Savoring Paris (2024)

  • 3 months ago
Disillusioned with her life, Ella embarks on a soul-searching journey to Paris where she navigates love, self-discovery and cheese in the enchanting backdrop of The City of Love.
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:00:52 For our full menu, we are going to be offering a fun twist on our traditional French fare.
00:00:57 Something I call "Je T'aime Paris".
00:01:00 Now for those of our diners who are not Francophiles, that means "I love Paris".
00:01:04 Of course, we are going to be offering our diners their favorite homey meals, just like Mom used to make.
00:01:11 We'll have a sandwich version of the Coq Au Vin.
00:01:14 And Ella, you will be excited to learn that your Comte Seur has made it onto the menu.
00:01:20 That is a Croque Monsieur with Comte cheese.
00:01:22 Ella's brainchild and it is fantastic.
00:01:25 We are now going to take a one hour break to get the presentation set up and the testing.
00:01:29 Use that time to peruse your packets and if you have any questions at all, you know where to find me.
00:01:34 Keep your head up. We all know you should have gotten that promotion, but you'll get the next one.
00:01:39 Well, I can't wait to try your sandwich.
00:01:42 I've never had Comte.
00:01:44 Really?
00:01:45 It changed my life.
00:01:47 A cheese changed your life?
00:01:49 I was 22. I just graduated college and I was working at this sandwich shop.
00:01:53 I saved all the money I made and just blew it on two weeks in Paris.
00:01:57 It was the best. I have photos actually, somewhere.
00:02:00 The first thing I did when I got there was visit a fromagerie, buy some cheese and had a picnic by the Seine.
00:02:07 I know, I was a baby.
00:02:09 That bite of Comte made me feel like I got dropped into my body.
00:02:13 Your mom found you another condo.
00:02:18 Yeah, she won't give up.
00:02:19 And you just won't sign out.
00:02:21 Yeah.
00:02:23 Come back hungry.
00:02:26 So, isn't it gorgeous?
00:02:31 So much light.
00:02:34 And the neighborhood is skyrocketing. Schools around here, all tens.
00:02:40 It's great. I mean, I don't have children by that point.
00:02:43 I'm well aware. But you buy a home for future you.
00:02:46 Plus, the sellers are highly motivated. Meaning divorcing.
00:02:51 Ella, the condo is a gem.
00:02:53 Gosh, I really appreciate all the effort you put into finding this place.
00:02:56 It just doesn't feel like me.
00:02:58 What would feel like you?
00:03:00 I don't know.
00:03:01 I know you're scared. It's a big step. But it's time to commit.
00:03:05 Buy a home. Build equity. You keep gunning for a promotion. Freeze your eggs.
00:03:09 Freeze my eggs?
00:03:10 The thing is, honey, we only get one life.
00:03:14 [music]
00:03:17 [chatter]
00:03:22 Happy day.
00:03:24 Oh, just in time.
00:03:26 [chatter]
00:03:30 Oh. Thank you.
00:03:33 I am glad they chose my comp to see her.
00:03:35 Oh, yes. Fantastic.
00:03:38 [chatter]
00:03:41 [music]
00:03:44 Not what you hoped for?
00:03:46 It's a little different from what I pitched.
00:03:48 Well, you know how we do things here. There's research and development.
00:03:52 [music]
00:04:00 Mm.
00:04:02 [music]
00:04:04 So not the life changer?
00:04:06 I'm not sure we can legally call this cheese.
00:04:08 Mm. Mm. Very bien.
00:04:11 [music]
00:04:22 Mm. Mm.
00:04:25 [music]
00:04:30 Are you okay, girl?
00:04:32 I'm just realizing that compte I had in Paris,
00:04:35 that was the happiest time of my life.
00:04:38 What if I'm never that happy again?
00:04:39 What if this is it? What if this is the happiest I'm ever gonna be?
00:04:41 I can't live like that.
00:04:42 Corporate ladders and plastic cheese and fresh frozen eggs.
00:04:45 Ella, sweetie.
00:04:46 What?
00:04:47 You are sounding burnt out.
00:04:48 You just need a vacation.
00:04:51 I do need a vacation.
00:04:53 [music]
00:04:56 [laughs]
00:04:58 Yes. Yes. Yes.
00:05:02 Uh.
00:05:04 Ella?
00:05:05 Yeah.
00:05:06 Where are you going?
00:05:07 Paris.
00:05:08 [music]
00:05:19 Excuse me, ma'am.
00:05:20 Pardon me.
00:05:21 [music]
00:05:31 This is my apartment.
00:05:34 [music]
00:05:47 [speaking in French]
00:05:50 [music]
00:06:18 [speaking in French]
00:06:20 Bonjour.
00:06:21 Ah.
00:06:28 [speaking in French]
00:06:32 I speak English.
00:06:33 Oh, that's helpful.
00:06:34 Although it's good for me to practice my French.
00:06:36 But maybe not good for me.
00:06:38 Okay.
00:06:39 Let me guess.
00:06:40 You're American.
00:06:41 Yes, I'm from the States.
00:06:43 Well, apologies, but I don't sell cheese in a can.
00:06:46 Thank you for the disclaimer.
00:06:48 I am actually looking for Comté.
00:06:50 It has a special place in my heart.
00:06:52 As it should.
00:06:53 Comté is a special cheese.
00:06:55 It's aged for up to two years in mountainside caves.
00:06:59 So, when will you be eating it?
00:07:01 As soon as I get outside.
00:07:03 And for how many people?
00:07:04 Just me.
00:07:05 What are you writing?
00:07:14 Name of the cheese maker and its origin, of course.
00:07:17 Of course.
00:07:18 My name's Ella,
00:07:21 so you'll remember me when I come back for more fromage, monsieur.
00:07:25 Not ready to share the personal details of your name.
00:07:29 Pardon?
00:07:30 Nothing.
00:07:31 No.
00:07:32 Oh.
00:07:35 Holy smokes.
00:07:42 Yeah, the euro is strong.
00:07:44 All good.
00:07:46 Et voilà.
00:07:48 Thank you.
00:07:51 Thank you.
00:07:52 [Music]
00:07:54 [Music]
00:08:23 Excusez-moi.
00:08:24 Avez-vous besoin d'aide?
00:08:26 Désolé.
00:08:30 Je ne comprends pas.
00:08:33 I was just asking if you wanted me to take your photo.
00:08:36 Oh, thank you very...
00:08:37 Merci beaucoup.
00:08:38 I have gotten it already, but that's very gallant of you.
00:08:42 Molière declared,
00:08:43 "Frenchmen have an unlimited capacity for gallantry."
00:08:47 I believe the rest of the quote is,
00:08:49 "And indulge it on every occasion."
00:08:52 Mon Dieu, je suis impressionné.
00:08:54 I'm impressed.
00:08:55 So, you are just visiting Paris?
00:08:58 Do you need a tour guide?
00:09:00 Are you offering to be one?
00:09:02 Are you flirting with me?
00:09:03 Are you flirting with me?
00:09:04 No, I'm just being civil.
00:09:06 Oh.
00:09:07 Well, what you call civil, we call coquette in this day and age.
00:09:11 Ah, vrai.
00:09:12 I have to go, but...
00:09:15 Can I get your number?
00:09:20 I'm only staying two weeks.
00:09:22 Thank you.
00:09:24 Dommage.
00:09:25 Adieu.
00:09:26 I think I'll stick to "Au revoir."
00:09:28 It's Ella. I'm here about the sublet.
00:09:39 Oui, j'arrive.
00:09:41 Bonjour.
00:09:42 Bonjour.
00:09:43 I'm Clé Tilde.
00:09:44 I'm Ella.
00:09:45 No, no, no. The French don't hug.
00:09:46 We just...
00:09:49 Entrez, Camille.
00:09:50 Merci.
00:09:51 This is the flat.
00:09:52 Oh, it's beautiful.
00:09:54 Yeah, I know.
00:09:56 I have a love of beauty and need for it, really.
00:10:00 Plus, there is so much history here.
00:10:02 I was raised in this flat, and now it's mine.
00:10:05 Oh, are your parents...
00:10:06 Dead?
00:10:07 Oh, no.
00:10:08 Oh, not that I've heard.
00:10:09 No, my dad has been in meditation for the last 15 years.
00:10:14 And my mom is in the Seychelles with her new husband.
00:10:17 I think... her fourth.
00:10:19 Oh.
00:10:20 And this would be votre chambre.
00:10:22 Oui.
00:10:23 Oh, I love it.
00:10:25 It's perfect.
00:10:26 I want it.
00:10:27 C'est vrai?
00:10:28 Yes, please. Oui, oui.
00:10:29 And I'm a great roommate.
00:10:30 I'm out early in the morning in case you work from home.
00:10:33 I don't work.
00:10:35 How do you make that possible?
00:10:36 Family money.
00:10:38 And you?
00:10:40 Yes, I work at a restaurant food chain.
00:10:42 It's called Bistro Bon Vivant.
00:10:44 Oh, mon Dieu.
00:10:46 Oh, no, that's how we fake French place.
00:10:48 Come on.
00:10:49 I went to one in the States,
00:10:51 and I remember there were escargot tacos.
00:10:56 That was not my idea.
00:10:57 But I can tell you that the escargot is made out of cod.
00:11:00 If that makes you feel any better.
00:11:02 It doesn't.
00:11:04 So, you're on vacation in Paris, right?
00:11:07 Yes.
00:11:08 Well, sort of.
00:11:10 I guess I'm looking for something.
00:11:11 For what?
00:11:13 I don't know exactly.
00:11:15 Oh, thank you.
00:11:16 De rien.
00:11:17 I've got great friends and a good job, family,
00:11:20 and everything I could ever want,
00:11:21 except the joy of having any of it.
00:11:24 Bien sûr.
