Desafío XX Capítulo 82 Completo HD

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Desafío XX Capítulo 82 Completo HD


00:00:36-¡Beto! ¡Beto!
00:00:40¡La familia!
00:00:42¡Por los dueños!
00:00:44¡Vamos, Beto!
00:01:07¿Ves, muchachos?
00:01:10Yo creo que ya hicimos lo más duro.
00:01:20Ay, desafío, gracias por tantas experiencias.
00:01:24¿Quién dijo eso?
00:01:27¿Quién dijo eso?
00:01:29¿Quién fue?
00:01:31Ella está diciendo que gracias por tan bellas experiencias.
00:01:35Como ella tiene tanto agradecimiento,
00:01:38¿por qué no la dejan ir subiendo esas bolas?
00:01:46Día 82.
00:01:52Ahorita vamos a hacer el desayuno.
00:01:54Vamos a hacer caldo de carne con arepita de maíz pelado
00:01:56y para tomar, chocolate.
00:01:58¿Con qué lo prefiere usted?
00:02:01En la casa hubo bastante necesidad.
00:02:03Nosotros fuimos pobres.
00:02:05Y póngale cuidado que un día llegó mi papá.
00:02:07Dijo, muchachos, llegó el mercado.
00:02:11Un maldito huevo y dos tostados.
00:02:15Éramos seis.
00:02:16Partieron el tostado en los seis.
00:02:19Quitaron el huevito y dejaron la yemita blandita
00:02:21porque a nosotros nos gusta la yemita blandita.
00:02:23Llegué y dice, mi papá, a la cuenta de tres
00:02:25todos remojamos el pedacito de tostado
00:02:27una vez en la yema del huevo.
00:02:29Y entonces yo como sé, todo la vida he sido ansioso.
00:02:32Entonces yo remojé dos veces el tostado en la yema del huevo.
00:02:35Y mi papá peleando.
00:02:36Usted si es ansioso o muerto.
00:02:37Hay hambre.
00:02:38No sé qué le está pasando.
00:02:39Le dice mi mamá toda linda, déjelo, mijo.
00:02:42Ojalá se reviente.
00:02:46¿Cómo amaneces, Aleja?
00:02:47Ay, adolorida.
00:02:50Pues ya estando acá y viviendo como tal la experiencia,
00:02:54creo que en algún momento pensamos,
00:02:56no, no más, no más.
00:02:58Pero pues como lo decía acá,
00:03:01juega algo muy importante que la mente.
00:03:04Entonces nosotros los veíamos a ustedes seguir y seguir.
00:03:07Nosotros no, pero cómo lo vamos a dejar solo.
00:03:10Y así creo que se nos hizo más rápido, ¿no?
00:03:13Se nos hizo más rápido.
00:03:14Se nos olvidó un poco el cansancio, el dolor.
00:03:17De uno a diez.
00:03:19Este castigo, yo creería diez.
00:03:23¡Vamos, Beta!
00:03:25¡Vámonos de unos duros!
00:03:28Vamos a hacer esta vaina en tiempo récord.
00:03:33Anoche nos lo gozamos.
00:03:34Uy, es que las pantorrillas siento que se me van a explotar.
00:03:38Es que ya incluso con la sola carretilla vacía, ya no puedo.
00:03:42Piedra de atrás.
00:03:47Pues la verdad está como las piedras.
00:03:50Vamos, Caro, nombre de Dios.
00:03:51Metámosle las cuatro a esa niña.
00:03:53Ahí nos dará pujar, pero...
00:03:55¿Quién dijo miedo?
00:03:58Ay, mamá.
00:04:00Chucky le habla.
00:04:01Chucky le habla.
00:04:24El peso estaba mal distribuido.
00:04:26Sostenme acá.
00:04:31Ya no puedo.
00:04:59Yo quería decirle algo a Andrés.
00:05:00Yo quiero llevarlo muy presente hoy.
00:05:02Y téngalo presente que si Dios me da la oportunidad de quedarme
00:05:06y de salir victorioso el día de hoy en esa muerte,
00:05:09el triunfo va a ser dedicado para su hijo.
00:05:13Y para todos los niños en condición de discapacidad.
00:05:16Y para todos los padres que de una u otra forma les toca
00:05:20batallar día a día con esa condición.
00:05:24Sí, ma.
00:05:25Usted es un papá de ejemplo y admiración.
00:05:28Todo un caballero.
00:05:29Con esa buena actitud y como está cuidando a su hijo, de verdad.
00:05:33Lo felicito, mi hermano.
00:05:35¿Ya sabe por qué los puso ustedes dos acá?
00:05:39Y lo puso usted, papá de Super Santi.
00:05:41Por eso mismo, porque usted es un verraco, parce.
00:05:44¿Cómo les fue?
00:05:45No, pues...
00:05:46¡Qué vergüenza!
00:05:50Nos han ayudado muchísimo.
00:05:51Uy, claro.
00:05:52A mí necesito ellos.
00:05:53Eso sigue con cuatro.
00:06:01Limonadita o café.
00:06:03Limonada, por favor.
00:06:06Chao, por ahí.
00:06:13¿Como aire?
00:06:19Se va.
00:06:24Todo lleva algo.
