine.
24:06Well, good luck, anyway.
24:08The Institute are the ones that are going to need luck.
24:10Ah, that is the attitude.
24:14Rough day? I've had better.
24:16Do you feel like sharing?
24:18Oh, come on, I've already bent your ear.
24:20Well, it's a good job I've got two ears, then.
24:22Come on, let me buy you a coffee.
24:26We've got to find a specialist private investigator.
24:28No, I'm done with all of that.
24:30So what, you're just going to throw the towel in?
24:32As if.
24:34I want to nail this torag more than ever.
24:38I don't know. Maybe we just, like, need a new approach.
24:42When someone brings a car in with engine trouble,
24:44what's the first thing you do?
24:46Check under the bonnet.
24:48To find the root cause of the problem?
24:50Yeah. And?
24:52Well, Inspector Clullers,
24:54he told us one useful thing.
24:56He said we've got to find the faker's real IP address.
24:58Yeah, that sounds really high-tech, that.
25:00I struggle with my Wi-Fi password.
25:02I don't suggest he knows.
25:04We find a hacker or something.
25:06What? And they check under the bonnet?
25:08What have we got to lose?
25:12Are you sure you wouldn't rather go home?
25:14It's nice now.
25:16Yeah, but it might rain again.
25:18A bit of weather never hurt anyone.
25:20Yeah, but what about pneumonia, mate?
25:22Come off it.
25:24I'll need my sun cream soon.
25:26No, Paul.
25:28You're wasting drinking time.
25:30Crack one open.
25:42That sound never gets old.
25:44I feel like I'm torturing you.
25:46Don't be such a frontsponge.
25:50knack it.
25:52Only joking.
26:00What did I say about the rain?
26:02It's not rain.
26:04It's the wind.
26:06It's the wind.
26:08It's the wind.
26:10It's not rain.
26:12What do you mean?
26:14You've been christened.
26:18Oh, no!
26:22Adam reckons I shouldn't contest.
26:24Well, he's not going to advise that, likely.
26:26Well, that's what they're banking on, isn't it?
26:28I can't just roll over.
26:30Leanne needs to see what the Institute's
26:32real agenda is.
26:34She's very lucky to have you in her corner,
26:36even if she doesn't know it.
26:38Well, I'd like to believe that was true, but...
26:40Don't give up on her.
26:42She's the one that's given up on me.
26:44She'll come round.
26:46You seem very sure.
26:48Well, er, we had a chat-stroke argument earlier.
26:52And I told her she needs to make a choice.
26:54Either leave the Institute
26:56or leave me.
26:58I think that sounds less of a choice
27:00and more of an ultimatum.
27:02Wait, you threatened to end it because of me?
27:04No, no, no. What option have I got?
27:06A life with Rowan or a life with her.
27:08She can't have it both ways.
27:10And if she chooses Rowan?
27:14She won't, I mean.
27:16She can't.
27:18I hope for both our sakes
27:20you're right.
27:22OK, Steve.
27:24Yeah, I'll keep you updated.
27:26Five minutes. Bye-bye.
27:28Any more news on Ken?
27:30Yes, he's had some x-rays.
27:34You came in with Mr Ballor?
27:36We both did.
27:38He said he had a dizzy spell before he fell.
27:40Yes, probably caused by low blood pressure
27:42but we're running more tests.
27:44Anyway, he's sustained a mild concussion.
27:46Oh, well, that doesn't sound too bad.
27:48He's also fractured his pelvis, I'm afraid.
27:50Me and my big mouth.
27:52It's minor in the scheme of things but we will be admitting him.
27:54For how long?
27:5648 to 72 hours, I'm guessing.
27:58We're just looking for a bed for him.
28:00You should be able to see him in about an hour.
28:02Thank you, Doctor.
28:04Could be worse.
28:06Could be a lot worse, especially if you
28:08haven't checked in on him.
28:10Oh, um, Adam and Daniel
28:12should be here in five minutes.
28:14Right, well, I'd better get going
28:16in that case. I'm not exactly the favourite
28:18person in the world right now.
28:20Tell Ken I said get well soon, yeah?
28:22Why don't you tell him yourself?
28:24I think I've worn out my welcome.
28:26Time for me to move on.
28:28Take care, yeah?
28:30You too, Bobby, you too.
28:34I'll see you over there.
28:36Sure you don't want a soft drink?
28:38Might want to keep your wits together.
