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00:00 Talking about music, I want to know is there one song that you're currently enjoying at the moment
00:07 that you have on repeat on your playlist? I mean I gotta go Potential by Love. I love that song too!
00:14 So hello, first of all I want you to introduce yourself to all our viewers. Okay what's up
00:28 everyone at Shock. I'm Alexander23. I'm very happy to be here. How's everyone doing? Hope you're
00:33 doing good. So we want to know how have you been and if there's any you know update or changes in
00:38 your life happening right now. I've been pretty good. I can't really complain. I've been working
00:44 out a lot of music which has been really fun. That's pretty much it with me yeah. All right so
00:49 oh the last time you were in Malaysia you met your fans right? There was a little fan meet if I'm not
00:54 mistaken. So how was that like any memorable moments or interactions from that experience
01:01 that you know you still remember? I've been wanting to come to Malaysia for so long but because of
01:06 COVID it was so hard and so like it was so crazy you know two or three years later to meet all
01:12 these people who I've been talking to online for three years at that point and so to get to meet
01:16 them and play for them was really nice and I loved how it was such like an intimate setting which was
01:23 really nice and I got to I don't know I just felt so connected to everyone it was really nice. So
01:28 since the last time I interviewed you how has your music you know evolved and have there been any
01:33 shifts to your sound or your lyrical themes in your music? You know what's funny like when people
01:40 ask me that I feel like I'm almost the least qualified person to answer that question because
01:44 to me like every little tiny thing feels so dramatic and big but then like when I ask someone
01:51 else about it they're like no it's just it sounds like you you know but to me like when you make
01:55 even the slightest change in like your lyrical tone or the production style or this or that like
02:00 it feels so monumental so I actually I don't even really really know I will say that I've been making
02:06 it a priority to like have fun making music again because I feel like when you start to do this for
02:10 a living and it's been a certain amount of time you can get unfortunately a little bit you know
02:15 jaded and it can start to feel like work and so I've been really making an effort I think over the
02:19 past few months especially to like just have fun with it and it's made it so much easier and I think
02:25 the music is getting better too. Keep that you know Alexander 23 style in your music like you
02:30 can change it but there's something about your music that I feel like when you hear it you know
02:37 that it's yours so that's like the nicest thing you can say I really appreciate that. Reflecting
02:43 on your musical journey what have been you know the most rewarding moment for you as a musician?
02:50 Most rewarding moments it's really I mean I've been really lucky to have I think a lot of really
02:56 rewarding moments I mean I'm not even just saying it because I'm talking to you but being in in KL
03:02 and also just Asia for the first time when I think during COVID like that was a part of the world
03:07 that I felt so connected to you know just sitting in my house but I was talking to people who were
03:12 literally across the world the places I'd never been that were connecting with you know my song
03:17 that I obviously felt so connected to at the time as well and so to get over you know the last couple
03:23 years for the first time and get to come to all these cities and meet all these people has been
03:28 really really incredible. So it's with Love and Jeremy Zucker two very amazing musicians also my
03:36 favorite so we want to know a little bit about Cozy can you share how did the collaboration come
03:42 about what is it about what's the song about what's the inspiration behind it tell us a little
03:47 bit about the song. I think I mean like I've known Jeremy and Ari for for years years at this point
03:53 and like we've always talked about doing a song all together and I don't know why it took us so
04:01 long but we were all we're all playing Jazz Fest in Seoul South Korea and that was a nice like
04:08 kind of like kicking the butt to be like okay now's the time it's now or never like we gotta
04:13 get it done so they came over literally to this room you can't really see but this is
04:17 studio. Oh that's pretty. It was funny because like we all kind of were playing it cool but I
04:24 think we're all low-key a little bit like I really want this to work I really really want this to
04:28 work I want to get a great song but kind of like overshadowing all that pressure was just we're
04:34 having fun I was just having fun with your friends and we just I don't know we wanted to make
04:39 something that that was kind of reflective of how we were just like feeling in the moment which
04:43 it's just really like happy and and nice. And I love that you I love that you call him Ari because
04:49 me and my friend we're actually huge fans and we also call him Ari like he's kind of our friend
04:56 so you're touring soon and you're gonna come to KL. We know that you know touring involving you
05:03 know involves long hours on the road so how do you you know stay inspired and stay creative during
05:10 you know the downtime between the shows? You know what's funny it changes based on where I'm touring
05:17 I've toured in the US so many times now I've been you know been around the states so many times now
05:22 that I feel I've become a bit more protective of of my space and time and energy and and when I get
05:28 out to Asia I just want to never sleep and just see everything and eat all the food and meet all
05:33 the people so I kind of more consider it like a sprint and I'll rest when I get back home but I
05:39 just want to like especially when I'm out there I love it so much out there and I just want to
05:44 take advantage of every second so that might come at the price of me getting a little sick along the
05:48 way or this or that but I don't really care I'm just happy to do it I feel grateful I get to do
05:53 it so bring it on. After your tour is there any other plans like a new single or an album? I have
06:01 a lot of music I'm excited about that I've started and I think that after tour I'm going to kind of
06:08 go away for a little bit and and really like finish it and really figure out what everything
06:12 sounds like and kind of get the next full phase ready. I've been I feel like for the last couple
06:16 years I've been putting out you know a single here a single there and I want to I want to kind
06:21 of make like you know some whether it's an album or an EP or just a project or just a collection
06:26 of songs that I feel really proud of and I feel like fit together so I don't know I'm excited
06:31 to get back every time I get off tour I'm so excited to be in the studio because I've been
06:36 thinking about this a lot lately like we spent we we stress so much over the studio part of the song
06:43 when in reality like that's such a small part of the song's life like most of the songs life lives
06:49 outside the studio and so when I get to be reminded of that on stage and hear people singing it back
06:54 it's so motivating to get in the studio and just like have fun and make new songs that I really
06:59 care about. Lovely so talking about music I want to know is there one song that you're currently
07:07 enjoying at the moment that you have on repeat on your playlist? I mean I gotta go Potential by Love.