00:06:25Ya casi, ya casi vamos a llegar.
00:06:37Uy, madre mía.
00:06:51¡Vamos, Peta!
00:07:04¡Segunda etapa, set!
00:07:10Ay, claro.
00:07:11Indudablemente, pienso que la estrategia funcionó, ¿cierto?
00:07:14Muchachos, pues fue durito subir las cuatro, pero...
00:07:19Los compañeros nos ayudaron con dos.
00:07:21Uy, gracias a Dios.
00:07:22Gracias de verdad.
00:07:23Gracias por ayudarnos.
00:07:28¿Cómo te sientes para el día de hoy?
00:07:30Me siento tan tranquilo que ni yo lo puedo creer.
00:07:33Yo también me siento igual.
00:07:34Yo estoy muy tranquilo porque yo creo que lo que hemos logrado,
00:07:37a pesar de la adversidad, de que no creían en nosotros,
00:07:40de que nos subestimaron,
00:07:42y mira hasta dónde hemos llegado.
00:07:44Yo me puse a analizar el grupo de allá y el grupo de acá.
00:07:48Estamos los que nunca subestimamos a nadie.
00:07:52Todos nos la hemos guerreado.
00:07:54A ninguno nos ha regalado.
00:07:55Dime cuántas veces nosotros hemos estado aquí en Playa Baja, Nati.
00:07:58Y mira que lo que hace es que tú llegaste a Alfa también.
00:08:02Nos la hemos guerreado juntos.
00:08:05Nos la hemos guerreado.
00:08:06Hemos estado en todo, todo, todo, todo juntos con Karen.
00:08:09Playa Baja, aguante hambre, vaya a competir, aguante castigo,
00:08:14coma ****, llore cuando hay que llorar.
00:08:17Hasta estamos aquí porque en serio lo merecemos.
00:08:20Lo merecemos.
00:08:21Estamos a puertas de la semifinal.
00:08:24Y el aguante que hemos tenido.
00:08:27¿Cuántos desafíos dentro del desafío no hemos superado
00:08:30para que este nos vaya a quedar grande jamás?
00:08:33Vamos a darle a todas.
00:08:34Vamos a darnos el cuero en la pista.
00:08:35Vamos a darle con continuidad, con tranquilidad,
00:08:38que en nombre de Dios se nos van a ganar las cosas.
00:08:41Sí, vamos a ganar todas.
00:08:42Vamos a darle a todas.
00:08:43Vamos a alucinar.
00:08:44Oh, sí.
00:08:45Vamos a alucinar.
00:08:47Vamos, Betta, por lo último.
00:08:51Esas rueditas nos van a ganar la batalla.
00:08:54¿Esas rueditas?
00:08:56Ahorita las rueditas.
00:08:57Esas grandes.
00:08:58No debía haber dicho eso.
00:09:02No, este chaleco que tiene todo raspado.
00:09:05Ay, parce.
00:09:07Omega, muchas gracias.
00:09:09Muchas gracias por el castigo.
00:09:12Bueno, Marce, ¿cómo me da bien con esto?
00:09:14Porque si llega a voltear esto.
00:09:16Así me empezó a doler la rodilla.
00:09:18Ahí se fue.
00:09:21No me le pongas la mano, que creo que me está haciendo peso.
00:09:28Cuidado por ahí, porque yo no veo nada.
00:09:31Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado.
00:09:33Por eso.
00:09:34Por eso.
00:09:35Por eso.
00:09:36Por eso.
00:09:37Por eso.
00:09:38Por eso.
00:09:40Por eso.
00:09:41Por eso dije que cuidado.
00:09:48¿Por qué te pegué?
00:09:53Ay, Dios.
00:09:54Es que yo no veo.
00:10:00Qué cosas, ¿no?
00:10:03¿Te puedes parar, no?
00:10:04Sí, sí.
00:10:05Ven, ven, yo te ayudo.
00:10:07No, es que te peleé feo.
00:10:09No, qué cagada.
00:10:11Que no alcanzo a ver con la carretilla.
00:10:13Pero se rasgó, ¿sí?
00:10:14Sí, claro.
00:10:15Un poquito.
00:10:16Se alcanzó a rasgar.
00:10:17Un poquito.
00:10:18No hay más que ahí.
00:10:19En el tendón.
00:10:22Me siento muy cansada.
00:10:27Un paso a la vez.
00:10:29¡Ya terminaron!
00:10:31¡Falta poco!
00:10:34¡Vetele con toda!
00:10:43¡Todo bien!
00:10:46¡Con toda!
00:10:48Veta, veta, veta.
00:10:51Siempre bien está en la meta.
00:10:55Dos, tres, cuatro.
00:10:58Dos, tres, cuatro.
00:11:00Veta, veta, veta.
00:11:02Vas a ganar.
00:11:04Eso sí.
00:11:07¡Un chisma, hombre!
00:11:10¡Ay, se cayó!
00:11:13Qué guerreros son.
00:11:15Muy fuertes.
00:11:17Eso es todo, mami.
00:11:18Muy fuertes.
00:11:19Ya una muestrica de acá, del bosque negro ahí.
00:11:26Esta negrita porque la vi negra.