00:11:26 We all feel that way sometimes.
00:11:29 But there is no place better than Paris to find joy.
00:11:34 So, you will move in today.
00:11:36 Santé.
00:11:37 Santé.
00:11:39 [music]
00:11:41 Bonjour.
00:11:52 Merci.
00:11:56 [music]
00:11:58 Voilà.
00:12:02 Ce serait tout?
00:12:05 Moi, j'en ai.
00:12:07 Bonjour.
00:12:08 Bonjour.
00:12:09 Bonjour.
00:12:10 You speak English?
00:12:12 Yes, but I'm working on my French.
00:12:14 So, what can I get for you?
00:12:16 [music]
00:12:18 Bonjour.
00:12:25 What can I get for you?
00:12:27 Won't anyone in Paris speak to me in French?
00:12:29 Probably not.
00:12:30 Oh.
00:12:31 Ma petite dame, à vous.
00:12:32 Qu'est-ce que je peux faire?
00:12:34 I see you're back.
00:12:36 You remembered.
00:12:38 Did you enjoy the Comté?
00:12:40 Enjoyed? I reveled.
00:12:42 That Comté is why I came to Paris.
00:12:45 It was well worth the airfare.
00:12:47 You came to Paris for cheese?
00:12:51 I came to Paris for the experience that I have
00:12:54 while eating cheese.
00:12:56 So, that's what I'm going to do.
00:12:58 I'm going to spend the next two weeks just gorging on dairy.
00:13:01 Yeah, I'd stock up on that feeling.
00:13:06 I'll probably do some other things, too.
00:13:08 Museums and shopping.
00:13:10 Do you offer cheese-making courses?
00:13:12 I have always wanted to learn how to make cheese.
00:13:14 No, I don't.
00:13:16 So, you're going to do all that, and then what?
00:13:19 And then I'm going to go home and hope that
00:13:22 ten days in Paris cured total corporate burnout.
00:13:25 Good luck with that.
00:13:27 So, what would you like today?
00:13:30 A cheddar, perhaps?
00:13:32 You're disdaining.
00:13:34 Your disdain is palpable and noted.
00:13:37 What's wrong with cheddar?
00:13:39 Nothing, except, I mean, there are so many cheeses in the world
00:13:42 that Americans eat only cheddar.
00:13:44 That's not true. We also eat mozzarella.
00:13:49 Oh.
00:13:50 In stick form. And in deep dish pizza, I see your point.
00:13:54 So, what would you like today?
00:13:56 Dealer's choice.
00:13:58 How about a mimolette?
00:14:03 Sounds mysterious.
00:14:05 You know, if any cheese is going to change your life,
00:14:10 this would be the one.
00:14:13 Do you say that from personal experience?
00:14:16 Thank you.
00:14:26 You're welcome.
00:14:28 You know, I like cheddar.
00:14:31 I like it on apple pie.
00:14:33 I like it on buffalo wings.
00:14:36 I like it on chili dog.
00:14:39 Yeah, you really should rethink your cheddar shade, monsieur.
00:14:44 Fromage.
00:14:48 I took the time, the time to understand to wait for love.
00:14:55 I saw people, life is money, and I learned humor.
00:15:03 Do you speak English?
00:15:07 Oui. Yes.
00:15:08 You do? I do.
00:15:09 Oh, you sound American.
00:15:10 Yeah, I am.
00:15:11 Great. Sorry to bother you.
00:15:13 Can you tell me where the Place de Vogue is?
00:15:16 Place de Vogue. Yes.
00:15:19 This is the Place de Vogue.
00:15:21 I'm in it.
00:15:22 You're in it.
00:15:23 Oh, lord. All right. Thank you very much.
00:15:25 Are you here for work or vacation?
00:15:28 Um, well...
00:15:30 Don't do both.
00:15:31 Really, if you're here, try to be like the French and have a proper holiday.
00:15:35 All right.
00:15:36 I'm Anya, by the way.
00:15:37 Oh, hi. I'm Ella. Hi.
00:15:39 I'm sorry.
00:15:40 Well, from one American to another,
00:15:43 turn off and really allow yourself to recharge while you're here.
00:15:47 Okay. Thanks.
00:15:49 I actually came here on vacation and, voila, ended up a Parisian.
00:15:54 Really?
00:15:55 Yeah.
00:15:56 Oh, my group is back. Excuse me.
00:15:58 Try to enjoy Paris, Ella.
00:16:00 Thanks.
00:16:01 Hi, guys.
00:16:02 All righty.
00:16:03 So, we have made it to the Place de Vogue.
00:16:06 Place de Vogue.
00:16:07 And during the 17th and 18th century, it was the epicenter of French nobility.
00:16:11 Originally built under King Henry IV...
00:16:14 Bonjour.
00:16:18 Salut.
00:16:19 I come bearing cheese.
00:16:20 Oh, from that handsome gramp of a cheese monger down the street?
00:16:24 Do you know him?
00:16:25 I know everyone, baby.
00:16:27 What is his name?
00:16:28 I have the perfect champagne for the cheese.
00:16:30 So, how was your day?
00:16:31 I woke up excited.
00:16:33 I ate a piece of cheese that didn't taste like the machinery it came from.
00:16:37 And then I realized I'm delusional.
00:16:40 Why?
00:16:42 I thought I was going to escape my life and come here for two weeks and then go home and suddenly everything would be different.
00:16:47 And it's not.
00:16:49 So, you came to Paris to find yourself in two weeks.
00:16:55 I guess I did.
00:16:58 That will not happen.
00:17:02 You must stay longer.
00:17:06 Your tourist visa gets you three months in Europe, right?
00:17:09 Yeah.
00:17:10 And my apartment is available.
00:17:13 Oh, gosh. That's so sweet.
00:17:15 I just... I can't... I can't just quit my job and move to Paris.
00:17:20 What am I going to nope out of my life?
00:17:22 Et vous quitter?
00:17:23 Why not?
00:17:25 Well, because...
00:17:28 Why not? Why not?
00:17:31 Why not live a life I actually want?
00:17:34 Bah oui.
00:17:36 Do you know that I have always done what I should?
00:17:38 I've never done anything just... bold in my entire life.
00:17:43 Ella, you need this.
00:17:45 I think you're right. I think I do need this.
00:17:49 Yes, you need...
00:17:50 Oh, my gosh.
00:17:51 Yes.
00:17:52 I'm going to do it. I'm moving to Paris.
00:17:55 Ella, to living your life.
00:17:57 Sante!
00:17:59 Sante!
00:18:02 Mmm.
00:18:03 Do you know that cheese man, that grumpy cheese man,
00:18:06 said if one cheese was going to change my life, it would be this one?
00:18:08 No way.
00:18:09 Oh, my gosh. I think he was right.
00:18:12 Honey, you can't just quit your job and move to Paris.
00:18:23 I already did, Mom.
00:18:25 Well, undo it. Take a longer holiday. Or a sabbatical.
00:18:30 And then what are the stakes?
00:18:31 What are the stakes if nothing changes and I just go back home to the same old?
00:18:35 I'm sorry. By "same old," do you mean the job you've invested ten years of your life in?
00:18:40 How are you affording this midlife crisis?
00:18:42 I am not midlife, thank you. And I have savings.
00:18:46 Yes, for a down payment on a home.
00:18:48 I don't want a home. I want this. I want... I want time.
00:18:52 You know, honey, if there's a problem, you can't run away from it.
00:18:56 Okay.
00:18:59 Love you.
00:19:00 Bonjour.
00:19:05 Good morning.
00:19:06 Oh, la la. You look très stressée.
00:19:09 Oh, I'm okay. My, um...
00:19:12 My mom and I are having a little fight about... Thank you.
00:19:15 Me, um... choosing to stay.
00:19:18 But you're here for joy, not for logic.
00:19:21 She's always been really fixated on making really smart choices, having everything be really stable.
00:19:28 Funny. The opposite of my mom.
00:19:30 I mean, to be fair, my dad passed really suddenly when I was ten,
00:19:34 so it left my mom with this sense of uncertainty.
00:19:37 She just has a hard time understanding my need to wander.
00:19:40 Or she's just jealous of it.
00:19:42 Ella, s'il te plaît, stop with the self-doubt.
00:19:46 C'est chiant. You're boring me.
00:19:48 Thank you.
00:19:50 Also, I'm throwing you a party this weekend.
00:19:54 Me?
00:19:55 Oui, toi.
00:19:56 My friends want to meet the American who nubbed her life.
00:20:00 Wow. Oh, no.
00:20:02 Quoi?
00:20:03 I'm gonna have to wear something. I don't have... I don't...
00:20:06 I really love your style.
00:20:08 Where do you shop?
00:20:09 [Music]
00:20:33 Bonjour! I'm back.
00:20:38 I'm aware. So, what can I get for you today?
00:20:41 I was thinking maybe some cheese in a can. Would that feed by the truffles?
00:20:46 No, I keep the canned cheese refrigerated.
00:20:49 A joke?
00:20:50 Yes, madame. A joke.
00:20:53 I think you mean mademoiselle. I'm not married.
00:20:57 Well, madame is not determined by marriage status, but by age.
00:21:00 Thank you for that.
00:21:01 So, once again, what can I get for you today?
00:21:04 How about everything?
00:21:06 Fine. Would you like it all wrapped separately,
00:21:11 or should I just melt it into one giant disgusting fondue?
00:21:15 No fondue is disgusting. That is my favorite food outside of a croque monsieur.
00:21:20 But I'm serious about the everything thing. I really want to try every cheese there is.
00:21:23 But there are more than 365 types of cheese.
00:21:26 There is no way you'll try every cheese.
00:21:28 No, you're wrong. I'm staying for the summer, so I've got 89 days, 365 cheeses.
00:21:35 That's five cheeses a day?
00:21:38 I'm going to need a bigger cracker.
