'You Failed Miserably': Jackson Flames Fauci To His Face, Accuses Him Of Covering Up Lab-Leak Theory

  • 3 months ago
During a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus hearing Monday, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) criticized Dr. Fauci and accused him of covering up the lab-leak theory for the origin of COVID-19.

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00:00You ever removed from yes, thank you. Yes ever removed. Excuse me. I asked the capital police to escort
00:10Yep, thank you. She can be removed
00:14Yeah, you can be removed actually not allowed to speak your time and take your Starbucks with you mr. Garcia, mr
00:19Raskin you're out of line your times have expired
00:24Now recognize dr. Jackson from Texas for five minutes of questions
00:29Thank You mr. Chairman
00:31Dr. Fauci I have to say I as so many Americans am deeply disappointed in your actions during a critical time in our nation's history
00:38while you were in key leadership roles as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and as the chief medical
00:45advisor to President Biden
00:47Put quite simply you failed miserably in my opinion
00:50Based on all we have learned during the pandemic and all that we have since learned through this committee's work
00:55I believe your failures stem from both an effort of self-preservation
00:59Manifested by a series of lies and cover-up and by a total failure of leadership
01:04It was obvious to everyone that you and your organization NIH had a lot to lose if the American people were to discover
01:10That kovat 19 was most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan China and that you via EcoHealth
01:16Alliance and Peter Daszak actually funded this research and that this lab was actively and recklessly conducting gain-of-function research
01:24As such you did everything in your power to deflect and cover up this possibility. You even recruited others to help you in this effort
01:32Unfortunately, this cost our country and the world valuable time time that may have led to answers regarding the origin
01:38May have blunted the spread and would have almost certainly saved lives
01:42Well, I think most of us have known all along what I just described
01:46What I have been appalled to discover through sworn testimony to this committee is the level at which you and those that worked for you
01:52Went to cover up the obvious just a few examples, and I know these have been touched on but they're important for everyone to hear
01:58Dr. Lawrence Tabak former acting director of NIH testified that under the generic definition that NIH did in fact fund
02:06gain-of-function research
02:07this was based on a definition that was initially used by NIH and a definition that was abandoned and removed from the website in
02:14October of 2021 and
02:16Replaced by a new much more detailed definition with a much higher bar that you have since conveniently used to define
02:24Gain-of-function testing and to deny what dr. Tabak has since confirmed
02:29He also said that EcoHealth Alliance failed to properly and promptly report that their research violated the terms of the grant
02:36Something that went completely unaddressed under your watch
02:39Dr. Moran's your senior advisor who you have tried today to distance yourself from but whose large volume of email
02:46clearly demonstrate that you had a very close and personal relationship with and who reported to you directly has
02:52Openly bragged about he how he subverted FOIA request
02:56I remind you that the law requires you and your former organization to comply with Freedom of Information Act request
03:02It is not optional if you or your employees or your organization that you oversaw. We're
03:12Avoiding transparency and illegally hiding or destroying documents that rightfully belong to the American people
03:18Then you should be criminally charged and they should as well in addition. Dr. Gregory Fulker's your chief of staff
03:24Also engaged in the legal practices in which he crafted messages using symbols instead of letters to avoid FOIA exposure in
03:32An email April 2020 from dr. Moran's to Peter Daszak. He says quote there are things I can't say
03:39Well, I wonder what he couldn't say he also went on to say quote
03:43Except Tony is aware and I have learned there are ongoing efforts within NIH to steer through this with minimal damage to you Peter
03:51And colleagues and to NIH and in a ID in quote and then a few days later
03:56He said quote I have reason to believe that there are already efforts going on to protect you in quote in
04:04February of 2021
04:06Dr. Moran's wrote to Boston University scientist Gerald Kersh saying quote
04:10I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I'm FOIA'd but before the search starts
04:16So I think we are all safe in quote. Dr. Fauci
04:19I want to know what we were being protected from and what you needed to be safe from I'm gonna go on because I have
04:24A little time here. He went on to say quote plus I deleted most of the earlier emails after sending to gmail
04:30Once again illegal in an actual crime. Dr. Moran's noted in another email to dr
04:35Kersh is saying quote
04:37I learned the tricks of the I learned the tricks last year from an old friend
04:41Marge Moore who heads our FOIA office and also hates FOIAs in quote
04:45It is absolutely amazing to me that dr. Moran's and Marge Moore still have jobs and her taxpayers are still paying their salaries
04:53Dr. Moran's wrote to dr. Daszak in April of 2021 quote PS. I forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs
04:59I can either send stuff to Tony on his private email or hand it to him to work or at his house
05:04He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble a parent in quote
05:09Apparently you neglected to surround yourself with equally smart individuals. Dr. Moran's wrote to another collaborator Peter Hotez in June
05:182021 at
05:19Baylor College of Medicine that he had deleted all his emails related to kovat origin when quote the shit hit the fan in quote
05:25He said quote
05:26I feel pretty sure Tony were to the best way to avoid FOIA hassles is to delete all emails when you learn the subject is
05:32Pretty sensitive in October 2021. Dr. Moran's wrote to Peter Daszak quote Peter from Tony's numerous recent comments to me
05:39And from what Francis has been vocal about over the past five years
05:42We are trying to protect you and they are protecting their own reputations as well in quote
05:47I'll just jump ahead
05:48The American people can rest assured that we are going to continue to pursue answers and we continue to push for full
05:54Accountability from you and your colleagues despite continuing efforts to try to cover this up. Dr
05:58Fauci history will not be kind to you and you will be known as the man who put his personal interest before the interest
06:02of the American people the very people that you were supposed to be protecting your actions along with several others we have had before this
06:08Committee have completely eroded America's trust in our public health system in the agency that you represented for half a century with that
06:14I yield back elements time has expired and now recognized. Mr. Kuda from Hawaii for five minutes of questions
06:20Thank You. Mr. Chair, and I hope I'll have an additional 30 seconds like the previous gentleman and dr. Fauci. I have allowed that today
