• 3 months ago
The Rabbana Dua is a beautiful and meaningful prayer in Islam, which is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 201. Here's a breakdown of the prayer and its meaning:

"Rabbana" - Our Lord, Our Cherisher, Our Sustainer

"Ta'ala" - You are exalted, You are high above all things

"Mudhnil 'izzati" - The One who is the source of all honor and power

"Wa jalla jalaluh" - And Your glory is magnified, Your majesty is elevated

"Wa jalla jalaluh" - And Your glory is magnified, Your majesty is elevated (repeated for emphasis)

"Rabbana" - Our Lord, Our Cherisher, Our Sustainer

"Ta'ala" - You are exalted, You are high above all things

The Rabbana Dua is a heartfelt supplication to Allah, acknowledging His greatness, majesty, and power. It's a recognition of His sovereignty and a expression of our humility and dependence on Him. The prayer is often recited during times of need, hardship, or gratitude, and is a reminder of the importance of submitting to Allah's will and seeking His guidance and mercy.