00:21:41 Wrap me up five of your best, monsieur.
00:21:45 Well, not too much.
00:22:00 Do you need to be too little?
00:22:02 What can I do to help?
00:22:04 You can ice the champagne.
00:22:06 Oh my goodness, these are really nice bottles.
00:22:10 Are you sure you don't want to save them for a special occasion?
00:22:13 Life is too short to save things for special occasions.
00:22:16 Besides, you are special.
00:22:18 You!
00:22:22 Toi!
00:22:23 Oh, Ella! This is mon cousin Gaston.
00:22:26 Gaston, this is my roommate, Ella.
00:22:28 We've met, actually.
00:22:30 I haven't met you.
00:22:31 Yes.
00:22:32 Paris is a small city.
00:22:35 Pour toi.
00:22:37 So, are you going to flirt with me again?
00:22:42 I don't know. Are you going to flirt with me?
00:22:44 Bien sûr.
00:22:45 Oh, salut.
00:22:46 Where are you from?
00:22:50 Well, right now I'm living in San Diego, but I'm...
00:22:58 Guys, this is Ella.
00:23:01 She lives in California.
00:23:03 Hi, bonjour!
00:23:04 I'm coming! How are you?
00:23:05 Good evening!
00:23:06 Do you know any famous American movie stars?
00:23:08 I don't know any movie stars, but my mom was in a music video for Debbie Gibson.
00:23:13 I'm Edward, I'm going to the game later.
00:23:16 What?
00:23:17 I'm going to the game later.
00:23:18 I swear it's true.
00:23:20 Sorry, sorry.
00:23:23 Sorry.
00:23:26 I'm leaving tomorrow, by the way.
00:23:28 I'm going with Camille.
00:23:30 We're going to have fun, okay?
00:23:32 So what?
00:23:39 Too much fuzz?
00:23:53 Just feeling a little out of place, I guess.
00:23:56 That's a party?
00:23:58 In life.
00:24:00 You know, I think the cure to what you are feeling is connection.
00:24:08 Yeah?
00:24:09 Like maybe...
00:24:11 dinner, Friday night, with me.
00:24:14 Oh.
00:24:21 You're Clotilde's cousin.
00:24:23 She won't mind.
00:24:25 You're quite a bit younger than me.
00:24:29 So?
00:24:30 I feel like I shouldn't.
00:24:34 Do you want to live your life by shoulds, or by wants?
00:24:44 Oh boy, you're smooth as cream, aren't you?
00:24:49 Well, only if you're laughing at me.
00:24:52 No shoulds, Ella.
00:24:57 If you don't want to go out with me, ça va.
00:25:01 But if you do...
00:25:04 Why not?
00:25:10 Yes.
00:25:11 Friday night.
00:25:14 Okay.
00:25:16 [music]
00:25:19 [music]
00:25:22 [music]
00:25:48 Bonjour.
00:25:50 Je vous tuer un chocolat crepe.
00:25:53 Un crepe chocolat, s'il vous plaît.
00:25:55 With bananas, strawberries?
00:25:57 Why not both?
00:25:58 How much can you fit in there?
00:26:00 Ouais.
00:26:02 Beaucoup de sang-franc, genre.
00:26:05 Je vais y t'éteindre.
00:26:07 Ouais, très bien.
00:26:17 Napkin?
00:26:19 Thank you.
00:26:23 Well, this is embarrassing.
00:26:25 Actually, it's quite entertaining for me.
00:26:27 Well, I don't care.
00:26:30 I thoroughly enjoyed it.
00:26:32 Be careful.
00:26:33 Nothing is good if you have too much.
00:26:35 I disagree.
00:26:36 Some things you just can't get enough of.
00:26:38 Well...
00:26:41 Sorry.
00:26:44 Always a pleasure.
00:26:46 Salut, Ludo.
00:26:49 Going this way too, huh?
00:26:59 Well, uh...
00:27:04 Did you grow up in Paris?
00:27:06 No.
00:27:07 South of France with my mom.
00:27:09 And what brought you here?
00:27:10 What brought you here?
00:27:13 Well, what about cheese?
00:27:15 Did you just grow up to be a cheese whiz, or...?
00:27:17 In the modern life, I used to be a lawyer.
00:27:19 Really?
00:27:20 So, why cheese?
00:27:21 Why cheese for you?
00:27:23 You're a tough nut to crack.
00:27:25 Then don't try to crack me.
00:27:27 All right.
00:27:29 See you later.
00:27:31 Hello.
00:27:37 Yes, still heading in the same direction.
00:27:41 Well, how about that?
00:27:43 All right.
00:27:45 So, are you coming in for your five cheeses of the day?
00:27:47 Oh, I'm going to walk off the crib.
00:27:49 Au revoir.
00:27:51 Monsieur Fromage.
00:27:53 Let's stop about the Monsieur Fromage.
00:27:56 My name is Serge.
00:27:57 Serge Pellerin.
00:27:58 A bientot, Serge.
00:28:00 A bientot.
00:28:01 [door opens]
00:28:03 [door closes]
00:28:05 Serge?
00:28:18 Yes?
00:28:19 Are you hiring?
00:28:21 Yes.
00:28:22 I mean, I need part-time help.
00:28:24 Three or four days a week.
00:28:26 Hi.
00:28:27 I'm a tourist, but I could intern.
00:28:30 Why would you want to do that?
00:28:32 Well, why wouldn't I want to do that?
00:28:33 Cheese is expensive.
00:28:34 You could pay me in my five cheeses a day.
00:28:37 Do you speak French?
00:28:39 Oui.
00:28:40 Je voudrais fromage, s'il vous plaît.
00:28:42 So, no.
00:28:44 Tell me, be on your vacation, conte a revelation.
00:28:48 Why do you love cheese?
00:28:50 Is this a job interview?
00:28:51 Maybe.
00:28:52 Well, cheese is delicious.
00:28:53 It makes us smile.
00:28:54 Say cheese.
00:28:55 Okay.
00:28:57 All right.
00:28:59 Cheese is impractical.
00:29:01 It's illogical.
00:29:03 Isn't it, really?
00:29:04 Why would you use ten pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese?
00:29:08 Why would you wait months or years to eat something that could kill you?
00:29:14 It doesn't make any sense.
00:29:16 And yet, cheese.
00:29:19 It's the things that don't make any sense that make life worth living.
00:29:26 Right.
00:29:27 We'll do a trial period.
00:29:30 Really?
00:29:31 I can't believe you're going to work for the handsome grub.
00:29:40 That's not very nice.
00:29:42 Sorry, but that's what everyone says about him.
00:29:44 Best cheese, worst attitude.
00:29:46 And that's a compliment in Paris.
00:29:48 Well, I'm excited.
00:29:51 Maybe.
00:29:52 That's why I was sort of called here.
00:29:55 Start a whole new career.
00:29:57 Are you sure you don't mind me going out with Gaston?
00:30:00 Bien sur.
00:30:01 Plus, he's dated several of my friends.
00:30:03 Several?
00:30:04 I love Gaston, but when it comes to matter of the heart, he can be, how do I say, a dilettante.
00:30:11 Okay.
00:30:15 What do you think?
00:30:18 Très française.
00:30:20 But you're missing something.
00:30:23 I am?
00:30:24 La pièce de résistance. Red.
00:30:32 Oh, I can't wear red lipstick. It doesn't...
00:30:35 Pardon?
00:30:36 Everyone can wear red lipstick.
00:30:39 It's the first color we see.
00:30:41 But also, it's a warning.
00:30:44 It's a statement that says, "I'm comfortable with my skin."
00:30:48 Go, girl.
00:30:50 [sighs]
00:30:53 [music playing]
00:30:57 [speaking french]
00:31:00 Merci.
00:31:17 De rien.
00:31:19 Wow.
00:31:20 This really is your regular spot.
00:31:22 Everybody's so friendly.
00:31:23 [laughs]
00:31:24 Merci.
00:31:25 No, they are not friendly.
00:31:27 They are deferential.
00:31:28 Et mes foods critiques.
00:31:30 Oh, that explains the VIP welcome.
00:31:33 Okay.
00:31:34 So, tonight's work, then?
00:31:36 Mais non, with you here, it is also a pleasure.
00:31:38 I really should have guessed you were a writer.
00:31:40 You're very good with words.
00:31:41 [laughs] Merci.
00:31:42 This was always my dream, and now I'm living it.
00:31:45 I think that's really cool, that you know who you are and what you want.
00:31:49 Guesse-toi.
00:31:51 Mais non, Adèle.
00:31:52 [laughs]
00:31:53 [kissing]
00:31:54 Tu travailles ici?
00:31:55 Oui, tu sais très bien.
00:31:56 Et ça va?
00:31:57 Ça va super, et toi?
00:31:58 Oui, très bien.
00:31:59 [speaking french]
00:32:00 Adèle, this is Ella.
00:32:02 Enchantée.
00:32:03 Always good to see you.
00:32:05 Et toi aussi.
00:32:06 [laughs]
00:32:07 Do you mind if I order?
00:32:12 I always know what I want.
00:32:14 By all means.
00:32:16 Compliments of the house.
00:32:18 Ah, fallait pas.
00:32:19 Merci, Adèle.
00:32:20 Merci.
00:32:21 Alors, to Ella, who refuses to live a life of chutes,
00:32:28 and also to Ella, who is stunning,
00:32:32 I double-take every time I see you.
00:32:35 Santé.
00:32:36 Santé.
00:32:37 [music]
00:32:42 [clears throat]
00:32:44 I'll be full.
00:32:45 I'll be stuffed for days.
00:32:46 [laughs]
00:32:47 Thank you for such a lovely evening.
00:32:49 Thank you for joining me.
00:32:51 I can take you out again sometime.
00:32:53 For work?