00:11:29¡Vamos, guerreras!
00:11:30¡Vamos, Veta!
00:11:32Vamos, las últimas.
00:11:35Empujar esa llantica también es agotador.
00:11:38Mira, mira, mira.
00:11:41Veta la quiere mandar para la piscina.
00:11:43¡Pero mándala!
00:11:44¡Mándala con rabia!
00:11:52¡El trabajo duro nos forjará!
00:11:54¡El trabajo duro nos forjará!
00:11:57¡Hasta la copa levantar!
00:12:00¡Hasta la copa levantar!
00:12:08Mercado Libre.
00:12:09Hola, hola.
00:12:11¿Cómo van, Omega?
00:12:13¿Cómo a todos?
00:12:14Bueno, pues ya saben por qué estoy aquí.
00:12:16Por Mercado Libre.
00:12:17Ya a ustedes, Nati.
00:12:18Ayer que fuiste la de madrina de todos,
00:12:20y todos te dieron sus regalitos y encargos,
00:12:22pues acompáñenme, por favor, todos,
00:12:24porque llegó Mercado Libre.
00:12:25Hola, hola.
00:12:26Hola, hola.
00:12:28Me estoy buscando a Natalia.
00:12:30Acá está tu pedido de Mercado Libre.
00:12:31Ay, muchas gracias.
00:12:33Para ti y tus compañeros.
00:12:34Sí, ayúdeme.
00:12:35Muchas gracias, Mercado Libre.
00:12:38Gracias, Mercado Libre.
00:12:40Bueno, yo venía con esas buenas noticias de Mercado Libre.
00:12:43Saben que por ahora no las pueden abrir,
00:12:45pero muy pronto,
00:12:46ya cuando salgan del desafío,
00:12:47pues podrán disfrutarlas.
00:12:48Ustedes también quédense con la felicidad
00:12:50de que pronto ya están en sus casas.
00:12:52Mercado Libre les llega así súper rápido.
00:12:54Me encanta verlos y súper mucha suerte
00:12:56y muchos éxitos más que todo.
00:12:59Que les vaya bien.
00:13:00Que les vaya bien.
00:13:17Ay, la veo tan limpia y uno tan cochino.
00:13:19Ay, ay, María, pues,
00:13:20yo quisiera acompañarlos,
00:13:21pero no puedo.
00:13:22Ay, no puedo acompañarlos.
00:13:23Mire cómo tengo mi pie dichado.
00:13:24Espérate un momento,
00:13:25que ha llegado el valiente.
00:13:26Ay, pero tú sí puedes con esa piedra.
00:13:27Pero por supuesto, y con más.
00:13:28Ay, gracias.
00:13:29Ay, muy bien.
00:13:30Te estaremos spokesmanera.
00:13:37Vamos con todo, vamos con todo.
00:13:43Ay, pero, pobre, muchachos,
00:13:45todas esas piedras.
00:13:46Yo quisiera ayudarlas,
00:13:47pero mire como estoy.
00:13:49Ay, ahí viene Hercules.
00:13:50¿Quieres aguita?
00:13:51No aún no.
00:13:55Uy, Hércules,
00:13:57¿y tú sí puedes con estas siete llantas?
00:13:59You want to get into another one now.
00:14:08It's because of that improvisation.
00:14:09It turned out great.
00:14:10No, it turned out great.
00:14:12When I started with the buckle, I loved it.
00:14:15Sure, it's a profession of having a lot of creativity...
00:14:18and improvisation.
00:14:20Carina, how old were you when you started working at the plaza?
00:14:30I was about 13 when I went to the plaza.
00:14:34I saw the culture, the market, the sales.
00:14:39And you?
00:14:40From 12 to 14, my mom would tell me,
00:14:45you're going to sell all these cilantros?
00:14:47I would put myself on my hands from day three.
00:14:49In a moment, up and down, she would sell me all those cilantros.
00:14:53And that's how it was.
00:14:55After I turned 14, my mom told me, that's it.
00:14:59Moms are the ones who put the focus on things.
00:15:04Because I believe that the experience from the upbringing of us,
00:15:09human beings, is at the root of the parents.
00:15:12Of the parents.
00:15:13Our parents demand that we be like that.
00:15:17Like professionals, like people, like dream chasers.
00:15:22And the most important thing is not to forget where we come from, right?
00:15:25That's the most important thing.
00:15:27You can live in the United States, in Cúcuta, in other places,
00:15:31but where are you from? From Sardinata.
00:15:33They tell me, where are you from? I'm from Girardot, Cundinamarca.
00:15:37And it's something that fills me with courage.
00:15:39And I love it.
00:15:41Are you nervous?
00:15:44When they go to their death, I give them my whole support.
00:15:49From the bottom of my heart, because I know they want to be there.
00:15:53And do you feel that they are with you?
00:15:58No, I don't feel that.
00:16:00But I understand them.
00:16:01I mean, they took their son.
00:16:06I am different.
00:16:09So I always give the best energy to my brother.
00:16:13Let's say, when some energies pass, it's not me, but the others.
00:16:18It happens to everyone.
00:16:20No one cares.
00:16:21No one cares.
00:16:22That's the reality.
00:16:23No one cares.
