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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) vicious grilling of Dr. Anthony Fauci in today's House Select Committee on the Coronavirus hearing leads to multiple breakdowns over her "personal attack."


00:00advisor but he is not an advisor on policy. That's very confusing to have
00:04someone's title right and not having that to be their obligation. But that is
00:08the fact though. I think that that supports what we said. There needs to be
00:12more oversight and there needs to be more accountability. Mr. Chairman, my time
00:16has expired but these points are very clear to all of us today in this hearing
00:20room. I yield back. I now recognize Mr. Garcia from California for five minutes.
00:25Oh, he left. I now recognize Miss Green from Georgia for five minutes of
00:30questions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Fauci, you were quoted on CBS Faced the
00:39Nation saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science
00:44because I represent science. Do you represent science, Mr. Fauci? I am a
00:50scientist who uses the scientific method to gain information. Yes, you said you
00:55represent science. Do you represent science, Mr. Fauci? Yes or no? Yes or no?
00:59No, that's not a yes or no answer. Yes, it's a yes or no. I don't think it is. Okay, well
01:04we'll take that as a you don't know what you represent. Oh, I do. But this as director
01:09of the NIH, you did sign off on these so-called scientific experiments and as
01:15a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil what you signed off
01:21on and these experiments that happened to beagles paid for by the American
01:26taxpayer and I want you to know Americans don't pay their taxes for
01:30animals to be tortured like this. So the type of science that you are
01:35representing, Mr. Fauci, is abhorrent and it needs to stop. Mr. Fauci, you also
01:43represent the type of science that you where you confess that you made up the
01:48COVID rules, including six feet social distancing and masking of children. I
01:54never said I made anything up. You admitted that you made up, you made it up.
01:58I didn't say I made it up. So are you saying this is fake news, Mr. Fauci? I didn't say I made
02:03anything up. What did you say? I said that it is not based in science and it just
02:08appeared. But this is science. What does dogs have to do with anything that we're
02:14talking about today? These are scientific experiments. This is what you signed off
02:19on. But you also told the American people they had to distance by six feet. They
02:24had to wear a mask. But let's also talk a little bit further about the type of
02:29science that you represent. NIH scientists made seven hundred and ten
02:34million dollars in royalties from drug drug makers, a fact that's been hidden.
02:39Let's talk about the fact about is it right for scientists and doctors
02:45getting paid by the American people government taxpayer paychecks to get
02:49patents where they're paid millions and hundreds of millions of dollars in
02:55royalty fees, especially when the NIH and these government agencies, most powerful
03:01agencies in our country, are recommending medical suggestions and advice and
03:07making up guidelines like six feet distancing and masking of children. Do
03:12you think that's appropriate? Do the American people deserve to be abused
03:15like that, Mr. Fauci? Because you're not doctor. You're Mr. Fauci in my few
03:20minutes. No, I don't need your answer. I want to talk about this right here.
03:25Mr. Fauci, I reclaim my time. I reclaim my time. I reclaim my time.
03:30Mr. Raskin, we'll suspend. Mr. Chairman, just in terms of the rules of
03:36decorum, are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we don't
03:40want him to be a doctor? Yes, because in my time, that man does not deserve to
03:46have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in
03:50prison. The gentlelady should recognize the doctor as a doctor. Thank you.
03:58Mr. Chairman, is this what we have become? Is this what we have devolved into? No
04:05decorum. You know what? We can do that hearing about the poor men that were injected with
04:09syphilis because I support you in that. That's horrific. And this government that does
04:15things like that to Americans doesn't have decorum to the American people.
04:18Mr. Chairman, a point of regular order, please. The gentleman is out of order.
04:22Decorum. Recognize the point of order. Go ahead with your point of order.
04:31I was gonna say what Representative Raskin said. It's completely unacceptable to be able to
04:36deny Dr. Fauci, who's here a respected member of the medical community, his
04:41title. And that's actually a personal attack on his character. And I have
04:44instructed her. He's not respected. I've instructed her to address him as a doctor.