00:32:55 It's never work when I'm with you.
00:32:57 [laughs]
00:32:58 I'm not quite there yet.
00:33:03 [kissing]
00:33:10 Non.
00:33:11 A bientôt.
00:33:12 [kissing]
00:33:13 [laughs]
00:33:18 [music]
00:33:21 [music]
00:33:34 To the back right, you'll actually find the residence of Victor Hugo.
00:33:38 Anya!
00:33:39 Bonjour, Ella.
00:33:40 Hey.
00:33:41 Wow.
00:33:42 Ça va?
00:33:43 Bien, merci.
00:33:44 [laughs]
00:33:45 Comme d'habitude.
00:33:47 Comme d'habitude.
00:33:48 Que ben, merci.
00:33:49 Merci.
00:33:50 Bonjour, Yves.
00:33:51 Bonjour, Ella.
00:33:52 Que puis-je offrir pour vous aujourd'hui?
00:33:54 Oh, excellent choice.
00:33:55 Bonjour.
00:33:57 Happy first day of work to me.
00:34:01 Oh, I forgot to hang a banner.
00:34:03 Good one.
00:34:07 So, where do we start?
00:34:10 We start each day by caring for the cheese.
00:34:13 See?
00:34:15 This one is cracking.
00:34:16 It's losing moisture.
00:34:17 Needs a breather.
00:34:18 And this gouda has mold.
00:34:21 Do you have to throw that whole thing out?
00:34:23 Cheese is just mold.
00:34:24 So we cut off the bad mold and that's it.
00:34:27 Okay.
00:34:28 Non, non, non, non.
00:34:30 On ouvre dans dix minutes.
00:34:31 I can help him.
00:34:32 Non, we open in ten minutes.
00:34:36 They're just waiting.
00:34:37 Yeah, well, we're French.
00:34:38 We expect everything to open an hour late.
00:34:40 Put that on.
00:34:41 Donnez-moi du pouligny fumé, 250 grammes.
00:34:47 Et faites-ça vite, car j'ai pas de temps à perdre.
00:34:50 Did this woman just ask for a quarter kilo of the pouligny?
00:34:53 Well, that's Valencé.
00:34:54 But that's all right.
00:34:55 Keep that.
00:34:56 She'll like it better.
00:34:57 She asked for the pouligny.
00:34:58 We're not here to satisfy her wishes.
00:34:59 We're not?
00:35:00 No, actually, we're here to challenge her palate.
00:35:02 Tell her that.
00:35:03 Okay.
00:35:04 Oh, I forgot.
00:35:05 You can't speak French.
00:35:06 Cut this wheel.
00:35:07 I'll do it.
00:35:08 I'm so sorry.
00:35:11 [singing in French]
00:35:14 [singing in French]
00:35:17 [singing in French]
00:35:44 [singing in French]
00:35:46 Are you ready for your first 14th of July?
00:35:48 Or as you call it, busty day?
00:35:50 I am.
00:35:51 I am indeed.
00:35:52 Although, do I have to storm a prison or topple a monarchy?
00:35:55 Because I just don't know if I have the energy today.
00:35:58 Yes, but we have cocktails first.
00:36:01 Okay.
00:36:02 Also, I'm throwing a soirée at Vicky's.
00:36:05 You have to come.
00:36:06 I have another date with Gaston.
00:36:08 Another date?
00:36:09 Yeah.
00:36:10 You've been seeing each other a lot.
00:36:12 I know.
00:36:13 It's kind of getting serious.
00:36:15 Désolé, but sorry, it never gets serious with Gaston.
00:36:20 Oh.
00:36:21 Yeah, I know.
00:36:23 Well, what we have is fun and flirtatious.
00:36:26 Okay.
00:36:27 And, you know, it feels good.
00:36:28 Okay.
00:36:29 Serge invited me to a picnic.
00:36:38 Oh.
00:36:39 You're becoming more French every day.
00:36:41 [laughs]
00:36:42 All right.
00:36:52 Here's your five cheeses of the day.
00:36:56 Oh, gosh.
00:36:58 You're definitely not going to have seen this coming,
00:37:01 but I'm reconsidering my decision.
00:37:03 Why?
00:37:04 Because the point was for me to do things differently,
00:37:07 and I'm doing the same thing the same way.
00:37:09 I'm just eating this cheese in a structured manner.
00:37:12 It's for savoring.
00:37:14 Less is more.
00:37:16 But then if you're only going to eat one a day,
00:37:19 it must be the mimoulette.
00:37:21 The cheese that changes lives?
00:37:23 It did change mine.
00:37:24 Okay, you admit it.
00:37:27 Tell me the story.
00:37:28 I told you I used to be a lawyer, right?
00:37:36 I lived in Nice, ran marathons, worked weekends.
00:37:39 Yeah, I know that story very well.
00:37:41 Then a few months after my divorce,
00:37:43 I went on holidays with my mother in the mountains.
00:37:46 And while on a hike one day, we found this farm.
00:37:50 The shepherd came out, welcomed us with water
00:37:53 and this very same cheese, this mimoulette.
00:37:57 I thought it was good, but not anything special.
00:38:01 But then the shepherd told me to go slow,
00:38:04 to savor it, and the flavor changed magically.
00:38:09 It became richer, softer, sweeter.
00:38:16 It's hard to explain.
00:38:22 So you just quit your job and moved to Paris?
00:38:26 No, that would be irresponsible, like what you did.
00:38:31 Instead, I learned about cheese, started making it,
00:38:35 took a business course, and years later, here I am.
00:38:38 Okay.
00:38:40 Wow, you made a whole new life.
00:38:42 I'm gonna have to go.
00:38:49 Hi.
00:38:51 Ah, busty day party.
00:38:53 Yeah, sort of.
00:38:55 I have a date, actually.
00:38:57 Ooh, Madame has a date.
00:39:00 With whom?
00:39:01 He's a food critic. His name is Gaston.
00:39:04 Gaston Aubergel?
00:39:06 Yeah, you know him?
00:39:07 Everybody knows Gaston. He's a cad.
00:39:09 He's a cad?
00:39:11 Yeah, Lothario.
00:39:13 Libertine.
00:39:14 Yeah, I know what it means.
00:39:16 I guess I thought you meant "bomb vivant"?
00:39:19 No.
00:39:21 Well, thank you for this.
00:39:26 This is just so lovely.
00:39:28 Can I help you clean up?
00:39:30 No, please leave it. I'll take care of it.
00:39:32 Just take this for later.
00:39:36 See you at work.
00:39:42 Okay. Um...
00:39:44 Have fun.
00:39:46 Bye.
00:39:48 [music]
00:39:50 I double take as usual.
00:40:11 Hello. Bonsoir.
00:40:12 Bonsoir.
00:40:13 Mm. You smell like cheese.
00:40:16 Oh.
00:40:17 You don't like the intoxicating scent of buttermilk in Barnyard?
00:40:20 Lucky you, I'd say.
00:40:22 Viens.
00:40:24 Hey, is that our waitress, Adele?
00:40:27 Adele!
00:40:29 Gaston! Ça va?
00:40:30 Bonsoir.
00:40:31 Tu me suis?
00:40:33 C'est bien?
00:40:34 Oui, super.
00:40:35 Bonsoir.
00:40:36 Pardon. I'm Adele.
00:40:38 Hi, Adele. I remember. We've met before.
00:40:41 Bonne soirée.
00:40:43 Bonne soirée.
00:40:46 Hey, alors.
00:40:48 Okay.
00:40:49 This is the boat.
00:40:51 Wow, it's so loud.
00:41:01 Quoi?
00:41:02 I said it's so loud!
00:41:04 Oh.
00:41:05 Oh.
00:41:07 [music]
00:41:09 Perfect view.
00:41:20 Oh, so dreamy.
00:41:22 Mm.
00:41:23 Oh, I have something for you.
00:41:28 For me?
00:41:29 Yeah.
00:41:30 A gift?
00:41:31 In honor of the cheese I always smell like.
00:41:33 Sorry.
00:41:35 Okay. You gotta try a bite of this.
00:41:37 Uh, okay.
00:41:39 Well...
00:41:41 What do you think? That's amazing, right?
00:41:47 Uh, not exactly my flavor profile.
00:41:51 No?
00:41:52 Does it make you, like, feel anything?
00:41:55 It's cheese.
00:41:57 [laughs]
00:41:58 I know, but...
00:42:00 Oh, well, maybe you're too young.
00:42:03 I'm not that much younger than you.
00:42:05 Well, people mature at different rates, I guess.
00:42:08 Some of us never mature at all.
00:42:11 Is that true?
00:42:13 Mais non.
00:42:15 But, uh, I do generally tend not to take things too seriously.
00:42:20 Oh.
00:42:21 That's why you have the reputation...
00:42:24 of being a cat.
00:42:26 A cat?
00:42:27 Who said that?
00:42:28 Clotilde.
00:42:31 And...
00:42:33 your boss, the Grump.
00:42:36 You know him?
00:42:37 Yes.
00:42:38 He makes buying cheese as pleasurable as paying my taxes.
00:42:42 [laughs]
00:42:44 Mais non. As for me, I'm not a cat.
00:42:48 I just enjoy romance.
00:42:52 Have you ever been in love?
00:42:55 Okay, so...
00:42:57 I have cared deeply for people,
00:42:59 but I've never said "I love you" to a girlfriend.
00:43:02 Why not?
00:43:04 I believe the words have power.
00:43:06 And when I say them, I want it to be forever.
00:43:09 And I don't want to say them, it's...
00:43:12 to the right person.
00:43:14 Yeah.
00:43:16 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:17 Oh.
00:43:18 Oh!
00:43:19 Super.
00:43:20 Oh, it's so pretty!
00:43:22 I love fireworks.
00:43:24 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:26 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:28 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:30 You know, Ella, you say that I am smooth.
