• last month
The longer-term trend is unmistakable that single women are more likely to become homeowners than ever before. When crunching the numbers, the following cities have the highest percentage of listings affordable based on the typical salary for a woman riding solo. PennyGem’s Chloe Hurst has the story!


00:00According to Money Talks News, the longer-term trend is unmistakable that single women are
00:09more likely to become homeowners than ever before.
00:12Zillow confirms, by 2021, nearly as many single women owned homes as single men did.
00:19It's true.
00:20On average, women still don't earn as much as men, making about $0.82 for every $1 earned
00:26by men.
00:27When crunching the numbers, the following cities have the highest percentage of listings
00:31affordable based on the typical salary for a woman riding solo.
00:35Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Detroit.
00:38Home listings in the metro area of these areas are 32.6%, 31.5%, and 30.3% respectively.
00:48On the flip side, women face the largest gender-based housing affordability disparities in Cincinnati,
00:54Kansas City, and Oklahoma City.
00:56Single women are only able to afford fewer than 70% of the homes that single men can.
