What is Happening in Antarctica_ _ Sach Ye Hai

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Antarctica is currently experiencing significant and concerning changes, particularly in terms of its ice coverage. In 2024, the sea ice extent around Antarctica reached near-historic lows, marking the third consecutive year of significant ice loss. This year's minimum ice coverage was recorded at approximately 1.99 million square kilometers, which is about 30% below the 1981-2010 average for the end of the Southern Hemisphere's summer [[❞]](https://www.nasa.gov/earth/antarctic-sea-ice-near-historic-lows-arctic-ice-continues-decline/) [[❞]](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/152547/antarctic-sea-ice-at-near-historic-lows).

Scientists have noted a dramatic decline in Antarctic sea ice since 2016, a trend some are calling a "regime shift." Over the past seven years, there have been three record lows in sea ice extent, suggesting a potential long-term change in the region's climate conditions [[❞]](https://scitechdaily.com/chilling-reality-antarctic-sea-ice-hits-near-historic-lows/) [[❞]](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/152547/antarctic-sea-ice-at-near-historic-lows). This decrease in ice not only affects the local ecosystems but also has broader implications for global sea levels and climate patterns.

Additionally, Thwaites Glacier, one of the most unstable glaciers in Antarctica, continues to show rapid changes. Recent studies have highlighted vigorous melting and seawater intrusion beneath the glacier, which could significantly impact global sea levels if the glacier's changes accelerate beyond current projections [[❞]](https://phys.org/news/2024-05-satellite-radar-uncover-vigorous-antarctica.html).

Overall, the current state of Antarctica is a clear indicator of the ongoing impacts of climate change, with both its ice coverage and key glaciers exhibiting alarming signs of deterioration. Scientists emphasize the need for continued and enhanced research to better understand these changes and to inform global climate response strategies [[❞]](https://phys.org/news/2024-05-satellite-radar-uncover-vigorous-antarctica.html) [[❞]](https://www.nasa.gov/earth/antarctic-sea-ice-near-historic-lows-arctic-ice-continues-decline/) [[❞]](https://scitechdaily.com/chilling-reality-antarctic-sea-ice-hits-near-historic-lows/).