00:43:34 But also, I am honest.
00:43:37 And it's true when I say that
00:43:39 I love how I feel when I'm around you.
00:43:42 Mm.
00:43:44 How is that?
00:43:46 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:48 Alive.
00:43:50 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:52 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:54 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:56 [fireworks exploding]
00:43:58 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:00 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:02 Je t'aime bien, Ella.
00:44:04 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:06 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:08 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:10 [fireworks exploding]
00:44:12 Mom, he said he loves me a lot.
00:44:19 And this was right after telling me
00:44:21 that he's never told anybody that he loves them before
00:44:24 and that when he does say it for the first time,
00:44:26 he wants it to be forever.
00:44:28 Honey, he's French.
00:44:30 Sweet nothings are their national anthem.
00:44:33 Honey, just tell him you don't feel the same way.
00:44:37 Ella, you don't feel the same way.
00:44:39 You've barely known this man six weeks.
00:44:41 Now, logic has its limits.
00:44:43 What if I will feel the same?
00:44:45 What if I will?
00:44:47 Because he's wonderful and he's passionate and he's great.
00:44:50 He really knows who he is and what he wants.
00:44:52 Kudos to him, but you're not going to achieve self-discovery
00:44:56 through some kind of dating osmosis.
00:44:59 [laughs]
00:45:00 Okay, Mom, let's talk about you.
00:45:02 Let's talk about something else.
00:45:03 What's going on with you?
00:45:05 As a matter of fact, I sold that condo for above-market value.
00:45:09 Oh, congratulations. That's great.
00:45:11 Exactly.
00:45:12 A nice little payday I thought I would spend in Paris.
00:45:17 Seriously?
00:45:18 Mom, that' exciting.
00:45:21 I'm glad to hear you say that
00:45:23 because I booked the cutest little hotel very near you.
00:45:27 Okay.
00:45:28 See you in three weeks.
00:45:30 [kiss]
00:45:31 [upbeat music]
00:45:34 ♪ ♪
00:45:42 Bonjour.
00:45:43 Bonjour.
00:45:44 ♪ ♪
00:45:52 [speaking French]
00:45:55 ♪ ♪
00:45:56 [speaking French]
00:45:58 Hello.
00:45:59 Hello, you.
00:46:00 Hi. What's going on in there?
00:46:02 It used to be a popular bistro back in the day,
00:46:05 but the owners just retired.
00:46:06 They had asked me if I wanted to buy the business.
00:46:09 Why don't you?
00:46:10 Well, because what I have now is contained
00:46:13 and I don't need uncontrollable variables.
00:46:15 Oh, like life?
00:46:17 [laughing]
00:46:18 I think you should do it.
00:46:19 I think you should open up a wine and cheese bar
00:46:21 and host tastings and events and workshops.
00:46:23 Well, you seem to have passion for the project.
00:46:26 Why don't you do it?
00:46:27 Well, maybe I will.
00:46:28 Maybe I'll open up my own cheese shop right next to yours
00:46:31 and I'll greet my customers with a smile and by name.
00:46:34 But all you'll sell is cheddar?
00:46:36 Absolutely.
00:46:37 It's versatile and subtle yet satisfying.
00:46:40 Yet you eat it on a chili dog,
00:46:43 so your taste can't be accounted for.
00:46:45 Sorry.
00:46:46 So, how was your date with the cat?
00:46:52 Uh, fine.
00:46:53 Actually, he knows you, too.
00:46:55 Oh, let me guess.
00:46:56 He called me a grump?
00:46:57 [growling]
00:46:59 I know what people say.
00:47:01 Oh, thanks.
00:47:05 Merci beaucoup.
00:47:08 Ella, will you cut half a Camembert for that man?
00:47:12 That man?
00:47:13 You mean Hugo, who's been coming here a year and a half?
00:47:16 Hugo, whose wedding you catered?
00:47:18 Ella, I pay you to work, not to talk.
00:47:20 You don't pay me at all.
00:47:22 Ella, the Camembert.
00:47:24 D'accord.
00:47:25 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:47:29 For the soft brine cheeses, use the skeleton knife.
00:47:32 Okay.
00:47:36 Ella, shh. Be gentle.
00:47:38 Lisa.
00:47:46 Hi.
00:47:49 Um...
00:47:50 Bonjour, Gaston.
00:47:53 The cat?
00:47:54 Serge.
00:47:55 The grump.
00:47:57 Oh, well, I see we've all met.
00:48:01 I'm just gonna take a short break.
00:48:04 Hugo.
00:48:05 Hugo.
00:48:09 What are you doing here?
00:48:10 I have a petit cadeau for you.
00:48:12 Oh, nothing in a Chanel bag is a little gift.
00:48:16 Oh!
00:48:21 So you don't smell like cheese.
00:48:24 Thank you.
00:48:25 I do kind of like smelling like cheese.
00:48:27 I like cheese.
00:48:28 [laughs]
00:48:30 Gaston, I just wanted to, um,
00:48:33 talk with you about what you said on Bastille Day.
00:48:36 Okay. Uh, what did I say?
00:48:38 Just "10 p.m."
00:48:40 Ah, yes. I meant it.
00:48:43 I appreciate that.
00:48:44 I know what a big deal it is for you to say that.
00:48:48 I'm not sure that I can say it back.
00:48:51 Because your French is terrible?
00:48:53 Or because you don't like me?
00:48:55 No, I do like you. I like you.
00:48:57 Okay, well, then just say "Gaston."
00:48:59 I like you.
00:49:00 Okay.
00:49:01 I just am afraid that might not be enough.
00:49:04 Why wouldn't it be?
00:49:06 I'll text you later.
00:49:11 Au revoir.
00:49:13 Is there any, uh, inventory or anything I can do?
00:49:27 Actually, I thought we'd close early today.
00:49:30 Surprise for you in my home.
00:49:32 No, I'm not him.
00:49:37 [laughs]
00:49:38 Okay.
00:49:40 Welcome. Kitchen is on the left.
00:49:45 What is this?
00:49:49 It's like a little mini-Ghiotti.
00:49:51 Are we gonna reenact the French Revolution in miniature?
00:49:54 That'd be strange even for me.
00:49:57 No, we're making cheese.
00:49:59 Actually, we're making camembert.
00:50:01 And why we're making camembert?
00:50:03 Because it's a quicker cheese.
00:50:05 It takes only four to six weeks to ripen,
00:50:07 so it should be ready before you leave.
00:50:09 Oh, don't remind me.
00:50:11 Thank you, though. I'm really excited.
00:50:13 I've always wanted to learn how to make cheese.
00:50:15 I know. You told me the first time you came into my shop.
00:50:18 So, it's fairly straightforward.
00:50:20 We'll pasteurize the milk, start a culture,
00:50:23 then add the rennet.
00:50:25 Gosh, I'm so impressed.
00:50:26 You taught yourself how to make cheese.
00:50:28 I was just, you know, very bored, very sad.
00:50:32 I needed a distraction.
00:50:34 What were you sad about?
00:50:36 Right.
00:50:38 I taught myself to make cheese
00:50:40 when I was going through my divorce.
00:50:43 I was married for nearly a decade to my premier amour,
00:50:47 college sweetheart.
00:50:49 Oh, yeah.
00:50:50 So, we were renovating a house.
00:50:52 I had adopted a puppy.
00:50:54 You know, the whole thing.
00:50:55 And then what happened?
00:50:58 She realized she had feelings for someone else.
00:51:02 And I'm not sure it was cheating per se,
00:51:05 but it was an affair of the heart.
00:51:08 All right, come here.
00:51:11 Now we can add the culture.
00:51:13 Oh, pop, pop, sprinkle it.
00:51:16 Yes. That's it. All right.
00:51:21 So, while we wait for the rennet,
00:51:24 I want to show you something.
00:51:26 Okay.
00:51:28 The landlords asked me to watch over it.
00:51:31 You've been holding out on me.
00:51:33 Mm-hmm.
00:51:35 You know, you could put a long high top here,
00:51:39 and you could do wine and cheese tastings,
00:51:42 and then partner with local wineries and host events,
00:51:45 and you could do cheese-making activities.
00:51:48 You could. I would do this in a heartbeat.
00:51:51 Then why don't you?
00:51:52 Because I can't legally work here.
00:51:55 And I've probably blown through my nest egg by now.
00:51:59 You would if you could?
00:52:01 Definitely.
00:52:02 I feel like there would be so much joy and community here.
00:52:06 I wouldn't be saving the world,
00:52:08 but I'd be bringing people together.
00:52:11 I think I could find meaning in that.
00:52:13 Yeah, I think I would, too.
00:52:15 So why don't you?
00:52:17 Why don't you do it?
00:52:18 You've got the client base. It would work.
00:52:20 Yeah, well, what I have now works well,
00:52:23 and it's contained.
00:52:26 Is it contained, or is it comfortable?
00:52:30 I'm not judging.
00:52:32 Fair enough.
00:52:34 I get comfortable, I stagnate.
00:52:39 I would help you.
00:52:42 You would?
00:52:43 I would.
00:52:44 I mean, I leave in six weeks,
00:52:46 so you'd have to get a lease, like, tomorrow.
00:52:49 But we could get this place open before I leave.
00:52:52 All right.
00:53:03 Partners?
00:53:04 Really?
00:53:06 Why not?
00:53:08 Partners!
00:53:10 [laughs]
00:53:12 Thank you so much.
00:53:22 Excuse-moi.
00:53:23 Tu peux me donner un café emporté, s'il te plaît?
00:53:25 Oui, bien sûr.
00:53:26 Yes, I'm off to Ibiza.
00:53:29 I'm throwing a little party at my friend's penthouse
00:53:32 overlooking the Balear.
00:53:34 So, the apartment's all yours.
00:53:38 Don't behave yourself.