28:40The last time I saw eyeballing like that
28:42was the Hearns versus Hagler fight.
28:44Trust me, it'll be a walk
28:46in the park.
28:48If you say so.
28:52Why do I get the feeling I've walked into an ambush?
28:54Right, let's try and keep a positive
28:56attitude, shall we? And polite.
28:58Yeah, fat chance of that.
29:00Sorry, why do we need an audience?
29:02No, no, no, I'm here for moral support.
29:04And anyway, you've got Mary.
29:06Consider me Switzerland.
29:08Equally polite, but hopefully a lot less boring.
29:12nobody, other than myself, of course,
29:14will be offering any
29:16advice or input.
29:18Oh, you won't even notice us.
29:20Or us. I thought we were leaving.
29:22Yeah, but I reckon this might be a bit full.
29:28So, to begin with,
29:30why don't you both, in turn,
29:32outline your positions
29:34in a calm...
29:36She's trying to rob me blind, plain and simple.
29:38Hostile. Straight out of the game.
29:40Excuse me, still talking.
29:42Oh, and as for being robbed blind, I have literally
29:44had my birthright stolen from me.
29:46And cue the tiny violins.
29:48Oh, truth hurts.
29:50To make this process work,
29:52emotions need to be shelved.
29:54She's talking to you.
29:56And what's that supposed to mean?
29:58Well, you're not exactly a stranger to drama, are you?
30:00Cos I'm a woman, right?
30:02No, cos you've always been OTT. It's in your genes.
30:04Guys, please, this isn't very productive.
30:06I find that sexist,
30:08not to mention deeply offensive.
30:10Do you now? Remind me,
30:12who was it ruined my 14th birthday?
30:14Oh, you're not dredging that up again.
30:16I was four.
30:18Do you know what? I was potty about wildlife
30:20when I was a kid, so me mum and dad
30:22organised a safari party for me.
30:24Oh, it was cracker. All sorts of animals.
30:26You name them. The best one
30:28being a West Indian rock iguana.
30:32It freaked me out.
30:34You weren't even supposed to be in the vicinity.
30:36Anyway, she only starts screaming the house down,
30:38scares poor Marley half to death.
30:40Then she decides to run into the patio doors
30:42and knocks herself out. Sparkle.
30:44Dream party. Kaput. A&E. Here we come.
30:46Well, at least you didn't get locked in the coal shed for three hours.
30:48That was an accident!
30:50Yeah, and the fact that you invited round Easy Alice
30:52was a coincidence, eh? How dare you!
30:54Yeah, right. Well, um...
30:56Clearly there does seem to be
30:58some, er, underlying
31:00issues here. No kids
31:02in Sherlock. Hey, I wish we had
31:04some popcorn.
31:12I was, um, just about to leave you
31:14a voice note.
31:16Saying what?
31:18Saying that I need some space, Nick.
31:22You're leaving me?
31:24No, that was your threat.
31:26I'm just giving us some breathing room.
31:28Just for a night, maybe two.
31:30Oh, come on. Come on. Please don't go.
31:32Well, you've left me no choice.
31:34Yeah, but look, I made a mistake.
31:36I hold my hands up. I shouldn't have given you an ultimatum.
31:38Nick, it's not just that.
31:40It's this
31:42constant negativity.
31:44It's just becoming suffocating.
31:46OK. I'm only sceptical about
31:48the Institute cos I worry about me.
31:50Well, scepticism is healthy, but you?
31:52You're just paranoid
31:54now. And I don't know,
31:56maybe it's your default mode to see and fear
31:58the worst, but I just
32:00can't be around that right now.
32:02So where will you go?
32:04Well, Rowan said he'd sort me out.
32:08Of course he did.
32:10As a friend. Right.
32:12And I'm expected to believe that. Do you know what?
32:14You can believe what you like if it reinforces
32:16your prejudice. But me?
32:18I know the truth.
32:20Thanks so much for doing this.
32:42Glad to help.
32:44I know it's tough,
32:46but you're doing the right thing.
32:48You really think so?
32:50You can't allow yourself to be bullied or compromised.
32:52Well, deep down,
32:54I don't think Nick's trying to hurt me.
32:58Just maybe control you.
33:00Either way, you made a stand
33:02and I'm proud of you.
33:04I'm so grateful to have you in my life.
33:08And I'm honoured
33:10to be a part of it.
33:28I've never thought of you as anything other than an equal.
33:30Oh, really? Really?