00:16:24I always knew that I had to come here to fight alone.
00:16:38Well tied up.
00:16:50I wish them the best of luck.
00:16:53I know they're going to come out victorious.
00:16:55I hope so.
00:16:56I hope this is for their son.
00:16:58I hope this is for their son.
00:17:00I'm going to give my skin for their son.
00:17:03He's on fire.
00:17:06He's on fire.
00:17:07Good evening, challengers.
00:17:09We have the name of the man who will face Santi tonight.
00:17:14And he is your Hercules.
00:17:16Hercules, we can say that this was an early sentence.
00:17:19And here's something curious.
00:17:20Both Santi and you have come to this black box five times.
00:17:25The one who is saved tonight can, in passing, keep the title.
00:17:29Because that's tradition in this challenge of the king of death.
00:17:34What skills do you think you have that can guarantee you a victory tonight?
00:17:39Persistence so as not to give up until I reach that definition.
00:17:42And my hard work.
00:17:44Santi, you come back and play.
00:17:46There, as at the limit.
00:17:48As in the last moment, trying to overcome a new level, a new stage.
00:17:53Can we expect a Santiagada from you?
00:17:56More than waiting for a Santiagada, it is to know that I am playing my skin in this competition.
00:18:02It is to know that I have the illusion of being one of the semifinalists of this 20-year challenge.
00:18:07Expect everything from me.
00:18:09Because my life is being played in the challenge.
00:18:14I will always be focused.
00:18:17I will always be as agile and fast as I can.
00:18:20So let's hope it's an entertaining duel for everyone.
00:18:24And we can give an excellent show.
00:18:26Santi, I have been told that you have something prepared for Andres tonight.
00:18:32Andrea, look, Andres told us about the situation he has with his son.
00:18:39So today I want to pay tribute to Andres' son.
00:18:45Today the one who will compete will not be Santi from the challenge, but Andres Santiago Vivescas.
00:18:52He will be the child who will go out and enjoy that track.
00:18:56We will be one.
00:18:58So I want, if today God gives me the victory and the eagerness to solve that track,
00:19:06that victory will be in the name of Andres Santiago Vivescas.
00:19:10Andres, how do you feel about that?
00:19:13Andres, I am very excited to be here.
00:19:16Thank you for the opportunity.
00:19:17Thank you to my two teammates.
00:19:18Thank you, Nata.
00:19:19Thank you, Santi.
00:19:20Santi, we are going to leave everything in that box.
00:19:22And thank you for this threat that you are going to do to my son.
00:19:24I know that this is how it is going to be.
00:19:26I know that you are going to give us the things.
00:19:28And thank you to all of you, to our beloved and passionate challengers of the week.
00:19:34Thank you so much for enjoying this celebration.
00:19:37You will have five minutes now to say goodbye to your homes.
00:19:41Well, Hercules, Santi, Glock, Natalia, I am waiting for you.
00:19:49Bring your suitcases and all the challengers are invited.
00:19:53See you soon.
00:19:54Thank you.
00:19:55Let's go, Omega!
00:19:56Let's go, Omega!
00:19:57Let's go!
00:19:58Let's go, Andres Santiago!
00:20:01We wish you success, blessings, and I know that out there life has endless opportunities for you
00:20:08because you deserve it for that beautiful energy.
00:20:10Thank you so much.
00:20:11Thank you, Santi.
00:20:12Wish me luck.
00:20:13I want to dedicate that victory to you.
00:20:17With all my heart.
00:20:19God bless you.
00:20:22I just want to say that I hope the two of you come back home.
00:20:26And I really hope that one day we can meet.
00:20:31Many blessings.
00:20:33And may you achieve all your goals.
00:20:37Success, guys.
00:20:38Thank you.
00:20:39See you in the finals.
00:20:40See you in the finals.
00:20:42I want to see you in the finals.
00:20:44Good luck.
00:20:46Blessings, guys.
00:20:52Say hi to Neiva's fans, please.
00:20:55Let's go.
00:20:56More love than one, more love.
00:20:58I wish you all the best.
00:21:00I wish you all the best.
00:21:02I pray that you can reach your goals.
00:21:04I pray that you can reach your goals.
00:21:07I'll be praying for you, and God will make it happen.
00:21:10I'll be praying for you too.
00:21:12I'm happy and grateful for this beach that taught me so much.
00:21:16I'm going to carry it in my heart for the rest of my life.
00:21:19To me, Playa Baja taught me, in short, to be very grateful for what I have.
00:21:23And to value a lot what God has given me so far.
00:21:27I really, to be honest, I do feel physically damaged.
00:21:31But, emotionally, very calm.
00:21:34Come on, guys. We left.
00:21:37Let's go.
00:21:39With our lives set on the line, on the road, together with God.
00:21:51This will be your challenge to death.
00:21:54In this test, each challenger will have to turn a series of levers
00:21:58until they release a metal ladder that they will use to descend from the starting platform.
00:22:03Once down, they will cross a segment of balance to reach a bucket full of stones
00:22:08from which they will have to dig six metal ladders.
00:22:11Upon reaching it, they will go up and down a rope mesh
00:22:15and hook the ladders to the ladders of a ladder
00:22:18that will help them go up to the second floor of the box.