07:13 I love that song too oh it's a great song. Okay if your music is a soundtrack of a movie what
07:23 genre would it be and what kind of storyline do you imagine it would follow? I feel like it would
07:29 be kind of a like a a dark rom-com. Oh interesting. Kind of you know like when there's like romantic
07:37 comedies that kind of tackle more serious issues and relationships but they're still funny but
07:43 there's there's a bit of a darkness to them. Yeah I think my music is definitely a little heavy at
07:48 times but shining light of comedy that I try and infuse into it to make it feel a little bit lighter
07:55 so I would go kind of like a dark romantic comedy. So we can move on to the little game part so it's
08:01 called shock or tak shock. So we can start with the first one. I think that singing loudly in
08:09 public restroom should be encouraged not frowned upon. Tak sak. Okay the next one. I believe that
08:16 the best way to eat a taco is sideways like a sandwich. This is that one hurts I don't know I
08:22 just got pain in my stomach from that. I'm going tak sak. I mean don't do that. It's a bit tall no
08:29 like you cannot fit it in your mouth though you eat it sideways. You gotta just eat it you gotta
08:34 eat it vertical you gotta go hot dogs style for that. So I believe that every day should be a
08:39 pajama day regardless of the occasion including weddings and interviews. Oh I'm gonna go shock.
08:46 Really? Oh I love I love wearing cozy you know I'm a cozy guy I love wearing cozy clothes. So I
08:52 believe that talking to pets in a baby voice should be considered normal human behavior.
08:58 Oh shock of course yeah that's important. That's the only way they understand how much you love
09:03 them so you gotta do it. So I believe that hot dogs are sandwiches and anyone who disagrees
09:09 is simply mistaken. Tak shock. Then what is a hot dog then? Are tacos hot dogs or tacos. I've said
09:16 this before I'll say it again a hot dog is a taco it is not a sandwich. All right I think that eating
09:24 dessert before the main course should be a societal norm. You know I'm right in between on this one
09:31 because I don't know if it should be a norm but I do think it should be allowed like it should be
09:35 okay. I don't know if it's allowed you should always like I've never understood the breakfast
09:40 lunch and dinner thing that we kind of have fallen into. I think you should eat whatever you want
09:44 whenever you want. You know what I feel like you're right. Why do I have to follow a time to eat?
09:49 Why do you tell me when I want pancakes? Sometimes I want pancakes after dinner for dessert
09:54 you know or like sometimes I want cereal for dinner or sometimes I want steak for breakfast.
09:59 I believe that the best way to eat spaghetti is with a spoon not a fork.
10:04 That was shock. Why not? You get more no? You get the sauce. How would you even do it?
10:10 How would you even do it with a spoon though? Spaghetti? Yeah. You couldn't even get it on
10:15 the it would it would fall off the spoon. I mean I mean I think really the best way to do it is if
10:23 you have a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other and you twirl it up into the spoon. And
10:29 then you scoop the sauce with it. Yeah exactly yeah. Okay so I think pineapple belongs on every
10:35 type of pizza are no exceptions. Touch on. Touch on? Why not? People love people actually love
10:43 pineapple on pizza not me. I don't. I know I think they just kind of got fooled into it because it's
10:48 aesthetically pleasing and it and it and it in theory sounds like it would be cool and good but
10:53 not everything needs to go on everything like we don't do peaches on pizza. You know why why did
10:58 pineapple get the look just because it's a little bit more acidic and it cuts through a little more?
11:01 I understand it but it's just unnecessary at the end of the day like I want my savory and then I
11:06 want my sweet when it comes to like pizza and and uh so I'm gonna keep my pizza just with pepperoni
11:13 and jalapenos and then afterwards maybe I'll do some kind of a lava cake to get the sweet you know
11:18 but I don't need the pineapple on the pizza it's doing too much. All right so basically that's the
11:23 end of our interview so if there's anything else that you want to say to your Malaysian fans this
11:30 is your chance. Well first of all thank you for another great interview. I just want to say to all
11:34 my Malaysian fans thank you for sticking with me throughout the last few years it's been so cool to
11:40 get to know you over the internet and to meet you in person and I'm so excited to come back and play
11:45 for you again. I really really can't wait and I'm mostly excited to eat your food because the Malay
11:49 food that I had last time was really incredible so I'll see you soon I love you and thank you.
