Animation music video for the song "Attractive " by Eatliz band directed by Yuval & Merav Nathan.
A girl is having her own private odyssey on a little folded paper boat in this video made in a mixed technique: a combination of 2D and 3D animation with stop motion and live action.
Attractive, written by Guy Ben Shitrit and Maya Dunitz, is the first teaser from their album entitled Violently Delicate (Anova Records 2007).
This video won several animation awards, inclding "Asif 2007", Israel's annual animation festival and is on MTV's rotation.
A girl is having her own private odyssey on a little folded paper boat in this video made in a mixed technique: a combination of 2D and 3D animation with stop motion and live action.
Attractive, written by Guy Ben Shitrit and Maya Dunitz, is the first teaser from their album entitled Violently Delicate (Anova Records 2007).
This video won several animation awards, inclding "Asif 2007", Israel's annual animation festival and is on MTV's rotation.