Se estrena “Arroz imperial” a sala llena en Miami

  • 4 months ago
Este 31 de mayo, en el Museo Americano de la Diáspora Cubana en Miami, se estrenó el cortometraje “Arroz imperial” que aborda el tema del Alzheimer, la soledad y el olvido en los adultos mayores, una historia que conmovió al público presente.


00:00 Time goes by and then we regret not having been aware of it.
00:05 This is awareness and this is thinking a little about that love for us.
00:10 We have to take care of our elders and we have to fight because you never know when it's your turn.
00:16 I think it's a necessary, forceful issue. I think this is the third age.
00:21 I think at some point, well, it's going to touch us as a person, but also through our parents, our grandparents.
00:28 And I think it's a necessary issue.
00:30 This May 31, at the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora in Miami,
00:34 the short film "Imperial Rice" was presented, which addresses the issue of Alzheimer's, loneliness and forgetting in older adults.
00:42 A story that moved the audience present.
00:45 The importance of this short film is that the family recognizes the disease and takes care of the elderly.
00:58 The elderly taught the grandchildren the letters, to walk, to play. Now it's up to you, grandchildren, to take care of them.
01:11 I think you have to see it because it is an important life experience.
01:15 We all reach the third age and we have given, or most people give their lives to others, to their families.
01:25 And I think it's fair that there is a return, at least in affection, and that they do not allow their relatives to end their days alone.
01:34 A beautiful, unique work, the recognition of the grandparents, the family, the elderly,
01:41 that many times we forget and I congratulate the work team for this work that everyone should see and support.
01:49 You can be at that point and you need the care, the help and the awareness of the people who care for a person with Alzheimer's.
02:00 Because it is tremendously sad when you see that people are leaving you.
02:05 I suffered it in my own flesh and it was something that has no end. It is the greatest pain of my life.
02:14 Thank you for your words.
02:18 It has been an incredible, wonderful event with a lot of audience, many people.
02:28 I think this issue of Alzheimer's is a sensitive issue that affects our community, the Hispanic community,
02:34 and especially the Hispanic people over 65 and their families.
02:38 Almost 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer's at the moment.
02:42 So it is something that we have to focus on and all our artistic sensitivity.
02:47 The reception we have had was filled. The theater here in the museum.
02:55 Everyone has told me, even with tears in their eyes, what they had felt about my work.
03:05 It is done in a way that has a fixation. We remember.
03:09 When you finish watching a movie and you take it to your heart and you remember it and you say,
03:15 "I have a relative like that," or you still speculate, "What if I face a similar situation tomorrow?"
03:23 I think that is the cinema that will remain.
03:25 So I think it is admirable. In addition, the audience has responded in a charming way.
03:31 There was a lot of professionalism in the movie and the message was very beautiful.
03:37 They were the ones who raised us. They were the ones who taught us to walk.
03:40 They were the ones who taught us to speak. They were the ones who taught us to live.
03:43 I think we also have to teach them to live at that third age.
03:47 Because even if they leave, it is the only way they stay with us.
03:52 So I think that is the discourse of this short.
03:56 It is a short film with absolute dignity.
04:05 It is a very minimalist production, very reduced, but with a charm.
04:10 I recommend it to everyone who is interested in cinema or any artistic expression.
04:18 The truth is that it is a very, very emotional story. A story that touches us all in the heart.
04:24 A story that will teach children, adults, everyone.
04:30 I think it is really a masterpiece. Many congratulations.
04:34 That is why no one can be lost to Imperial Red.
04:38 My name is Marcos Martínez. I am 80 years old.
