Upaya BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Berikan Layanan Prima

  • 4 months ago
Sepanjang tahun 2023 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan berhasil membayarkan 4,6 juta klaim dengan total nilai jaminan sebesar Rp53,5 Triliun. Besarnya manfaat yang diberikan membuktikan pelayanan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan semakin mudah untuk diakses oleh peserta.

Seluruh kantor cabang BPJS Ketenagakerjaan kini hadir dengan desain baru yang lebih fresh dan hangat serta ramah bagi penyandang disabilitas. Tak hanya pembaharuan di kanal fisik, layanan digital yang terdiri dari aplikasi Jamsostek Mobile serta layanan tanpa kontak fisik kapasitasnya terus dioptimalkan demi memberikan kemudahan bagi para peserta.

Lantas, bagaimana strategi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan untuk terus meningkatkan layanan bagi seluruh pekerja indonesia? Simak perbincangannya bersama dengan Roswita Nilakurnia – Direktur Pelayanan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan di Women’s Talk.


00:00 [Music]
00:22 Hi, Hi, Hi, Women's Talk audience
00:24 Welcome back to the program of
00:26 Inspirational Women in Indonesia
00:29 This time we will talk with
00:31 one of the directors of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
00:34 or BP Jamsostek
00:36 Who is she, Pamirsa?
00:38 With me, Pri Sassomodatu
00:40 Follow me on Women's Talk IDX channel
00:42 [Music]
00:49 Throughout 2023
00:51 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan managed to pay
00:54 4.6 million claims
00:56 with a total guarantee value of 53.5 trillion rupiah
01:01 The great benefits provided prove that
01:04 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's services
01:06 are easier to be accessed by participants
01:09 Nevertheless, the public law body continues to innovate
01:14 to promote participation
01:16 and improve the quality of services for its participants
01:20 in order to create universal coverage
01:22 social security for the workforce
01:24 [Music]
01:26 All branches are now present with new designs
01:28 that are fresher and warmer
01:30 and friendly to people with disabilities
01:32 Not only innovations in the physical channel
01:34 digital services consisting of
01:36 mobile Jamstok app
01:38 and services without physical contact
01:40 the capacity is continuously optimized
01:42 to make it easier for participants
01:45 [Music]
01:47 So how does BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's strategy
01:50 to continue to improve services
01:52 for all Indonesian workers?
01:54 Let's discuss it
01:56 with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's Director of Services
02:00 Roswita Nilakurnia
02:02 only on Women's Talk
02:04 [Music]
02:10 Now, our guest this time is
02:13 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's Director of Services
02:15 Mrs. Roswita Nilakurnia
02:18 Hello Mrs. Roswita, how are you?
02:20 I'm fine
02:21 Can I call you Mrs. Oci?
02:22 Sure, that's my call
02:24 Yes, that's my call
02:26 Thank you Mrs.
02:27 What are you busy with now?
02:29 Or more specifically
02:31 if we know BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
02:34 or usually called BP Jamstok
02:37 maybe many people know it
02:39 this provides a program of
02:40 Workforce Insurance and Social Protection
02:43 But what does the Director of Services do?
02:46 Of course, if the service is
02:48 in the sense that we have two directions
02:50 which are related to
02:52 to face the participants
02:54 One, the participation that ensures
02:57 for the protection of coverage
02:59 while I, as the Director of Services
03:02 to provide the service
03:04 for the claimed benefits
03:06 So, if we say
03:08 what do we do?
03:09 Yes, make sure for the service
03:11 for all programs run by
03:13 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
03:15 We run five programs
03:17 in accordance with the security of the government
03:19 and the state
03:21 according to the law
03:23 We run five programs
03:24 among others, the DHT program
03:26 the old age insurance
03:27 the job failure insurance
03:29 the pension insurance
03:31 and also the death insurance
03:33 and finally,
03:34 to the employer
03:36 the job loss insurance
03:38 Okay, Mrs.
03:39 There are about six questions
03:42 that are the most
03:44 the first position
03:46 on the internet
03:49 Is this for all employees
03:52 including informal?
03:53 Yes, because according to the law
03:56 the name is the protection of social security
03:58 of the workers
03:59 So, all workers
04:01 should receive the payment
04:03 both from the formal and informal sectors
04:06 If formal, the one who works in the company
04:08 so the company must register
04:10 But if informal, it must be independent
04:13 Actually, it becomes mandatory
04:15 But in fact, many people
04:17 because not all have awareness
04:20 or understanding
04:22 so the nature is still voluntary
04:24 Even though we encourage
04:25 it is actually a duty
04:27 to protect yourself
04:28 Okay, Mrs.
04:29 for the workers
04:30 More so
04:31 What is the benefit
04:32 if we join as a participant?
04:34 Oh, a lot
04:35 Because actually the country has designed
04:38 a lot
04:39 in the sense of protection
04:40 One, if the DHT
04:42 the old age insurance
04:43 with pension insurance
04:45 is actually for the elderly
04:47 When we are full of our devotion
04:49 our elderly
04:51 we can enjoy our old age savings
04:53 or also for pension
04:56 But if for example
04:57 the work accident insurance
04:59 and mortality
05:00 it protects
05:01 as long as we are working
05:03 If there is a risk of death
05:05 it can be enjoyed
05:07 the benefits for the heirs
05:08 But if the work accident
05:10 the one who enjoys
05:11 the protection is the participants
05:13 we treat
05:16 take care until recovered
05:17 because it is in accordance
05:19 with the existing rules
05:20 The last is
05:21 job loss
05:23 job loss
05:24 job loss risk
05:25 as long as
05:27 he is eligible
05:29 as a participant of the DKP
05:30 So get benefits
05:31 finance
05:32 and also access to the job market
05:34 from the heirs
05:36 Okay, Mrs.
05:37 For example, I have joined
05:38 as a participant
05:39 because I am a formal employee
05:41 Can I register
05:43 family members
05:45 for example, parents
05:46 or something like that
05:47 As long as
05:49 the status is working
05:51 because this is the protection
05:52 social security
05:53 to the workers
05:54 so the participants
05:55 must work
05:57 because it protects
05:58 from the potential loss
06:00 income for himself
06:01 or
06:02 which will be enjoyed by the heirs
06:04 if there are risks
06:06 when he works
06:08 whether death
06:09 job loss
06:10 and so on
06:11 so it is allowed
06:12 If formal
06:13 if it is working
06:14 yes
06:15 because the name is also
06:16 related to work
06:17 right
06:18 if for example
06:20 from the formal
06:22 directly through the company
06:23 yes
06:24 the company that registers
06:25 yes
06:26 what is the informal
06:27 like?
06:28 he should register himself
06:29 can through our channels
06:30 various
06:31 some through
06:32 self-registration
06:34 through our website
06:35 or through
06:36 digital channel
06:37 JMO
06:38 or come to the branch office
06:39 to register himself
06:40 by bringing evidence
06:41 work and so on
06:42 so it can be recorded
06:43 as a participant
06:44 okay
06:45 one more thing
06:46 which is a frequently asked question
06:47 how to claim it?
06:48 oh
06:49 it's a lot of homework
06:50 sometimes
06:51 because people don't know
06:52 so like this
06:53 this is an issue
06:54 to social security
06:55 workers
06:56 because the risk
06:57 happens when
06:58 sometimes for the day
06:59 later
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27:59 the one who
28:00 will be