00:22:21There, they will release a machete with which they will open a shell full of steel
00:22:25from which they will extract a ratchet
00:22:27with which they will go down to the first floor and run to the end of the track.
00:22:31With the ratchet, they will release a ball tied to a pendulum
00:22:35that they must use to knock down a box inserted into a tube three meters high.
00:22:40When they succeed, they will take the box to the beginning of the box,
00:22:43going through all the obstacles.
00:22:46Inside the box, they will find six bags of sand
00:22:49that they will throw at a board with nine boards
00:22:52that they must turn until they all have the logo of the challenge 20 years.
00:22:57The first man and the first woman to complete the route will be saved from death.
00:23:03Challenge to the death of men
00:23:13Come on
00:23:20Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
00:23:34Come on, come on, come on
00:23:36Come on, come on, come on
00:24:02Come on Santi, coordination, come on, come on, coordination
00:24:05Come on
00:24:20Come on Hercule, God is with you
00:24:35Santi, take it out now, take it out, take it out
00:24:59Come on
00:25:00Ready, come down
00:25:59You have to try
00:26:00Yes, yes, yes
00:26:22Come on Santi, faster
00:26:36Santi, keep it well, keep it very well
00:26:39so that you can raise the mesh
00:27:06Make sure to take the eight, Hercules
00:27:19Come on, come on Santi, come on
00:27:29Come on
00:27:58Come on Santi
00:28:05Come on Santi, faster, faster, coordination, come on, faster
00:28:09Come on my friends, come on
00:28:23Come on
00:28:48Come on, come on
00:28:49Come on, come on
00:29:09Come on, come on
00:29:19Come on Hercule, come on, concentrate
00:29:29Come on Hercule, come on
00:29:54Come on
00:29:56Come on
00:30:22That's it
00:30:35Hercule, I can't put it in, I can't put it in
00:30:38Come on Hercule, come on
00:30:58Good, good
00:31:01Come on, one at a time, one at a time
00:31:04One at a time my friends, Santi, come on, come on, you can do it
00:31:14Come on Hercule, come on
00:31:59Wait, don't waste time, wait
00:32:21Come on Hercule, come on
00:32:55Come on Hercule
00:33:22Come on Hercule, come on
00:33:43That's it
00:33:49Come on Hercule, come on
00:33:55That's it, that's it, slow down, don't overdo it
00:34:00That's it, come on, come on
00:34:14You have to open the first one
00:34:16Slow down
00:34:36Come on Santi, come on
00:34:43Come on Hercule
00:34:46Come on Hercule
00:35:28Come on Hercule
00:35:29That's it, slow down
00:35:57Come on, fast, fast, fast, run
00:36:13Stay calm, just a little bit more
00:36:15Come on, come on, come on
00:36:49Santi, eres el ultimo hombre que va a la semifinal del desafio 20 años, Santi.
00:37:05Muchas gracias, Andres.
00:37:06Monstruo, papá.
00:37:07Monstruo, mi hermano.
00:37:08Andres Santiago.
00:37:10¡Santi, hoy tenía una bella pauta y lo hizo muy bien.
00:37:12Yo me siento pleno, me siento feliz.
00:37:14Quedé con la duda de qué me esperaría en esa siguiente prueba de todos los box.
00:37:19Que Dios los bendiga.
00:37:39Que Dios los bendiga, chicos.
00:37:41Fueron momentos gratis para ustedes.
00:37:43Gordo, no te olvides que tú y yo tenemos algo pendiente.
00:37:46Porque cuando yo salga de aquí, me voy a embarazar de ti, ¿oíste?
00:37:50Por inseminaciones así, no te inocularán, yo quiero que sean Padres de mis hijos.
00:37:56Así que trabaja muy fuerte allá afuera, mientras yo salgo.
00:37:59Porque aquí el gasto va a ser grande, Gordo.
00:38:03David le quiere quitar los genes a él hombre.
00:38:05I don't know.
00:38:06I have to make sure my kids are beautiful.
00:38:15Let's go!
00:38:17Let's go!
00:38:31Let's go!
00:38:33Let's go!
00:38:37Let's go!
00:39:01That's it, Minati! Let's go!
00:39:03Grab the handlebars and go, Maribela!
00:39:06Hurry up!
00:39:15Come on! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:39:23Come on! Come on! The first one is here! The first one is here!
00:39:25The first one! Come on! Come on!
00:39:27Come on! Look where it's locked!
00:39:29That's it!
00:39:33Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:39:44Come on! Come on! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:39:46Come on!
00:40:01Come on! There's one next to it!
00:40:17In the chain and down! That's it!
00:40:19One, two! One, two!
00:40:35Come on! Come on! Come on!
00:40:46Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:40:56Put your shoulder on the tire and lift it!
00:41:16Come on! Come on! Hurry up, my girl! Hurry up! Hurry up, Minati!
00:41:29Hurry up, Minati! Hurry up! Come on!
00:41:41Come on, Globo! Take your feet there! So get to the mesh!
00:42:56Let's go!
00:43:09Watch out!
00:43:11Come on, bro!
00:43:13Let's go!
00:43:20Come on!
00:43:23Come on!
00:43:26Come on!
