• 4 months ago
Megan Fox takes a walk down fashion memory lane and plays a game of Would You Wear It Now? From the iconic fashion in Jennifer's Body to some of her most recent looks with Machine Gun Kelly, you won't want to miss this fashion time capsule.
00:00Hi, I'm Megan Fox and I'm here with Who What Wear and I'm about to take a little trip down fashion memory lane
00:05This is Would You Wear It Now?
00:17I knew this was coming
00:19This was
00:22Stylist era this was the premiere for Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen with me and Lindsay Lohan
00:29This was also pre pre eyebrows
00:32Pre a lot of things. It's terrible. The proportions are awful. I'm short that makes me look shorter
00:40That necklace is hideous
00:43I did my own makeup
00:45Someone else did my hair. It was all bad
00:48This could probably be saved with a stylist and proper hair and makeup
00:52But the way I did this was not was not a good look
00:56This was
00:59Teen Choice Awards
01:01I did have a stylist for this and I don't remember what the brands are
01:05But I do remember this is like right as I was becoming famous for the first time
01:09This was press for the first Transformers. I remember that I presented an award with the rock. I
01:14remember that
01:16Had a weird conversation with Zac Efron in the audience. I don't mind this. I
01:22Wouldn't necessarily wear it again
01:25Look at those shoes. Remember like the wedge peep toe shoe. I don't look bad there. I just wouldn't wear it again. All right
01:38Freestyle list. I don't know. I got invited to some weird like LA fashion show and I didn't care
01:45This was in the era of me not giving a single fuck
01:48I was famous and like not happy about it and I don't know what I put on. What is this?
01:54This is such a weird like
01:56Mom at brunch at the Barney's restaurant like Barney's upstairs like the the department store
02:02But someone who like doesn't know how to dress, but she's you know what I mean?
02:05You know I'm saying I was battling my own demons psychologically. I wasn't really worried about fashion at the moment
02:11I'm sure all these things like individually were probably nice brands. I just put them together in the weirdest way
02:17Me doing my own hair and makeup there. I've gotten so much better at that
02:20Thank God I was like 19 couldn't pull that off now
02:24You guys pulled all the worst shit like I knew you were gonna do this
02:29Okay, so this was for the Juno premiere which was written by Diablo Cody
02:33I was going to meet Diablo because we were in the process of talking about Jennifer's body and to see if I was right for
02:39it and like how we vibed with each other and
02:43It was a big deal
02:45So everyone wanted me to look a certain way everyone wanted me to look like a movie star so that like I could land this
02:52role and
02:54I had a real problem with authority when I was young and
02:57I resent people trying to tell me how to look or act or speak or any of those things
03:02I'm much better about it now, but at this point
03:05Anything you if you tried to push me in a certain direction
03:07I would go the opposite way so while I was probably supposed to show up and like some beautiful
03:12Kind of dress or fully coordinated outfit instead. I showed up in an old vintage Motley Crue t-shirt and some weird-ass belt from Kitson
03:21Correct me Tommy if I'm wrong
03:23But I feel like I wore this t-shirt and then like someone extended an invitation from Tommy Lee for him to teach me drums
03:32You know what I'm saying
03:33Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's that's how I remember it. Those are Louboutin shoes. I mean it's not the worst
03:38Look how low-rise those pants were
03:44The zippers one inch long
03:49This is this is nothing to do with my personal style this was a still from Jennifer's body. I will tell you that when I
03:58Was fitting for this movie like my specific calls where I wanted to wear her laces on the outside
04:04Of her pants, I don't know if you can see my nails, but I had my nails painted
04:08They were all pink except for the middle finger was black, and then I wanted her to wear like
04:14Children's clothing that was something that I did want
04:16I was like I want hoodies and shirts that are like child size like from the girls department at Gap or wherever
04:22I don't know where this hoodie came from but I do think it was a children's like a size 10 and
04:26That was important to me for some reason
04:28I do think it was a children's like a size 10 and that was important to me for some reason just because it fit like
04:35it fit the narrative of that story of
04:38How girls are treated and women are raised and the cannibalistic like nature in which were we grow up in?