33:32A shame you can't say that about our bank balance.
33:34Oh, there's no talking sense into you.
33:36Oh, cos I'm all froth and no beer, aren't I?
33:38OK, OK, time out.
33:40Look, I'll take your insults, I'll even take your petty jibes,
33:42but I will not have my reputation besmirched.
33:46I don't know what it chopping means.
33:48I'll rest my case.
33:50Will you just belt up
33:52the pair of you?
33:54You two, you don't need a mediator.
33:56You need an exorcist.
33:58Right, that's me.
34:00I'm done.
34:02Aw, just when it were getting interesting.
34:08Sorry, she doesn't get her own watch.
34:14you were saying?
34:16Don't even go there.
34:18I think you've broken that woman.
34:20Can you not find
34:22some common ground?
34:24The only common ground round here
34:26is quicksand.
34:28Well, it's better than living in a swamp of lies.
34:30So that's a no, then?
34:32I think I'm going to need that lawyer after all.
34:36go and get your lawyer.
34:38It's not going to prove anything
34:40we don't already know, is it?
34:42Look, yes, I could have handled it better,
34:44but it was Dad's mistake, not mine.
34:46Taking me to the cleaners,
34:48that's not going to change it, is it?
34:50Excuse me.
34:54Well, you gave it a good go
34:56and failed.
35:00unless you don't get
35:02what's rightfully yours.
35:04Consider this
35:06round one.
35:14You all right?
35:16You all right?
35:18Have you got a minute?
35:20What for?
35:22I just want to pick your brain about something.
35:24Sorry, are you
35:26asking me for help after how you spoke to me
35:28last time?
35:30Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was bang out of order.
35:32Well, you were
35:34just worried about Abi, weren't you?
35:36Yeah, but it's no excuse for my behaviour.
35:38Look, I'll
35:40let you get off.
35:42So, what's the latest then with
35:44these videos?
35:46Well, we're basically nowhere.
35:48The PI we used was as much use as
35:50an inflatable dartboard.
35:52What is it that you want
35:54me to help with?
35:56Well, the bloke said we need to find out this
35:58person's IP address.
36:00Right, because they were using a VPN.
36:02Exactly, yeah, and I thought you might
36:04know where I should start.
36:06Not really, no.
36:08It's a long shot.
36:10But I think
36:12I know somebody who might.
36:22Glad you're still finding me so amusing.
36:24I must say, I swear I can still feel it
36:26in my hair.
36:28Just think of it as one of those natural
36:30skin products you're always
36:32banging on about.
36:34Stop it, you'll throw up.
36:38I really enjoyed today.
36:40Any opportunity to take
36:42the mick out of me?
36:44Well, it's always a bonus.
36:46I'm being serious.
36:48What, do you mean down to
36:50Kamsa Lager is your idea of a
36:52dream date?
36:54It is weird.
36:56Let's not forget our feathered
37:00I'm glad we'll always have
37:02your memory.
37:06something special to
37:08leave behind.
37:10Does that make sense?
37:14Makes perfect sense.
37:18You know, with all the big things,
37:20it's easy
37:22to miss out on the little stuff.
37:24Every day,
37:28second matters now.
37:30Yeah, well,
37:32someone's going to be home
37:34from America tomorrow, so
37:36she'll be here to share
37:38every day,
37:40our second with us again.
37:44hear about your blessing
37:46for my life.
37:58I was worried when they said
38:00you'd phoned in sick.
38:02Yeah, I couldn't face work
38:04not tonight.
38:06What happened with Leanne?
38:08Hmm, well,
38:10she called my bluff.
38:12She's left you?
38:14Yeah, what can I know?
38:16She's got a breathing space.
38:18Rowan picked her up earlier,
38:20so she's probably shacked her.
38:22Words fail me. Honestly, I don't know
38:24what is going through that woman's head.
38:26Oh, well, me.
38:28Just wanted to give her
38:30a wake-up call.
38:32I don't know how I blew it, didn't I?
38:34It's not your fault.
38:36Rowan's got her so turned around,
38:38she doesn't know what's up and what's down.
38:40That doesn't let her off the hook, does it?
38:42You're in court tomorrow.
38:44Well, somehow, I don't think she would have been much support.
38:46You're her sister.
38:48Yeah, but I'm her brother.
38:50You're her sister.
38:52Yeah, but I'm also an enemy of the Institute
38:54and everything they stand for. Honestly, I'll be fine.