00:43:29Run, run, run!
00:43:44That's it! Cut the fabric well!
00:43:56Come on!
00:44:15Unzip! Unzip!
00:44:17To your left! Unzip to your left!
00:44:26To your left!
00:44:56Run, run, run!
00:45:03Run, run, run!
00:45:12Lock, pull it with both hands!
00:45:20Come on, Minati!
00:45:24Well done, Minati! Come on, Minati!
00:45:54Come on, girl! Speed up! Don't hesitate!
00:45:56That's it!
00:46:16Come on, Alex!
00:46:25Let's go!
00:46:27A little more!
00:46:29That's it!
00:46:31Now, let's go!
00:46:33That's it!
00:46:40Come on, Lilia!
00:46:42That's it!
00:46:52Let's go!
00:46:54Grab another one!
00:46:56Run, run!
00:47:05A little more!
00:47:12That's it!
00:47:16Concentrate, girl!
00:47:18Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:47:22Englobate and one objective!
00:47:24Don't start shooting like crazy!
00:47:35Let's go, Nati!
00:47:38That's it!
00:47:40Come on, girl!
00:47:58That's it!
00:48:04Come on, Nati!
00:48:06Very good, very good!
00:48:29At the tip of the...
00:48:31At the tip of the...
00:48:37That's it, come on!
00:48:39Faster, faster!
00:48:44Every shot counts!
00:48:46So aim well, aim well!
00:49:06That's it!
00:49:37That's it!
00:49:45Look where you're going to shoot, you know?
00:49:47And you shoot!
00:50:11Good, Englobate!
00:50:26Good, Englobate! Very good!
00:50:36That's it!
00:50:50Good, Englobate! Very good!
00:50:52Let's go, let's go!
00:50:56Good, good!
00:51:06Good job, baby Nati!
00:51:25Natalia, you're the last semi-finalist!
00:51:28You're in the challenge for 20 years, Natalia!
00:51:32Santi, come on!
00:51:38The challenge is over.
00:51:44Thank you, God!
00:51:46Well, Nati, who did you dedicate this trick to?
00:51:49Initially, I dedicated it to Santi.
00:51:51These people need me, they deserve a lot of support, they deserve a lot of love.
00:51:54So, as soon as I finished, the first thing I thought was,
00:51:57Santi, Santi, for you.
00:51:59For my sister, obviously.
00:52:01For my family, for my best friends.
00:52:03Andres Santiago Villescaz!
00:52:05Andres Santiago Villescaz!
00:52:07I wanted to go further, yes, I wanted to go further.
00:52:09It was my desire, it was my...
00:52:11It was my goal, it was my goal.
00:52:13But I'm very, very happy about everything that happened here,
00:52:17about being able to make this dream come true,
00:52:19that I cried, that I begged, that I asked, that I worked,
00:52:22that I prayed for it to come true.
00:52:24I'm very happy.
00:52:26I'm leaving, really, I'm leaving very happy and very, very satisfied.
00:52:29Now the happiness is complete.
00:52:31Now yes!
00:52:32Yesterday I wasn't happy.
00:52:34Thank you for being that leader who is there,
00:52:36giving us strength, giving us strength.
00:52:38Better said, you can do it.
00:52:40Thank you.
00:52:41Because, seriously, I haven't been able to do much yet.
00:52:43So, thank you.
00:52:44I hope you have changed your perception a little bit
00:52:46of when you saw me outside, to how I am right now here.
00:52:49Show us.
00:52:50So, nothing, I'm very happy, I'm very happy.
00:52:54I'm sad.
00:52:55The last two deaths, I had to say goodbye twice.
00:52:58Two, two, four.
00:52:59The team left very, very quickly.
00:53:04I'm very dirty.
00:53:05That doesn't matter.
00:53:08Thank you for your support.
00:53:14I'm happy to be here with you.
00:53:16I'm so happy.
00:53:18I just saw a fool's face.
00:53:21I love you.
00:53:22Mrs. Florinda.
00:53:23I love you.
00:53:27Santi, Natalia, are the last ones to qualify
00:53:31for the semifinals of the 20-year challenge.
00:53:33Congratulations, guys.
00:53:35Thank you very much.
00:53:36Very good.
00:53:37Thank you.
00:53:38In addition, they fulfilled Andrés.
00:53:40Was it something like this or was it like this?
00:53:42Like this.
00:53:43In honor of Andrés.
00:53:45Jump, jump.
00:53:46Thank you for fulfilling him.
00:53:48That's the best.
00:53:49At night, the best.
00:53:51You showed today that Omega empowered you.
00:53:55Or not, Natalia?
00:53:57Yes, Andrea.
00:53:58Actually, when I got to Omega again,
00:54:02I was a little sad.
00:54:04Because of the subject of ...
00:54:05Well, I was sad.
00:54:07Then I made my cry and so on.
00:54:09And really, yes.
00:54:11Karen, everyone here has done an empowering job for everyone.
00:54:16I thank God very much for having come back to Omega
00:54:20and being able to represent it since I was in Alpha.
00:54:22I used to say that if I made it to the semifinals,
00:54:24I would wear pink.
00:54:27And today, with more power,
00:54:29I can say that I'm going to wear pink.