04:51I'm not addressing him as a doctor. Let's talk about this. I'm reclaiming my time.
04:59Words get taken down. I'm reclaiming my time. Point of order. Suspend. A member can only move to
05:10have words, I'm sorry, the issues we are debating are important ones that members
05:13feel deeply about. And while vigorous disagreement is part of legislative
05:17process, as I said at the beginning, members are reminded that we must adhere
05:21to established standards of decorum in debate. This is a reminder that it is a
05:26violation of House rules and the rules of this committee to engage in
05:30personalities regarding other members or to question the motives of a colleague.
05:35Remarks of that type are not permitted by the rules and are not in keeping with
05:39the best traditions of our committee. The chair will enforce these rules of
05:44decorum at all times and urges all members to be mindful of their remarks.
05:49Does the gentleman from California have anything further? She should take it. We
05:54should have to take her words down. Yeah, I made it. I offered that her words be taken
05:58down, Mr. Chair. Point of order, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a
06:02point of order. Mr. Griffin. They accused us of worshipping President Trump. We don't worship President Trump.
06:08Gentlelady will suspend. Mr. Griffin, you have a point of order. Mr. Chairman, while
06:15it may not be polite, I believe the rule only applies to members of this body, the
06:23Senate and the President of the United States. I do not believe that it
06:29applies. The rule on taking down words does not apply to a witness. Again, I'm
06:35not condoning the words, I'm just relating or asking whether or not it
06:39applies to individuals who are just just happen to be here in front of us. I agree
06:45the chair overrules point of order by the gentleman from Maryland, but ask that
06:49members please afford all other members the respect they're entitled, refrain
06:53from using rhetoric that could be construed as an attack on the motives
06:57or character of another member or the witness. You may proceed. Thank you. This
07:06was a time in history where you got to throw out the first pitch at the
07:09Washington Nationals baseball game while Americans were forced to stay home and
07:14watch such events that they love from at home alone on their televisions. And what
07:21a hypocrisy this picture shows. Here you are without your mask, with empty seats
07:27everywhere. Remember the cardboard cutout fans? That was one of the most insulting
07:32things to Americans, having to watch the games from home where you got to go and
07:37enjoy the game and sit right next to people, not following the six feet of
07:41distancing, not wearing your mask, and everyone else was forced to stay home
07:47and stop enjoying life. And your science, here, your science is displayed perfectly
07:54in this picture. Where children, children in school, were put in plastic bubbles
08:00because of your science. Your repulsive, evil science. And let's go back to your
08:07very own email. You said earlier you don't use email. Oh, you do. Right here.
08:11This is your own email where you said the typical mask you buy in the drug
08:16store is not really effective in keeping out virus. I do not recommend that you
08:23wear a mask. This is your email, this is your own words. But yet children, children
08:30all over America were forced to wear masks. Healthy children forced to wear
08:36masks, muzzled in their schools. And then they were forced to learn from home
08:41because of your so-called science and your medical suggestions while you and
08:47all your cronies get paid from Big Pharma. You know that what this committee
08:52should be doing? We should be recommending you to be prosecuted. We
08:57should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for
09:01crimes against humanity. You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci. Mr. Chairman, I have
09:07another point of order. I recognize Ms. Dingell. I just want to make sure the record is
09:12clear. Dr. Fauci testified that he did not use his personal email for official
09:19business. He did not say he did not use email. And I think today this particular
09:24has been full of lies and disregard and disrespect and we need to stick to facts.
09:32Thank you. The gentlelady's time had expired before the point of order. I now
09:37recognize Mr. Garcia from California for five minutes of questions. Thank you, Mr.
09:41Chair. Dr. Fauci, I am so sorry you just had to sit through that. That was
09:45completely irresponsible. Quite frankly, some we are hearing, this might be the
09:49most insane hearing I've actually attended. I've only been in Congress for
09:52a year and a half but I am so sorry that you are subjected to those level of
09:57attacks and insanity. Your quote-unquote so-called science that the gentlewoman
10:03is referring to has saved millions of lives in this country and around the
10:08world and I want to thank you.