00:53:39 I'll try.
00:53:40 Allez, bisous.
00:53:41 Okay.
00:53:42 Merci.
00:53:43 Allez, bisous.
00:53:44 Bye-bye.
00:53:45 Ciao.
00:53:46 Ciao.
00:53:47 [music playing]
00:53:51 [music playing]
00:53:55 [music playing]
00:53:59 [music playing]
00:54:03 [music playing]
00:54:06 [music playing]
00:54:09 [music playing]
00:54:13 [music playing]
00:54:17 [music playing]
00:54:21 [music playing]
00:54:25 [music playing]
00:54:28 [music playing]
00:54:36 [music playing]
00:54:46 [music playing]
00:54:49 [music playing]
00:55:00 [music playing]
00:55:11 [music playing]
00:55:14 Oh, la, la.
00:55:18 You look beautiful.
00:55:21 But you still smell like cheese.
00:55:23 Oh.
00:55:24 Do you not like the perfume?
00:55:25 I love the perfume.
00:55:26 I just-- it's dinner.
00:55:27 I made fondue.
00:55:29 Oh, super.
00:55:31 Oh, no.
00:55:32 You don't like fondue?
00:55:33 It's the backbone of French cuisine.
00:55:35 It's the fast food of French cuisine.
00:55:37 So salty and one note.
00:55:39 No.
00:55:40 But you know, I've never had your fondue.
00:55:42 That's right.
00:55:45 This much cheese is good.
00:55:46 OK.
00:55:47 OK.
00:55:48 I admit, this is some of the better fondue I've had.
00:55:51 Thank you for admitting it.
00:55:53 But you know, I'm surprised that you want more cheese
00:55:56 after you're, what, five a day?
00:55:59 I'm just down to one now.
00:56:01 Oh.
00:56:02 So why'd you stop at the five?
00:56:04 I was trying to enjoy what I had.
00:56:06 And all I could do was think about the next one.
00:56:09 Like, the maybe better one.
00:56:11 But yes, maybe it is a better one.
00:56:13 Maybe.
00:56:14 But how could you really enjoy and appreciate
00:56:16 what you have in front of you if there's endless options?
00:56:19 How could you have lasting satisfaction?
00:56:22 OK.
00:56:23 Satisfaction doesn't have to last.
00:56:25 You just make some more.
00:56:27 Is that how you want to live your life,
00:56:29 just chasing the next cheese?
00:56:32 I mean, no.
00:56:33 It's not chasing the next cheese.
00:56:36 It's living a life of discovery and joy
00:56:40 and excitement for the unknown.
00:56:43 This is who I am, Ella.
00:56:45 Bonjour.
00:56:56 Hi.
00:56:57 You're here early.
00:56:58 Yeah, I couldn't really sleep last night.
00:57:00 Then I started thinking about paint.
00:57:01 Did you decide if you wanted cloud or eggshell?
00:57:03 Oh, and did you see the changes that I made to the business plan?
00:57:07 Are you all right?
00:57:08 I--
00:57:09 Uh, yeah.
00:57:11 Yes, yes.
00:57:13 No.
00:57:14 Maybe.
00:57:15 I was thinking about something my mother said last night,
00:57:17 which is that my life here is a fantasy.
00:57:19 And I'm going to go home and have no job
00:57:21 and no savings and no prospects
00:57:23 and really no interest in obtaining any of those things.
00:57:26 And there's still no answer on who I am
00:57:27 or what I'm supposed to be doing.
00:57:28 It's just a rude awakening to find out that wherever you go,
00:57:31 there you are.
00:57:33 You still have a month.
00:57:35 So I'd say, don't give up.
00:57:38 Jump.
00:57:39 Oh!
00:57:43 [laughter]
00:57:45 [music playing]
00:57:48 [non-english speech]
00:57:52 [non-english speech]
00:57:55 OK, Quad is finishing the stools and delivering them next week.
00:58:08 Thank you.
00:58:09 And Eve-- oh, good.
00:58:10 Eve's on board to have a little flower stand.
00:58:12 That'll be sweet.
00:58:13 We still need a name for the expansion space.
00:58:15 And the grand opening, are we going to have a party?
00:58:17 I don't like parties.
00:58:19 Too many people, too much attention.
00:58:20 Right, who wants a party at too many people
00:58:22 coming to their new shop?
00:58:24 Want to grab dinner?
00:58:27 Yes.
00:58:29 [non-english speech]
00:58:31 You know, this is the first thing I did when I got here.
00:58:38 Come picnic on the sand.
00:58:40 Both times I came to Paris.
00:58:41 I mean, most tourists' first stop is the Eiffel Tower.
00:58:44 Why did you come here?
00:58:47 Well, my dad, um, he passed when I was young.
00:58:53 And he used to tell me all these stories about the adventures
00:58:56 we'd have together.
00:58:59 Picnic on the sand was one of them.
00:59:01 He had a whole bucket list of things he wanted to do.
00:59:04 Well, I do not believe in bucket lists.
00:59:08 No?
00:59:09 Instead, I have a reverse bucket list.
00:59:13 Yes, madam, I cross off everything I don't absolutely
00:59:17 need to do until all I have left is what I can't live without doing.
00:59:23 OK.
00:59:25 So what is left on your reverse bucket list?
00:59:28 Um, still a tough nut.
00:59:32 I don't think you are.
00:59:34 I think you're just afraid of getting hurt, like we all are.
00:59:36 I get it.
00:59:41 Are you free Saturday night?
00:59:44 I could cook us dinner.
00:59:46 I'd love to.
00:59:50 Great.
00:59:51 Let's take a picture.
00:59:53 I had one when I was 22, one of me when I first got here,
00:59:56 and one now.
00:59:58 All right.
00:59:59 Here, you have long arms.
01:00:00 Take it.
01:00:01 Yeah.
01:00:03 Ready?
01:00:04 Yeah.
01:00:06 So grouchy.
01:00:08 The Grump.
01:00:10 [hisses]
01:00:12 Ah, OK, OK, OK.
01:00:13 I'll smile.
01:00:14 I'll smile.
01:00:16 Gaston, hi.
01:00:17 It's Ella.
01:00:18 Just give me a buzz when you get a chance.
01:00:21 OK, bye.
01:00:22 Hello.
01:00:26 You're back.
01:00:27 What?
01:00:28 How was Ibiza?
01:00:31 Je sais pas.
01:00:33 Je sais pas.
01:00:34 I was throwing a party for all the fabulous people,
01:00:38 and I suddenly realized--
01:00:40 I'm boring.
01:00:47 Clotilde, you are anything but boring.
01:00:51 No, je sais.
01:00:52 I know, I know that.
01:00:53 I know that everyone thinks I'm so glamorous, so interesting,
01:00:57 that my life is amazing.
01:00:59 OK, I know.
01:01:01 But it feels empty.
01:01:05 You're so special.
01:01:06 You're a light.
01:01:07 I mean, my goodness, if life is boxed wine,
01:01:09 you make it champagne.
01:01:10 I want to be like you, Ella.
01:01:15 C'est vrai.
01:01:16 I see you making these changes, making meaning.
01:01:20 And I want that.
01:01:22 I want to feel like--
01:01:23 I want to feel--
01:01:24 I want to feel like I was put on this planet
01:01:27 to do more than just party.
01:01:30 Tu comprends?
01:01:33 You were.
01:01:35 You've made a huge difference in my life.
01:01:39 I came here to run away from my problems,
01:01:41 and instead I found meaning.
01:01:43 And I love Paris, and I love who I am here.
01:01:46 And you helped bring that out in me.
01:01:49 C'est vrai.
01:01:50 Yes.
01:01:51 I don't want to go home.
01:01:58 Maybe you don't want to go home because you're already home.
01:02:04 [laughs]
01:02:05 I thought the French don't hug.
01:02:10 They do when you need it.
01:02:11 The only jobs I'm qualified for are internships.
01:02:22 Well, that's OK.
01:02:24 I'm doing an internship, and I love it.
01:02:26 Hey, why don't you replace me at the fromagerie?
01:02:30 Huh?
01:02:31 And have all my clothes stink like camembert?
01:02:34 Non, merci.
01:02:35 [knock on door]
01:02:36 Oh, my mom is here!
01:02:38 I've never been so excited to see my mother.
01:02:41 Not even as a baby.
01:02:43 [cheering]
01:02:45 Oh, I've been waiting for this hug for 11 weeks.
01:02:48 I missed you.
01:02:49 I missed you, too.
01:02:50 Look at you.
01:02:52 Very French.
01:02:54 You must be Clotilde.
01:02:55 Bonjour.
01:02:56 Oh, la.
01:02:57 [laughs]
01:02:59 Wow.
01:03:00 Now this is what I call prime real estate.
01:03:03 I'd love a little tour.
01:03:04 Yeah.
01:03:05 But then, you girls have to take me for a real French croissant.
01:03:08 Oh, yes.
01:03:09 Clotilde, what do you say?
01:03:10 I will, but I have to apply for an internship
01:03:13 because I'm a working woman now.
01:03:16 So I have to find a job.
01:03:19 Bye, monsieur.
01:03:20 Bye, girls.
01:03:21 [music playing]
01:03:23 Oh, hi.
01:03:25 Hi.
01:03:26 It was really smooth.
01:03:27 No turbulence.
01:03:28 So it's great.
01:03:29 I'm glad to know.
01:03:30 [music playing]
01:03:33 [singing in french]
01:03:36 La Place de Roche is one of the oldest plant squares in Paris.
01:03:42 Hello.
01:03:43 Taking my job now?
01:03:44 [laughs]
01:03:45 [speaking french]
01:03:46 You look very Parisienne.
01:03:47 [speaking french]
01:03:48 Au revoir.
01:03:49 [speaking french]
01:03:50 You must be the mama.