00:54:31And you, Santi, did you feel that burning heart
00:54:35that Omega is talking about so much today?
00:54:38Without a doubt, Andrea.
00:54:40When I was in Alpha,
00:54:41I felt that I started very well in Alpha.
00:54:44I started very empowered.
00:54:46There was a moment in Alpha where there were difficulties.
00:54:49I felt that I was losing my power.
00:54:51Then I got to Omega,
00:54:53and from that moment I resurfaced again.
00:54:55I felt that it was me again.
00:54:57Then here I felt that power again,
00:54:59that burning heart,
00:55:00that burning heart, as Alejo says,
00:55:02and he repeats it to us every now and then.
00:55:04And well, here are the fruits.
00:55:06Thank God it was given to us,
00:55:07and we can say with a full mouth that we are in the semifinals.
00:55:11Today Hercules and Glock are leaving.
00:55:14Two competitors who have shown great evolution.
00:55:17And although leaving the competition
00:55:20when you are at the door of a semifinal is sad,
00:55:24they must feel satisfied.
00:55:27They both came very far.
00:55:29Kevin, how do you think Colombia saw Hercules in this challenge?
00:55:34I think that as a very, very beautiful person,
00:55:39with a transparent heart, full of wisdom,
00:55:44even if you don't believe it, full of love.
00:55:48He taught us respect, love, loyalty.
00:55:53She learned more from him than from us, the truth.
00:55:57Darlene is leaving.
00:55:59Your partner, your shield.
00:56:02How do you think the viewers will remember her?
00:56:05The viewers will remember Glock in a rebirth in beta,
00:56:11a totally different person, very happy.
00:56:15Every day she gets up.
00:56:17Guys, you know we're in the challenge.
00:56:19I mean, we're in the challenge.
00:56:22So I feel that they will see her as a dreamy woman,
00:56:26transparent, very loyal,
00:56:29with the people who give her the loyalty she deserves.
00:56:33She's a very good friend,
00:56:35a woman who gave everything on the track,
00:56:38and at home she filled us with love.
00:56:40Glock, what a nostalgia to see all that, right?
00:56:43Oh, no, I think there are many emotions right now,
00:56:47thanks for those beautiful words.
00:56:50But of all the emotions I can feel right now,
00:56:55there is no sadness in me, there is a lot of gratitude
00:56:59for everything I wanted to experience,
00:57:02for making this dream come true,
00:57:05that I didn't even know I knew so much about,
00:57:09or that I was so fanatical about,
00:57:13until the day I was here.
00:57:15Oh, my God, this is what I saw on TV.
00:57:19Very grateful for life, for the universe, for God,
00:57:22for each of the people who, in their own way,
00:57:25were part of this dream
00:57:28that this little person made come true.
00:57:31Hercules, a few last wise words for Tulbeta.
00:57:35I want to thank each and every one of the participants
00:57:40of the challenge,
00:57:42because I have learned a lot from each of you.
00:57:45I have seen people who, like me, have also advanced a lot,
00:57:50and who have made a change,
00:57:52the challenge has made a change in their lives,
00:57:56and I know that when they come out of the challenge of life,
00:57:59they will feel more confident,
00:58:01because they were able and learned a lot here.
00:58:04Semi-finalists, tomorrow, very early,
00:58:09MAFE has a surprise for you.
00:58:12So I'm going to ask you to be ready in the first hour.
00:58:16Say goodbye to Glock, Hercules, and your homes.
00:58:19Thank you.
00:58:22Mucho pa' acá.
00:58:25Thank you for saying that word.
00:58:27Let's do a little warm-up.
00:58:31Thank you for so much.
00:58:33See you later.
00:58:35Life gave us a very beautiful milk, and we have to learn from it.
00:58:42Likewise, congratulations.
00:58:46So we can patch up and everything.
00:58:48Of course.
00:58:50A warrior.
00:58:57Hercules, if in that story you want to follow after this challenge,
00:59:00I've heard around that the United States sounds to you,
00:59:04the cinema, how true is it?
00:59:06It's true.
00:59:08I've always dreamed of being a great actor and being in Hollywood,
00:59:12and I know the road is long.
00:59:15Many people will say,
00:59:17he's crazy, but I'm going to make it.
00:59:21Glock, how is this experience of having come out for a moment of that bubble,
00:59:26and being immersed in technology?
00:59:29It's surprising, because it's incredible.
00:59:33Beyond that, in my case, I'm still very attached to the screens.
00:59:38For anyone who doesn't have a cell phone, you say, what?
00:59:42It's very rare.
00:59:44Being honest, Andrea, with you,
00:59:47I loved being here so much for many reasons.
00:59:51The disconnection too, sometimes you have to disconnect to be able to connect.
00:59:55And the fact of making this come true, of materializing this,
00:59:58that really, really, really hurts with the soul and with the heart,
01:00:02it's like everything happens for a moment in the background.
01:00:07Glock, I have to tell you, game over.
01:00:13Said by you, it sounds very nice.
01:00:15Hercules, Glock, his story in this challenge has ended.
