Bajau Laut community in Semporna alleges eviction, homes destroyed

  • 3 months ago
Hundreds of Bajau Laut people in the Semporna district in Sabah have claimed that they lost their homes after authorities destroyed their properties.

00:00Hundreds of Bajau Laut people in the Semporna district have allegedly lost their homes after
00:08authorities reportedly destroyed their properties.
00:12According to Borneo Comrade, a local non-governmental organization, a demolition operation was conducted
00:18on June 4 during which wooden steel houses were torn down and burned.
00:26Mukmin Nantang, founder of Borneo Comrade, claimed that the operation took place on Tuesday
00:32and Wednesday, targeting the Bajau Laut community living on seven islands in Semporna, including
00:38Pulau Bohe Dulang, Pulau Maiga, Pulau Botgaya, Pulau Sepangat and Pulau Sipuan.
00:46He stated that the demolition of their steel houses on these seven islands underscores
00:51critical issues of racism, developmental injustice and statelessness in Sabah.
01:02Pusat Komas, a human rights NGO, also noted that the Bajau Laut who lead a nomadic lifestyle
01:09at sea and live in small boats or houses on stilts along the coast or in shallow waters,
01:14face systemic discrimination.
01:18The NGO argued that their forced removal raises serious concerns about the equitable
01:23treatment of ethnic minorities in Malaysia and emphasised the importance of ensuring
01:29that all communities are respected and protected under national and international human rights
01:36It added that the eviction of the Bajau Laut without adequate consultation or alternative
01:42housing solutions exemplifies a failure to balance development with social justice.
01:49The citizenship status of many Bajau Laut individuals further complicates their ability
01:55to claim legal rights and protections as many lack proper identification documents exacerbating
02:02their vulnerability to evictions and other forms of disenfranchisement.
02:07Pusat Komas calls on local authorities to halt further evictions and engage in meaningful
02:13dialogue with the Bajau Laut community to find humane and just solutions.
02:19Last year, it was reported that Suhakam received approximately 5,440 complaints from 2015 to
02:272020, many of which involved citizenship issues in Sabah.
02:33Meanwhile, attempts to reach Sabah Parks, Semporna Police and other authorities for
02:38comments on this incident have been unsuccessful.