01:03:51 Hello.
01:03:52 [speaking french]
01:03:53 [speaking french]
01:03:54 [speaking french]
01:03:55 [laughs]
01:03:56 [speaking french]
01:03:57 [speaking french]
01:03:58 [speaking french]
01:03:59 That's my florist.
01:04:00 I have my butchers just around the corner.
01:04:03 Oh, mama, mom.
01:04:05 This is Gaston in the chair.
01:04:08 That's Gaston.
01:04:10 Now I get it.
01:04:11 OK.
01:04:12 Gaston?
01:04:13 [speaking french]
01:04:16 [speaking french]
01:04:17 What?
01:04:18 Thank you.
01:04:19 This is mama.
01:04:20 This is Lori.
01:04:21 [speaking french]
01:04:22 You could be sisters.
01:04:24 [speaking french]
01:04:25 Emma said you were charming.
01:04:27 Did she adequately describe my debonair good looks?
01:04:30 Just once or twice.
01:04:32 So I called you a few times.
01:04:33 Where you been?
01:04:34 [speaking french]
01:04:35 I was sailing in Cannes.
01:04:37 Of course you were.
01:04:38 Well, when you get a chance, call me.
01:04:41 Just want to have a little chat.
01:04:42 OK.
01:04:43 A little chat.
01:04:44 Sounds serious.
01:04:45 [laughs]
01:04:46 Pardon.
01:04:47 I have to take this.
01:04:48 OK.
01:04:49 [speaking french]
01:04:50 So that's Gaston who loves you.
01:04:52 Yes.
01:04:53 Unfortunately, I've realized I don't feel the same way.
01:04:57 And I haven't had a chance to tell him yet.
01:05:00 So it's just awkward.
01:05:01 I really don't want to hurt him.
01:05:03 Something tells me he'll be fine.
01:05:06 Oh, Sheila.
01:05:07 [speaking french]
01:05:08 You look fabulous.
01:05:09 Merci.
01:05:10 As always.
01:05:11 Thank you.
01:05:12 So, the croissant.
01:05:13 Oh, la, la.
01:05:14 [laughter]
01:05:15 You look great, really.
01:05:16 [speaking french]
01:05:17 [speaking french]
01:05:19 Hi.
01:05:20 Don't want to interrupt.
01:05:21 Just wanted to introduce you to my mama.
01:05:23 This is Laurie.
01:05:24 Hi.
01:05:25 Hello.
01:05:26 And my roommate, Clotilde.
01:05:27 Oh, the famous Clotilde.
01:05:28 Well, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you both.
01:05:30 And I talk so often about you two.
01:05:32 Wow.
01:05:33 Show me where the caviar is, please.
01:05:35 Oh, we don't actually carry caviar.
01:05:37 Shh.
01:05:38 But there's some good in--
01:05:39 I know why you work for free.
01:05:41 You and the group have a thing.
01:05:43 You're a good friend.
01:05:44 I'm a good friend.
01:05:45 I work for free.
01:05:46 You and the group have a thing.
01:05:48 He's not a grump, and it's not a thing.
01:05:51 We're single co-workers, and we are together nonstop.
01:05:55 It's just going to get confusing.
01:05:56 No.
01:05:57 Listen, from what I know of Serge,
01:05:58 he's not really interested in dating.
01:06:00 Bougain?
01:06:01 Oh.
01:06:02 Yeah, hi.
01:06:03 Oh, which one's this?
01:06:04 Mm, tastes like cheddar.
01:06:05 What about the grand opening?
01:06:06 Well, I gave it more thought and realized
01:06:08 that a party could be good for business.
01:06:10 Sorry.
01:06:11 Yes, you were right.
01:06:13 Shall we hire an event planner?
01:06:15 Yeah.
01:06:16 I know the best event planner in Paris.
01:06:19 Claudine!
01:06:20 Pardon?
01:06:21 You throw intricate parties like every other weekend.
01:06:24 Why don't you just make that a business?
01:06:26 No, that's true.
01:06:28 No one can throw a party like I can.
01:06:30 So I've got the jobs.
01:06:32 Yeah?
01:06:33 Yeah.
01:06:34 Really?
01:06:35 I'm so happy.
01:06:36 I got so many ideas.
01:06:37 [speaking french]
01:06:38 It's open.
01:06:39 Go take a look.
01:06:40 Yeah, go take a look.
01:06:41 She's fun.
01:06:42 How is the arm for dinner?
01:06:45 Yes.
01:06:47 OK.
01:06:48 [music playing]
01:06:49 [singing in french]
01:06:51 I really enjoyed seeing Paris.
01:06:59 It's a magical place.
01:07:01 I wish we could stay longer.
01:07:02 I don't know if I want to leave.
01:07:04 Ella, you can't stay in Paris.
01:07:07 Why not?
01:07:09 Serge could get me a work visa.
01:07:11 Probably.
01:07:12 And if the expansion takes off, then I
01:07:13 could recoup my savings.
01:07:15 That's a lot of ifs.
01:07:16 And none of them are remotely realistic.
01:07:18 Well, I'm happy here, Mama.
01:07:21 Well, of course you are, honey.
01:07:23 You're on vacation living a fantasy.
01:07:26 Eating nothing but croissant and camembert,
01:07:28 being seduced by a dapper food critic
01:07:31 and a rugged cheese monger.
01:07:33 I mean, I've read bodice rippers that are most
01:07:35 [inaudible] grounded.
01:07:37 And let's say you do stay in Paris for one of these men.
01:07:42 Then what?
01:07:43 I actually wouldn't be staying here for one of the men.
01:07:46 I'd be staying here for me.
01:07:48 Your visa's up in a week.
01:07:50 You have got to come home.
01:07:51 What am I going to get a house I don't want
01:07:53 and get a job I hate?
01:07:55 There's nothing for me at home.
01:07:57 You know, I think the jet lag is catching up with me.
01:08:05 I'm-- I'm going to go back to the hotel you stay.
01:08:09 OK.
01:08:10 [speaking french]
01:08:24 [gasps]
01:08:27 [speaking french]
01:08:33 Mm, what is that?
01:08:36 What?
01:08:38 Comté, maybe?
01:08:39 Yes.
01:08:40 Yes, madame.
01:08:41 It's a comté choux.
01:08:43 It's my fantasy sandwich come true.
01:08:46 Bon appetit.
01:08:47 The French way.
01:08:49 Santé.
01:08:50 Santé.
01:08:52 I don't know where to start here.
01:08:54 Mm.
01:08:57 Mm.
01:08:59 Not what you hoped for?
01:09:01 It's the best thing I've ever eaten.
01:09:04 It really is.
01:09:05 Mm.
01:09:06 Mm, mm, mm.
01:09:08 Oh, thank you.
01:09:17 I'm so happy.
01:09:23 Never been happier.
01:09:25 Is that true?
01:09:27 It is.
01:09:28 Just being in Paris right now,
01:09:31 eating fabulous sandwiches,
01:09:35 learning how to make cheese.
01:09:37 And stay.
01:09:39 I mean, why not?
01:09:42 Yes, stay.
01:09:43 Run the expansion.
01:09:45 We can do this together.
01:09:47 I know I told you I came to Paris to start something new,
01:09:50 but life here was more of the same.
01:09:52 And then I met you, and everything has been richer,
01:09:56 softer, sweeter.
01:09:58 I mean, there is something here, right?
01:10:01 Yeah.
01:10:03 Oh, wait.
01:10:07 Sorry.
01:10:08 I just, I can't quite yet.
01:10:10 Why not?
01:10:11 It's just complicated.
01:10:13 I...
01:10:14 Oh.
01:10:16 Of course.
01:10:18 The cat?
01:10:20 It...
01:10:22 I don't think he's a cat, but yes, it's...
01:10:25 He told me he loved me.
01:10:27 And you believed him.
01:10:29 Why wouldn't I believe him?
01:10:33 Ella, you're here with me.
01:10:35 I know, because I feel like there's...
01:10:38 No, sorry.
01:10:40 You know, it's my fault.
01:10:42 Yeah, my fault.
01:10:43 I'm trying to end things with him
01:10:45 because I don't feel the same way.
01:10:47 Yeah.
01:10:48 It's very messy, isn't it?
01:10:53 I think you should just leave.
01:10:56 Sarge, please don't shut down.
01:11:02 I was really trying to do the right thing
01:11:19 because I know that he's been hurt,
01:11:21 and he just put all his walls up and pushed me out.
01:11:24 I see this as progress, you know.
01:11:26 You were completely shut down to the idea of dating anyone,
01:11:29 and now you're not.
01:11:31 Call it Mom's intuition,
01:11:32 but I think you're going to meet someone great back home.
01:11:35 Back home?
01:11:37 Mom, is that all you can think about is getting me back home?
01:11:39 Because I really like this man a lot.
01:11:41 This whole trip has been a way for you
01:11:43 to distract yourself from the fact
01:11:45 that you're searching for something.
01:11:47 Now you've lost your thread.
01:11:48 Well, I feel like you are never supportive
01:11:50 unless I'm doing things the way you want me to do them.
01:11:53 No, I have to tell you this.
01:11:55 Don't you want me to be happy?
01:11:56 Don't you want me to not have the same regrets that Dad did?
01:11:58 I don't want you to have any regrets.
01:12:00 I just want you to make good decisions
01:12:02 and to be able to take care of yourself.
01:12:04 Is that not what I'm learning to do here?
01:12:06 Honey, something you said.
01:12:08 You have nothing waiting for you back home.
01:12:13 Well, you were wrong,
01:12:15 because you have me, Elle.
01:12:17 You have me.
01:12:19 Gaston, it's Ella.
01:12:28 I've tried you a few times.
01:12:29 Could you call me back, please?
01:12:31 Never mind. I see you.
01:12:35 Bonjour.