04:45I'm really surprised that like the cult following. I don't even know if it's cult anymore
04:50It's grown so so much
04:51It keeps having like a new resurgence and a new rebirth like
04:55Teenage girls now are just discovering it and are in love with it. It's more relevant now
04:59I think than it was then when it first came out. It was so far ahead of its time
05:03It's my favorite project. I've ever worked on obviously
05:07The genius on Diablo's part and Karen's part the director. It was an amazing. It was an all
05:13female lead female directed female written
05:16Way ahead of its time
05:20This is Golden Globes
05:222009 I think I'm wearing Ralph Lauren
05:26Hate wearing my hair back like this
05:29I cannot believe I allowed this like to happen because I have a huge round forehead
05:33So I hate wearing my hair slicked back like that
05:37Some stories I was sat at a table. I
05:41Was sat at a table with Blake Lively and all three Jonas Brothers at the Golden Globes
05:46They always put those giant bottles of like mullet champagne on the table. I went through
05:52Multiple glasses of that
05:57And now I don't drink and this is why I was belligerent and
06:01Said a bunch of shit
06:02I shouldn't have said on the red carpet after that
06:04But I'm sure I think I've gotten a lot of trouble for whatever I said on the red carpet at this event
06:08I don't remember why but I know that I did you can look that up
06:11this was Roberto Cavalli at the
06:15Transformers to premiere in
06:17Russia, I think I think this was the Moscow premiere
06:20This was one of my favorite looks I love this dress this was considered like
06:25showing a lot of skin at the time on a red carpet for someone who was promoting a movie because the side slit was so
06:30high and
06:31It was before fashion progressed to what it is now. I remember
06:36Getting out of the car and the paparazzi there wanting a ton of pictures and like I didn't have time to stop
06:43And then I remember them yelling at me that I wasn't actually even that famous. I
06:47Use this for inspo a lot like even now I reference this dress a lot
06:51This was a one of my favorite looks and the hair and makeup was good. It makes me look tall. I'm five foot four
06:57So I'm actually really small. It was flattering. It was a good fit
07:01This is more recent
07:03Very recent. This is me awoken to the fact that like I care what I look like. No, this was is with Maeve
07:09I believe this is Versace Louboutin boots. I don't know. I love this look. It's really fresh
07:17It's not something I haven't worn something like this before
07:19It's not something I would pull off of a hanger and be like this will look good on me
07:23But I put it on and it worked for whatever reason
07:26It was just a young and different and I hadn't really seen it before on anyone just in the street
07:31Maybe I don't know anything about anyone else, but I just hadn't seen this before. So for me, this was a new
07:37Feel and this is one of my favorite looks
07:39Actors usually have more boring outfits for red carpets and events
07:44I don't know why that is but their style is usually more conservative and I like
07:48Maeve because she's not that way. She's more
07:51She's more forward-thinking in the pieces that she chooses. I just like the way she combines things. She has a really good eye and
07:57I like the fact that she's not afraid. She's not trying to
08:02To hide me people were always trying to hide me and make me less sexy so that I can be taken more seriously
08:07And I was like, I don't give a fuck about that. Like I just want the look to be right
08:13This was recently I went to dinner for my birthday before I went to Costa Rica. I'm not sure who makes the suit
08:19I'm pretty sure it was like that. The blazer was satin
08:23This was a good look and then I unbuttoned it on the way back and it was wild
08:28A lot of boobs happening in this outfit
08:30He had this new tattoo on his neck the red line and I had a black French tip and I put the red line in
08:36the center of my nails
08:37Usually I build my outfit around whatever he's choosing because he's way more into fashion than I am and
08:44His closet is wild and it's probably easier for me to build around him
08:49But this this was I wanted to wear this red suit this night
08:51So he built his outfit around me has like vintage think they're vintage Gucci boots on the red laces
09:00This is my favorite look of all the looks I was shown this is a Versace look for the Louboutin crocodile boot
09:08Thank you for watching
09:09I hope you enjoy all those hideous photos of me and the terrible clothes that I wish didn't exist on the internet
09:15But you guys chose to pull all of them and make me talk about them on camera
