• last year
Job listings are often really detailed about what a role entails and what a company is like, but they rarely disclose salary information. PennyGem’s Johana Restrepo has more.


00:00 Job listings are often really detailed about what a role entails and what a company is like, but they rarely disclose salary information.
00:09 More and more companies are disclosing salary ranges on job listings, and in many states, companies will now be required to do so by law according to CNN.
00:19 Companies don't want informed consumers for many reasons, including that there's this mindset that bringing in someone at not a penny more than needed is a good thing.
00:28 Posting salary ranges can give competitors an idea about what a company pays and can also tell current underpaid employees that they're being underpaid.
00:38 There are many advantages to being transparent about pay. It creates trust and can help with pay equity.
00:45 LinkedIn points out that recruiters can benefit from eliminating negotiations from the interview.
00:50 Since applicants know what to expect, the conversation will focus on their experience, skills, and potential.
00:58 This will help them determine where they fall on the salary range.