01:12:38 Ah, salut.
01:12:40 Hi. Bonjour.
01:12:42 I'm Adele.
01:12:43 I know. We've met.
01:12:45 Three times.
01:12:47 Can I speak to you and have that word I've been asking for?
01:12:50 Oui, bien sûr.
01:12:52 So, you're dating Adele?
01:12:56 And you are dating Serge, no?
01:12:58 No.
01:12:59 I want to, but I was waiting to break up with you.
01:13:02 Why would you need to break up with me?
01:13:04 I thought we agreed that what was between us wasn't serious.
01:13:07 We did, but then you said you loved me a lot.
01:13:11 Quoi?
01:13:12 When did I say that?
01:13:13 Are you kidding me?
01:13:14 The Eiffel Tower? Bastille Day? Fireworks?
01:13:16 You leaned in and you said, "Je t'aime bien."
01:13:20 Oh, Ella.
01:13:23 "Je t'aime" means "I love you."
01:13:27 "Je t'aime bien" just means "I like you."
01:13:30 Why? Do you love me?
01:13:33 No. No.
01:13:36 I mean, I like you.
01:13:38 I like spending time with you.
01:13:40 I think we want different things.
01:13:42 I kind of want to find one cheese and savor it.
01:13:47 Oh, I'm so embarrassed.
01:13:49 No, don't be.
01:13:51 I forget you can't speak French.
01:13:53 Okay.
01:13:54 It's a mistake.
01:13:55 France.
01:13:56 Oui.
01:13:57 Okay.
01:13:58 Au revoir.
01:14:00 Ciao.
01:14:02 [music]
01:14:05 Can we please talk like adults?
01:14:16 This whole thing snowballed, but I think we can figure it out.
01:14:19 There is something real between us.
01:14:21 Ella, you're the first to admit that you live in a fantasy,
01:14:24 and maybe that's all this is.
01:14:27 I mean, you're living.
01:14:30 I don't have to.
01:14:32 But if you didn't, how could I trust being with you?
01:14:37 What do you mean?
01:14:39 Who would I be with when you don't know who you are?
01:14:44 [music]
01:14:48 [music]
01:14:51 I've done some thinking.
01:15:02 I'm sorry for not being more supportive.
01:15:07 It's your decision to make, Elle.
01:15:09 It's your life.
01:15:11 Being here, I can see how good it feels to be somebody new.
01:15:17 Fair warning, though.
01:15:19 If you do decide to stay in Paris, I'm going to visit a lot.
01:15:25 [laughs]
01:15:27 Thank you.
01:15:32 But I'm coming home.
01:15:39 [music]
01:15:45 It looks amazing.
01:15:47 Bonjour.
01:15:49 Wow.
01:15:50 Regarde! Voilà!
01:15:52 Amazing, right?
01:15:54 It looks amazing.
01:15:55 Jotilde, how did you do all this with a budget?
01:15:58 Julie made all the desserts, Eve provided flowers,
01:16:01 and Marcel is making creme.
01:16:03 They did it for Ella, because everyone loves Ella, right?
01:16:07 You look very nice.
01:16:10 Thank you. You too.
01:16:12 Thanks.
01:16:13 Oh, I wanted to ask you,
01:16:15 I think that we should invite Gaston tonight to write about the opening.
01:16:19 I think it would be really good press,
01:16:20 but I understand if you don't want to see him.
01:16:23 No, it's fine.
01:16:25 If things are okay between you two, it's fine.
01:16:28 Yes, they are.
01:16:29 It was just a misunderstanding.
01:16:31 My misunderstanding.
01:16:32 I really should stick to English while I'm over here.
01:16:35 But we're friends again.
01:16:36 Just friends.
01:16:38 Actually, I'm hoping we could be friends again too,
01:16:41 because I'm sorry about how I acted,
01:16:44 how I muddied things between us.
01:16:47 We were good friends.
01:16:50 I shouldn't have tried to make us more.
01:16:52 So, can we keep in touch after you leave?
01:16:59 You know, like talk cheese?
01:17:02 Ella, I need you.
01:17:04 I'm coming.
01:17:07 [music]
01:17:09 Ella!
01:17:33 Oh, Francois!
01:17:35 It's good.
01:17:36 Thank you.
01:17:37 Thank you for inviting me.
01:17:39 Gaston, I'll get us champagne.
01:17:41 Yes, thank you.
01:17:42 So, thank you for the invitation.
01:17:46 I promised to write a glowing review.
01:17:48 Only if it's true, which it will be.
01:17:51 But I wanted you to come as my friend.
01:17:53 This summer was life-changing for me,
01:17:55 and you were a huge part of that.
01:17:56 Thank you.
01:17:57 Well, thanks to you too.
01:17:59 You made me want to serve you just one cheese.
01:18:01 I'm so glad to hear it.
01:18:04 Okay.
01:18:05 Okay, enjoy your night.
01:18:06 You too.
01:18:07 [speaking French]
01:18:10 Oh, look at what you did.
01:18:13 Miss Mama, congratulations.
01:18:15 Thank you.
01:18:17 So proud of you.
01:18:18 [bell ringing]
01:18:20 Oh.
01:18:21 [speaking French]
01:18:24 And now I'll switch to English so Ella can understand.
01:18:28 It's only because y'all refused to speak to me in French.
01:18:32 I guess I just want to say merci to everyone
01:18:35 who has supported me over the years.
01:18:37 I know I can be a grump,
01:18:39 but I'm also a very grateful grump.
01:18:42 And I want to say thank you especially to Ella,
01:18:47 whose fantasies become her realities.
01:18:50 A good adventure may not change your life,
01:18:52 but it definitely changed mine.
01:18:54 Santé.
01:18:55 Santé.
01:18:56 Santé.
01:18:57 Do you want to say any last words?
01:19:01 Sure.
01:19:02 Uh, any last words?
01:19:04 Well, I'm just leaving. I'm not dying.
01:19:07 But I do have so much I want to say.
01:19:09 I mean, best three months of my life because of all of you.
01:19:13 You taught me how to indulge and be bold and savor,
01:19:18 and you taught me about the importance of friendship
01:19:21 and beauty, so thank you.
01:19:24 Santé.
01:19:25 Oh, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I have a quote.
01:19:27 It's from Simone de Beauvoir,
01:19:29 and she said, "J'accepte le grand adventure des trois mois."
01:19:34 Oh.
01:19:35 And it means, "I accept the grand adventure of being me."
01:19:38 And I do.
01:19:40 And I promise to eat good cheese
01:19:42 because good cheese requires good friends.
01:19:45 Santé.
01:19:46 Voilà.
01:19:47 Santé.
01:19:48 Santé, ma chérie.
01:19:49 Santé.
01:19:50 Santé.
01:19:51 Santé.
01:19:52 [music]
01:19:55 [birds chirping]
01:19:58 [music]
01:20:01 [knocking]
01:20:03 Ella, your mom is here.
01:20:05 [door opens]
01:20:06 Bonjour.
01:20:08 Taxi's waiting.
01:20:11 Gosh, I feel like I'm forgetting something.
01:20:13 I feel like you are, too, but if you do,
01:20:16 I'll bring it when I visit, okay?
01:20:19 Okay.
01:20:22 [sighs]
01:20:25 I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry.
01:20:27 Allez, go.
01:20:30 [gasps]
01:20:32 Bye.
01:20:33 Ella, you did forget something.
01:20:35 Pardon.
01:20:36 Someone dropped this off for you this morning.
01:20:50 [music]
01:20:53 [music]
01:20:56 [music]
01:20:59 [music]
01:21:02 You can eat it on the flight.
01:21:04 Stink up the whole plane.
01:21:06 [music]
01:21:09 No, I can't.
01:21:13 Not this one.
01:21:15 Mom, you gotta go back by yourself.
01:21:19 [music]
01:21:22 [music]
01:21:25 [music]
01:21:28 [music]
01:21:31 [music]
01:21:34 [music]
01:21:37 [music]
01:21:39 [music]
01:21:44 What are you doing here?
01:21:46 Thought you were gonna miss your flight.
01:21:48 Yeah, I'm totally gonna miss my flight.
01:21:51 And then I'm gonna have to rebook a new one for today
01:21:53 because my visa's expired, but...
01:21:55 it's gonna be expensive and annoying and illogical,
01:21:59 and it'll be worth it.
01:22:02 So I have to eat this cheese with you,
01:22:05 and then we have to make cheddar.
01:22:07 Why cheddar?
01:22:09 Because you aged cheddar.
01:22:11 You age it for a year or five years.
01:22:14 The rest of our lives, if we want to.
01:22:17 I want to.
01:22:20 'Cause you're my Mimolette.
01:22:22 I know I'm mixing cheese metaphors.
01:22:24 I'm sorry.
01:22:27 Serge, you're my reverse bucket list.
01:22:32 In spite of all of my searching,
01:22:34 you are the little voice reminding me
01:22:36 that I do know who I am.
01:22:39 I know how I want my life to be.
01:22:42 Richer.
01:22:43 Softer.
01:22:44 Sweeter.
01:22:46 ♪ I've seen many dear and you and I ♪
01:22:52 ♪ We are free as we run ♪
01:23:00 Je t'aime.
01:23:03 Bien.
01:23:05 No.
01:23:06 ♪
01:23:11 Je t'aime.
01:23:16 ♪
01:23:19 ♪
01:23:22 ♪
01:23:28 ♪
01:23:33 ♪
01:23:40 ♪
01:23:42 I just thought of the perfect name for the expression.
01:23:44 Oh, yeah?
01:23:45 It's kind of cheesy.
01:23:46 [laughs]
01:23:48 ♪
01:23:49 ♪
01:23:54 ♪
01:23:59 ♪
01:24:04 ♪
01:24:09 ♪
01:24:14 ♪