38:56No coming with you?
39:00No, no, no arguments, OK?
39:02So, come on, let's talk
39:04strategy, game plan.
39:06Thank you, but do you know what?
39:08I'd honestly rather just forget everything tonight.
39:10OK, well,
39:12if there's anything else you need.
39:14Actually, yeah, you can
39:16pour me a glass of that.
39:24Just in time for dinner.
39:26Oh, er...
39:28No, thanks. I'm not staying.
39:30Just came to get some stuff.
39:34So, you're still planning on going to your gran's tonight, then, are you?
39:36I've caused enough trouble for you
39:38and your family.
39:40Well, you certainly are the proverbial loose cannon, that's for sure.
39:42And I can't apologise enough.
39:46I'll say this for you, though.
39:48You're not up yourself, are you?
39:50Yasmeen, she told me
39:52about what happened with Ken.
39:54Anyone would have done it.
39:56Well, no, I think we both know that's not true.
39:58You've got a big heart, Bobby.
40:00Yeah, to go along with my big mouth.
40:02To go along with your big mouth, yes.
40:04At least you take responsibility,
40:06which is something
40:08I need to work on.
40:10Are you sure you're not peckish?
40:12It's getting late. I'd better...
40:14So, stay.
40:16No. It's hard enough saying goodbye
40:18as it is.
40:20Don't say goodbye.
40:34Everything OK?
40:36Men are morons.
40:38I'll leave you to it, then, Stella.
40:40It's all right. I've just had a bit of a day.
40:42What was supposed to be
40:44a clear-the-air mediation session
40:46with Debbie turned into World War III.
40:48It transpires that my brother and I
40:50have a fair few unresolved grievances.
40:52So, no constitution agreement, then?
40:54Oh, you're joking.
40:56No, George has texted. He wants to talk.
40:58Just us. Yeah, we'll talk to him.
41:00I'm tired.
41:04So, what are you up to?
41:06Yeah, you know, just reading.
41:08Oh, which I've gone and ruined.
41:10Yeah, well, I can think of worse interruptions.
41:12Can you now?
41:16And is Nelsha been thinking about me?
41:18Last night.
41:20Interesting. And this morning.
41:22Both times.
41:24Oh, good, cos I don't have to be the only one.
41:28So, what's your boat like?
41:30Er, yeah, it's all right. Nothing special.
41:32Hmm. Maybe we can find you
41:34something better to do.
41:36Yeah, thought you was tired.
41:42I reckon I could find a second wind.
41:50Did I ever tell you you were actually a very good listener?
41:52Sorry, didn't catch that.
41:56Can resist.
41:58Well, at least you've still got your sense of humour.
42:00Yeah, something like that would go crazy, isn't it?
42:04What are you thinking?
42:06It's OK if you don't want to talk about it.
42:08No, just...
42:10going over what
42:12Liam was talking about earlier.
42:16We've been through so much together.
42:18Yeah, I mean, more than most couples survive.
42:20Yeah, and what doesn't kill you
42:22makes you stronger,
42:24and I thought that until today.
42:28It's almost like
42:30everything that's happened before
42:32counts for nothing.
42:34She's not herself.
42:36Maybe I'm
42:38not enough for her.
42:40Oh, you are more than enough.
42:42Yeah, er, I'm here.
42:44Surplus to requirements.
42:46Well, at least you're not
42:48alone in that.
42:50Hey, and on a positive note,
42:52you know, this whole thing has brought us closer together.
42:54Yeah, definitely.
42:56Do you think back in the day I used to hate
42:58your guts with a passion?
43:00I know. It wasn't like a cold shoulder.
43:02It was a sort of nuclear winter, wasn't it?
43:06Oh, I needed this.
43:10Yeah, me too.
43:26Sorry I'm late.
43:28You're just watching an extremely long
43:30and an extremely boring film.
43:32She does that.
43:34It's still fun, though. Uncle David was doing all his voices.
43:36What are you being up to?
43:38Oh, you know, just chatting.
43:40Yeah, just putting the world to rights.
43:42Oh, er, Leanne's
43:44staying at her friend's tonight.
43:46It's all right. It's nothing to worry about.
43:48But you have been arguing a lot.
43:50Yeah, I know.
43:52Which is why they needed a bit of a time out.
43:54So it's actually a good thing.
43:56I'm glad you're here to keep Dad company.
43:58He needed perking up.
44:26¶¶ ¶¶