01:00:25I stand again
01:00:27With my gaze in the sky
01:00:29I raise the flight again
01:00:32I have the courage
01:00:34To risk my life
01:00:37To get out of the falls
01:00:39I won't let myself be defeated
01:00:45Here it's not a matter of luck
01:00:47Here the strongest win
01:00:50Life is to put yourself to the test
01:00:52And resist
01:00:55Fight and face the fears
01:00:58Until I conquer my dreams
01:01:00Defeat the extremes
01:01:02To survive
01:01:07Leaning on the body and the armor
01:01:12I will never take a step back
01:01:16I have in my heart the courage
01:01:19To go through this journey
01:01:22To reach the end
01:01:24Today I will face my destiny
01:01:51Hurray, Opena!
01:01:56We did it!
01:02:00We did it!
01:02:01We did it, Azaa!
01:02:05Oh, yeah!
01:02:07That's right, Machi!
01:02:10The best thing is that it's how they receive us.
01:02:18Oh, what a blessing!
01:02:21And now, give me that spectacular latica.
01:02:24I'll go with this one.
01:02:25Is it cold?
01:02:26This is it.
01:02:30Oh, la, la.
01:02:32Thank you, God.
01:02:33Thank you, Acqua Posto Bon.
01:02:36I feel like I'm out there with this puppy,
01:02:38sharing with my family, on the street,
01:02:40going out on the weekends.
01:02:42Cheers to Acqua Posto Bon.
01:02:47This is a companion to life.
01:02:49The only bad thing about this is that I can't stop.
01:02:52And without fat calories.
01:02:54This is my favorite.
01:02:55I like it a lot in a can.
01:02:57Me too.
01:02:58I love this apple.
01:03:05Hey, we went to Playa Baja and that was stronger.
01:03:07It's true.
01:03:08If you go to Playa Baja and you don't get overwhelmed,
01:03:10you wasted the year.
01:03:11It's as if you hadn't gone.
01:03:12No, guys, you guys did a good competition today.
01:03:15You shone a lot.
01:03:16Santi, you shone.
01:03:18Santi, what a gun you threw.
01:03:20Hercules was like, scared.
01:03:22Like, very disconcentrated.
01:03:23Hercules, for me, is an example of overcoming.
01:03:25You know, he does a lot of things with fear.
01:03:27And he always had something that is very important to me,
01:03:29which is attitude and disposition.
01:03:31What a wonderful person.
01:03:34I have nothing bad to say about him.
01:03:36I don't know if you expected that result.
01:03:39Did you imagine it at some point?
01:03:41Totally not.
01:03:43No, no.
01:03:44In Nata and Glock, I did know that he was very leveled.
01:03:46Very leveled.
01:03:47In Nata and Glock, yes.
01:03:48But in Hercules, no.
01:03:49The takeoff that Hercules had, he's going to take it.
01:03:52In the definition as it is, Santiago is a bastard.
01:03:57That's scary.
01:03:59He hasn't read his definitions wrong.
01:04:01He doesn't have very good precision.
01:04:03That's good for you.
01:04:05Obviously, this is a game where they have to leave
01:04:07for us to stay.
01:04:08What a night.
01:04:10Are you happy?
01:04:12No, I don't deny it.
01:04:14Of course.
01:04:15Of course.
01:04:16But that's also Hercules.
01:04:19Karen, in your heart,
01:04:20tell us another way you feel is painted in this section.
01:04:24Because, in another way, I stood out more.
01:04:27And I kept standing out when I came in from Omega's door to here.
01:04:33Beta woman.
01:04:34If they ask you what you are...
01:04:38No, it's not because of that.
01:04:39But in Beta, it could be me.
01:04:41Nata has been clear about that for a while.
01:04:43I used to say Alpha.
01:04:44And right now, personally, I'm like the only girl who entered Omega.
01:04:48Original, original, original.
01:04:49I'm the only Omega.
01:04:50Original, original.
01:04:53No, always Beta.
01:04:54It's worth it.
01:04:55Where did you end up?
01:04:57The first captain.
01:04:58The visibility there was in Beta.
01:04:59It's nothing compared to one thing or another.
01:05:00A house like ours.
01:05:01It's not for nothing.
01:05:02But you've always been very good.
01:05:03But you, in Alpha,
01:05:04you went down.
01:05:06You're the one who's missing.
01:05:10So that the next year, with God's grace,
01:05:13those who fall in Omega,
01:05:16feel the responsibility as we've felt it.
01:05:19That's right.
01:05:20And put the Omega flag in the air.
01:05:26I'm a little scared.
01:05:28You're going to start crying.
01:05:37La buena!
01:05:42¡Marcel, qué felicidad, hombre!
01:05:46¡Qué felicidad tan grande!
01:05:56¡Ja, ja, ja, ja!
01:05:58Hey, yo no me iba a imaginar de esto, hombre.
01:06:02No me imaginaba que hubiera sido tan grande.
01:06:05Papi, la noche se me finaliza y lo logramos.
01:06:12¿Cuándo está el chile?
01:06:14Papi, lo logramos.
01:06:15Todo lo logrado en una... que ya no sé.
01:06:17Yo me... nervios con el sueño.
01:06:20¿Se imagina?
01:06:23Del sueño...
01:06:25con Peps.
01:06:27¡Ja, ja, ja!