Pemerintah Bantah Isu Perampasan Lahan di IKN

  • 3 months ago
Menteri PUPR yang juga PLT Kepala Otorita IKN, Basuki Hadimuljono membantah isu perampasan tanah dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara di Kalimantan Timur. Basuki memastikan, sejauh ini pemerintah melakukan pembebasan lahan sesuai dengan aturan.


00:00The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, who is also the head of the IKN authority, Basuki Hadimulyono,
00:04opposed the issue of land confiscation in the construction of Ibu Kota Nusantara in East Kalimantan.
00:10Basuki ensured that so far the government has carried out land liberation in accordance with the rules.
00:16In fact, President Jokowi has given a special message
00:19so that all land liberations in the IKN are carried out by prioritizing the interests of the people,
00:24especially the people in the construction of the IKN.
00:27If the people accept that the land is used for the construction of the IKN,
00:31it will be relocated and compensated.
00:34However, if there is no agreement, the IKN authorities will move the construction location.
00:42The President's message is to prioritize the interests of the people.
00:48But has the public policy been implemented in the IKN?
00:52I don't know yet, I was just shown.
